I FINALLY Bought My Dream Les Paul (it’s incredible)

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what is what is the what's the lightest Les Paul in the room right now in the room you look in custom shop or any less any less well it doesn't matter it might be let's check this one out real fast because this might be chambered okay that's not really nothing I'm going kind of figured but light you know is that the Frampton Phoenix that is the Phoenix in front of it is the Jimmy Page um but these are all mostly Murphy labs mixed with custom shop R8 r9s Tim are you trying to pick me out of let's call right now no no no I'm still upset yes this one has a nice weight to it I bet this is eight pounds four ounces should we break out the scale yeah yeah we should I'm gonna go eight even wait are we doing are we doing prices right rules like if you go one over you're done I don't want any rules eight eight pounds 4.1 ounces yeah I said eight oh eight flat okay oh you know what that is pretty how did you do that okay so whenever I'm in the Los Angeles area there's two things I have to do one hang out with my friend Tim Pierce to come to Norms your guitars now as you probably know I've been on the hunt for Les Paul for quite some time still haven't quite found it yet and um I figured might as well come guitar shopping with Tim here at norms and uh see if we can find the one today what was it all right coming in at eight eight oh wait all right well you were closer this is actually a good weight and it's a great top yeah that's a really nice top actually this is a pretty good way to shop for a guitar is to go with a friend and someone who's a great player because I found when you're listening to a guitar when you're trying something out and you want to find the right one it's actually really beneficial to have someone else play it and you just listen because when you're playing a guitar sometimes it's hard to really dial in on the nuances and differences and the sounds wait what if we both fall in love with the same Les Paul Tim are we gonna it's yours it's your turn oh yeah yeah it's it's your Les Paul turn that's so delicious of you yeah you got it so for me the Les Paul that I fell in love with That Got Away was an RO 2014 Collector's Choice okay you and Mike Lemo were saying that the 60s you were getting in were some of your favorite guitars yeah that is true that was kind of unanimous actually amongst the employer we love those Ros I mean the r9s are obviously great but the Ros just have something to him I do have a couple in the back that I think you'd want to see sure yeah I think we should head on back that's yeah So speaking of the Collector's Choice guitars this is one of those uh all the Collector's Choice guitars had different names attached to them this one is called Nikki so uh that's mine that's a pretty wild top on this one oh it's a good weight okay I'm saying I've mentioned to Rhett a not a Murphy lab but a Tom Murphy painted R7 because for him that's a Murphy and it's a seven so a gold top which I do love a gold top but it's a old top that's going to have humbuckers instead of paint 90s all right so this is the tall Murphy painted R7 s together okay okay oh this place great [Music] and no aging on that either really let's go so it's Tom Murphy painted not Tom Murphy aged so that's not technically a Murphy lab then that's uh no no this is 2019. this is gonna pre or it's right around when they were starting all that up cool all right so this is a fun one this is a true historic Les Paul and what's interesting about this guy is that the fingerboard is Brazilian rosewood which is not common at all so uh I love a lemon burst too yeah it's a lemon burst a wide flame too which Norm is always partial to that when the flame is a little wider rather than pin stripey um so great top on this great color and the Brazilian board is cool so they only really did modern era they've only done runs of Brazilian boards in 2003 and then I think just a few in 2017. so this is a 2017. so I mean that alone Brazilian rosewood is impossible to get nowadays so that's a fun feature probably won't ever fly that one to Europe that's actually a good point if you're trying to like tour with this or something you're going to run into some customs issues inside these issues yeah but Weight Wise I mean what do you think Tim I like it yeah yeah yeah it passes all right so what's your what's your weight threshold for a good Les Paul uh eight and three quarters pounds eight and three quarters yeah that's my threshold all right I've had customers before ask for the heaviest Les Paul yeah that was a thing in the 70s right yeah you wanted the heaviest one more tone yeah more sustained more like breaking your neck yeah this is good I'd say eight pounds 10 ounces I think this is the one for one for you right yeah perfect yeah yeah I'll just have to flip it and post and uh yeah I mean you're playing the tracks anyway yeah right yeah so it's just YouTube man it's all edited fake stuff anyway right Tim you really play yeah foreign oh that's great that's a top that's a top we like that and this is also 2017 the board is really dark but I don't remember if we have maybe we do kind of makes me think this is also maybe a Brazilian board this is closer to nine pounds but it's so great the thing that's great is so you get the flame that's going this way and it kind of changes when you change the angle but you also get these this way which makes it look really vintage and this doesn't say that it's a Brazilian board but it is Tom Murphy painted so this is the one I pulled off the wall and I love the way it looks this is kind of you know I too prefer the wider flame but this is sort of halfway there [Music] foreign I mean the bridge pickup actually sounds creamy and not nasally at all right spank to it yeah to me a really good burst should sound like a beefy Telecaster I agree [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] true historic Murphy painted I always [Music] yeah that's a good Les Paul [Music] I have some thoughts about that one but I want to hear you play it first [Music] [Applause] you want to go first it doesn't have it's it's missing something in the mid-range and the bridge pickup that had more of that beef and that sort of low mid punch that I that that's lacking I agree it's purely the luck of the draw I mean both you know lovingly made guitars that one sounds sweet and it has a lot of size on the bridge pickup and if you didn't hear it before this one you wouldn't necessarily know that that's a good tone but that one has the extra I don't know how to describe it creaminess in size on the bridge and then this one sounds really good and clear in the middle [Applause] [Music] good here too but that one wins but I mean for the role of a Les Paul for for players like you and I that sound I think would be filled by another guitar the super clear sparkling kind of thing yeah right whereas I think what what I want from a Les Paul is more heft that has more there yeah and you're right it really doesn't sound as big yeah so A beautiful guitar I think that one beats it next wow beautiful that it is I also like that neck a lot you know I actually like the back too just kind of dark cherry you know really nice that's a good tone that's got that telly Telly snap call it a snap [Music] attitude it's really really sounds good I don't know we'll eventually compare it to the first one that you pulled off the wall but this is good [Music] [Applause] that guitar is a thing yeah I would say it's not as sweet as our first one right but it has something the first one doesn't has attitudes yeah gnarly yeah this one might be the number one all of a sudden I love the look of it too kind of like a neck okay all right so this will go on the the good pile I like everything about it but the bridge is a little bit honky man that could be it just might need a different pickup not bad you go here excellent superb I would say kind of a compactness about this yeah would be good for recording and a balance that's the one I bought at Sweetwater right had a balance to it this has that [Music] [Music] yeah that really even does the Telly thing even more so than that [Music] I like the neck a lot though [Music] you mentioned compact I think that's a really good word to describe this I think it's a little too like the bandwidth is a little too narrow with this which you're right would make it a really great recording guitar yeah yeah it would work yeah it would work well in a track yeah but I think it would need to pick up change I mean it's it's probably that simple it's probably just got too much output or something right right it's just such a you need color too [Applause] [Music] it's hard to come up with words it's like milky creamy yeah it's just the right kind of bridge pickup [Music] whether you pick soft or hard [Music] it's going to be fun because now we have three contenders we have three in the top and like at the front of the line at the Indy 500. [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it can get a little bit harsh if you hit it too hard but on single note stuff something I like about that reminds me of Jimmy Page yeah this will do the uh I think this will do the page thing well important thing for me for last so [Music] okay so hearing this from a distance in your hands I think it is number three I think we have uh competition to see which is one and which is two it's really good yeah but the other two I think are in the lead yeah I think so okay this is this is my number one you got in your hand right here this is your number one Peter Green well no this was that's my original number one right here right I don't know man um it's like all the things we liked about four of them are all in this one [Music] yeah I mean really literally as soon as you just went right to that bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this is still number one yeah hey Brandon yeah this one might look better with this tag on it yeah that's a mistake yeah sorry but even though even the weight too on this one I mean you see that's uh oh yeah oh the tops top is nuts okay we have one more in the room let's get get it in our hands right yeah quickly quickly yeah this is the Brazilian yeah first Brazilian that's good [Music] it's good but that one yeah it's funny that that it's that different well it's that easy to tell like yeah you can you can tell you can tell you can just tell yeah when it's there size and sweetness yeah you know yeah this is uh this is a ringer right here okay so this is the R9 59 reissue just a straight ahead just a custom shop [Music] about it thank you [Music] okay well I found it that is the best Les Paul I've played in a very very long time it's not a Murphy lab it's not anything particularly special just it's a 10 year old custom shop but it it does the thing so plus the fact that it's Tim Pierce approved is uh actually pretty important to me so um it's got some sentimental value there so uh okay so this is it I've been home with it for a few days uh getting ready for its first show this coming weekend and I have to say in my years I've played a lot of Les Paul's this is my favorite guitar one of my favorite guitar designs this is one of if not the best Les Paul's I've ever played now I know that might sound a little over the top I'm still in the honeymoon phase all that kind of stuff but seriously this thing is a ringer I've played real 59 bursts that don't touch this thing now this didn't come with a certificate of authenticity so I reached out to Mark agnesi over at Gibson and we ran the serial number and according to him this is a 1999 custom shop so it was pre-certificate they weren't doing certificates of authenticity back in 99 uh and apparently there's a chance that this is a Tom Murphy uh finished guitar obviously this would be pre-murphy lab I don't know that for sure because I can't find the little TM script that he typically does on the top when he finishes a guitar and these pickups are amazing in fact I'd like to have Zach from Mythos clone these because I really want to put them in some other guitars so that's the story on my new Les Paul I feel incredibly privileged and fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to Norms with Tim Pierce of all all people and have Tim help me pick out this guitar it's uh one of the greatest things that I've ever done um so thank you to Tim thank you to Brandon and the team at Norm's rare guitars Brandon came in on his day off and opened the shop for us so I could find this guitar if you are ever in the Los Angeles area you should absolutely go to Norms it is a pilgrimage that is worth making as always you can support the channel by purchasing a video course down below you can also sign up for the Inner Circle down there as well I've got a brand new video course on the way called Bare Bones guitar Theory you can check out the pre-order link down below don't forget to subscribe drop a like down there as well and I appreciate you watching my name is Rhett Shull and remember there is no plan B
Channel: Rhett Shull
Views: 805,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N4Th2fbW6rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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