I failed 100 Days of Code in IoT Challenge

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hello everyone i'm thomas and welcome to my channel where i educate people on iot and web development by showing how to build projects step by step today the video is gonna be a bit different because i'll be talking about a failure specifically on how i failed my 100 days of code in iot a video challenge and i also give you a quick update on a channel a future but don't worry i'm not closing it i'm not deleting any videos it's just that i won't be able to upload videos on a daily basis anymore but yeah first let's get straight to the point on how i failed the challenge essentially there are two main reasons where the first one is my inability to make a single video a day right and the keyword here is make not upload right so you know the goal from the day zero that i said for myself was to upload a video a day and i also gave myself some sort of a head start right when i was starting the challenge i i was very new to this i didn't know how to make good videos how to edit them properly and how to do all the stuff around the video and so on so what i've decided to do is to create some videos beforehand right to give myself a head start and by the time the last video that i created beforehand is out is published i will be able to make a single video a day and you know at the beginning actually i mean it wasn't at the beginning but you know after uh some time to after a few videos out i actually got there got to the point where i was able to make a video a day there was even a day where i made two videos a day but the problem with that is that i cannot make it sustainable i cannot make it sustainable without burning myself out without running out of ideas right as you know creativity is a limited resource and also if you focus just on one thing and you spend your entire time like 95 percent of time of my waking hours uh spending on creating videos editing videos thinking about videos thinking about like in the future right what how the components should i buy and so on and doing it like every single day weekdays weekends that led me to almost experiencing a benefit i burn out something that i experienced in the past on something else though but uh you know the moment i felt i'm gonna burn myself out i thought no i should stop i should stop because i wanna keep doing this internet of things content and you know if i had experienced burnout i would have hated it by now right making this videos on this specific subject and there was something i wanted to avoid so i decided to stop right so that was the first reason almost experiencing a burnout and as i said i'm not able to to to to make a video a day in a sustainable way right and you know given these conditions uh this 100 days of code challenge doesn't really make sense right because the rules of the challenge are clear you are supposed to um you know it's just it's actually it says about code right you are supposed to code for one hour a day and you can only take you can only take a one day break right so i cannot sustain that i mean you know i can code hour a day i still do it like even without the challenge but the problem is uh with the video itself okay as with the video itself other thing is i don't want to decrease the quality of the videos i would like to actually make the videos even better have even better quality i would like the projects to be more interesting so um so so so that's why i'm deciding here to to change the frequency of uploading the videos okay so yeah so that's that so that's the first reason but that's not that's not all there is a second reason also very important and that reason is on really like helping myself like documenting my journey versus helping others okay so yeah let me explain that because like you know as for today most of the videos i uploaded from this challenge they more like documentation of my journey they more like helping myself to grow learning a new subject that is internet of things and you know what that's something i would like to change because there was not something i expected that's not something i would like for my channel to be i would like to also help other people not just myself and with the videos i have right now i would say this pro if you put the if you put it in the proportions it's like 10 or 20 percent of my time spent on the channel right so one 10 20 of the content i've got on my channel are actually helping others right you can get something from the from that from that content and the rest which is 80 90 is more like a documentation of my journey with iot and that's something i would like to invert that's something i would like to invert um i did an experiment on that actually i created a blog post on a serverless something i specialize with and the reception of that was much much better there is like a huge interest in like anything related to web development and building scalable solutions fast in the cloud right in technologies like node.js or typescript or javascript and because i have a lot of experience with that i think like sharing this knowledge is going to be like better for everyone in the long term so so i'm going to shift my focus a little bit towards making a web development stuff like making videos about web development and that's going to be the main focus of the channel right to like share my knowledge to to teach people how to build projects step by step again like in the cloud ready to be scaled and at the low cost at the load cost fast right with the modern technologies but also i would like to keep this iot content coming right so iot part of the channel right now is going to be set to long term right so i'm still i i'm still on the mission to build a bridge between embedded programming and web development but that's gonna become a very long term goal and at the moment with the actual videos that i'm planning to to make and upload i'm gonna use internet of things as a spark of an inspiration so i would like this project to be more interesting more cool and i would like them to to inspire others and at the same time i'm going to focus on web development so there's going to be more frequent content uploaded on the channel to help other people to show how quickly you can put something on prot that is working put a software as a service implement it deploy it test it put it out there behind the domain right all of this fast because it looks like there is a huge demand on this this sort of this sort of knowledge on the market at the moment so i'm gonna just pursue this and and still keep doing iot but less frequently and yeah these are the reasons why i i'm not gonna continue on this particular challenge anymore and uh yeah to all my subscribers and people watching this video please let me know in the comments what do you think about my decision do you support it or do you have any concerns and yeah in case you support it and you're looking forward to the content i'm going to create and upload on this channel don't forget to subscribe so you will be first in line to get notified about any new updates thanks for watching and see you tomorrow
Channel: Tomasz Tarnowski
Views: 120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DydLdNgpe2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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