I edited a miraculous episode risk ft. Volpiina

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foreign [Music] that's why he stays in the shadows cause we shine too bright more good ones can I come with you thank you I know I know only the guardian knows the identities of the miraculous holders and Cat Noir despite being the first and most amazing team member of all is now just a holder like any other pick me you'll always be my favorite another perfectly organized operation Mademoiselle ladybug foreign [Laughter] [Music] cat Noir I should have already combined their powers that would have granted me the wish to bring you back um shout out anyways I am not worthy of our love oh [Music] [Applause] ladybug never makes a mistake daddy chill neither do you ladybug hasn't discovered who you are she hasn't seized your miraculous [Music] [Music] you see I've made at least one mistake [Laughter] can I get you anything [Music] I've had it plag I'm tired of focusing ads I don't want to be a model for my father's brand anymore slay I just want to be a son and be able to have breakfast with him just once I'm gonna go talk to him a girl a boy they search for each other all over the world before finally meeting in Paris foreign [Music] Tower this is even more romantic than the Hollywood film I starred in I love we both know that's not true I may have to work with you but I don't have to listen to your lies I understand you well you're the only one [Music] that is amazing wow like oh my God you've gotta talk to your father Adrian but I can't I don't know why he's my father though I love him I know he loves me you well there ever been something that you wanted to tell someone but you just couldn't do it as if some kind of invisible force was holding you back all the time [Music] Adrian I talk to you all the time you're right I am lucky but I'm gonna miss you all so much here are eight signs that can help you figure out when a guy likes you number seven he's always smiling around you we're not leaving alone friends we're bringing every single one of you with us in our hearts oh my God corny rainbow tomato tomato throwing tomatoes out of the way these losers age your kids I'll be able to come and see you whenever I want on Mom's private jet engines suggest that you apologize foreign [Music] that doesn't make no sense my man Marinette you can't decide what Adrian does with his life Lila or no Lila but as your BFF I refuse to follow along with this plan for your own good as well as his you cannot risk messing with someone else's life I'm gonna swim the entire set coming with you [Music] good but what am I gonna do in the meantime for once whatever you want you only have one life Adrian I know you've got a secret uncle I knew it Shadow moth [Music] no no oh my God I want to leave something at the aggress behind I'm trusting you with my wife's ring and my son I don't want to go on this trip Adrian I'm your father and I'm telling you to Adrian it's time to go yes Natalie [Music] remember Adrian is your weakness and every time you've used ladybug's powers to solve your personal problems I know it's risky but this time it's too important Tiki spots on mommy Adrian I saw you on TV this morning and I know that you don't want to leave once again you let your father decide for you how long are you going to remain his pop into Adrian but my cousin is gonna talk to him and this just keeps getting better you're letting your cousin do things for you now who's pulling the strings of your life she's got a point she's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment now come on now you can leave I need you because you know Paris about the Eiffel Tower risk of being accumatized [Music] some risks ladybug get a selfie with them all get so many likes [Music] and you Vesperia you're only a fake version of queen bee
Channel: Utterly Chloe
Views: 515,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sB3aNVzzpDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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