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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well guys I'm down a little bit I don't know if it's great enough in here to see me but we're on our way up to Malone we pre-loaded salt last night and did that yesterday I did that West Point thing let's go up in there before it's pretty easy and I did a bunch of loads just local Lowe's - a throughway building near the shop so we got that done and then before the day was over I preloaded for Malone up here so broader way we're about probably halfway there way up by the lookout it we got to go away up by the the Canadian border to dump this and then after we dump that we're going to head back South to Fort Edward grab one clean logo to bring that to Granville and then back to Carver to preload to do this again tomorrow so that's cool this is a good deal this is good it's a good run up here so long as I can keep away from d-o-t we know how me and the northern d-o-t get along so about check back with you once it gets a little brighter after my got a downshift for this hill here updating in a second [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heywhat pants and exit 34 we got to go to exit 37 but since we're up in our favorite area here ghosty ot likes to take my license away from me for no reason I'm gonna get off 35 been going around because I ain't messing with that crap today so we're pancit we're going by our sample chasms chasm Chisholm something I don't know what it's called but that's what it says so we're going by that and I'm gonna get all 35 get back on 36 go up to 37 make a left off the exit make a right on 190 forty minutes optimal from there so we're doing good we're like smoking in a band today we're going to taking the two lanes okay I just need a Trans Am the follow me and we'd be all set I'd go right through do to you if I had a Trans Am with me but I don't so I'm getting off it I'm getting off at 35 as the Canadians like to say sortie 35 once you get up this far you start calling them sorties instead of accents it's 8 o'clock we're doing a little later than I thought but I haven't stopped jabber we're all right the coffee hasn't hit me yeah hasn't gonna fit through me so we're good we got I think we got another 40 minute says pick it up that it's drop and get done well nevermind my last update just as I was about ready to put my blinker on to get off ex sortie 35 and go around this Peru rest area and in another driver that I know was heading south and told me that it was close he just come through here like a mile before that so that worked out perfect couldn't worked out better so roll right through I'll roll right through now the lights are off everything's good so that saved us quite a bit of time take some time to get off and then track out through the woods and then head north on a different Road and then get back on and get rolling again so I had every intention to going around but since they're not even open there was not really much point wasting time so we rolled right through let's keep it moving [Music] [Music] ding you've arrived at your destination your destination will be on the right [Music] don't do any doing and doing it off of the three I'm gonna doing and doing and doing it off on three [Music] [Music] all right that's dumb I worked out good let's go get the tailgate and everything shot you know the drill I already did that inside we already got the air building so that's good see what happens when you do something out of order get all this car behind it all clean in their body cam now quick today this ain't gonna be easy cuz I tighten it right up well close this locker [Music] together make sure your cameras pointing at me hey have a handle sticking out mud flaps are good everything's locked I gotta find a bathroom found it all right what I want to do before we leave while we're stopped here is I want to grab some zip ties and my Airlines [Applause] are kind of coming down I don't know if something one of these broke they just break over time it gets a cold like this but there used to be one like right here holding it here and now everything's getting low not touching yet but I don't want it to because jock and legacy metal politics but the darn good job of cleaning up these we don't need it getting all scratched up let's see if we can it's not really much holding it just keeping them up Turner let's put these away [Applause] all one and west [Applause] oh we got her all right everything looks pretty good she's not brought her and brought her up about four inches so alright let's double check everything tarps good the doors are all Aronson [Applause] we're a lot I waste more time double-checking things that I do with the cameras then that question and answer the Q&A video that I did talking about if my boss got mad about me doing the cameras and stuff a waste of time that I waste more time and the stop and go back and make sure my kill game [Applause] okay so let's get into the logbook get out of here it's cold up here cold bad okay now get this out of the way because it bothers me when I do this so here we are at Milan it's quarter of ten we got here at 9:30 I'll have to do a lunch later we didn't stop here long enough I already did when I came in I did the in part so our paperwork signer our box is clean got those lines done okay we gotta go I could sit here all morning and double-check stuff let's get moving right now whoever did the plough job here did a fantastic job and they left all the wind rose going across the driveway so we got a it's like no wing zone here we're gonna go real real easy that's hot come on cold to hide cold the hell in here all-time never know what you're gonna get trailer looks low maybe not maybe it's just the way it's said look out for that thing things I don't think things are as close as I think they are to the bumper book you can never be too careful Oh yeah Seoul is cold today it's hot here but my butt like innards are called let's guy got away thanks buddy thanks buddy careful the fuel pumps get warm in here quick if you hit them but a another guy here waving nice people up here do you really are there everybody out north is pretty friendly all right we gotta cut her wide here we didn't cut her too wide on the way in I had to put the trailer through some snow just know you don't know what's under it all right now we're gonna have to we can't mess around here there's nobody coming you gotta go they can't go that fast cuz else you'll hit stuff so you gotta find a happy medium where this truck driving stuff but nobody was coming either way so [Music] we had all the time in the world I feel like I'm forgetting something after all in Czech and we just did my still I feel like I forgot something we gotta go also I'm almost I got a little coffee I should be alright this little store back in challenge Chaddock way to taqwa I think then I can get in and go around the back so might swing in there I don't drink a lot of soda but I kind of feel like a mountain dew I see the guy in a red light drinking a mountain Dew it's being in settings good all right back to work all right we're gonna do something that is not easy to do and if you don't believe me try it sometime I think we're at a point here where I'm gonna start taking the blogging to the next level so hopefully hopefully there's no hot chicks at the counter cuz that'll really screw up the whole thing here looks busy here too this ain't easy good morning [Music] we count the mountain do it oh dear what a club project alright so far so good you're what that's how I thought I'm walking around with a camera so we both look weird yeah that wasn't hard but normal thank you all right that wasn't that bad nice lady see what I mean everybody up here is nice even the guy here doing whatever with the soda he was cool we got to get out of here we gotta get some work done [Applause] that was worth every bit of that [Music] [Music] all right well let me get back to the South way we got about let's say an hour and a half so it's well probably about one o'clock we should get down to Fort Edward working times tighten it up here a little bit I gotta try to get back in the Carver by 5 to get loaded up for this tomorrow to be pre-loaded yeah we gotta flush guys I don't know why but I'm getting nervous at times tightening up on me too quick here do all this and make it the cover so actually I had to say something in the last video about how I am lucky a long time you got to see we're cruising we got I mean I'm not going crazy I'm doing 71 we got to get moved we got to keep with it today hopefully there's nobody in line down it got an end for dead were to get loaded up with this stuff so I get in and out of there we're gonna have to use some some skills today quick update we're out we're about 15 minutes from Fort Edward so I think we did a little better than I had expected coming down the North Way tour sold precious help to that a little bit I think we're going to be all right things are still tight here in the second half of the day tighten right up so I still got to stick with it if I want to get down to Carver on time I was just thinking now if we get down to Fort Edward and there's a line of trucks ahead of us I hope that doesn't happen let's pray together well your prey I'll watch the road I made it 10 after one I think we're all right if we can get loaded and out of here in 20 25 minutes it will be all right there's nobody in front of us but Larry was in front of us but he just pulled away from the piles of work that worked out [Music] [Music] all right we're all loaded he had a rock well if they're not rocks they're chunks of this stuff you know but it was hanging up on the side of the trailer would I think that one would have been fine it was not even really hanging over anything but I'd rather just be safe than sorry I know I'm in kind of a rush but you can't rush perfection you know what I mean you know you know what I mean so I had him take care of it while we were here no sense of rushing out of here and taking a chance at something happen all right let's get this scale out get our paperwork get up to Grandville I'm gonna keep moving what time we're doing all right in that 20 25 minutes I was talking about we should be all right we'll be out of here in five minutes we got it we got our bean old precious pulling through as usual okay goodbye all right we're loading up trucking heading to grab but we're doing good we're doing all I think we're gonna be fine yep I think we're gonna be fine I kind of hate when they make all the noises around I always think something's going on with the truck [Music] let's go set the camera off but as you know we're kind of keep moving so sometimes I just can't just can't do it I got a good spot to dump here we're good and solid everything came off the frame good you know what a deal you know how it goes paperwork done dumping everything off I'm gonna get this off we're going to get out of here I'm gonna pull out of the mud before I close everything all up we're on our way [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're back to the South Way probably maybe an hour so we get the Carver we're all Salone we're trying to get down there I think we'll make it I don't know I've been find out what that's gonna just about do it for Thursday we're gonna do the same thing tomorrow so I'm not gonna break the camera with me you already seen all this and tomorrow we're gonna try to hustle a little bit more police get out of bed earlier [Music] and that's that so thanks for subscription to the messages all the likes it's crazy they keep going up and keep going up so they appreciate it man if you haven't yet don't forget to subscribe and share the share the videos on social media you can that really helps oh I appreciate it guys Thursday's over let's get down here load this up and go home [Music] guys did you really think I was gonna end the video without letting you know whether we made it down to Carver or not of course we made it we always make it [Music]
Channel: Wes Grippin
Views: 3,124
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cedar hill trucking, Idlewild trucking, trucking, truckin, vlog, day, in, my, life, north, Adirondacks, peterbilt, kenworth, kw, dump trailer, dump, trailer, salt
Id: BVUKjnigP8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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