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we spent the past few months Dodge Demon swapping  this Ram SRT10 truck and up until well very   recently things were going awesome we dropped our  new engine in place wired everything up gave it   a little bit of fuel and cranked it up without  so much as a hickup but then that's when we got   the proverbial kick in the groin in the form of a  massive oil leak on the top of the engine on one   hand we can't find anything major wrong with the  engine and that's good news but on the other hand   we can't find anything wrong at all and that's  kind of our whole problem here after spending   hours coming through this engine we still can't  figure out where the oil leaks coming from my goal   by the end of this video is to fire this truck up  and take it for a leak free drive 100 miles down   the road so the very first thing we're going to do  here is replace the two most obvious leak points   on the engine the VVT solenoid and these MDS plugs  the VVT solenoid this one's fairly straightforward   it's one single 10 mm bolt and the purpose of  this thing is to supply regulated oil pressure   to the cam gear which from the factory will either  advance or [ __ ] timing but since we did a cam   shaft and lock the cam sprocket ability to do that  we no longer need this thing originally I inquired   about just getting a replacement o-ring to reeal  this thing but it turns out you cannot buy these   separate from Dodge you have to buy an entire  new solenoid for like $200 no bueno so instead   of wasting money on that I bought this Billet  aluminum plug that's made exactly for situations   like ours as a standard before I stick this thing  in we'll go ahead and lube it up a little bit that'll get the easy one out of the way and  as for the wiring we can just tuck this back   somewhere behind the engine we'll find that  flop around under the car later I'm sure now   for the next one it's not one plug but four of  them and all four are blocked by these coolant   lines which I'm hopeful we can just disconnect  from the back of the cylinder head and sort of   Bend or massage out of the way well they're  disconnected but they don't move a whole lot   I don't want to risk breaking them of course but I  also don't want to take them off cuz then we have   to drain our cooling system which I'm hoping to  avoid here I'm genuinely not sure if we're going   to be able to pull these front ones out we're  going to give it our best shot honestly I don't   even know how these come out we're also going  to have to figure that out the only real method   we have to put any pressure upwards on these  plugs is under this metal Tab and the second   we do that that happens okay so these back two  they just came out way too easy I was able to   turn them with a pair of pliers that hasn't been  the case with the front though I don't know if   that means that maybe these ones weren't seated  good maybe it's the cause of our leak though I   doubt it because there's oil for to that but who  knows from the ones I've seen so far none of the   O-rings look bad so I don't know that this is  our cause but hey got to do it we're already in   here there we go all right as for our replacement  plugs if we ever have the misfortunate having to   pull these out which don't get me wrong I really  hope we do not they have a threaded hole on the   top meaning we stick a bolt in and just pull  it out with that which I got to say is much   preferable to burning screwdrivers and jamming  them through the plastic plugs for leverage all right we are theoretically hopefully  fingers crossed sealed up now we just got   to refill the blower slap it on  Crank It Up hope it's not pouring oil all right we're going to do this  without the forklift and we were smart   last time I don't know if you'd call what  we're about to do smart but it's going to work right there we get all  the way in here let's do it all right I gotta get off there  I'm in yep I'm in all right that   wasn't too bad it turns out you  don't need a for clip to do this   you just need two people standing  in a very large engine bay could be worse you ready no couple things  are going to be fine 80% [Music] sure all right still run he's alive  again how well is it alive let's find out I kind of forgot that this is one of those  times where you don't run around to the front of   the car expect to see oil pouring out considering  last time this thing took multiple heat Cycles   even showed that it was leaking because all  those holes in the valley had to fill up with   oil before it started pouring down the side of the  transmission I guess we'll I don't know let it run   for 5 minutes stick the Bor scope under there see  if anything's running down the back of it good at   plan as any this really is the boring type of  oil leak I guess we'll use this time to clean   up all the junk off our wiper count all right we  got another good news bad news situation here the   good news I don't see an oil leak yet but we do  have a leak of a different variety specifically   the pink type coolant is coming down from BAS  basically the same area though with this I'm   pretty sure I do know where it's coming from and  this isn't nearly as bad of a fix these guys are   our heater hosers and I believe that we may have  snagged one when we were pulling this blower out   originally and I think that's the source of our  leak I did say this would be an easy fix and it   is but it's definitely not a comfortable one and  since I clearly can't show you what's going on on   the actual engine I'm going to show you on the  spare Hellcat engine we have here at the shop   our hose that was sitting about like that what  I think happened there was our heater hose it   roughly routed right around this coolant  temperature sensor and when we pulled the   supercharger I think it yanked up on this hose  and just put a weird enough tension on this clamp   that it stops sealing so the temporary remedy  for this it's not permanent but until we have   the engine out again if we do push the hose  further down on this Barb and finally stuck   a worm style clamp where the original clamp  should have went all along so if this works   will be great fine Dandy it won't leave cooling  anymore and if it doesn't work oh we may just have   to pull the blower off again to try to get a good  crack at this thing I really hope that's not the case all right attempt number two underneath we  do have a couple stray drops of coolant I believe   that's just remnants I don't think it's actually  leaking anymore now that we double clamped it most   importantly though the oil that was pouring down  there I don't see any of it yet at [Music] least   so since last time it took quite some time to be  able to see our leak coming down the side of the   transmission we're going to see what we can see  through the boroscope we're way back in there   and this isn't a really great look but to the  best I can tell there's no pulled up oil there   it was all these channels that were full that's  one of our new blockoff plugs coming back further   if we can get this massive heater hose line  out of the way this is the front side of the   engine that's our VVT plug that's another one  of our MDS plugs again pretty hard to see but   I don't see any obvious oil leaks yeah at  least so far I don't see anything we've   done two roughly 5 minute heat Cycles at this  point i' say our next heat cycle probably take   it outside right Fernando yep it's got brakes  now should drive should do a burnout [Music] it feels like the wheels in this thing  are going like this the alignment's bad   still don't burn out probably right yeah it will yeah well it's not leaving a trail  of fluids so there's that will it shift so sort of the shifter  isn't real precise but it did shift now okay we're in third [Music] gear hey I don't see a trail of anything behind  me it runs all right this runs good is it done   well it's definitely not done can you do  me a favor look under this thing [Music] we got to clean this thing up there's still so  much stuff in here I honestly don't know what   half of it is we'll have to kind of figure  that out when we reassemble the interior I   truthfully did not anticipate on driving this  thing today already had it cleaned out before   we did that I don't know how much stuff we just  lost for now just going throw it all in the back   I can't assume it's going to fly away we're  not going that fast it ain't ready like that   yet I mean come on there's still there's cob we  on the truck still okay so you're going to hop   over here in the passenger seat and just so we're  on the same page it's not bolted down so do not   lean back my god dude you I know what you want  to do now let's go this is not going anywhere   okay my seat's not bolted in either we're in this  together all right okay hold on does this thing work if you've been watching this series think  more first you know that I'm not the best with   automatic transmissions this is pretty much  my first automat transmission build in the   first few times I shifted it in the gear on  that first drive it took a while to actually   do it I don't think it's shifting in the  third yeah we might have to play with the   shifter cable adjustment either way it's still  driving that's just one problem at a time all right oh there we go it's in third oh my my seat lifts really nice [Music] yeah this thing's cool man I knew  the truck was going to be cool I   didn't know it was going to feel this cool [Music] [Music] [Music]   I can't believe this thing drives we definitely  shouldn't have done a burnout in it we got to   wait till it gets tuned to do that again 10 out of  10 what my driving skills no that sucks the sound   it does sound good right man I'm not quite ready  to call this a win yet I still don't know if oil   leaking on there I say well let it cool  down pull on the lift and see what it looks like all right did you crush your fingers  this is I almost don't want to get under   here if we were able to take this thing out do  a burnout and then as to come back apart that   would suck but I don't see anything yet at  least last time there was no questions about   it there was oil everywhere now we still  have just a couple Trace Amounts of coil   yeah that's cool it you see it coming down the  back of the bell housing it's dried out I think   that's just the stuff we weren't able to remove  with brake clean thus far I don't see any oil I'm   still not quite going to call it a win but we're  like 95% of the way there though there is one   oiling issue that we just completely overlooked  this didn't at all cross my mind until I went to   check the oil but we never put an oil dipstick  in this thing I just have a rubber vacuum cap   plugging the hole now because of the fact that  we're using an aftermarket Holly oil pin there's   not a real off-the-shelf option for this so we're  going to try to retrofit one off of Scat Pack I   think the Scat Pack tube is going to be the ticket  given that it's a little bit longer than this   Hellcat one and it has a curvature that's nearly  perfect for us key word of course being nearly   we are going to have to do some modification to  the thing my idea is that we're going to run it   up behind the engine and then we're going to need  to bend this portion to fit in our dip stick hole   and then once we do that find somewhere where  we can weld a bracket on it and secure it to the block we put nearly a 90° Bend in the bottom  of the dipstick so now when we shove the top   up behind the engine we can at the very least get  it in the hole not only did that work out pretty   good but I found this old hole that was machined  into the demon block but it was never drilled   all the way through I ran a tap into the threaded  ball that's made to retain whatever's supposed to   go in that hole and I think we're going to get  away without welding anything to this dipstick   tube we're going to try to just use one of these  guys and I think it's going to work out pretty awesome imagine that it's one of those rare  times working on cars where something goes   smoother than it was supposed to the last piece  of the puzzle is we have to make sure we can   actually get our dip stick in the tube is way  back there I know it's tough to see and yes I   think we are going to have to get into engine  bay in the future to check the o but hey is   what it is there we go perfect location  for it out of sight but not quite out of mind you vacuum this thing I'm a professional  detailer now I mean you miss a couple spots but   look let me clarify I detailed away all the  wire clippings metal shavings and everything   else that was you know dirt well let's  be real while the truck might not be the   safest contraction to be riding around round  in I would prefer if it's safe for everybody   that's riding behind us so I don't want all  this garbage flying out on the highway our   Fender liners which we will have to reinstall  at some point we've got the official box full   of miscellaneous hardware instructions this is  what I call a project box okay it's a lot of trash how many pounds is that that's a good  question ah it's actually not that heavy I   thought it was like rubber but it's actually  a foam it's not heavy at all what is this had   to be for the exhaust yeah this is a piece  of the bed that got cut out for the [Music] exhaust not exactly how I wanted that to go now the true purpose of this  is we need to collect as much data   as we can and send it to Rick and  victory racing so he can get this   thing tuned up and running right  before he take it up to the dyno [Music] just hopping onto the highway like laying  into it a little bit merging speed it winds   it winds so good usually that's a bad  thing but it's all blower it sounds awesome so the only thing that's a bit concerning  the intake air temper tempure is high I got that   intake right in the front of the engine bay  it's getting pounded with fresh air it's not   cool air because it's 95° out today it might be  a location of the Senter I don't know but it's   far higher than I'd like it to be oh sh driv it  it rides awesome the intake air temperatures are   really high we're going to have to figure that out  but otherwise it made it here no problems drives   good sounds awesome I think we fixed our leak  there's nothing on the ground under the truck   there's no smells there's no smoke  there's nothing weird it let's call it a win the supercharger is defining and I love  [Music] it all right a couple thoughts here   one the fact that we built this thing essentially  from scratch fired it up fixed a few leaks and   drove it down the highway without really any  issues at all amazing I love it it almost never   happens that way thought number two it might  be deceiving in the videos you guys just saw   but I didn't go over 25 maybe 50% throttle I was  really not hammering in fact the other day when I   did a burnout I wasn't hammering it either this  thing is a burnout machine even laying into the   throttle there's so little weight over the rear  in that it just lays down rubber on the road it's   going to be a real challenge to get Traction in  this thing that's what you build it for right not   quite I mean I do like it it's fun it's going to  be awesome to do that going down the street but at   some point we actually have to make this thing  fast and not just a smoke show after all we do   I have this list of goals written down on the  roof I didn't forget about those and only a few   of them are related to burnouts other ones we  actually need to have traction for other than   doing 50 mph burnouts at 50% throttle there are a  few other small issues and this one's more of an   inconvenience but where we put this Holly Dash I  thought it was small so let's put it closer to us   what I didn't take into account is that because  it's not sat back under the dash it's getting   blasted by the Sun and I can't see so I don't know  maybe we'll build a hood for it to keep the sun   off it maybe we'll push it back under the Dash I  don't know but we will have to take care of that   before we put any real serious mileage on the car  truck um at this point I'm probably not going to   get that I thought I'd get it it's not happening  other than that though it really is just the iats   now I did think that that little pass through  I did in the grill was going to be more than   enough to provide this intake with all the fresh  air could ever want and I do still think that's   the case I don't necessarily know that this  is a mechanical issue if it turns out to be   that we will have to build another intake whose  iets are disgusting it's just asking for knock   detonation and all kinds of other nasty things  to happen to the engine weing cars they say it's   going to be fun they say right all this morning  we've been trying to fix our IET issue from   yesterday we unlo the wiring I tried to pull a  reading from this sensor in the lid but that one   because it's at the top of the blower it's not a  great representation of what our engine's truly   getting air temperature- wise that was giving us  a falely cold reading at that point I had to start   looking for other issues I cracked the bleeder on  the intercore system that was fine I even went as   far to put a piece of duct tape over the ball hole  in the intake is meant for some type of sensor you   know when you're actually running that thing with  a Hellcat unfortunately none of that did anything   I took the temperature of the coolant running  through our supercharger that never got above   130° but when I used the infrared thermometer  and took the temperature of the blower right   next to the sensor where collecting data from  they match nearly identically so at this point   my theory is that the I readings that we're  getting are more a measurement of how hot the   metal is on the supercharger than it is of the  air going through the Supercharger so the last   thing we're going to do before we I don't know  start making new intakes and see if that does   anything is relocate our temperature sensor to  the back of the supercharger it's a sensor just   like this one it's in an identical location I just  want to see if it changes anything there we go and   yes something still suck even when you're working  on a truck that run didn't it yeah it did take me   20 minutes i' I've been in this engine for a solid  20 minutes you guys have seen 30 seconds this has   not been fun the one other thing I want to try out  to see if this has right into the engine back any   effect on our iats is remove this shroud that uh  covers most of our intake a couple episodes ago I   did put that hole in it thought that was going to  be good enough suppose there's a chance that the   engineering department here at the shop didn't get  it right which is you barely barely even that yes   okay yes I did engineer this okay if you want  to call it that I said hey that looks like it   would work and stuck it on and we are going  to need all the cold air we can get because   I just got a text from Rick you know an actual  professional that said and I quote go floor it say no more wow wow iets are  only 133 that's what we need them to be God this not a police right I don't  know I'm okay it look kind of suspicious   we are the suspicious looking ones I  mean there's just a 360 C hanging off the I couldn't help it I'm sorry I just couldn't  help it I have a confession to make and I'll make   it just right now off the ri we haven't even  done anything with this truck yet I did not   think I was going to enjoy driving this thing I  just thought it's a truck build let's do it it'll   be cool this is more than cool this is awesome  what's the iats 135 oh we're Gucci there ain't   no traffic behind us and it spins straight which  is important obviously you ready yeah s [Music] it oh we got a Le what something leak right  here cooling I smell it cooling temperature fine everything looks pretty much fine but also  there's another police behind me uh sir did   you realize you just left 200 y of burnout marks  all the highway I I don't know what you're talking   about I never thought that automatic car is going  to be fun this is a little bit different automatic   right like you got to shift it and it shifts firm  it shifts good oh [Music] man I would be genuinely   surprised if these tires last two weeks I'm I'm  so serious I found that it's not even [Music] funny it's fast there there's literally  no denying it it's fast like way faster   than I thought it was going to be I do  think there's a lot we can do to improve   the traction on this outside of tires we  can play with the cow track some more I   have to figure all that stuff out don't  forget those qa1 shot we put on [Music] this well uh I do believe we are out of fuel go  ahead let's hear it um I am eMobile I'm going   need a um just a a quick five gallons of gas  all right I think uh fuel is important part of   a car right fuel is definitely required to do  the things that we've been doing yes um it is   that that's a good observation Fernando we were  logging and I think I called it on screen cap we   were about to do a pull I get the laptop back  out this says fuel pressure 15 psi down the   six yeah oops that's delivery yeah I I appreciate  this this is problem quite the Lifesaver you know   it's bad when the Mercedes reliability is they  drive these like 900,000 mi in Egypt I've seen   it fuel is important for a car right oh yeah  yeah life blood man you need that let this ser   is just your friendly reminder that 6.2 L  supercharged V8s they're not fuel efficient   at all fuel pressure's back all right we're good  this thing eats through [Music] gas we're good you're dumping fluid all right good let's   see where it's coming from oh  yeah we're leaking leaking This Time Peter cor oh you lose a line oh what I think we figured out where that coolant  was coming from yes oh look on top the blower oh   okay those clamps I mean they they  lose their spring tension over time   and on a rubber hose with a lot  of pressure on a cooling system   that's probably seeing more demand  than it ever has oh yeah more demand [Music] indeed so this guy's our culprit it's  that same heater hose we had issues with on the   bottom side just now it's up top the question  is of course why did it come off it could be   something as simple as worn out old clamps which  we'll see as soon as we can manage to get it back   on or could be something worse something like  a clogged heater core which isn't the biggest   deal then there's the big one a blown head gasket  or something like that which we're not even going   to think about that for now see the bottom one  that's on there good I can't rip that off the   top one I could be wrong but I think the copper is  this clamp that I may or may not have mangled when   I took the heater hoses off previously what we're  going to do just to roll out two of the potential   causes here we're going to replace the clamps that  one's a gimme we're also going to try to put some   water into the heater core and see if that's  clogged I suppose it could have built excess   pressure if that was the case who knows zero idea  if this is actually going to work but it's worth a shot all right we can roll that one out pretty  clearly it's not a clogged heater core didn't   take any pressure a pressureless pressure  washer got through it putting together a   car like this a swap car and just kind of  ringing out the issues it's just part of   the game right Fernando's about to do it too  and I'm definitely concerned about that it's   all right like this is fine heater horses pop  off you a cool it down all over the road it's   just part of the game they make that look like  this yeah this inur Bay looked good till like   20 minutes ago new clamps are cranked down  if they come off we definitely have a bigger   issue we got coolant back in it now it's time  for a what's the segment called new tech Tims   Tech tip of the day I have to say that very slow  that's tongue twister can you say that faster new   tech Tims Tech tip of the the day I thought you  almost it new tech Tims Tech tip of the day not   gonna make an icon for that like something like  music comes up on the screen anyway we're going   to pressure T Tim's going to pressure test the  radio we're going pressure test it this is going   to tell us if we drive the truck out of here and  see what else breaks or we just start screaming   and cussing and put it on the lift cuz we have to  tear things apart so hopefully the first one yeah   I'm sure it is okay right Fernando I don't want  to talk about it you guys see what he does right right no I'm just kidding it looks great it  segment canceled all right I think it was   just a bad old clamp soggy you know deteriorating  hose maybe I guess I don't know man I feel like it   was just a bad old clamp like soggy deteriorated  hose probably all right no how guys get e it you   know what that means right what we going to take  it right back out and see what else we break no   we don't got fuel oh yeah put more gas it first  that's enough for 10 minutes right right three   pools basically okay yeah anyway I think we've  worked out most of the Kinks in this thing we   put 100 miles on it we reached our goal 130ish  to be exact there's no more leaks we definitely   fixed the oil leak now's one the hard par coms  next episode we're going to dyo it track it and   tow with it if it doesn't break next episode  I think we built the killer truck on the other   hand if it does break which it will I almost said  possibly I think it's more probable than Poss POS   either way we'll find the next week Link in the  truck and fix it again we got to figure out the   traction situation so I got some sticky tires  on the way some small little wheels that'll   hopefully help us hook up a little bit walless  build's been going on I have been working on   a lot of other cars haven't been posting a lot  of other videos now that this is I'm not going   to call it wrapped up but at least closed we  can start posting videos about this car even   this car maybe some of the other ones in the  other unit that you haven't seen Fernando turn around anyway that's right  we got something to look at adios this is what happen when you spend all  your money on demon shopping your truck and I   spent the money on the bill didn't really  have enough left for the gas I was trying   to budget the gas that I had allotted for it  anyway I guess well you know what this will   fly out the back so pressure test number  10 have I mentioned I hate building trucks
Channel: ScrapLifeLee
Views: 16,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copart, salvage, rebuild, salvage rebuiilds, iaa, salvage auction, auction, samcrac, auto auction rebuilds, rich rebuilds, dodge demon, dodge hellcat, hellcat, dodge scat pack, charger hellcat, challenger hellcat, mopar, salvage hellcat, salvage dodge hellcat, leec parts, scraplife garage, legit street cars, demon truck, hellcat swapped truck, trx, hellcat trx, demon 170, stolen demon 170
Id: JVjxASv0Snk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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