I DNA Tested My Mutant Chihuahua
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,794,224
Rating: 4.9351883 out of 5
Keywords: dog dna test, dna test, dog dna, chihuahua dna test, chihuahua test, dna tested my dog, wisdom panel dna test, wisdom panel, chihuahua, dna, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, 2019, twinkie, twinkie dna test, chihuahua testo, getting my dog's dna tested, dog dna test results, dog dna test funny, dog dna test review, dna test results, dna test gone wrong
Id: j29CvHqpBQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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