I Discovered an EASY $750/Day AI Side Hustle (Google to Purchase)

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I discovered a simple $750 per day AI side hustle and it's called Google to purchase if you want to make money online watch this video because I'll show you step by-step how to do this so just in context almost half of all product searches begin on Google every single second there are about 100,000 people actively searching on Google it's about 8.5 billion searches every 24 hours and yeah Google absolutely dominates the search world now this presents a really fantastic opportunity where you can essentially become the middleman between a Google Search and a purchase essentially how this business model works is you provide valuable content that ranks people click on these articles that help inform consumers and then they use these links to purchase at no additional cost to them so it's basically affiliate marketing focused solely on Google search like I said earlier in this video I'll show you guys exactly how to do the side hustle in a nutshell it involves picking a super specific Niche using AI creating a website signing up for different affiliate programs and then using SEO and AI tools to help create written content that ranks so why listen to me well I actually do this for a living I made millions of dollars doing all types of affiliate marketing so I'd say that I have a pretty solid grasp on how to build a business like this okay step one is to pick a very very specific Niche why is it important to be specific well I'll tell you why all the more popular and Broad Industries are dominated by the big players these are big companies like CNET consumer reviews nerd wallet the list goes on essentially these guys have such great domain Authority that all of their articles are going to rank on the first page of Google it's very very hard for small players like us to come in and rank ahead of them so to get around that we need to be ultra specific with our Niche pick a specific interest or Hobby and a niche down for example by location if we go to Google Trends we can actually see what is trending and we basically want to choose something that is trending up so for example if I come here and I search cyber security Explorer it's going to show me the interest over time so what I recommend doing is come here to past day clicking past 5 years as you guys can see cyber security interest has been going up for the last 5 years or so so yeah that is the first criteria I look for more specifically let's talk about maybe vpns as you can see VPN usage has also gone up not as much but still it is trending up so that could be a specific Niche that we focus on for our content I don't recommend going for VPN specifically since it is a very hard thing to rank for but I just want to give you guys an idea of an example the next thing we're going to do is go to chat gbt and I'm going to prompt at this okay so what are some super specific niches that I can write articles about in the cyber security or VPN SE C this is for a Blog that monetizes using affiliate marketing so as you guys can see there are some very specific use cases for let's say vpns that we could make articles about for example VPN use in specific countries vpns for gaming VPN for traveling whatever it is I recommend using chat GPT to give you guys some brainstorming ideas but just for this video let's go with this the next thing we're going to need is a website because this is where all your content is going to live now I recommend using hostinger is one of the most affordable platforms out there and they basically have all these built-in tools like AI gener generation as well as SEO tools that are going to help you guys out with your website their AI website builder also means that you can basically create a website in about 10 minutes and what I recommend you guys do is just follow along with this video If you guys use the link down below hostinger.com Charly Chang it's going to take you to this exact landing page this allows you to build up to a 100 different websites for under $3 per month and if you guys use code Charlie Chang at checkout it's going to take an even bigger exclusive discount for you okay so again using that link down below you'll get to hostinger and what we'll do is Click claim deal next it's going to have you select the plan you want so there's the premium the business and the cloud startup plans for most of you guys you probably won't need the cloud start plan you can upgrade to that later on in the future if your website gets big but the premium and the business plans are going to be the best for most people you guys can compare the different features but essentially you guys can see you can create a 100 different websites with any of these plans you get a ton of storage free SSL free email free domain and a ton of other things including their hostinger website builder which gives you a lot of cool features that give you significant Competitive Edge since the business plan includes some of these cool AI copyrighting tools I'll just go ahead and choose that for this video it'll be under $4 per month but if you do want to save some money you can of course go with the Premium plan and you can use chat gbt for your content creation instead of the tools built in I'll click add to cart it's going to have you choose a time period so I always recommend going for at least 24 to 48 months it's going to lock in the lowest price for the longest amount of time you'll create your account here and then you'll select your payment enter in all this information and the last thing you definitely want to do is Click have a coupon code and enter in Charlie chain Okay click apply and that's going to take a bigger discount again you don't need to get the 48 months you can also do the 24 or even the 12 but for most people I recommend doing the 24 or 48 month thing since this is a long-term business plus you can use the same plan to build any other website again you can create up to 100 different websites so that's why I really love hostinger once you've signed up you'll be able to go into the hostinger dashboard and we're going to set up our website so I'm going to click create click next for this video I'll show you guys how to use the hostinger website builder but if you do want to make your website using WordPress you can use this one with AI this one is easier and it does also have a lot of AI features we'll click select AI website builder let's go with top cybercity tools.com so I'll select this it is free with our plan since it is included we'll click next we'll click finish registration okay so now we're going to click Start creating we'll enter in our brand name we'll select blog after we write a description what we'll do is Click create a website so essentially the AI website builder is going to start you know Finding different pictures populating the website with certain text creating designs that sort of match that description we gave it so this is basically what it gave us as you guys can see there are some changes we need to make but it's populated the website with a Blog section this looks pretty good right here and we have a footer down here as well what we'll be able to do is basically put in our logo change up the menu up here in the header and we can also check out what it looks like on mobile so if it looks okay you guys can go ahead and start building with the site but you can also do a bunch of edits as well so we'll click that I won't show you guys too much how to actually build the website in this video since I don't think it is that important but essentially it's very very easy to use the hosting or website builder you can basically just double click on anything change it let's say we want to make this a little bit wider so that it looks better we can drag it around as we want we can change any of this text we can change the font the color change these buttons as well we can make the section less tall if we want by just dragging this move these up a little bit and I really like the grid system because it makes it look a lot more clean I recommend you guys just play around with this there's a ton you guys can do to customize it and yeah let's move on to to the next section the next thing we're going to do is sign up for a bunch of affiliate programs so they're platforms like impact radius share sale Commission Junction you guys can sign up for all of these look through their Marketplace see what different products they have on there and essentially what you're going to do is apply to any of these programs that relate to your website for example I'm here on impact radius this is one of the more popular affiliate marketing platforms we can basically search for all the different brands that have their affiliate programs on impact if I come here and search VPN for example we can see there are a bunch on here so let's say we want to do something for nordvpn you click on this you guys can see they pay 40% on the sale you can learn more about the affiliate program also you can click here on details uh see where they service how they track bunch of other stuff you can also click on this website to learn more about their actual product and then after that you'll click apply and you'll basically tell them why you want to work on this campaign with them after that you'll submit they'll hopefully approve within a few days and then you'll get custom affiliate links for this business so the next step and the most important is to actually create good content that ranks luckily hostinger has a bunch of built-in Ai and SEO tools that will help with this but you can also use other tools such as chat GPT perplexity AI Jasper yeah there are tons and tons of GPT powered running tools out there now why is ranking important only 0.63% of people actually click onto the second page of the Google search results so essentially if you're not on that first page it's going to be very hard for people to see your article and then the top ranking organic result is 10 times more likely to be clicked than the 10th spot so that also shows the importance of being high on that first page you might be thinking this seems impossible to do but there are some great strategies you guys can use to really improve your chances of ranking on that first page first is you want to use longtail keywords so for example for our website instead of saying the top five vpns out there you can say the top five vpns for blank right we can get really specific with our audience this can be Market or country specific it can be the type of user or consumer it could be a specific location or city and this way we can get very specific with the type of person that we are targeting so we could use the buil-in AI writer but for this video I'll show you guys how to write an article using chat gbt okay so write me a 500w article talking about the best vpns for gamers in Argentina as you guys can see we did a long tail keyword here talk about nordvpn and express VPN so we'll click enter and basically it's going to generate this article for us what we can basically do is go in we can change things I don't recommend just using the AI generated article use it sort of as a foundation a base and then add your own personal spin to it for these articles I also recommend including images so for example if we're talking about nordvpn you should actually get nordvpn show how it works have some screenshots that just makes your content overall a lot better for the consumer for now I'm just going to go ahead and copy and paste this don't recommend doing this exactly but since we're just making a video I just wanted to show you what I'm going to do now is come here to these three dots go to blog this is where we can manage our blog posts so let's click add new post as I said before you can create the blog post using AI directly within the hostinger website builder or we can just write ourselves so I'll just click skip since we did use you know chat gbt to do it here we can edit the blog header can change the size all the stuff we can also edit the text and stuff as well so let's say top vpns you guys can write a description here I'm just going to skip that for now make sure the post URL has the keywords so that looks pretty good make sure to have an author as well so let's say Charlie Chang post dates click save we'll come down here we'll go to the Post content and then we can paste let's make this more visible by changing the color we can add an image here as well and you guys can generate an image using AI you guys can choose from their Gallery yeah as you guys can see it's super super easy to do you also want to come here to the three dots go to SEO and we can basically use their AI SEO assistant to help with a bunch of changes we can click Start SEO assistant we can create a page description click next it's going to have us select three keywords for our page at least okay we'll click next you're going to review the search engine appearance click finish and yeah as you guys can see there are tons of SEO tools built into the hosting or website builder definitely use this to optimize the SEO because this is going to make it a lot more possible for your article to rank on Google it's also important to optimize your website for mobile since a bunch of your sales are going to come from smartphones you want to make sure that your website is optimized it's fast and hostinger is a great website builder and host toensure that your website meets all those criteria yeah essentially this is a pretty simple concept you guys it's definitely not that easy it takes a lot of time but I really do think that anyone can do it you can get very creative with the types of Articles you make you get very creative with these specific niches and stuff that you choose so yeah there is a ton of potential with this business model essentially though with any type of business you need to do it consistently for a long time but I guarantee you if you do this for a long time you're going to learn a ton of valuable lessons about building websites SEO affiliate marketing all these lessons will help you in your future businesses and yeah I've built a ton of websites you basically just need one website to pop off and that can create a full-time income again the link to hostinger is going to be down below in the description make sure to use that coupon code Charlie changen for a bigger discount and I truly do believe that everyone that's watching this video even if you don't want to do Google to purchase get hostinger start creating websites because that's going to get you started on your entrepreneurial journey I hope you guys got some value from this video I know we covered a lot of things yeah feel free to reference this video at any point again I recommend just following along with the video and I wish you guys the best of luck on your business if you guys got got any value from this video make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe for more content just like this I do a ton of videos about personal finance entrepreneurship and investing and my whole goal is to help you become financially successful anyways thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 27,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money using ai, top ai side hustles, best side hustles using ai, make money online with ai, ai business ideas, ai businesses, businesses you can start in 2024, how to start a business with ai, how to use ai to make money, making money with ai, affiliate marketing business, affiliate marketing with ai, affiliate marketing tutorial for beginners, how to start an affiliate marketing business, how to make money online, best side hustle ideas 2024
Id: 1j2wCjHuXGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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