NO ESPERABA encontrar ESTO en el camino a MACHU PICCHU

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We're inside Ollantaytambo Archaeological Park, and you have no idea, no idea how much it hurts not having known about this place before. I no longer have time to hire a guide, I couldn't read about the history, I didn't know, friends, I swear. I didn't know something so amazing was in this place. Such elegance, not France's but Peru's. This is the panoramic view train I told you about, this is a special carriage and see the views around the route. Good morning, afternoon, or night, I hope you are doing super well. Friends, we're still in Peruvian lands, and before you get scared, we carry the F for pleasure. So far, thank God, we don't need it. And in the previous video, now that I remember, I told you I needed a haircut. I got carried away by the Urubamba barber shops. What do you think of this fiery Peruvian cut? Friends, it turns out that today we have a very special video because today, not yesterday, nor tomorrow, today we start the journey to Machu Picchu, to the wonder of the world, the most famous place in Peru and one of the most famous and visited in the world. It turns out that there are different ways to get to Machu Picchu, there are different ways, different transports, you can do it with an agency or on your own, walking the Inca trail. There are all kinds, but it turns out that your server here decided to do it on his own. So, at this moment, as I told you, we are in Urubamba. We have to go to another town where we have to spend the night, we don't have a hotel, there we have to take a train that will take us to another town where we go up to Machu Picchu. It's all a topic that I don't even know how it's going to end, but let's go and see what happens today on the way to the wonder of the world. The first thing, obviously, is to leave this hotel that I want to show you something very interesting, kind of mysterious and is that the hotel is really good, it's nice, it's cheap, well located, almost in the pure center, but I don't know if it will be related to the date, with tourism or what. Listen to how this door sounds, it's scary. And it's scarier because we're completely alone in this hotel which, as I tell you, is amazing, but there's nobody, I don't know why. The second, before any movement, before any misstep, is to find a restaurant where to eat, that here in Peru it's really easy to find good restaurants, because we can sleep at a stop, we can run out of transportation, whatever you want, but everything with a full belly. Look at the great deal I just got, I came to a restaurant that is not a tourist restaurant, that's a very important point, in which I ordered a main dish for 3 dollars, only 11 soles and they even include an appetizer at that price. This is a cauliflower, I don't know how it's prepared, but it's a pity to start opening the appetite. And look at the main course, it's a breaded chicken with veggies, little potatoes, rice, and with creams, which is what they call it here in Peru, it has chili, mayonnaise, ketchup, and here's a beautiful fact about Peru and is that in almost all the restaurants I've visited, the mayonnaise is homemade, so the food is twice as delicious. After having lunch in a Peruvian restaurant, your life can only go up, nothing bad can happen today. Now, the third step is to find the terminal where we're going to catch the transport to Ollantaytambo, here's another beautiful fact about Peru, that in almost every town, in almost all cities, I've found that there are terminals where you can catch a collective transport that is very cheap to get around everywhere. And now the big question, how am I going to find that extremely cheap transportation that usually only the locals know about? Well, there are two ways, the first is to ask any local around here, they all know the place and the second is to flag down a tuk-tuk and say the following, Hello, to the terminal for Ollantaytambo? And that's it, just like that we are on our way to the terminal. And look at our luck, just as I get off the tuk-tuk, the bus is already leaving, it's full, they leave whenever it fills up with people. They're these minibuses that are behind me, so we're leaving right away. And so half an hour went by in the car, where we saved 20 times what a taxi would charge us, it cost us less than a dollar to reach this town which, my God, is beautiful. Coming here on the bus, it was really crowded, here I leave you some videos. Even people were standing, I don't know if that's legal, but I took advantage of the trip to reserve a hotel around here, actually I got it at a good price, so we're going to find it, drop off our things and we're going to explore Ollantaytambo, because I'm also seeing some amazing ruins up there for which I think I already have a ticket purchased. What is this town friends? Look at the streets we are walking on completely cobblestone, look at the stone walls, look at the doors with the stone frames, really this is beautiful, I swear I didn't expect any of this, I had no idea where I was going, all I know is that this is where we have to catch the train that will take us to the town of Machu Picchu. But how good to have arrived here with time, it's absolutely incredible. I don't know what's happening with the hotels today, we're coming from a hotel where we were the only guests and now I arrived here where I had the reservation and it turns out there's nobody, I called the owner to see what had happened and he told me that since there are no guests, he left, he basically left the town, so I had to cancel this and we're going to have to look for another one, I seriously don't know what's happening to me, I took a tuk-tuk to this other hotel and there is a note on the door saying that I should call for someone to open it, apparently, there's nobody here, Finally, they deigned to receive us, they gave us the room, look at this place, this is the entrance to the room and look what we have in front of us, do me a favor, this is unreal, look at these mountains, over there are the ruins that I'm telling you I want to visit before the sun sets and this is the room which is actually pretty good, this one is $40 with breakfast included, we have a private bathroom, the bed, good internet, it's fine. And do you know what else is fine? the Black Friday super promo that Surfshark, the official sponsor of this video, has, 85% off, 3 months free, which comes out to about $1.97 per month, I've told you before that a VPN is vital for browsing the internet securely, it basically creates a security bubble when browsing, protecting us from hackers and any harm that might come our way and also, if you consume content from Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, for some reason, almost everything is blocked in Latin America, so here's a hack for you, simply with Surfshark, you change your network location, switch to the United States and you have absolutely everything unlocked as if by magic. So, I'm going to leave the link with this super promo in the description, which you can also purchase using the code ARAYA. We're inside the Ollantaytambo archaeological park and you have no idea, no idea how much it hurts me not to have known about this place before, after this, we're close to when it closes, I don't have time to hire a guide, I couldn't read the history, I didn't know, I swear to you, I didn't know that something so incredible was in this place. These are ruins on the mountain that are built all the way to the top, I'm going to see how far we can get and even in front, we can see buildings, in front, there are also Inca ruins, look at all this down here, all of that is a terrace system, I suppose, similar to what we've encountered before. Something incredible we're finding in this archaeological park is that there are unfinished blocks, blocks that I imagine were being worked on at the time and have been left there forever, for us to see, the techniques with which these blocks were made so perfectly, we're going to see later because I think we don't have time now, we'll rather see if we have time to finish this before they close the park. Something said about this place is that it's geographically aligned with other points of super archaeological importance on the planet, like the Easter Islands, the pyramids of Giza, Machu Picchu and other sites like these, this is a ton of incredible mysteries. Look at how narrow these paths are and according to what I've read, you'll confirm for me, this must be pre-Inca because the Incas didn't make square windows, they made them in another shape if I'm not mistaken and also, over here to the side look at the view we have of all the construction and the mountains, also, we're literally on the edge of the mountain, here what we have is a precipice and here above are the rocks, How did they build this at these heights, on these ridges? Look at the view we have from here. Here, I can tell you, in fact, that Peru has exceeded all my expectations for a very long time, Today I just took a collective to get here to a little town and I came across this amazing archaeological park, We've encountered snowy peaks, lakes, glacier lakes, other cultures, spectacular cuisine And this journey hasn't even finished, friends, and we haven't even set foot in the jungle yet, Let's not forget that Peru has part of the Amazon. What's up with this country? Please, tone it down a bit. By the way, I didn't tell you before, remember that I thought I had a ticket to this place, It turns out that we saved, you could say, 20 dollars on the entrance because I bought this in Moray yesterday, We were there yesterday and it turns out that this gives access to four archaeological parks And for some reason, I kept it and today I pulled out the master card that said "valid for two days" and since we went yesterday, Today I could enter here for free, you could say. We're going to take advantage here in Ollantaytambo to try something that's been highly recommended in Peru, which is the lomo, But not just any lomo, alpaca loin, As you heard, they eat those furry animals here, So we're going to try it, they told me it's really good, That we have to try it in a good place and I read that they prepare it well here, So let's see how the loin is, here we go. About this specific meat, I can tell you because I don't know if all are the same, but this one is a little bit tough, The texture is similar to lamb, and the taste is unique, it's really good actually. The next day. Good morning, beautiful creatures of the Lord, with this spectacular view that we're waking up to, Ollantaytambo ruins in front and as fresh as lettuce, well semi-fresh because we're wearing yesterday's shirt, First because it can withstand another use and second because as we're moving, there's no place to wash, I'm running out of clothes, With this, we're ready to continue the journey towards the wonder of the world. We're waiting for the train that will take us to the town of Machu Picchu And from what I understand, you can also get to this town by car, But they told me it's like 5 or 6 hours, and then where the car reaches, it's an extra 2 hours walking to get to this place, By train, it's just about an hour and a half journey in the middle of these incredible mountains, and I've read that it's something spectacular, It's a bit expensive, honestly, we also bought a ticket that includes a panoramic view or something like that, That costs 90 dollars for this hour, hour and a half trip from here to Aguas Calientes. I imagine this has to be the train that we're going on, what elegance, not from France but from Peru, This one that we're going on is the train with the panoramic view I mentioned, this is a special carriage and look at the views around on the journey, In fact, here I don't know if you're going to be able to appreciate it, but there you can see a snowy peak from the train, It's quite pleasant, honestly, it's very comfortable, there's also air conditioning inside right where I'm sitting, The sun is right here, in fact, if you see the passenger next to me is in the shade, I'm in the sun today, I think we can make use of our shirt here. Here are two things I didn't expect from this trip, the first one is that we've come across several small towns along the way, I didn't know that deeper in here, there were towns and people still living, and that we're traveling around this river, in fact, there are parts where we pass super super close, and it feels like we're about to fall off. We just bumped into the entrance, the start of the Inca Trail, friends this Inca Trail is something incredibly impressive, turns out that the Incas, as I had mentioned earlier, that the Incas covered all of Peru, almost all of Ecuador, all of Bolivia, part of Chile, part of Argentina, part of Colombia and everything was connected with Inca paths, it's said that there are thousands of kilometers of Inca paths that connect all these places and the center was Cusco, which was the capital of the Inca Empire, from there all the paths started, that's why I think it was called the navel of the world or something like that. Turns out this Inca Trail to get to Machu Picchu, which are 4 days if I'm not mistaken walking, which I have to say I would have loved to do, from what I understand the first day is flat, the second day you climb up to about 5 thousand meters, then you go down and on the fourth day you finally get to Machu Picchu, this was the only path if I'm not mistaken that the Spanish did not manage to find and that's why they couldn't get to Machu Picchu, what's coming in Machu Picchu is going to be incredible, it's an impressive story, but that's the Inca Trail, if you've heard of it, there people get off and start walking for 4 days and 3 nights to get to Machu Picchu. We made it safe and sound, we didn't fall into the river, we are now in Machu Picchu town, it's important to remind you that I am doing all this on my own, because you can also come to Machu Picchu on a one-day tour, you can come with an agency that does everything for you in one day, you leave early in the morning from Cusco I believe, take the train, go up to Machu Picchu, come back and return to Cusco all in the same day. As you can see this place is packed and here is our sign, we're going to look for the hotel, how are you? a pleasure, a pleasure to meet you. How are you? Everything is very good, welcome to Machu Picchu, thank you very much, I'm noticing that the arrival here at Machu Picchu is incredibly touristic, there are too many sales of everything, of course we're arriving at the town of the wonder of the world and the lady who is receiving us here is telling me, Marleni, that here it shouldn't be called Aguascalientes, she will tell us why in a bit, but that the name here is Machu Picchu town, that's what it should be called. And this finally over here, which I imagine we will tour properly in a bit, is Machu Picchu town, they already told me that it's called Aguascalientes because there are hot springs here, so people found it easier to simply call it the place where Aguascalientes are than to call it Machu Picchu town, that's what they're telling me here. This is our humble dwelling in Machu Picchu town which amuses me because I booked a single room, they gave me a triple room, about 7 people can fit here, we have 3 beds, breakfast is included, let's see how the bathroom looks like which I haven't seen yet, oh well, it's normal, it has hot water which is important and look at the view from here, view to the river and these impressive mountains surrounding this town, look at the beautiful view... And above, we also have a lovely terrace I'm not exactly sure which floor we are on, but there's a good view from here. This hotel cost us about $40 dollars a night including breakfast. We'll tour the town while looking for a place to have lunch, we are about 2,400 meters above sea level here, so it's getting warm, we're feeling more at home and I want to show you something. Today is not the day we go up to Machu Picchu, but to give you an idea, look at the queue, we crossed to the other side of the bridge and look at the line going all the way up there, and that line is just to take the bus that will take you up and then you have to queue for Machu Picchu. Here we are on a bridge similar to the one in front of us that takes us from side to side of the stream, from this river coming down and here we found a bunch of probably love locks. Lisette and John, let's hope they haven't ended because if not, a big F in the chat. I believe this place could be perfectly summarized as places to eat, places to sleep, and places to buy souvenirs and these types of objects that are local here, because the engine of all this is Machu Picchu and the tourism it obviously generates, but also very important to tell you that here in this town in the middle of these mountains, there is also a completely normal life, as you can see there's a soccer field, there are schools, there's police, people live here and they have their normal daily life. I have to tell you that I thought to eat here I was going to have to wash dishes because it's a very touristic place, obviously the prices are going to be a little high, but there's all kinds, for example, I found this restaurant that includes a main course that you will see, an appetizer, and a very good shake for 10 dollars, truth is, it's pretty good. This here is a chicken skewer, I've shown it to you before, but this is a beauty and it's delicious on top of that. Watch out for the main course, of course! we have lomo saltado... Peru's gastronomy has me charmed, friends, everything is good, wherever you go everyone cooks deliciously. We're going to roll out of this country. Well friends, so finally here ends today's video, one more video letting ourselves be amazed by Peru, what an incredible country, we just have, we just have to go up to the wonder of the world. So I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did, don't forget to subscribe, share it if you liked it and see you in the next video, pure life and kisses from someone who is ready to see his second wonder of the world and I'm about to cry with excitement.
Channel: Araya Vlogs
Views: 521,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machu picchu, peru, camino a machu picchu, araya, araya vlogs, que hacer en peru, ollantaytambo, tren a machu picchu, tren de lujo, como llegar a machu picchu, machu picchu 2022, machu picchu peru, maravilla del mundo
Id: Q_xC-WsmbjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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