I didn't expect to find this in their secret backyard oasis

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hi folks this is Jay we are now visiting a garden on the tour of the open Gardens by Gardens Buffalo Niagara this is a club there Cottage Garden in Cheektowaga it is on the open Gardens opens on Thursdays in the months of July and we are with the gardener Elijah and Carr here so quick hi to Avia hello yeah so first thing I noticed is your front garden you have something quite special going on can we take a look please you have the ring boots uh on the doorstep with I mean utilizer as a container I mean they're not rear ring boots their containers look like ring boots right yeah this is very welcoming and I see something very special here this uh Fountain of bubbler is quite unique car can you tell us a little bit about this Fountain please um yes well this Fountain I built last year um I got the idea from YouTube um so I just built the frame poured half concrete Zoom mixer cement and pour the conquer yourself yes yes it really is starting from the scratch writing starting right from scratch using Plumbing to plumb inside and through the concrete and then I poured the rest we dug a basin oh okay and there's actual There's an actual pump I think there's a 90 gallon power pump that's uh in there and it's about eight inches Yeah well yeah so so I would say this is a really really Unique Piece which add character to your garden because you made it from scratch and it's really really special yeah so can we take a look uh and let's go to the backyard because the real attraction of your garden is the back here but before we go there we see you have a this is a ring Barrel right yes this is a very very tall ring bar do you happen to remember the gallon size I don't know okay but it's a very large one and it's a very tall one and you utilize as a container and use a trading mint yeah we have trailing mint in here and we put it over here so it no risk of it getting into the garden yeah oh that is such a great uh point so mint they can be quite aggressive if you plant them in the ground it's hard to contain control if you put them in a container so it'll be a much better alternative than planting them in the ground yeah let's move to the towards the backyard so it's nice Jay because we have our neighbor's Garden they also have beautiful plants right now yeah so take a sneak peek yeah lilies and the sunflowers and so they're in this churchian uh invading your yard yeah but this is just lovely I can't smell the fragrance oh they are more zinnias Daisy and the Lily and uh this is a sunflower too right yeah Mexican sunflower oh wow he grows those from seed Dosa Xenia right no the those are Mexicans oh this is the Mexican sunflower well I'm learning something new today that is wonderful so as before we enter the backyard we see there's another very tall ring Barrel slash container so you you use begonia for an uncreeping Jenny here which really showcases the beauty of the creeping jenny they have this trailing habit and I particularly like how you use the ring Barrel as container because not only they have a purpose they're the ring Barrel you are collecting the ring water they also serve as a container to show off the trading plans yeah I really do love this uh design yeah so uh the first thing we notice in the backyard is you have this very very colorful border mostly a brand new and annual right you tell us a little bit about the theory this garden bed is a new bed I just put in this spring [Music] and well it was very early in the season yes I started them indoors under a grow light and um brought them out I have a little portable Greenhouse brought them out and got them used to the outdoors and yeah it gave us a lot of color this one's just getting ready to open I'm excited to see what is this I think it's I can't remember remember what it's called now that I pointed it out it's very special yeah so you start them very early how early um put it on the seeds jackets that will tell you when to start your seeds um so different ones were at different times I would say I started setting up around March March okay and then once they get going once they grow into a certain size and once outside condition is okay you need to do the hardening off right before so how do you do the hardening off so I bring them out in the greenhouse and nights when it's going to go below the greenhouse which keeps them a little warmer than outside at night it doesn't really stay much warmer so if it was going below 32 I'd bring the plants indoors and bring them back out I was a good plant moment so it has quite the involving process and you need to have a system and a plan if you want to start plants from sea to achieve this kind of result you you need to sink ahead not just letting them germinate you have to be prepared for the steps I had after the germination yeah so let's take a walk through this uh area a very nice shirt and then we arrive at the pound this is quite a special pound so uh tell us a little bit about the pound car so you made this from scratch piece by piece yes this is actually our third edition of our pond so we actually started with a smaller pond in about 2016 2017. two years later Elisha expanded it just a bit larger and in 2020 we decided to go big I decided to rent an excavator and this was going to be our project and yeah this is very very beautiful yes yeah so tell me a little bit about the system so it's not a typical Palm so what we have here we have several filtration systems we have a skimmer which is under this pot here okay we have our our waterfalls of course which uh this is filtration system in itself and we also have a bog filtration system bulk filtration system which is here and what that is is it's basically uh we dug a hole about uh one foot deep and there's Plumbing that's actually hooked up to a pump that's in the pond and uh PVC pipe and we ran four lines of that and we put little slats about an inch apart in each of the pipes and what it does is it filters the pond water all of the bacteria the fish waste and it filters that up through the bog through the pea gravel which we've put in there and it helps provide nutrients for the plants okay I say yeah they're very very happy there so you can see the cannon Lily do very well in the water so right by the flowing uh I mean jog I mean that is the elephant ear right yeah we that is yeah we actually I saw that pot at Wegmans okay a few times and then um I thought I think we could add that into the garden somehow I would be trying to make a fountain I brought it home and we drilled a hole in it and oh yeah so this was this wasn't originally meant for a phone it's just a typical regular picture okay I like your kitchen yeah so we made it into a fountain and I love how it came out it was yeah I love it too it's really special people more than a few visitors have told me this is very special and they really find Joy by visiting a garden and see this creation of yours so tell us a little bit of your fish and the the water plants on the Goldfish spawn a lot um we actually have one koi that was born in the pond um this year the Heron actually the big blue great blue heron came and took some of our fish so we have this wire up now fish line right yep um and I'll tell you a little about our water lilies we have we have both water lily and also Lotus so we have Hardy water lilies and tropical water lilies the hearty water lilies stay in the pond all year round the Tropicals you can treat them like annuals or you can bring them in for the winter and bring them back out in the spring yeah so tell us a little bit about the bridge on under our feet this is a white oak plank yes [Music] found somebody on Craigslist that did raw Edge wood and told them what I wanted asked him what his recommendations were and he had a big white oak log and he cut it to size for us and delivered it that's perfect yes this is very very very special it adds another dimension of charm to a garden yeah so I try not to speak for a moment let the viewer enjoy the soothing flowing water sound this is a spectacular Palm again we are at Club there Cottage Garden it is on the tour of the open Gardens by God's Buffalo Niagara this particular this particular Garden is in Cheektowaga New York which opens on Thursdays in the month of July so let's take a look at the area closer to your deck so you have something very special growing in a you know how do I say this uh in the top yeah so we actually Incorporated some Lotus into the garden as well um this this is the first year I've done lotus in tubs we also have a lotus in the pond the lotus in the pond stays in the pond year round you just move it deeper into the pond um this Lotus has a butt on it I think it will be open maybe next week or the week after how special yeah this is just lovely and we have another lotus in the other Garden as well we're trying to bring the water features around the yard a little more lovely yeah well thank you again for sharing your garden with us and come and visit Club there Cottage Gardens it is in Cheektowaga New York only 12 open Gardens thank you Elijah thank you Carr thank you
Channel: Whispers in the Garden
Views: 16,914
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Id: KLXwu4Nc6Qs
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Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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