i crocheted a granny square sweater and it’s amazing

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i have tea today [Music] well i hope everyone's doing super daddy today because for today's video we are finally making finally making a granny square piece it is crochet season as we all know and i have never made anything with granny squares before and i desperately been wanting to make something with granny squares for a long long long time long time but today i'm finally going to tackle it because i got a head start this past weekend i worked on all weekend and i made all of these granny squares you're probably wondering jenny you spent the whole weekend and that's all you made yes like look at this one and this one this one or this one my plan for this granny square piece is this sketch right here and i don't know if i'm exactly going to make what you see right here but this is kind of the starting piece of what i'm kind of going for first step i'm going to teach you all how to make a granny square right here so originally i was going to teach you all how to make granny square but then i realized that would probably take 25 minutes to do if i do it super in depth and make it just like amazing amazing amazing tutorial so i'm just gonna send you to tutorial right here where i learned how to make granny square and then you can learn there from the best people that have probably been making granny squares for 20 years this is a really nice granny square look how pretty this one is this might be my favorite one anyways i am going to try to keep track of how many granny stories i'm making today um i don't think it's gonna be very many like i feel like i'm gonna be at this for a while just because i am so slow some people say they can finish a granny square in like 10 minutes and i think i'm around 30 minutes per granny square not really sure how long it takes me i should time myself okay ready go [Music] so halfway through making that granny square i remembered i bought grapes on the weekend and i put them in a little crisper in the fridge so i just totally forgot about them but then for some reason it just popped in my head i was like i have grapes in the fridge a really big juicy grapes they look like cherries so honestly i feel like that made me go a little faster because i was just thinking the whole time making this granny square that not this one this one that i had to finish so i could have some grapes so you're so good and i finished my granny square and i actually finished it in under 20 minutes because honestly i felt like i was hauling like i was i was pushing the pace when i was making this granny square so i don't know how anybody can make it faster these are so good like they're legit the size of my eyeball look at that so my favorite thing about crocheting is you can do it on the couch i feel like i tell you guys that a lot oh [Music] so unfortunately i did have to do some errands today so i didn't have the full day to do granny squares but i ended up making a decent amount of progress today i got 13 granny squares done and then i had 16 done before so i have 29 i don't think that's enough so i think tomorrow i'm gonna have to spend a good chunk of the day doing more granny squares and then i'll start to plan out how many i need i don't really know i'm thinking probably 30 something though so i'm just going to lay these out and see what it looks like if i laid it out at the top see if there's enough and how i'm going to do that is i'm just going to lay them down on my table so it looks like a shirt [Music] okay yeah i need a lot more like i need enough for the back i need enough for another sleeve so maybe like 20 more oh gosh that's a lot [Music] i figured it out now i don't need 20 more i need seven more the reason why i only need seven more is because i did a little research on the computer to figure out what method i was even gonna use to put all these granny squares together and i'm going to use the method join as you go which pretty much what it sounds like you join them all as you go so we're just going to take a quick break from the video because today's video is sponsored by lomi pila is on a mission to create a waste free future so that is why they've created the loamy so you can turn all of your scraps from the kitchen leftovers even coffee grounds and turn that into dirt using a loamy is super easy i've had mine since december and use it every single week all you do is just fill it up during the day this can be with coffee grounds leftover food vegetable scraps or even loamy approved bio plastics once you have your low meat filled up all you need to do is press the single button on the low me and it will turn it all into dirt and with the dirt the loamy makes you can actually put that into your indoor plants soil you can put it into your garden you can put it into your green bin or you can even just put it in your garbage with using the eco mode on your loamy you can turn your waste into dirt within a few hours or you can use your grow mode on the loamy and it will turn the waste into nutrient-rich dirt which can be used in your plant soil and your garden if you guys want to start turning your waste into dirt use my link down below in the description to reserve your loamy today and thank you so much to pila for sponsoring today's video so if i really focus i can make each square in 20 minutes so 20 times 7 140 minutes which is two hours and 20 minutes i don't know if i can focus for two hours and 20 minutes straight without taking any breaks so i'm gonna say this is probably gonna take me about three hours to do these seven squares so this is how it went i sat on the couch my dog slept beside me i turned on the tv and i started watching a documentary all about dinosaurs it was incredible because it looked so real like they were filming these dinosaurs which i don't know i still don't know how they do it but then i got hungry i made myself a really good sandwich and made myself a falafel kind of burger i've never done this before but i was just feeling very creative it was honestly very loaded and very filling and then i went back to crocheting again tried to focus try to you know get all those squares in and unfortunately it did take me a little bit longer than three hours it's 4 16. i think i started my granny squares around 12 something so it took me about four hours to do seven granny squares but being that this is my first time making something out of granny squares i had to watch a tutorial on how to join them so i watched this tutorial right here seems pretty straightforward seems easy although doesn't everything seem easier in a video like i don't know i was just following the tutorial on working on putting these squares together and i have ta-da this much done [Applause] i'm not going to go over the whole tutorial how to put the squares together i'm just telling you the method i used in the video i was just watching to do it so if you want to put the squares together exactly how i'm doing it just watch this video have all day have i look like i have i looked like a pharmacist all day because i just got a glimpse of myself in the mirror and i just saw pharmacy jenna anyways the sweater i am going to continue obviously working on this for the rest of the night and my plan for connecting these granny squares is i'm going to connect them to four piece or four p i'm gonna make four pieces with them and the four pieces are the front the back which they're going to be the exact same they're just going to be two rectangles and then the two sleeves which again are just going to be two smaller rectangles good morning so yesterday i was up to i don't know like 10 or 11 o'clock last night working on the front and the back of the granny square so this is what i finished yesterday decent progress and then this morning i woke up semi early and started working on the sleeves which they're very itty bitty i just got one sleeve done which i did change my mind i was gonna do the whole granny square with the white outline like this one but then i just changed my mind i wanted some different color on the sleeves so i'm going to do them both with a brown outline so i just have to do the last one probably take me like i don't know anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours depending on how focused i am and then after i'm done that then i can put everything together [Music] so now that i have all my grainy squares in the four pieces i need i can finally start working on making the top and being creative because this part is really where you can shine and just be creative with how you put the pieces together like yeah you could sew all the pieces together and just make a top but i want to add some more color here and there i got to change the structure of the top so it fits nicely gotta add a neckline like there's a lot of things i gotta do in this step in making the top so i'm going to start with this blue right here and i'm just gonna do a double crochet back and forth back and forth back and forth for the part right here okay so first i started off with just doing the boxy shape just continued going across with the double crochet but then i was like hey i have a neck so i probably should create some neckline in there so i created two shoulder pieces on the front and back and then that left me a hole in the center for my neck so i just finished the front piece here and i'm a little iffy so i'm hoping as i continue you know getting the back piece of side pieces all together it will start to look better because right now i'm getting a very me feeling with it you know you know that meh feeling you get with some things i'm getting that with this right now so i have some very exciting news for you all that i have not mentioned in any of my videos yet and that is i have a website with patterns i've always had a website but i just recently started making my things that i've made on this channel into patterns so you guys can make them too well it's not really that exciting i just wanted to mention i've been instagram and i've been posting a lot more behind the scenes of the projects i've been making so i've been posting all these granny squares on my instagram for like the past week and people got to see them follow me on instagram i just put a ton of vaseline up my nose in so much better now you guys ever get crack in your nose and then you just gotta put vaseline up there to make it feel better so yesterday i probably could have finished my sweater if i wasn't so indecisive because i took apart the collar probably four times because i just didn't like it and then i probably took apart the one sleeve three times because again i just didn't like it and i just couldn't decide on what colors what stitches i wanted to use it just like wasn't looking right to me but i'm glad i did take it apart and redo it until i was satisfied with it because otherwise i wouldn't like it it'd be a bad sweater but in this very minute what i'm working on is this sleeve right here and i want to add one more row thinking blue but i don't know well i got some bad news i ran out of brown yarn which would be fine if i had both sleeves done but i only did this one sleeve and i yeah i don't have it for leather sleeve now so now we got to take this one apart [Music] so i ended up getting a little excited and i finished the whole sleeve and i didn't even try it on once as i was working on it which is very risky because now that it's completely done i am trying it on for the first time and it might look terrible it might not fit it might have been a big waste of time and now looking at it it does look a little small but we'll just try it on to see how it is it's actually kind of perfect they're always mowing the lawn when it's raining [Music] so pretty much what i was doing was i was just crocheting in a circle for the sleeve and i only did this probably for about four inches in length and then i went ahead and attached the granny square rectangle you know that i made a while ago that was just sitting there yes i attached that but because it's not a perfect or even width for the entirety of my arm obviously my elbows bigger than my wrist so at the bottom i just attached both granny squares but then as i made my way up i had to make it a bit bigger so i crocheted in between the two granny squares just so it slowly got bigger makes sense and then the final step was just going through the whole sweater and tucking in all the loose ends definitely the least favorite part of any crocheter or knitter so friends i am done weaving in those ends honestly took more than doing one of the sleeves but it's done i got everything woven in it is ready to be worn i didn't cut any edges i finished it perfectly or you know close to perfect like it's good let me put it on to show you guys oh my goodness it's so cozy it's so it's so soft oh my goodness look at it look at it look at it first impressions i need to start knitting and crocheting with more cotton yarns because yeah this is nice this is wow and typically i'm more like a marina wool which i don't really find itchy but it still has a tiny that tiny bit of itch meanwhile this is just 100 cozy but overall the fit is great on me it's honestly the perfect size it's a little bit oversized kind of like a comfier fit because i don't want something to oversize but i also don't want something tighter because then it's just you know it smells comfy it's not very comfy so i'm happy that it ended up being a good size because you really just don't know what you're going to get when you're making your own clothes sometimes sometimes it's great sometimes it's embarrassing but i ended up pairing it with this skirt here i thought it matched really nicely and this is how i'd wear it but it's breezy it's got lots of holes in here so definitely still can wear it in the summer time it's an all year round piece especially for canada is perfect for canada actually the only thing left i have to do for this sweater is i do need to steam it just because all the granny square pieces they're not sitting flat and as nicely as i want them to so i did order a steamer so i can steam all this down and get it nicer i also probably could put it in water and block it too but uh well that is it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed making this granny square sweater with me today all week for me technically but that's it it's two o'clock i haven't eaten lunch so i gotta go eat so have a great rest your day and i'll see you guys all in my next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Phipps
Views: 127,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna phipps, thrift with me, sewing, knitting, crochet, DIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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