I created my own kart

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hello everyone we are here in italy actually too warm for a jumper kind of in otk car group because today is a very special day the karting is where everything starts in a racing driver's life and uh today i get to finally announce my own brand of go-kart the ln car we thought we'd keep it really simple and just follow my initials so we're here today to have a look at it see how it gets made see everything which is exciting and good because we're only two days after sochi i wasn't happy i was sad after sochi so i've now got something exciting to look forward to something very cool something uh awesome that i look forward to for almost a year now so today's the day and uh let's get started [Music] it's every single thing on the go-kart here [Music] so with the charger there yeah with the tube after going to the vending machine yeah when the vending machine has rented the tube the robot take the vendor tube put in here making the hole yeah and after it's putting the boat it's a lot of machines huh [Music] what are they doing with it now i think the robot literally does everything yeah but the little thing on the stand there's got like little sensors on it oh [Music] anything else you want to know [Music] so [Music] yes i'm happy i'm very happy a lot of ln logos there's quite a few other things i was thinking especially when my helmet's gonna be there as well it's gonna be even more [Music] on the video fixed it watch out for the steps got it who said that this is where ash goes so where are we going now lando where are we going now well ash where we're at where are we off to we're done we've had a little beautiful little tour probably one of the most tidy efficient companies i think you'll ever see that's why we've chosen to use the ln car um it's a beautiful sunny day nothing else to do so we thought we'd go for a little drive and go and do some more karting oh you get to drive it for the past time finally drive the ellen car for the first time which um i'm very much looking forward to so let's go have a go got some socks wow party [Music] i think you're a bit overkill with the banners okay now look at that let's just let's just do it to the whole track i just said you know you made it when you got back no no no no [Music] just the legs it's all right you'll grow into it yeah the tops what is it this is fine this is good yeah just a little bit [Music] i don't want to be cold yeah oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how was it nothing mate [Laughter] three laps and i'm puffing nice are you the best guy ever though right best car ever oh it's the quickest one i've ever driven by far if you want to win races this is the one you need that's one [Music] even john asks me to use it sometime welcome ladies and gentlemen to day two yesterday i drove a go-kart for the first time in quite a long time announcing the release of the elenka today we take the next step and arrive in adria karting raceway a track i've never been to before but um we're just coming now with a sneak peek i know i actually got to drive at lunchtime we're going to see rfm come to see tony cart come to see everyone come to see karting again it's been a long time so uh i'm excited it'll be the like first time you've seen rfm for a while reunited reunited with my old team it's gonna feel like oh home first we have to find them i don't know where they are there's a lot of people here right i tried that yesterday you're getting ready nice to be able to fight for a little bit more i mean i thought it was the right call at the beginning too because i mean if it was going to rain harder uh the easiest thing the team didn't see those from them yeah yeah because i've done that before i did yeah it was fine yeah like you're gonna i thought okay whoever i thought lewis would pick yeah because he needs to just challenge the relationship yeah then it's an easy win yeah but [Music] okay he doesn't know about the history of formula one just the cameraman just the cameraman man behind the camera hard at work yeah i don't really know what to do are you ready for the press conference many years away to um to kind of restart something uh create this story hopefully for many more years together play with the team and the people i drove with for many years and i achieved a lot of my big results with in um okay hello hello quick question for landlord tv um got a question for lana uh i've got four questions yet uh do you have a question you want to ask yourself pando how does it feel to have the best cart in cartoon well you know it feels great all right she had a question i thought okay what's your goal with the car what do you want to achieve with it like the i think the main thing is just being part like still involved in it because carding is some of the best times you have in your career you know between the ages of 10 to 13 or whatever or even younger from when you start just there the whole karting is some of the best moments and memories that you have to kind of just be involved in that still be a part of it to then have something to come to the races for and come just to be part of it's definitely um i think one of the coolest things so as an achievement of course i want to win races and be the best team but i think that's like a goal i don't think that's the dream the dream is just to be part of it and help people on my car to try and win races and win the championship nice great answer thanks for your time [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] nice thank you [Music] thank you i forgot to write chow so let's write it on my hands notes see ciao see you mate good luck cheers [Music] because it's a wrap we're now here in the airport i've officially announced the yelling cart to the world but yeah announced it hopefully we'll be going back to more races and we can do more vlogs about the ln car i'm sure over the winter we'll be able to do some karting again gets back go back to driving driving my own go-kart that sounds cool get back to driving my own go-kart and uh i don't know what else really i think that's it little trip little trip to italy released a go-kart did some driving got bombarded by little fans that was once me yeah it was that was once me you were like chasing around whoever i think i was now that small kid yeah our times have changed but anyway that's it i'm now enjoying the sun ready for my next adventure turkey see you there down low up top up on my way to the bag at the bus stop stop i
Channel: Lando Norris
Views: 935,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lando, Norris, McLaren, Formula 1, Motorsport, Racing, Lifestyle, VLOG, Karting, LN Kart, Adria, South Garda
Id: LXuTH26m11c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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