I crashed my $250,000 truck

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so was this a choice oh yeah it's a big choice i checked out during covet or when i'm checking out in general i'm just i'm just offset i'm all set is there anything that led you to checking everything oh how stupid so we got an upgrade in here no it hasn't i've been in this boat for a minute with sal just when you dropped off a hard drive one day no nothing upgraded since but um nobody's going to play over in that nobody's going to pull you over to all of this i mean it's a free ticket to mayhem uh good come on straight back go right right hard right up yeah there she goes oh so he's not nice what we're gonna do here get this boat tied to that dock i mean sure it looks like [ __ ] right now but it didn't when i parked it that's what matters kyle you couldn't have saved my boat seem fine to me it's not you see how it's all the way over there you can get it back huh i believe in you pivot i love ken on the spot i forgot to take the [ __ ] window thing off that's okay you got anything you want to do with it first i want to get raven her her supplies that she needs so we'll do that and then we'll come back out and we'll go play clown what is today it's gonna be a good day wow the side of the boat needs to get washed she's a dirty [ __ ] you say horror on youtube i think so [Music] i bought the entire store out of this kind of dull juice and greek yogurt you get water [ __ ] kyle i need that to survive all you need for liquid new fishman is bang and refreshment is a word nebraskan well now you know okay [Music] where are we going someplace i've been trying to go for a long time bar while it's nuts so make sure your life jacket is fully mounted to your body take me to the bar i just heard there's a captain that just had trouble at the bar like the coast guard just went out there and had to render assistance so you heard that and you just had to go i've been waiting to go for a while i've been hoping they'd be good conditions the coast guard doesn't take this type of boat out and heavier than like six or seven foot seas because they have other options doesn't mean it can't handle more right okay they said they're supposed to be 10 to 12. that's a big that's a big wave rollers seems like it's way harder to flip than most boats yeah but also you notice how all the uh the words are upside down what does that mean that's for when you flip i don't know how far we want to go into yeah that mean those those things are breaking i don't see how we can get past the break can we that the breakers right there yeah and they could flip us very hard to get past that break i feel like i don't know if it would flip us i mean tom cruise tom hanks did it in [Music] castaway it's like we're running from a t-rex [Music] that's how you do that um i don't have any lines on here though you like that i like it so much first time i actually ever finished it like that finally i got it it's a big big moment [Music] so [Music] so morning pat don't talk to me kyle i haven't had my bang yet where are you taking me today well 10 days ago about 40 miles off the coast a container ship lost six sorry six is it five six five or six twenty foot containers and they're now floating south and uh we got a coordinate location from the coast guard so we're gonna go try to salvage it because there's something called salvage rights plan is i'm gonna go down to ace i'm gonna grab like a 20 volt dewalt uh circular saw and i guess get on the top of a container in the middle of the ocean and cut it open and see what's inside it's time to get your weekend back and turn your to-do list into it to done list ace the helpful place yes sir thank you check out buddy bro i got two batteries i got a blade so i can cut stuff i'll say that's not me it sounds like me but it's not me and that's my multi-tool it's a big it's a big oh god that's why we don't get out of here are you on the hunt my baby mama is not gonna believe me dude this is awesome nice to meet you brother dude you're so cool i remember remember you want me to put my freaking bra on i have a posture thing what are you up to today [ __ ] not [ __ ] actually um i have this woman coming over she's gonna uh i guess interview me about travel oh yeah that's right yeah the teacher yeah i'm going 40 miles out right now yeah i should really find out when she's going to be here then there's cut there's six connex boxes okay 40 miles out okay it'll take you like 10 minutes to get there well how fast is your zodiac 40. it took me an hour to get there is that offer still good what yeah to go with you yeah let me see what's going on with this teacher lady okay i gotta i just gotta fix a power issue in the boat so i'll probably be getting out of here in the next half hour okay i'll try to make it quick no i'll come i'll come by before i take off sweet take your time i think there's a problem with the house battery that's a big problem everything runs except for the [ __ ] nav and my [ __ ] cool ass little radio right here what's that i feel my favorite feeling what's up everyone say what's up feeling from so what's up that's how you call out on the radio people don't know that you're gonna be that kind of a guy today huh but why for why are we for why ari if you're doing 50 radio check for doing video radio check 5150 radio check have you left claire five by thank you twins 10 to 15 knots with gusts up to 20 knots c5kc rain catchy fog visibility one to three nautical miles logos out yep we got radio back we bypassed the house battery i don't know what's wrong with that house battery but it's a brand new battery too so i'm thinking of something in the wiring so it's good for today but i'm not going to say that it's good forever oh my gosh once in a while with it it woah oh [ __ ] there's a wave because of this water right now we're going 12. that's why it's [ __ ] slow or we can just hit it a little faster if we keep this 20 miles an hour it'll only take us two hours to get there you okay i don't know i don't feel that great no you wanna try sitting up front i feel like uh switch at night for a minute yeah i don't know i feel like i'm almost having a panic attack why because i'm like gonna throw up and i'm like disoriented and just look at the horizon and sit in the front can we slow down for one second yeah i gotta like catch my bearings yeah i've never done this out here i'm like very seasick okay if you want to go on the back deck and puke you know go up back down keep overboard yeah i mean for speed reasons i don't know how you can get there yeah we can't get 40 at 40 knots yeah we can miss yeah we need like half of this it looked nice earlier until we got out here yeah like that's probably when the tide changed we just hold on because there's a big wave right here i'm not a semen damn i know there were these imposters here for like two days i kicked them out each time though i'm glad you're back kyle you really need to clean your legs that's dirty that's that's shameful it looks like it has chlamydia what i'd like to do is go back to those containers or try to get to the containers i think the seas are a little smaller today we might get out there and we can do 36 knots we might get out there we can do 12 knots so my only concern is this engine that i think is overheating what's supposed to happen is they're both supposed to piss as soon as i turn them on so as soon as i turn them on they should be cooling themselves at water and so it should exfil through the top how does that change our ride how the engines function you can't use we can't run that engine so we're going on one engine right now we can't go on one engine it won't work [Music] this is going to be a bust duck this is the last day we could have gone [Music] the waves are predicted tomorrow to be 20 plus feet which is nowhere near what we can handle this boat is probably going to be down and operate out of operation for the foreseeable next at least few weeks i bet what's up sam well well [ __ ] we have to have it running while it was not getting enough water so i ended up burning part of the impeller [Music] you need a wire brush you need marine grease and i need an impeller kit for this honda but it looks like i can do it myself so it won't take weeks take it out take the [ __ ] props off find out if there's a bunch of kelp up in my impeller crap god i like that fishing boat this guy's got too and my brother's all that dude's paddy mayo dude and that's how you pack fire power back up i don't really fit in any of the designated spots awesome man all right hey no problem brother you too take it easy [Music] [Music] thank you well yeah no we need to stock up and when do we stock up and start stocking up how long do you think that'll last you [Music] 48 days kyle why are you always feeling weird [ __ ] i'm so sorry i should have turned the camera off just getting ready you should have put your microphone on can't you [ __ ] tell me what to do ever again i'm gonna go to this uh boat shop place and see if i can't get [Music] i [ __ ] get my impellers fixed [Music] do you guys have impeller kits in stock cool store it's like a cabela's i got grease it got impellers i got an ammo box because you know what do you need to do to get them oh that's the good news like we're going to be up and running in like three hours oh my god look at all the wood it's so much wood [Music] yeah man nice to meet you guys have a good day i need to go get tools and then i need to use the tools on the boat all right i'm literally gonna [ __ ] you up sam you try that [ __ ] again act like an [ __ ] first thing in the morning charging at me imagine sam comes at me and i taste them [Music] um all right so it's this one that wasn't pissing [Music] [ __ ] hate this [Music] this is what i'm replacing but look at all that i don't know why they gave me this they get this is like one quarter the size of which i need hey chad this is patrick i just got some impellers from you [Music] i think one of the biggest downfalls in our [ __ ] society that people don't know how to work on [ __ ] engines if society crumbles you all better be ready to fix your own stuff because mechanics are not going to be there to you know autozone's going to be closed now it's beautiful kyle ready to go back in the water yeah it seems even worse than before oh bueno that's disappointing well what are you gonna do with that the new development of that castle nut being loosed right that would decrease the power because now the [ __ ] crop is doing this right that's the vibration bro [Music] all right are we off to you always ask me that same question well it's time to put this boat in the water and see if she's fixed no [ __ ] idea if it's fixed no idea if it's not but i know that at least the rumbling is going to be done we're going to get on those [ __ ] ways i'm going to go find these connex boxes because pretty soon they'll be too far away i'm not going to make any goddamn money it's a freaking rat race [Music] how are we looking no no alarms no i have trouble telling if the engines are fixed at this point well it's because you don't know dick about boats kyle i'm just being honest yeah that's fine we're going to see if the vibrating problem went down which i'm 99.999 sure that's done and if that vibrating goes down we might not get that error again it still doesn't explain why that's not pissing out how's it sounding not super great [Music] here's brendan [Music] pass fail hard fail bro [Music] hard fail could it be with that house [Music] battery oh kyle i just don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh some people check their crab pots overnight what the [ __ ] does that mean kyle hi hello how's it going how are you good well god damn oh [ __ ] ah [Music] [Music] much less damage than those two cars yeah all right you're good to go uh we got uh tire pressure you might have uh ripped up your back rear tire what do you mean your rear right uh it was shredded up looking a little bit low shredded like you were shredding it on that uh ram metal ramp all right i'll take a look at it so now we're gonna go put the wall [ __ ] now we're gonna figure out if the patrol boat even works and what's going on there and uh hold on incase just messaged me they want a picture of the front bumper the tire is shredded bro it's got a lot like a [ __ ] gash right down it but it's run flat so i'm not worried about it what are we up to going back to see if the boat's ready and there she is over there in there in indiana yeah already like we're gonna make a man hi pretty lady yeah she did oh damn all that down there too more damage yeah bad not too bad i ran over a couple cars so your grand total is 2 243.95 oh i was right on the money you were you were right there so we're going to be able to get it in the water today yeah we're going to go put in the water right now and get it through the break could it be great success hold on pull it out of a kind of tight area here i'm used to putting big things in small places because i have a big truck [Music] [Music] [Music] we should probably [Music] [Music] so feels great [Music] decency is kyle we're good not bad [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] oh my god look at all that wood it's like a nest of wood it's a different type oh look at that chopped up getting closer [Music] can you mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 1,930,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo
Id: 14ZH3crq7mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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