I Cooked with Chocolate Easter Eggs!

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you may have seen me using these kitchen gadgets for eggs in previous videos well today with easter looming we're swapping out real eggs with chocolate eggs we're going to make some sticky gooey treats but first i want to see if any of these gadgets can be used with chocolate eggs i'm using these cream eggs because once you've broken through the outer chocolate shell you get to a delicious egg white and yolk center but you could use any chocolate egg we'll start by seeing if it's possible to use this eggshell cutting tool to take the top off my chocolate egg the first thing i noticed is the egg is significantly smaller than a real egg it looks tiny in this egg cup and when i try the gadget the egg sticks inside it's hardly surprising really the gadget hasn't broken the chocolate although it did make a small impression the other type of gadget i used previously does the same job but it works a bit differently but when i tried it with the chocolate egg it wouldn't work because the egg is so small it just fitted right up inside but let's try the automatic egg cracker the idea is we put an egg in here and when we squeeze the handle it cracks the egg open and splits the shell in too it works really well with raw eggs but let's give it a try with this chocolate one all it did was score up the outside of the egg and make a mess so the gadgets didn't really work but let's try doing some chocolate egg cooking we all know what a poached egg is and there's various ways of doing it but how's it best to poach a chocolate egg well i decided to do it in milk let's try making the ultimate easter egg hot chocolate so i heated up some milk in a saucepan and i made sure it was really hot but do be careful it doesn't boil over i'm also adding a little bit of drinking chocolate to get us started i could have added the egg into the saucepan but i thought it would be nice to serve it in the mug so i poured the milk in make sure you don't fill it too high then take a chocolate egg and i'm putting it into this little strainer so i can lower it down into the mug [Music] leave it to poach for a minute or so and dip it in and out so the chocolate starts dripping down into the drink i'm taking a spoon and you can see it's completely melted if you like you could start eating it like this [Music] or mash it through the strainer and mix it into the drink it's really satisfying and there's now a whole cream egg in this drink pretty cool huh chocolate poached eggs are great fun and they taste delicious you may have seen me previously make mini fried eggs which i served on toast there's a link to this video in the description but i thought we should try and see if we can do something similar with chocolate eggs i started by trying to slice up an egg with a knife but as i cut it it just crushed the chocolate and made a mess so i heated up an old knife on the gas hob and used that to kind of melt and cut through slices of the egg and it worked quite well you might have to reheat the blade in between slices but it did work you can cut slices pretty evenly and it melted to the chocolate too i placed them onto some nice warm toast cut the rest into slices and there's our chocolate egg on toast and because it's all nice and warm we can actually spread it and layer it over the toast it's pretty decadent but it tastes really good a nice alternative to nutella i just want to say a massive thank you to all my subscribers and my channel members i really appreciate all your support and if you'd like more information about memberships you can click the drawing button or there's a link in the description for the next one instead of making hard-boiled eggs i'm gonna try making battered deep-fried eggs so i filled a pan half full with oil and gently heated it up while it was heating i made the batter i mixed together one cup full of flour a teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt then slowly poured in half a cup of milk and half a cup of water whisk it until it's nice and smooth and there's no lumps then i placed in the chocolate egg i'm actually doing two make sure they're well coated in the batter then carefully lower them into the hot oil do be careful it doesn't spit i'm leaving them until they're golden brown which only took a minute or two and when they're done i scooped them out and left them to cool for a few minutes and they look amazing the batter has actually worked pretty well and if i give it a little squeeze you can see it's actually a bit soft in the center so i carefully ripped it open [Music] and out dripped the fondant it's an amazing warm gooey surprise treat and the batter holds it all together really well [Music] they're amazing to just bite into i really like omelettes and you can make a really simple one by whisking together a couple of eggs and pouring them into a pan then scatter over some toppings and leave it to cook for a few minutes but what about chocolate egg omelet let's give it a go so this time i'm cracking the egg with a knife and putting it in the pan i'm doing two eggs again and heating them on a very gentle heat but i'm also gonna smash them up a little bit more with this fork it looks a right mess at the moment but let's see what happens as it warms i'm gonna add a handful of these mini marshmallows as a topping so i scattered them over the eggs and you can see the chocolate has now melted i gave it another half minute then tried serving it up it was quite difficult but i was just able to kind of slide it out of the pan and onto a plate and there's our chocolate mess i mean chocolate omelette it might not look the best but as you'd expect it tastes pretty amazing especially with the melted marshmallows [Music] so if you're having an omelet for main course you might be wanting something sweet for pudding i'm making chocolate fudge cream egg brownies and to keep things simple i'm using this packet mix it's so easy to make just tip the packet into a mixing bowl add in water and oil and an egg and mix it all together when you're done it should be quite a thick mixture then spread it out across a baking tray so where do the chocolate eggs come in well i'm chopping them in half right down the center and i'm doing three all together then place them into the brownie mixture sony side up like this and bake them in the oven as per the instructions when they're ready this is what we got it looks pretty amazing and without even letting them cool i'm digging one out straight away and i'm serving it with ice cream what a treat the fondant center is kind of warm and sticky the whole thing is just amazing i hope you've enjoyed watching this video if you want to see more you can click on the links or take a look at my youtube channel page stay safe have fun and as always thanks for watching
Channel: DaveHax
Views: 5,264,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking ideas, Simple cooking, Easter eggs, chocolate eggs, Kitchen Gadgets, Chocolate recipe, cooking recipe, Simple Kitchen, Egg ideas, Easter Ideas, Chocolate surprise, Chocolate Easter, cooking video, recipes, simple food, egg hacks, Dave Hax, chocolate egg, Easter egg, creme egg, cream egg, how to cook, how to make
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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