I Changed My Mind

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hey everyone Anthony fantano here and guess what we're talking about on this channel today music specifically opinions about music specifically an old opinion on an older album that's about 10 years uh in the world at this point that would be the Porter Robinson record worlds yes a decade ago producer and songwriter Mr Porter Robinson made impact on the world of EDM with his debut full length LP worlds since then he has been celebrated as one of the more creative minds to come out of the scene in the modern era even if his presence has been a little touch and go because it took him about 7 years to actually follow this album up uh with the record nurture in 2021 and an album that was actually one of my favorites of that year this record saw Porter applying a lot of these driving dance grooves and epic condensed cynthy crescendos two cuter dreamier and more Heavenly pallets of instrumentation the gentle and glitchy Electronics the Lush Arrangements the minimalist piano repetitions all over wind tempos for example still sounds amazing to this day additionally I enjoyed the loving hopeful and idyllic lyrics that played out on on a lot of the vocal performances and treatments on the record it was a very pretty and moving album to say the least now up until nurtures released my review of Porter's debut had been a Hot Topic among fans who had caught it and demands to re-review the album or asks to uh see if my views on it have changed at all since it came out I have only increased since my positive review of nurture dropped my review at the time was not my harshest but it certainly was unforgiving to a degree you could say I gave it a classic fantano dress down and slapped it with a strong five so now it's been a decade and recently I've been doing some revisits to uh reviews that are you know around that age and just kind of seeing if uh I feel the same way especially uh the takes that people seem to have strong opinions on over the years so I figured why not worlds and I Revisited the album and honestly I can say I'm not feeling as aesthetically grossed out as I know I was at the time when I first gave this album a shot there are still some things about the record that I find to be a turnoff some very stereotypically bricked out mixes that U honestly are pretty claustrophobic uh make it feel difficult uh to breathe or find any space between the layers of instrumentation on it uh maybe polygon dust is the worst offender some of the vocal performances and breaks I found still to be a little overly dramatic uh namely on fellow feeling I cry for all that is beautiful some of the more anthemic synth leads on the record are reminiscent of artists that uh much of the time I would rather be listening to uh be that like MGMT or uh even some M83 off of the song Fresh static snow we also get very big daff Punk Vibes and to kind of take it back to the vocals on the record I'm not crazy about a lot of the guests on the album personally maybe I was more harsh on uh the singing on this album at the time now I've reached more a point of neutrality or I can even be sold on it a little bit if I think the tune is good but yeah I just think a lot of the performances on this thing don't have a lot of Personality outside of sounding very smooth and Youthful and kind of tapping into this vague sense of melancholy and onwe and even when you do get something quirkier on the vocal side like with with the uh uh chops all throughout the song flicker uh they feel more like a near novelty but still even with all of that I'm here to say uh that I think off the bat I was a little harsh on the record maybe because in retrospect it's easier to not feel as repulsed instantly by uh the air of EDM this album came out of could be a rose-colored glasses sort of thing the album has certainly held up better than a lot of the cheaper and more commercial stuff uh on that side of things on top of it did enjoy nurture quite a bit I mean loved it in fact obviously and I think going back to this LP it's easier now to hear the aspects of nurture that were essentially born out of this album and you know kind of see more in it generally I did find myself enjoying this record more than I know I did when I originally reviewed it and I have more positive things to say the opening track is killer the grooves the gigantic drums the squawking synthesizer leads are all attention ground grabbing the shimmery and Blissful vocal Bridge goes over very well too there's also sad machine which I think might be the cutest and most adorable song on this entire thing and while yeah I could see a more cynical version of myself uh throwing up at you know one listen to this now in older me can appreciate it for being as uh pretty and endearing as it is with its big Coral builds and harp arpeggios meanwhile years of war is every bit as much a lush and soaring stunner flicker that I mentioned earlier while there are some aspects of this track I just think are okay there is a Groove to The Punchy drums and little guitar chops and thick synthesizer layers that I can't deny also I'm not usually into the uh cheery bright upbeat Indie Summer Jam Anthem Vibes that I think uh the song hear the bells is tapping into but I think with more of an electronic backing with uh these like retro gaming synthesizers in the background on the intro all the buzzing walls of bass and synth cords it works a lot better overall as a formula plus the instrumental pallets and the build on sea of voices is genuinely breathtaking uh still to this day and I could see how that really kind of set the stage for much of what would happen on nurture and while yeah still I'm not crazy about the spoken word passages and pacing on fellow feeling some of the darker heavier more abrasive bits of the track uh do include some genuinely cool and interesting sound design and lastly goodbye to a world is a very respectable closer as well and certainly does a better job of Ty things up emotionally and thematically then a great deal of albums operating in this genre Lane at the time which again I think contributes to this record uh aging much better than a lot of its competition in the early and mid-20s so yeah at this point I think I have warmed up on the record a bit I was more dismissive of it than I should have been and while I can't say I love it at this point I should have seen more potential in it at the time when it dropped than I did and those are the thoughts I'm going to leave you with on This Record uh 10 years later thank you very much for watching uh let me know in the comments what you think of this album has your opinion on it shifted uh at all over the past 10 years did you love it then and you still love it now how does it compare to nurture for you how does it compareed to Modern electronic dance music across the board over here next to my head is another video that you can check out hit that up or a link to subscribe to the channel Anthony fantana Porter Robinson worlds forever
Channel: fantano
Views: 196,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, anthony fantano, needle drop, porter robinson, worlds, album, debut, songs, pop, electronic, edm, indie, lyrics, reaction, review, redux, nurture
Id: Ikr8l1v5nwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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