"I Changed My Mind & My Reality Changed!" | (Full Neville Goddard) Lecture

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what do you want to do tonight the same thing we do every night pinky try to take over the world you should find tonight a very practical night something that you can test take it home tonight and prove it you'll take it from scripture but something first i think with which you're all familiar if you took a piece of steel that's magnetized it does not differ in substance from the demagnetized piece of steel only in its arrangement of its molecules the rich man the poor man the beggar man the thief are not different minds but simply different arrangements of the same mind there is only god in this world so when you say i am and i say i am it's the same god but we have arranged the structure of our mind differently we have different concepts of self and that's all but not one is better because he is richer than the one who is poor these are only different arrangements of the structure of the mind now scripture tells us and i'm quoting now the book of james the epistle of james james is really a letter of jacob the word james and jacob are identical in hebrew greek and in the arabic town the same word so when they begin james a servant of god and the lord jesus christ to the 12 tribes in the dispersion you can see it once it's simply a christian revision of this jewish letter it's the letter of jacob and if you read it carefully only twice to the insert say jesus christ our lord all the others the 11 other times it is simply god the lord is god not christ so here it is really the servant of the lord speaking and he's giving us some fantastic instruction and very practical instruction now listen to it carefully i never quote from the very first chapter of the book of james the doers of the world and not hearers only for he who is a hearer and not a doer is like a man who observes his natural face in the mirror then goes his way and at once forget what he is like but he who looks into the perfect law the law of liberty and perseverance he will be blessed in his doing now how do i look into the law the perfect law which sets me free the law of liberty i look into my mind i'm now imprisoned i've heard the sentence i know exactly how long i'm supposed to serve now i look into the law of liberty in my mind and i assume that i am free i'm set free how i am not concerned who brought it about i am not concerned i simply look into the perfect law the law of liberty and i dare to assume that i am free if i dare to assume that i am free i rearranged the structure of my mind the same mind that heard the sentence that i accepted when i heard it now i do not accept it i look into the perfect law the law of liberty and if as i'm told in scripture i persevere then i will actually receive that which i am doing i must not forget what i have done and seek this night as though i am in prison for if i am now set free where would i sleep let me know exactly where would i sleep well dare to assume that i am sleeping there now if i sleep in the assumption that i am free i am not in jail even though the bars are there i don't see them close my eyes against them as blake tells us man's perceptions are not bonded by organs of perception he perceives more than since so ever acute can discover and so reason or the ratio of all that we already know is not the same that it shall be when we know more if i take this tonight and test it and it proves itself in the testing but then i have added to my knowledge and so i know more than before i tested it and so when i find myself up against something that seems beyond solution i have found something that can solve it all i have to do is to rearrange the structure of my mind so i dare to assume that i am the man that i would be and sleep as though i am that's the rearrangement of that structure of the mind i'm the same being i'm neville i know exactly those that i knew before but now i know them differently i know them now as a freed man but i must not be a of what i heard in scripture i must be a doer i must do it so be not a doer only be a doer in the full sense of the word so that i actually i'll do it and persist the word is persevere in scripture the first chapter the 22nd to the 25th verses of the epistle of james so i will simply do it and though tomorrow i am confronted with the obvious facts of life that i'm still in prison it still doesn't matter i did it i am doing it and i will continue to do it until that which i have done is perfectly externalized within my world i am telling you this from experience i know it if you go to jail and you say five to ten years all right you know five years and maybe you get off in six for good behavior but when you are drafted into the army there is no date that you are promised where they let you out you are in for the duration well i was drafted into the army with 17 million dollars but i didn't ask the permission of anyone i only consult consulted myself i looked around i knew what the world knew it was something that had to be done but i must be honest with myself i didn't want any part of it but no part of it others would tell me is that the act of a coward i didn't care what they said is that being a good citizen i didn't care what they said i just said earlier what we now know which is called reason it's a reasonable thing to do we're at war and we're all americans and we should be going there because our country has declared war go in there and fight and so reason tells us that should be done i was drafted i did not oppose it they drafted me took me down to camp hook louisiana for my base training and while i was there i didn't want any part of it and i dared to assume that i am out of it and made my normal natural application as you have to do in the world of caesar within 24 hours it came back and it was simply rejected it was signed disapproved and signed by my colonel a very nice gentleman his name was colonel theodore bilbo jr his father was senator of mississippi i said nothing my captain said for your sake goddard i am very very sorry i know exactly how you feel you want to be with your wife and your little girl your son is in guadalcanal with the marines and you are now almost 38. and so i know but i would like to go through this war with a man just like you at my side so i can say that i am sorry for myself i'm sorry only for you i didn't say one word to him to the colonel i didn't oppose it that was the decision of caesar now i looked into the perfect law the law of liberty and i persevered in that law and i slept that night as though i slept in my own home in new york city on washington square where i lived on the seventh floor i lived in that floor and it was a very large apartment two bedrooms a lovely big living room a dining room a huge kitchen and the foyer and i stepped in that place just as though i was there not in the army i fell asleep in that state having done all the normal things that would make me feel this arrangement is perfect i rearrange the structure of my mind instead of seeing 25 men around me sleeping upstairs and knowing that 25 was down below in the next area i slept in my own bed with my wife in her bed and my little girl in her crib in the corner i felt everything in that place just as though it's taking place and i rearranged the structure of my mind and fell soundly in that state at four o'clock in the morning here comes a sheet of paper before my eye and a hand from here down with a pen in its hand and the paint scratched out the word disapproved and it wrote in in a bold script approved and then i've heard the word that which i have done i have done do nothing and then i woke it was too early to disturb the 25 other fellas sleeping there but i waited into the very first moment that i could leave that room went down to the latrine and shaved and bathed early and came up filled with the glow that the whole thing was done all i walked to that assumption for the next nine days nine days later the same colonel that disapproved my request called me in he closed the door guarded so i closed the door he said take a seat but i never asked me to take a seat in his presence before i was a private you always stood in his presence to take a seat and then he gave me all the reasons in the world why i should still be in the army if you still want to get out i said yes sir give me another reason you still want to get out then yes sir another one when he exhausted all the reasons why i should be in the army and i'm still saying yes sir said all right bring me another application have your captain sign it which i did that day i was honorably discharged and out of the army i didn't run away i was honorably discharged when vision breaks forth into speech the presence of deity is there and who can oppose god so that which i have done i have done do nothing so he thought he initiated the urge to let me go free i looked into the perfect law the law of liberty and i persevered in that law and he played his spot for i rearranged the structure of my mind i was convinced i wanted out and i didn't ask anyone's permission i did not discuss it with one as that why i should want out when 17 million men are being drafted plus numberless girls to make a tremendous effort against this monstrous thing that was in europe i still wanted out i did not take anyone into my confidence as to why i wanted out i had my 13 weeks basic training and then when i came out they gave me my citizen papers and became i could have been back in 1922 i could have been an american but i just didn't have the time or the urge to get around to it to become a citizen so i drifted on and drifted on and drifted on and finally after this little episode that's why i went into the army for i would still be drifting through and being a citizen of britain but now i am an american by adoption and they gave it to me because i did fulfill a 13-week training course in the american army so i tell you i know from experience how true this statement in james is read it carefully the doers of the word are not hearers only deceiving yourself for he who is a hearer of the word are not a doer he is like one who looks into who looks into the mirror and sees his natural face and then he goes away and at once forgets what he looks like but he who is a doer he looks into the perfect law the law of liberty and perseverance and when he does that he is blessed in his doing that is acting making the thing become alive within you now he tells us in the same chapter faith without works is dead as the body apart from the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead he is not proposing that i substitute works for faith works are the evidence whether the faith i profess is alive or dead i say i believe the story of scripture well then if i believe it then do it said whatever you desire believe you have received and you shall well if i really believe that i can't say i believe by quoting the apostles creed that's not belief going to church and genuflecting before some men made little cross that's not scripture do you really believe the doctrines the teachings of scripture not the traditions of men not the rituals not the outer ceremonies but the teachings of scripture when you pray believe that you have received and you will and all things are possible to him who believes but do i believe that well then believe it if i really believe i am out of the army what and where would i be well i will get home in my place a thousand miles away on washington square if i look through the window i will see the holly apartments if i look to the left i will see washington square if i look to the right i will see six avenue it's now called the avenue of the americas but then and still is to me raised as i was there it's still six avenue to me and there i will look at six of you well i did that that night i saw six allen i saw washington square and then i went through the entire apartment and touched these objects with my imaginary hands now was that rational the world will say that was the most irrational thing that one can do now what is reason the office of reason is simply to extract well conclusions from premises must my premises always be based upon the evidence of my senses must they always dictate what is rational to me but having done this and proven it to be a fact reason doesn't mean to me what it means to the world for there was sleep in the army and i wrote a friend of mine who was a freudian and he practiced psychiatry in new york city he was drafted he was an englishman too and he was dressed and he was off in florida a man my age and so when i got out knowing exactly what i did i wrote him a detailed letter telling him what i did and how to do it no he was a freudian and that was something that didn't make sense to him to him the whole thing was centered in sex not in this use of the imagination through life he didn't answer my letter i got out in 1943 in the spring in the month of april or was it march march or april of 1943. it drafted me november the 19th 1942 and i got out in march 1943 when the war was over and all the other fellas were being discharged he was discharged and he said to me afterwards you know neville i love to come to your lectures and to hear you because it's interesting it's fearing you turn my dirty braid into the substance of failing but while i listen to you know what i do i put my feet right down into the carpet and i hold on to the sides of the chair to keep my sense of the reality and the profundity of things where he kept on holding his little cop in the army for another three years because he couldn't let go and put himself where he wanted to be so i am telling you how it's done i am telling you how it's done from my own experience that my perceptions are not necessarily blinded by organs of perception i perceive more than saints no matter how acute they are could discover my senses couldn't discover what i am seeing only in my imagination could it be done i'm seeing the holly apartments i am seeing sixth avenue i am seeing union square i am seeing the bait my wife my child i hadn't seen them in three months what they're all there i didn't bring sex into it no i didn't go to bathe with her there she was the girl i loved she wasn't her own baby and i in my own bed we have twin beds and my little girl was then just over a year she was born not quite a year she's born in june of 1942 and this was not yet june of so she was not yet a hero here's my sweet little child vicky in her bed and i walked through the entire thing and touched all the objects and felt them so normal and so natural came back to my bait and slept in it if anyone were sensitive in that room to see me sleeping there i was so natural to myself to see me actually sleeping there and then the next day he had a change of mind but he couldn't act upon it he was resisting that change but that which i have done i have done do nothing so he resisted it for nine days and then he called me in and told me to bring a new application which i did and that day i was out so i tell you how it works this is the most practical law in the world he looks into the perfect law the law of liberty well doesn't that liberate you if you look into the law of liberty then what are you now the man the woman you really want to be but then you're in prison though you're not behind bars you are imprisoned by your present concept you're not behind bars you're going to go home tonight and sleep as the woman as the man you really don't want to be so you are in prison now looking to the perfect law the law of liberty and persevere do not only be a hearer of what to do do it and you will be blessed in the doing that's what scripture teaches go home and read it i am not misquoting i am quoting accurately from the epistle of james in the new testament and this is the story that i'm trying to tell everyone in the world he said i am not in prison no you're not in prison not physically but you are imprisoned you may today need money and you say offer i'm still not like the fellows who are behind in the same thing all right you're not behind jail doors but you are still behind behind right behind in this and the dunning notes from all the places where you charge you are behind bars you can't seem to find the necessary sum to pay them all right look into the perfect law of liberty that's the perfect law well how do i do it rearrange the structure of your mind the demagnetized piece of steel does not differ in substance from the magnetized only the arrangement of its molecules and then one lifts up enormous weights when it's completely one pointed when all these molecules face one direction it's a powerhouse the other is captured so let not the double-minded man thinks that he will in any way received from the lord your toe the same first chapter if the double-minded man comes who is unstable in all his ways that he not think you'll receive anything from the lord what can you give a man who doesn't know what he wants i've gone into a restaurant just to prove this principle sat down said to the waiter what would you like for a tip and he's embarrassed i said to my friend i'll give him buddy once within reason i'm not going to give him any hundred dollar bill but i'll give him if he sends me a five dollar bill he didn't order that which warranted a five dollar bill and he was embarrassed and embarrassed and embarrassed and all he expected was respectively what he got he just didn't know he just had no concept of putting something because he didn't know it so how could he put it to the test so i am telling you you rearrange the structure of your mind that's all you do it doesn't differ from einstein's mind it's only one mind there's only one god there's only one lord listen to it one body one spirit one hope one lord one faith one baptism one god and father of us all who is above all through all and in all if he's in you that's the same one with the one body the one spirit so i'm not using a different mind it's the same mind but differently arranged go into one room and you see that someone doesn't know what to do with their furniture bring somebody who knows how to set a room come back an hour later after she's through with it and you will think you're in this entirely different home my wife used to pull that on me all the time i come home and think i've stopped into the i just stepped into this entirely strange apartment and wonder if i'm really at home and she was hiding some other place she completely rearranged the structure of the furniture it looked like an entirely different home but she had that sense how to do it and so she did it so with what you have all you need is exactly what you have for you have the mind of god it's not a different mind the same mind and you simply rearrange the mind by a mere assumption what would the feeling be like were it true that i am now the man that i want to be now the woman that i want to be but you're it's added but persevere you must persevere in it if i call you now and you answer one thing but will you respond an hour later to the same call then if you persevere you will if now an hour later you think of yourself as you now when you dare to assume that you are now the man that you want to be an hour later are you still assuming that state if you're not you're not persevering you are the hero who looked into the mirror with his natural face and he saw it then he went his way and at once forgot what he looked like so if one hour from now you are not still assuming that you are the man that you want to be you are forgotten you are the hearer and not the doer and he warns us of the vast difference between being a hearer and being a doer the doer acts god only acts and is in existing beings or men so bear in mind that your wonderful world is not bonded by your senses you perceive far far more than your sense no matter how acute it is could discover your senses can't discover but now you're capable of assuming that you are your senses dictate what reason will allow and your reason your senses are bummed together go beyond it for what you now know from experience what you know from the past will not be what you will know when you know more than you now know but having done it and proven it i know more than i did when i was bundy by my senses when i couldn't get out of a certain island on time to meet a commitment in milwaukee i knew what i did in the army i simply applied the identical things and i got out well it was a long long waiting list thousands waiting for all the islands and only two little ships not big ships two small little ships one carrying out more than 60 yard passengers and one carrying 120 and thousands waiting and they only came once a month into the island one every 32 days and one every three and a half weeks how long would it take to get them all out i didn't ask anyone a favor didn't ask my brother who was a powerful businessman in the island he criticized me for not arranging passage back to america when i left america that's the place where you should have done it that's the powerhouse of the world new york city that's where all these things are done and you dare to leave new york city when you could arrange a round trip and you come here on a one-way ticket well i didn't ask any favors of him or any phrase of any any member of the family i simply did exactly what i did in the army and in 24 hours i was called by the alcoa company and given my passage over thousands who are waiting this is my concern why she did it or why someone else didn't get it in preference so my my my name was done at the very bottom i wasn't at the top i'm at the bottom of the list it isn't my concern i look into the perfect law the law of liberty and i persevered i sat in a chair in my hotel room and there i sat in the chair and assumed i am next to the boat i'm climbing up the gangplank that's before we had a deep water harbor so you had to go off the seal up maybe a half mile or a mile to see on a little tender and then take the gangplank and go up to the ship so i felt myself bobbing as you would on the ocean and then moving up the gangplank i could smell the rawness of the sea got up to the top my mind wandered i brought it back them again and did it all over again it wandered brought it back down again kept on doing it over and over until finally i did it i fell some asleep sitting in the chair in the act of doing next day alcor calls me and gives me my passage for my wife and my little girl so i'm telling you from experience it doesn't fail but we must not simply be hearers of the word we must be doers of the word for if you are a hearer are not a doer you deceive yourself he tells you for we are the opera in power this law doesn't operate itself it doesn't care if you're good bad or indifferent look around the world who would think that tonight someone serving life sentence in our jail is the same mine that sits in the white house who will think the one who sits now in the vatican that mine of the pope is the same mind of the one who is groveling on his belly trying to kiss his hand so on sunday it'll be palm sunday and they'll do all these things on palm sunday the holy bombs and then comes friday then comes sunday and all this will go on and have all the show fabulous show and he who is being born on the backs of strong strapping men does not differ from those who are his slaves bearing him the same mind but they have rearranged their mind to be slaves and he has arranged his mind to be the father to be papa the great pope say mine there is only one mind in the world there aren't two minds that's why i can tell you i know that when he stands before you he will know you as his father and you will know him as your son and because i know him as my son are we not one mind are we not one being when the same being who called me father will one day call you father are we not the same how the same mind the same spirit the same body without loss of identity so i'm telling you tonight try it try it every moment of time you know tonight what you want to be i don't care what you want to be is simply a rearrangement of the mind and you rearrange the mind not through any study in any uh so effort is simply a mere assumption what do i want to be get it clear in my mind's eye well they'll assume that i am it listen to the words in the book of joel let the weak man say i am strong let the weak man say i am strong that's in the book of joel jehovah god that's what the word would mean joel you're called upon when you are dumb to assume that you're exactly what you want to be not done because you don't want to be there you want to be as free as the wind or assume that you are may i tell you in a way that no one knows you'll become it but you must persevere and the word perseverance is true if i don't believe it for the one second later i've turned back to my former state and become once more locked white the pillar of salt salt is a preservative in the old days the only way to preserve something is assaulting not so long ago when i was a little boy we caught fish an enormous quantity of fish because we didn't have these enormous pleats catching our fish so we had fish to burn literally burn if they didn't get them get in before say three o'clock in the afternoon what did they have they could either put it onto the dung heap and make done out of it or clean it up and salt it so they cleaned it up and salted it would keep inductively for we had no refrigeration so you salted the fish now we could have salt flying fish if you wanted it that way but fish that were not consumed by sundown was discarded use it for bait the next day or use it in the donkey fertilize the fields with it so saul is a preservative so when lot's wife was turned to salt she turned back and went back to her former state and that is all that it means you look back and became a pillar of salt you turned back to the state you said you will leave behind you and looking back you were salty you are preserved in it so turn away from what you really want to be turn back you're going to be salted in it so i ask you to leave what you are unless you like what you are the portions of what you are today that you like all right wonderful there are other portions that you do not like well you don't have to give up everything in your living room when you rearrange the structure of it certain pieces that you'll keep you may change this location but you'll keep it the same thing is true with the structure of the mind you keep certain things and you let other things go take trains in your world who are not doing well rearrange them in your mind's eye and they're doing well so put that part of the structure in your mind's eye rearrange the entire structure and dare to assume that it's true and walk in that assumption and that assumption though at the moment is denied by reason and denied by your senses if you persevere in it it will harden into fact this is the law of scripture that i came not to abolish but to fulfill the jewish law and the jewish prophets for there was no other scripture in the first century but the jewish scriptures so the word jew is not placed before it to qualify but the only scripture that he knew he came to fulfill the jewish law he reinterpreted the law psychologically and show them exactly how it's done so go out and do not abolish anything simply fulfill it fulfill the law and fulfill the prophets the prophets when they're fulfilled that's done by sheer grace that comes that comes by promise and no one's going to stop it may i tell you but you could go on living in a state that you do not wish in this world but in spite of that you will still receive the promise because it isn't given to the one who was rich and deny the one who is full but why remain poor and bat your head out morning noon and night against the inevitable blows in this world i hope you do not wish money for the sake of money but if you need money well then apply this law what would the feeling be like if it were true that i was now free of this pressure free of me dare to assume that you are and then persist in that assumption and that assumption will harden into reality so this is my lesson tonight i think you found it a very practical one but i must remind you you can either be the hearer of what you heard tonight and not the doer it is my hope that you will be the doer of what you heard tonight that when you leave her you leave her in the assumption not wait until you get home leave here in the assumption that you are already the man the woman that you want to be and then between here and home think of the man that you have assumed that you are and that that assumption spring in your mind constantly you are that man go to bed in that assumption maybe this night has indeed with me in the army something will come and a voice will speak and when vision breaks forth into speech the presence of deity is assured and maybe you will have confirmation that what you have dare to assume is i know in my case it came that way but it will come whether it breaks forth into speech or not if you persist in the assumption if you love you are creators become a five dollar patreon member and receive exclusive affirmations audios audio downloads and so much more
Channel: YouAreCreators
Views: 450,177
Rating: 4.9120474 out of 5
Keywords: youarecreators, Law Of Attraction, Justin Perry, Neville Goddard, Reality, neville goddard lectures, neville goddard audio books, neville goddard revision, neville goddard full lecture
Id: oWMehMCDxS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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