I change the recipe of PICANHA and this happened!

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there's one specific thing that I have specialized on and that is cooking steaks I've cooked so many steaks so many different ways that I can tell you one thing steaks is the best thing in the world and my number one question is Google which steak is the best steak well at least to me it's this now whenever you're cooking it I recommended you keeping it traditional and that is to season it with salt only and nothing else however today we're going to be doing something completely different giving it a spicy Citrus flavor and to prepare it it's super simple and here's how the first thing we want to do is to remove the silver skin in the back sometimes it comes with it and sometimes it doesn't we're getting a nice sharp knife makes quick work just remember to try to remove the least amount of meat as possible once that's done the next thing to do is to cut it into steaks and as you can clearly see the grain is running this direction for steaks and steaks only you want to cut it with the grain first that's because your final cut will be against the grain I like to do mine one and a half inches thick cutting it fat side down makes everything easier because once I was done take a look they are almost perfect now here's one thing I highly recommend you doing it you want to keep the amount of fat that you want to eat as you can see I am lightly trimming it I like to leave about a quarter inch to me that seems the perfect ratio as once I was done take a look perfectly trimmed pecanas ready to be cooked sous-vide now this is a wonderful steak I like to say that it has the texture of filet mignon but the flavor of ribeye it's just perfect and if you've never had it you should now since we have several steaks this is how I'm gonna prepare them the first plate I'm gonna be keeping it really traditional for that I only season it with salt and nothing else now notice that I'm seasoning it with a good amount that's what you want especially because there's nothing else being seasoned with now once it was fully seasoned the next thing to do is to go ahead and throw it in the bag vacuum sealed it and it is now ready for sous vide the second one on the other hand we're going to be doing something very different and that is to make this incredible marinade which has a good amount of citrus and it's also spicy and to make it it's super easy and here's how first with our Citrus I added a good amount of Tangerine now it is extremely important for you to make sure that you do not have any seeds if you do it will make it bitter I've actually done a complete experiment about seasoning with seeds that is a no-go so make sure to have it nice and clean now the next thing to do is to add some kojan Korean chili paste followed by Ginger paste garlic paste apple cider vinegar soy sauce a good amount of salt followed by black pepper now blend everything on high and your marinade is done now it does not get any easier than that and hopefully this is gonna make the pikaya taste incredible that is to be determined real shortly as the next thing to do is to go ahead and vacuum seal it and it is now ready for sous vide talking about that I'll be cooking both of them at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for two and a half hours and I cannot wait to find out how they're gonna taste as that was cooking it was perfect because it allowed me time to go ahead and make a quick side dish and if you love cheese this one is for you now to make it it is ridiculously easy and here's how the first thing to do is to process some cheese today I'm going with mozzarella and feta cheese everything goes into the food processor blend it on high and it's now ready as you can see they're fully grated which is perfect because we want them to melt quickly now for the dough I'm going to be using puff pastry for that the first thing to do is to go ahead and stretch it out then I grab the cheese and compact it in my hand just like this squeezing the cheese and adding it to the edges makes it incredible talking about that the next thing to do is to go ahead and roll the dough right on top of the cheese then I repeated the same process on the other side pinched the edges and open up a pocket so that I can add even more cheese but first I decided to transfer to a baking sheet with some parchment paper and went ahead and added more of that wonderful cheese we just made now I was being extremely generous with it like they say the more cheese the batter once that was done I painted the edges with some egg wash this will ensure to get a nice color into it as the next step is to go ahead and throw it in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes once the time was up I took it out using a fork I made a little well then I added one egg yolk and mixed it with the melty cheese as now the only thing left is to go ahead and put it on a cutting board slice it up and you are left with this an incredibly easy to make side dish that is just awesome especially if you are a cheese lover just like me this is ridiculously easy to make and hopefully it's gonna taste as good as it looks because by this time my steaks were fully cooked so I went ahead and opened up the bag set it on a cooling rack so that it can drain all of the marinade now just like every sous vide steak the most important thing is to pet it dry if not you won't be able to get a good sear this is extremely important as now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and put a nice beautiful sear on it because I know exactly what you're thinking I know my sticks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] foreign [Music] everybody here we got our beautiful steaks a little side dish are you guys hungry oh you're hungry how about you Leo very hungry has been a while since I had some steaks and this feels weird Google it doesn't feel right why it's sous-vide and we're out and we're Outdoors what's going on everybody we are outside I'll tell you one thing happy New Year everybody happy New Year that's right May 2023 be the best year for all of us oh yeah as you guys can see we got pikaya here I just really want to know your honest opinion tell me if it's good bad or ugly if there's anything different or not let us know sounds good starting the new year off right with some pecania huh damn right all right enough talking let's go for it please dig in we're gonna go this one first guys you cannot go wrong with picanya if you've never had it highly recommend it this is so soft it is enough talking and let's give it a try cheers everybody cheers New Year same deliciousness that is a damn good steak right there that's good right yeah I had a head because I am my entire life everybody it does not get old how do you describe to kind of somebody that never had it perfect right into their eyes this is extra extra tender extremely juicy this is just a damn good control steak right here without that being said I say this one is delicious are we doing the orange or is it it's decorative orange so it's not Orange it's actually Tangerine ah so this is like a traditional pecan with salt and only nothing else this one here has a little bit of marinade with all that being said this is the traditional pikaya delicious highly recommend you're giving it a try but now let's gonna go this one right here no no no let's try this like pizza cheese roll looking thing okay well give it a go then here just grab one so this is my take on p-day obviously I did it completely wrong but at the same time I want to know you guys honest opinion I still got a lot to learn but I have a feeling it's going to be really good you guys ready for it this smells incredible already I'm surprised the side dish wasn't more steak this time I know right enough talking let's give it a go cheers everybody cheers oh that is extra extra cheesy that's exactly how you have to describe and it's flaky yeah yeah it's like cheesy gooey flaky this is good it's so delicious so many different textures as well it's like a feel bad saying this Google it's like a like a pizza breadstick but like a Super Saiyan version of it it's like so much better it's so much more elevated it's really good I would say it's like a mix between like a cheese stick and like a little bit like a croissant almost because it's so flaky a little eggy too highly recommend you giving it a try even though mine was not the real recipe everybody give it a go you won't regret it now I'm excited for this because I never had pecano with this I have no idea if it's going to be good bad or ugly but the flavors should be nice you're scaring me bro no no no no no no it shouldn't be bad no I say this hold on one second Angel let's go even deeper let's even add a little bit of this citrus-ness let's see all right smells like Tangerine well let's give it a try and let you guys know cheers everybody cheers mmm that's all right it's very different from what I'm used to yeah completely different a little spiciness okay yeah I'm fine I'll survive there's a little bit of heat but it pairs nicely with the Citrus they combat each other so you get a little bit of heat and a little bit of that sweet acidiness that kind of like kills it it actually works really nice together I am an all-natural person with becoming everybody meaning that I only like salt and nothing else but it's so nice to have something different highly recommend you guys giving it a try it has like a little tingle and then it comes with the little Citrus taste I like it yeah no I agree with you I'm a little bit of a purist myself yes and I go with the control there's nothing wrong with that everybody that's the beauty of because you put a little bit of salt on it and that's it but if you are ready to try something new there you go I'm actually gonna go against Angel and say that I prefer the Citrus Steak because it's a very different flavor profile and a nice like Flavor combination that works well and I think it's nice I always say this it's depending what you're in the mood for this both delicious highly recommend you're giving it a try but today I'll go with the Citrus as well that nice spiciness from the gochugan it's in my mouth right now and it's just nice but anyway Guys these are the results I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything I use everything is always in the description down below after years perfecting it it's finally available for purchase cook is Rob myrab has been the go-to for many of you and now these new revamped formula is better than ever it's amazing on beef pork lamb chicken and my favorite burgers this rub is what I'm using 90 of everything I cook get yours now at shoplogafoods.com the link will be on the description baby get yours now at shop.googlefoods.com link will be in the description thanks for watching we'll see you on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 520,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, sous vide, cooking, grililng, picanha, spicy, funny, pita
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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