I Catfished Several Forex Scammers To Find The BIGGEST Fraud

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who is the biggest forex fraud after finding out how big forex fraud was on the internet and on Instagram particularly I decided to deem some of the bigger Forex accounts featuring all the tell-tale signs of a scam money cars giant claims of wealth like this little did I know how insane some of these scammers really were and here are our challengers today we have Randy Nelson trade Forex Marcus Michael T Stoll Barb and of course passive FX investment I'm going to be telling each of them that I have a sizable amount of money and then ask them how much money I can expect to make if I invest it with them hopefully by the end of this we can answer who is the biggest forex fraud but before we do I want to educate you a little bit about forex scams Forex means foreign exchange and usually when people use the term they're talking about trading currency scams of this nature come in many shapes and sizes but generally it involves wild promises of guaranteed returns that's the biggest red flag as well as usually the tell-tale sketchy brokerage you've never heard of under absolutely no circumstances should you trust these people I don't care if your brother mother father daughter promises that they made money with this system whatever foolproof or not stay very very far away because sometimes these scams will immediately run away with money and sometimes their Ponzi schemes where they'll give you maybe a little bit of your money back in the hopes that you'll invest more with them because you get greedy and eventually they will run away with your money but I think that's enough of an intro rant let's go ahead and catfish some scammers so I actually got this idea from a guy named Raphael Palmdale who made a YouTube video claiming to make like a million dollars or more in a single week last week's results 1.8 million guys this was just last week it's false no way not this time it's totally me and obviously I think this is complete BS but I wanted to join his chatroom to find out what is he promising his students if he's proclaiming to be the Guru that's making millions over a single week well I joined up and very quickly he told me that 15% monthly returns were a realistic goal and if I only invested five hundred dollars with him you know it's realistic to think that I'd have two million dollars in five years you know from five hundred dollars which of course is completely ridiculous and ludicrous if you know anything about the market and average returns and this is an instant red flag but it got me thinking is this the craziest thing that people hear when they talk to these fake gurus or are some of them offering even more which led me to the point of this video which is trying to get the wildest claims I could possibly get from the biggest scammers to do this I posed as a complete forex newbie who's grandma had recently left me an inheritance of $100,000 to play with and you know I don't want to work again laptop lifestyle make me money guys make me money on repeat I went to the scam ESP 'pl offered them all my money and asked them hey how much can you make me if I give this all to you now I messaged a lot of these scammy looking accounts but ultimately only four of them messaged me back and here's what I discovered the first thing is the absolutely insane financial claims in their bio I know it's not instagrams job to like police this stuff but somehow it feels to me that this should be illegal sixty thousand dollars in less than 30 days but all right let's get into it our first guru we're gonna be talking about is Forex Marcus now forex markets the first thing he does is ask me where I'm located I say the US he says oh I'm from the US but I'm based here in love and he's working for an investing company he pretty quickly tells me that you can earn over ten thousand dollars on 80% profits with little investment capital he then tells me he's going to be managing my account for me and that I have to invest in it using Bitcoin money gram or Western Union aka just put all my money using a non-refundable method into his account to trade for me but don't worry he says I will be getting my profits in seven days sure profits no delay to which I ask okay what's the brokerage will be using he responds what the hell are you talking about what's brokerage what's a brokerage I try to explain to him and then he says to me are you the one to teach me my job but here's my favorite part because then I tell him my whole sob story and you know how much will I make if I make a hundred thousand dollars and he tells me it will earn me 1 million rams apparently every 7 days 1 million rands is actually a currency it's a South African currency and it's funny that he would default to rands because he says he's from the US and a trader in London so it's funny that he's using a South African currency you know in just everyday speech so this guy's probably actually located somewhere in South Africa but when we do the conversion basically he's promising us $50,000 every 7 days given $100,000 in actual you know USD 50% of my investment every 7 days already we're doing way better than Raphael which I'm very excited to see next up we have passive FX investor his name is Smith from Washington he's a certified broker with seven years of experience trading and investing in flat crypto currencies in the Forex and stock market I tell him I'm looking to make money and ask him about a story he had on his Instagram account where he promised people monthly payout of 38,000 dollars a month I asked him how much investment for that he says a hundred thousand dollars to which I say well hey you know just as a check can you can you link me your broker's license because obviously you're certified broker of course and here's where we get to reflect he says oh wow that's private information hmm no it's not if you're a registered broker-dealer confirm ation so he proceeded to call it broker check which is a way you can look up any registered broker in the United States and oh my gosh surprise surprise they had never heard of him chuckling Lee when I confronted him on this all of a sudden I was blocked surprise surprise on to the next idiot so we're going to get to our third guy here Randy Nelson trades I tell him hi I want to join make money he says do you know anything about forex trading or Bitcoin mining I said watch a lot of YouTube so kinda he goes okay I can help you trade and make good profits weekly or monthly basis then we'll share profits 8020 you're taking 80% while I take 20% so already he's saying let me take your money I'll trade for you right but then get this he says if you invest $300 you'll get three thousand five hundred forty six dollars weekly and this is ooh mwah this is where we get to the stuff we've been waiting for three hundred dollars get three thousand five hundred forty six dollars weekly ten thousand five hundred dollars monthly ladies and gentleman can we do a little bit bit of math on that for a second that is a return of that is a monthly return of three thousand five hundred percent oh my god this is what I've been waiting for these gurus have nothing on these Forex guys these Forex guys are nuts they don't even care don't even care about making it sound plausible oh yeah invest $300 get ten thousand five hundred monthly by the way look at this guy's account man look at this guy I've never seen a more trustworthy face in my life did ya that's a guy who can make you three thousand five hundred percent in a month on your investment and of course he charts it out for me to show me that hey actually you can invest more than that if I invest two thousand dollars I will get 17 thousand dollars back weekly all in weekly profits and a hundred percent guaranteed payout as a shirt you can also monitor your account whenever you want so guys no rants two thousand dollar investment hey make thirty one thousand dollars monthly easy money I say well what will my returns be if I hit big and invested 100k my grandma left me a sizable amount of money I'm hoping to never work again he says well if you invest with a hundred thousand dollars get ready boys get ready get your body ready for this one your profit will be ready for the fakest brewery we've ever seen in fake-a-roo history 1 million fifty two thousand dollars with seven days of trading I said well you just blew my mind that's amazing he said Lowell I did as if he's surprised that that is a surprising figure so I said wait a second before I decide the winner it's looking like this guy's gonna be the clear winner by a country mile let's go ahead and go to our fourth and final contestant or as I call them the Forex scammer with a heart because this guy's name is michael stuhlbarg and i'm tired at this point of you know running these guys along so i just say let me get straight to the point my grandma just died and the old bag left me a hundred thousand dollars to play with and i thought if i play my cards right I could probably never work again how much if I invested 100k with you do you think I'd make and he says to me to my surprise you have to start low and see the income okay that's my advice think about it have you ever heard of a scammer say hey wait well we don't get me all your money at once hey this is too easy I don't want you to make it too easy on me let me let me go low and slow and actually at this point I was like maybe this guy isn't a scammer maybe I have him wrong so I say I try to bait him a little more I go I want to go on all in how much can I make he says don't go all this so finally I say well how much do you think I should start with 300 USD so I'm thinking okay maybe this guy if he doesn't what he's not crazy so I asked what are the average returns of that twenty-seven hundred dollars in three days into twenty seven hundred dollars USD in three days so he is a scammer but he feels bad about taking my grandma's money he take oh my gosh he's a scammer with the conscience he feels bad about it hey don't give me all your money just give me $300 don't give me hey hey I feel bad about taking all your money so actually don't give it all to me this is the most amazing thing I've seen so of course you know it's not crazy to think that you could be making essentially a thousand percent in three days but don't give me too much money about it for that which kind of left me at a crossroads because actually when you crunch the numbers Michael T stole bark are our scammer with a conscience actually offers the most return on investment so the biggest scam but he also refused to take a hundred thousand dollars so I'm going after crown just gonna have to make a little audible here call it for Randy Nelson trade okay Randy Nelson trade is the biggest forex fraud on the market if you want $1,000,000 in seven days of trading just invest $100,000 with this guy dude my hat's off to him obviously I will not be giving this man a hundred thousand dollars but if you ever wanted to know what these Instagram accounts are willing to promise you for that sweet sweet dough to get that sweet sweet grandma money that is how much they willing to offer so I hope this was educated for you to see just how these scams work right and I hope you guys do not fall for them this was obviously educational it was to laugh but either way that's we're gonna leave it today I hope you had a lap I hope you learned something and as always don't forget to smash like and subscribe thank you [Music] [Music] feeder lifestyle was really difficult
Channel: Coffeezilla
Views: 843,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forex, make money online, robinhood, catfish, day trading, forex for beginners, biaheza
Id: ctINTpI0Lg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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