I Can't Believe What We Found Hidden Behind This Fence ABANDONED In The MIDDLE OF NOWHERE

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[ dramatic music ] [ rustling of the wind ] Alright, guys. Today, this one's a little... little different than our usual videos. This is... some buildings from a company that went out of business. [ crunching footsteps on the snow ] [ sniffing ] I smell something dead. That's sulphuric acid. I don't think you want to be breathing that in. Let's go check out the cars, though. Let's get out of here, because that smell... Alright guys, we bailed out of there because it smelled really bad and it was leaking chemicals, so we weren't gonna stick around in there. We had to take off. I wanted to check out these cool trucks over here, these cool old trucks. Let's go see them. [ mysterious music ] Check out these old trucks, guys. I thought these were pretty cool. Here's another one. Look, it had a seat on the back. "Common Carrier". Some extra rims... International truck. [ mysterious music ] Alright, guys. Here's some more old equipment, but... we're not gonna push our luck in here. We're gonna go ahead and head out. Let's go. It smells really, really bad, like... REALLY. It smells like something is dead in here, but I can't tell... if it's the smell of that, or all that acid and stuff leaking, and I'm not gonna stick around when I got chemicals leaking like that. But it stinks REALLY bad in here. It's interesting how this door has been left open, too. Notice that? Someone left this door open. So I'm gonna get [ out of here ], let's go. Check it out, guys! It's a massive safe. Someone tore it apart out here. It clearly says that if I open that door, an alarm's gonna go off, but I'm curious to know what's behind there. Look at all these chemicals here in this lab, guys. Anybody know what half of this stuff is here? Here's a hard hat still on the wall. And there's a creepy little office over there... Here's a safe... Wonder if it'll open? Webs are all over me... "1986". [ mysterious adventure music ] Be sure to, um... hit the like button, and subscribe and hit that little bell next to the subscribe button so you guys get notifications so you know when my next video comes out! and let's go see what we can find next! [ mystery music ]
Views: 966,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, middle of nowhere, explore with us, ewu crew
Id: 7cmW5HiSBdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2017
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