'I Can STOP The RAIN' - Witchdoctor CONFESSIONS!

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viewers all over the world get ready to witness the power of prophecy in action as Prophet TB Joshua encounters mr. yabe referred during the Monday service and speaks into his life can I talk to you how are you fine thank you you know that is why I come to you you're a traditionalist yes I'm a witch doctor yes you have some spiritual energy yes sir you know what I mean by energy some little power yes sir this native power you can use it to preaching I mean it's a teacher where if you want to learn you can stop Elaine yes with white Jim I can't stop storm every rain I can stop it that's what I'm saying it's true sir while you are sitting down I see allow you but when I get to you dear on yes I used to see them they're very small ad yes sir there's much much much more like baby as I came here they went to my house and flogged my wife very well oh I'm sorry boy my wife okay this all day dose was motive flow yes could a collie issue sometimes some of them use their hair to walk you cannot even sleep daddy when your husband came here does Barry they went to flog you yes you flog you how did they flog you where your husband came they love me you'd assume and you'd assume Adele flogged with time I too learned from my background for mock me very well but yours back him to sin alone yes sir sometime they don't walk whom you would not know who opened it all yes sir because I though you don't want to stay in your house he do you always afraid yes sir this energy I call it energy this is not power we'd only get them as power its energy you have beast in your hand lazy I'd love bring it but I bring my pictures okay we will break your future you have given you tie to tradition among the SI from of King yes sir and a lot of people coming to you for power yes sir as I'm talking almost ten people are waiting I want to see you yes sir when do you want to do party if they don't cross what you can start reading like when pastors came to our frontage because that place is a place that they always come and do proceed they always abuse the God I am seven so sometimes I will come out with data miles of - Chi Chi or white gene and pray for it for them all they will all run away you ring and The Crucible Sakata the everybody will run away and the rain will stop garbage so we listen to you you we deliver yeah they're not the people you patronize the only way you put your nose this is to tell you that they're all mighty sore so why can't you see the face of God we can I'm supposed to good there but I see heavy Oh like you know bee bee I said in my church we are in exact confirmation of Prophet TB Joshua as prophecy the footage you are about to watch shows the activities of Mister uber yo briefer a witch doctor here is a community shrine with mr. uber you prefer the man who Prophet TB Joshua prophesied about lives as a chief priest it is named Lubbock Colo meaning the God of justice this is mister you prefer adorned in his diabolical attire carrying a staff signifying his position in the community as a chief priest in a traditional ceremony he empties a bottle of hard liquor as an appeasement to the deity he worships he proceeds on his journey through the village with his followers behind him mr. yabe river leads the way as the large procession continues to walk through the village he brushes through a straw entrance as they move into yet another shrine in his position as a chief priest of the deity in the community many people travel from far and wide to meet with and consult him dressed in his traditional attire these are just a few of those who have come to seek help from him with the diabolical powers he had acquired as a witch doctor one by one they enter his abode and bow down before him showing the level of power and influence he holds in the community you can see this young man slowly coming forward and with utmost Specht kneeling down before mr. yabe refer to present an offering that would be sacrificed to the deity lavaca law here are various assortments of mate which are part of the ritual sacrifices that regularly take place in the shrine the meat of the slaughtered animals is cooked to be served in a fetish feast in celebration of the deity lebryk oral a crowd has gathered to join in the sacrificial feast the food is followed by a traditional dance to the deity the following day followers of mr. herb River perform a ritual cleansing of the neighborhood dressed in white and red they dance through the Straits singing banging their native percussion drums and carrying various plates of uncooked foods they begin to throw pieces and pellets of uncooked food along the streets here is mr. you prefer fully clad in his priestly apparel notice the chalk marks on his face and the staff he boldly carries in his right hand how did mr. yabe refer as sent to such a position of power what draws all these people to follow his every move what strange powers does he possess and how does he use them keep watching to hear the full confession of mr. yabe River after he came to the synagogue Church of All Nations and Prophet TB Joshua picked him out from the crowd through a powerful word of prophecy my name is a bundle yeah prefer what they call me oppa last Monday the man of God prophesied to me he said I am the wish doctor I have some energy around me I have some powers I can't stop rain I can Koren and he said some small small deities around me that is in and it is true all what the man of God said is true I am a shift priest my grandfather it was the chief priest of that deity so after when my grandfather died they was looking for someone to become the chief priest and I was not yet born that time so tea when my mother born me from side would people that the vision yes they said this is the chief priest of that room really when I come up I come up like that I used to go to the river when I was like this my boy the kind of fish that I will bring from the river it's not even dead I will bring it to my mother she she will be confused because of the kind of things I used to bring from the river I bring shame I bring drinks I bring even when this old in this kind money I brought to the house so from there they know that something is disturbing me and me myself too I know that I am from the sea from childhood because sometimes I see myself in the sea the I see I have a woman with children and when a got a time when I got a time I want to put a coat to work I was very stubborn in the village only me single-handedly I can't pursue a football field everybody were wrong nobody will do me anything even wrestling field when I come out and if they don't want to allow me to wrestle I push you everybody in the wrestling field so after I almost time I went to what I got to look for a job because I don't have anything so when I got a job at what I caught I was walking there one day the date is changed to my father my father go to my walking place and told the man that employed me and said it should take me back home or whatever I think that happened to me it will held him responsible so I find some of my people to go and beg demand that please nothing will happen so after that time I get serious accident finally I agreed to become the chief priest of that room so there I come true people I have the O power I see any human being I'm seeing I feel is a very small team because the power in me everybody bow down before me people from different different areas used to come to my shrine boots in short no kind of person that is not going there are different different people gujhiya to solve their problems in my place so I get one day when I know that has serious power I traveled to somewhere somebody invited me to somewhere in the IC so when I was going there when I reach the I see I see this big wave coming towards me when I look at the waves I saw a big snake that coming to me and I my grandfather was having that day too that God that sneak God so I know him and I know the kind of food it take so when the wave is coming like this I stood up and I pour this I live it for the river and I true native shock to the snake they are the wool see cool down for me to pass why some people was even afraid that we are going to get lost there and and I used to control rain I used to control rain sometimes this pastors because my place my frontiers is I have a very big playground which I used to do my festival people come and play diya then ordinary days these pastors used to come to do crusade almost every week they used to come and do crusade well they will come they will call the God I am 7 so that some people are not from our pleasure but when they go to our place my brothers and sisters will mention the names of those deities that I am serving for them do oppression not those daisies they will be abusing them there was a massive esophagram so sometimes I became hunger I said a pastor that don't even have power I am slipping on his trying to come by with me ok I'm coming I would go direct to the shrine and took up my bottle of gin when I come out they will not know I will I will live it I will live it when I live it apart strong heavy stone for them sometimes they will they are washing this a project or a female project or a distant the strong will nearly see at the old India they will pack all their loads and run away I will be laughing them as I look at his rapport it doesn't even have power so with that power I have even my wife sitting down here once his marriage and she cannot cook food for me I don't shake human beings I use this my hand to serve the deity and nobody touch my head nobody I did not bow for any shrine where wherever shrine I go in our area is your land as the rule any place I hunt I cannot even pull my cup and cannot even pull shoot if I enter but other people will do it because I serve the god of justice I am deep dish if priests and I am the father of salt spirit if you wash my listen I my pictures you will see a clot with different different colors all the seven people that follow me on my in my shrine they agree to shoot that clot for me because I am the father of all the the spirits this is the clothes the old people that worship with me they are the one that should is plot for me that I am the father of fabric alone nothing I cannot do even pastors used to come to me you know a pastor we don't come to you the people that came to you their spiritual ease there are no passage I see different between master on spiritual ease anybody can say is a person like you till you say you a king okay it's a title so the those people that say they are passed they are not passing their spiritual ease so pastor would not come to you Moraga what brought me I don't like you yourself I'm Jesus Christ when my wife used to watch that a Manuel TV I used to tell her not to watch that TV because I don't like this TB Joshua program so I don't like to be Joshua I don't like Jesus true but later my wife continues to watch this program after when the people confess and if he said you are not a witch I see that the man of God as a power to deliver those people that they said they I wish and after the deliverance they will equally say no I am NOT a wish I said ah what kind of power is that because I cannot do that kind thing what to say no is that a after the people have been delivered well we now ask the person that hey you said it you said I said no I don't know what I'm saying we also know is not him that study is the spirit in him and this bridge is gone we are not fighting flesh or blood but is Philippine but they are case the fight the flesh they fight the blood they disagree with us so why should I say such a person is the spirit pin ha and she's free it she say no say no they don't believe that that is an offence because may I see that the man of God as power it can deliver those people that I cannot deliver I can't do it so I gain a literal interest from that place I see that what this man is doing it's a strange something which I cannot do why you cannot deliver them I cannot do it I tried like I said what I I can deliver somebody who is they wish but no way I cannot do it because you to yourself you are one of them so there is no way you can use Katniss to deliver darkness it is light that can do that job like this my Sonya I brought them to this place because people always look for me and sometimes I do travel when I am NOT in the village for every native Sundays I used to go am poor Liberia so if I am not there I will send this my son to go on live it's like my second in command it's also powerful let's add a little boy little boy so you to you you have the power V yes so finally I gain interest I like to come to this synagogue because of the God I am saving it is a pity I am a very poor person all those money I don't know we had a stand I I drink I woman eyes I in fact I don't know what to say I pity my life sometimes because I struggle to buy car I was having a very old kada that cyclists when I was driving sometimes when I see myself one of the rain beat me when I'm going to somewhere I would say ah this is God I am that I am serving everybody bow down for me but the people that is buying for me half cars when I look pastors they are very good they are driving cars and I am continue suffering I beg before I won't pay my student school fees so I begin get second thoughts so I decided to come here so when I decided to come here some people I met some people to understand that I wanted to come to this place but they told me that how can I come to TB Joshua so are you not powerful than the TB Joshua what you want to come Andrea it can never deliver you you can never deliver you so the very day I came to this place the first day I came to this place really my wife called me when I never reach even a googly my wife called me and she said our last doctor say one of the daughters carry ort water and poured on one I saw why after some times he called me again and said the other one say the the one that senior Darwin said the senior sister took our to climb electric wire so she fell down and brick ammounts I said what is happening now so when I came to this place in the night my wife called me again and she said there are some small small people that is demon that is flogging her seriously in the house that she cannot sleep the house again I said oh what am I going to do what did they say is your is why the flogger is because I am living them a mom coming to the synagogue Church of All Nations that was why they are mines let your wife tell us how does she look like this much more children that plug on you see them with your eyes yes how did they look like Sadia very small the entire and begin to flog you yes they tied my two hands for my back and started to one you'd assume and you'd assume and started a vlog they said as my husband is living them with that annoyance night then come to me the only Irish five none of them we are clothed they are very black on shots and you see there with your eye yes when I'm shouting I shouted open my eye kuru kuru sword and life I shouted I want to run out on the outside and one of our pasta wife told me whatever bad dream you dream you not run go outside the better strangle yourself and pray so I'll not go out I pick and set and flush we hadn't see Donna Jean see anything I have to pray and call my husband for the night and that day waiting make me give me strength light calm so I went on put the program of a TP Joshua but you have never seen them before uh yes I that was the first time my husband with me when we start Mari there's no problem because of all these things we are having problem every time he's beating me always is not sleeping house every minute woman and I'm crying just like that every day I want man of God to please air force to put us together so ID follow us you have a lot of followers would you that is not only you now if only you are delivered we have not done anything right if only you deliver you have not done anything right oh you're follow at least it no hundred ninety-nine percent of them that is your duty so you take your attempt to medium one normal and let them know that look you have seen the light and I will have time to attend to them so that is your job so thank you very much thank you another assignment for us to make sure we wish those followers all over the world wherever they are so thank you and of God I dreamed after I was arrested I dream that you followed me to my place in my village in that the same big shrine that we used to serve the deities for four days I packed all those things to burn them if I came here but I cannot burn them but I dream that you are dia delivering all my people in that my sim house there so thank you the composition is a tamaki here little millinium feta LED tobacco sano-sama editor chef Alison le Tama Abu Radi co2 table Sansa Ben's diwali holi pecan scholarly toenails Layton petit-pierre Lapidus ANCA yasiel teleprinter still offensive on the scrape aster only seminyak como si como de contrôle see Julie jiggies Deb le fête on Bella picky with Boogedy pappadimos del Quesada daddy collateral defeasance Camila solitude class social status Diwali medal table prophecy escuchame cell testimonial de este hombre que fue she odd on El Rio a partir de la muerte de su v--'s abuelo estos sp2 satanic O's contrar Sen su vida an effect odd Oh su matrimonio es economía puesto que tiene mucho poder en la sociedad con diferentes tipo de personas que van y hace referencia ant al pero él no tiene ninguna propiedad además we believe you have been inspired by the clip you have just watched click here to subscribe to witness more of God's power at work in our generation today and stay up to date with the latest prophecies deliverances service from the synagogue charge of all nations emanuelle TV changing lives changing nations and change in the world
Channel: Emmanuel TV
Views: 826,109
Rating: 4.4714203 out of 5
Keywords: I Can Stop The Rain, T. B. Joshua (Person), The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, Anointing, Deliverance, Prophecy, Demonic Possession, Witchdoctor, Spiritualist, Native Doctor, Sangoma, Supernatural, Paranormal, God's Word, Nigeria (Country)
Id: SzRE-PAB25o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2015
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