I came to the Oregon coast for the most famous spot...but ditched it for this beach instead

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well what's up guys welcome to a tourist episode so we're in probably the most famous spot in uh Southern Oregon the Samuel Borman area we at the uh the natural arches which are just right down there and this is the viewpoint but this is obviously just the boardwalk Viewpoint there's another really sketchy one to get down to which is the Instagram famous One um that Cameron lady and I just don't know if we're really physically willing to do that right now because my knee is messed up and her hip is messed up and I don't know so I'm really struggling because this composition isn't great it's kind of cool but let me show you what's up and uh at least tell you how I'm dealing with it so I've got um I've got this guy this this is my uh free 3 to7 stop dark CPL it's just my like it's like the one filter I carry because I don't like to carry filters so I've got that on seven stops because uh it's really bright and when you're shooting far away uh like down at the ocean and there's like if you're not trying to capture waves and and get the the slow cool stuff with the you know either going around the rocks or if you're not trying to catch like freeze the waves then when I'm shooting away from it I like to have like a longer longer exposure to smooth out the entire surface of the water so I've got seven stop on I'm at 20 25 seconds and I got my CPL adjusted except for I just unadjusted it and now I'm just going to take the shot right now I'm going to bracket because obviously like we're like an hour from Sunset so it's too bright um if we were going to stay here to Blue hour would be better because there's no clouds so when there's no clouds there's also no potential of a Sunstar because it's in the wrong direction you guys know how much I love Sun Stars so that's unfortunate um basically that means that the only the only trick left in my bag would be a blue hour shot and so that's looking pretty nice as far as it goes I guess I don't know if I want to stick around here until blue hour cuz camera lady saw a couple of places just a little bit further south so maybe let's go see uh what else we can find without without trying to kill ourselves [Music] all right so we're at Lookout number two I think it's called like the whale head Viewpoint or something it's over there whale head's a big rock out in the big sea stack out there but like to get to it you got to go through this foresty bit and I just like slammed on the brakes because check this out all right so here's my composition is like I like these guys down here and then I love the vertical bits of that tree but here's the the saving part like look at the difference so this is with no circular polarizer and just look how harsh and everything and unsaturated now if I turn it and get it right look at those greens popping the light being cut down look at that that's that's what we're talking about this is just one of those things where I think you I at least tend to forget about circular polarizers because I don't live where there's uh green things and like woods and stuff uh but they're really powerful in this kind of situation and to cut down on this glare the sun's coming through to make these greens pop and just to really help out that whole dynamic range I don't know if the image is going to be any good I really love the vertical lines of the tree I'm not even going to bother to put my tripod out for this one I just wanted to get the shot because it's pretty and now we're going to walk through this crazy Forest I do have the 500 in here so I'm hoping when we we get down there if we have some good potential wow look at that if we have some good potential for uh sea stack Seascape birds that kind of stuff I did bring the 500 so the cular Pizer isn't going to help in this case because I'm shooting with the sun to my back you you really want a 90° angle or somewhere very close to that another thing that another reason why I don't use tripods so much is because like once you put your tripod down you're really eliminating yourself and it'll be really hard for you to find extra compositions so if I just stay moving like this then uh maybe I'll find something that I wouldn't have seen if I would have just put the tripod down [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here's what we're looking at we got made it down to the beach so we've got this beautiful scurve River and then we've got the Sunstar and then the the cliff over there this is kind of nice like that what we don't this is one of those instances where you really got to check if you want your polarizer or not because like see how look how dark it's getting and I actually might want to use the reflection to brighten this up a bit so I might actually turn the polarizer down I'm at F16 ISO 3200 uh just again cuzz I don't want to use my tripod cuz I can't emphasize like how lazy I am I like the horizontal in this case because there's a lot going on and I think this might actually be pretty I'm going to go for a little bit Overexposed I'm okay with that I don't know if I want to chop that very right Cliff out and just have this and this because if I put the right cliff in it puts the sun more of on a third and I don't know that you know you don't always have to follow the rule of thirds a lot of times I like to do things dead center or whatever but in this case I think the rule of thirds uh feels really nice for that sun and adds balance to that thing that thing adds balance to this stuff right here so I kind of like that a lot you kind of have to shift as the sun goes down so that you can keep your Sunstar well I guess I'll just keep walking around and doing this same thing I do want to get some back lit waves crashing I've got the 500 in my bag and I want to shoot some waves back lit waves crashing and maybe get some birds flying over the waves that might be really pretty well there are birds out there on the islands I see them flying around I don't see anything too close I left my 1.4 teleconverter in camera lady's bag and we left that in the car so crop mode and 500 will be 800 F4 that's that'll have to do it for today all right let's see what we can get [Music] all right I think I've about shot the Sunstar to death which is surprising for me to say but uh I think it's time for the I think it's it's big boy time and get the 500 out and see if I can there's some goals flying by but uh more importantly there's still some backlit waves and I don't know we're just going to see what we can do put my fancy new strap here there we go okay we are I like this peak design strap because it it slides really nicely and it makes it easy for me to do that so now I should probably put a lens cap back on this huh now we're ready like sliding under the strap that's awkward that's effective though still works all right now I'm going to see if I can pick off stuff from the coastline waves crashing you know whatever I can see with a whatever I can see with a 500 [Music] I [Music] [Music] all right so we're back home I clearly didn't wrap it up out there I thought I was going to film we had another day planned uh and I was going to film the last part of this video at a different Beach and uh that didn't work out as many things didn't on that trip this was the third and final video of that trip and I don't think any of them went exactly uh the way that I envisioned in my head but they're all here they're all out anyways I just want to take a couple minutes and I'm not going to do an editing session for this one I just wanted to go over a couple of the photos that I got and show you some that I didn't film and then kind of talk about the wide versus super Telly thing obviously to for super Telly you don't need a a 500 F4 but it did end up coming in handy for those couple of few tighter shots I mean even if I would have had my little rf100 to 400 that would have been perfect for doing the landscape long lens stuff because it's super tiny compact lightweight I could have hand hold it if I wanted to I could have put it on a tripod if I wanted to but I didn't I had what I had the ginormous 500 it does give good quality images though I'll give it that I also wanted to ask you guys do you ever do U multiple crop of images I do that a lot and it's because I have a lot of different mediums that I want to see an image on and it doesn't always work one crop you know one ratio for all mediums so I did this first image and I shot at regular landscape which was a a 3X two but then I or a 2x3 whatever but then I cropped it to just a regular 16x9 because I still still thought that fit the image really well and I liked it but then also recently I got a new monitor for my desktop and it's an ultra wide and it's a it's a 34 in Ultra wide and it's the ratio is like 43 to 18 or whatever it's really close to 21 by9 but it's technically 43 to8 so I made another crop of this image I will say that when I put this on my desktop I really really liked it I've also just been really enjoying Panos lately I mean I've always there's never been a time in my life where I haven't enjoyed Panos but uh definitely like with beach scenes and with like dense forests and like the Redwoods when I did this shot here I really enjoy that forced Pano and I talked about that when I edited this image in the first redwoods episode so if you haven't seen that and you're interested in Redwoods Big Trees Landscapes a little bit of burning you can check that episode out okay so still talking about wide angle lenses I think there's a couple more that I just want to look at this one I thought was pretty cool uh it is lacking more of a foreground even though it does have the waves I tried to get it to where there was a couple of waves in there so where you could see something that's breaking it up it is a little dark on the right side getting more of that c stack on the right than on the left and if I would have thought about it a little more I maybe would have done a pan an actual Pano again and made that balance a little bit better the main thing I was looking at at the time when I was shooting out there was definitely the Sunstar that middle Rock in in the very middle and then trying to get a bird and I did I got I got that bird flying across and I could have moved him in Photoshop to be like really particular but I just didn't want to do that like cuz he's just barely off center you know and I I could have moved him just a little bit but uh I'm going to leave it like that that's how it was and that's cool this is another one of those images where I I made the forced Pano too because I wanted to see what it would look like again on my desktop and just as a Pano in general okay let's get to the Twilight stuff so blue hour I think this next couple of shots might have been my favorite images so I went back to that River as we were walking out and I got this shot I wish there was like another sea stack to the left camera left to balance that out a little bit but uh I just love the colors and this the S curve of the river and the blue hour Colors Over the sky and everything so overall I'm still pretty happy with it all right so this one is probably my favorite shot from that evening and this was a handheld Focus stack so I took three images handheld again at like ISO you know 6400 f2.8 you know like a 40th of a second or something and I focused on the flowers on the Middle where the river is and then on the back where the Horizon is and then just stacked those and I think that it came out really nice I think it's like there's a lot going on but at the same time I feel like it is clean enough to look at the one little white flower there in the middle and the last Light kind of Illuminating that the light on the river uh draining into the water and then the beautiful colors and then that sea stack to balance it out so I took that while we were hiking back out to the car after we had already stopped filming and then I took this one when we got a little bit further we got back into the trees so the trees create this nice frame you got a little bit of a pathway going down in there and I do like this I think it's kind of cool um gives me that secret garden Vibes which I always love Secret Garden as a kid and even today so this gives me Good Vibes but I think overall I still don't like it as much as the last one with the single with the there was cleaner and with more flowers but I think it's part of a carousel or as part of a story if you wanted to Showcase that um that's I think that's really cool to do so another one that I'm pretty happy with in the context of just capturing the memories capturing the stories and then adding to the other shot to really make that as a whole or just as a like as a little bit more of a story all right so I did grab a few images from the 500 I think I already put one of them in the video U but let's take a look at a couple of those mostly I was trying to get these waves crashing uh as the sun was setting and so I like this one again this was handheld so was really difficult to um do it in one exposure so I kind of had to mess around with that and I did boost the Shadows quite a bit on this and but other than that other than boosting the shadows and the saturation I did almost nothing to this image so I thought that was kind of cool and then Bo I did crop it to a 16x9 of course all right so here's when I started to line it up and I was trying to get these big waves crashing over this rock and they never really went like huge or anything but I did get a couple of good splashes this is one of those ones where was a little Overexposed and you know trying to drop those highlights would have hurt it even more so this one is a little brighter but I still think it came out nice with the wave crashing and with the sun lining up it just it felt really good and then this is the last one that I got that came out really well um a good siiz wave and I love the way that the wave is kind of wrapping around the Sun here and I love the the itical illusion of the sun with the the mini sun on top I love doing that kind of stuff and that's what you want a really long lens for all right well that's all the images so let me know what you guys think did I get anything good uh do you guys ever crop like a bunch of different crops you know I think you should uh give it a try that's one of the best ways to really get an understanding of composition and like what elements are doing within the frame and stuff like that is just crop what you already have and I'm defin a proponent of shooting different stuff out there you know in the scene if you find one composition I'm definitely a proponent of doing the landscape version doing the vertical version maybe doing a Pano It's just sometimes you don't always have time you know I was just too busy there was too much going on and I was trying to do too much at once like if you were to go out to that beach and you say okay I'm just going to do one thing that would be really good but I knew that I didn't have much time and I knew that I wanted to do both so I tried to do both wide and super Telly and maybe that hurt me a little bit but uh I still had a great time out there all right I'm going to wrap it up here if you made it this far I really appreciate it thanks for watching if you enjoy what I'm doing and you're picking up what I'm putting down then check out the channel memberships uh it's a great way to support the channel a lot of extra content over there one of the channel members asked me recently because of this trip um when I was shooting the Warblers and stuff and I was shooting like the 500 in the dark forest and I was doing like handheld at like 200th of a second or whatever and they're like asking me for tips on uh handheld sharpness stuff long story long I'm going to make a a tutorial on that for the channel members that'll be the next thing coming up for the channel members so Dan if you're watching this I got you I'm going to get to that this week I promise cuz next week I'm going to Scotland so I got a lot of stuff to get done all right that's it thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brent Hall
Views: 2,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oregon, photography, landscape photography, vlog, oregon coast, brent hall, wide angle lens, super telephoto lens, canon r5
Id: NGvs_JPUPt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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