I Called A "NIGHTMARE" Raid on Rust's HARDEST PVE Server...

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yo what up boys welcome back today we are playing on the rust PVE server you guys absolutely smashed the last video so thank you very much for that uh today I want to explore a new feature that I found um called virtual quaries uh so if I I did some Googling I went on their website and I found that if you hit Q for/ QR there is a virtual quaries thing uh so we're going to try and figure this out today and probably get absolutely Juiced in the process um and do some raiding do some uh PVE stuff because that is what the server is for and you guys seem to really enjoy it so and and I really like playing on these servers so uh it's a win-win for everybody involved today's video is sponsored by Mythic protocol and dared drop with their new game Rift storm play as an elite secret operative against the unending threat of cosmic Horrors Rift storm is a roguelike shooter featuring unique weapon skills challenging Dungeons and high replayability for solo and Co-op if you're a fan of the games like Hades Warframe Deep Rock Gala I or just Rogue likes in general you will love this one threading the line between intensity difficulty and Mastery Rift storm allows you to jump in and out of action at your own pace and build your own skills and reflexes to master the game this one of those games you can try out with your rust buddy just to see if you like it especially during night times in Rust which I know they got updated but still pretty boring work together and survive increasingly challenging encounters to earn the best loot go check out the game in the video description down below and check out the game on Steam a massive thank you to Mythic protocol and de air drop for sponsoring today's video and enjoy first of all I need to find myself if I click the plus button you need to use one survey charge to find a new Depot so we have to find some survey charges I think can I craft them survey no need a workbench level two okay let's do some farming um figure it out and we'll try and get ourselves a virtual Quarry up and running my voice sounds a bit weird today I don't know why uh it keeps cracking I swear I'm an adult all right I swear it just keeps break see I don't know what's going on I'm an adult I really want to try and take helas today as well why is that a massive Farm dude that is huge damn T gu Tom would be impressed look at that so since I uploaded um this server has kind of been popping off Hey look it's my door look at that that's cute uh so it's current Max pop and it's only 10:00 in the morning so um yeah this is going to be going be quite a crazy video let me know in the comments if you want me to make my own PVE server I'm very tempted to do it I had a few ideas um for a server but you know it's a big undertaking so uh yeah let me know in the comments if You' play on something like that cuz I think I could do some really cool videos with my own PVE server you know I've got the new store you why what is this oh I don't know if I like that used to be able to hover over it and now it's here okay strange oh wait can I for/ Outpost oh yeah I forgot I love that feature yeah Outpost let's go I do have a few kits uh I don't know did I buy something I can't remember if I bought could I can't redeem kit not enough space wait did I do I still get that there's no way I can get an AK straight away is there I forgot that I bought that dude that's sick all right we're going to go build a sick base um 4,000 scrap oh oh I love my previous self thank you for buying that previous self so now I've got 4,000 scrap can I just make a tier two and then go down to survey charge that might be useful straight away craft the tier two love that all right let's go make a base somewhere where are we where's uh okay Outpost is here wait what are these all mine what is that I want to go there one of the greatest things about these PVE servers is the fact that you don't really have to worry about dying because you have to really put yourself in certain situations to even risk dying you know so I can just go and explore these cool things and not have to worry about it it's awesome so this this is an all mine oh that oh that gets dark oh no oh I found a flashlight look at that so I'm guessing this is just like a bunch of nose is there a could you build down here what is that what is that glowing what the hell radioactive barrels can I hit that's awesome oh there's a military crate over there oh look at those birs one here oh nice all this loot how do I get up to there thank you oh it's a diesel fuel oh that's actually good I need diesel to fuel the um quaries so no I got nine I thought I only got one oh huge that's sick dude we're going to make loads I'll put down let's go make a base I'll put down a tier two qu qu what is going on with my speech today I don't craft a uh survey charge and then try and figure out how to do this Quarry thing and I already have 4,000 GP so I can I can just uh I could just go raid straight away okay uh I just realized I also have 51 points in the skill tree if you don't know what this is this is like quite a common thing on a PVE server the fact that you can put points into a skill tree and you get really cool rewards for it I'm planning on doing a lot of raiding so I might put some points in the raiding skill tree uh this skill reduces the damage taken from traps by 5% per level yes please this skill increases the damage against traps by 5% per level yes please provides a 20% chance per level for a dud explosive to explode anyway that's cool so satchels what this skill provides you with a 2% chance per level to have an explosive trigger twice what that's awesome provides the player with a 2% chance per level to open a locked entity what I love that that's sick and then we got the ultimate allows you to call an ml Ms strike yes please we got the old ultimate we got the ultimate that's sick there we go everything's in the raiding one we're going to be the ultimate Raiders this is awesome uh right I need to build a base I want to build quite a big base today craft Water Foundation you need a workbench level two to craft water foundations should we go level the water that's crazy what does that dude I'm just going to plunk down this tier two just to see how this works I don't know if I can or not but this going to be cool PL that down down right how does this work craft Water Foundation triangle dude what it's a you're not allowed to build in water this shallow what hang on a minute this is crazy uh how do I do it Square it takes up one inventory slot which is kind of annoying what about here no it's got to be deep dude oh can we build on this island oh look at this spot dude yes please my resources out let's build a fat base I'll use the Water Foundation soon that's for sure I'm going to build like a water base for my like a boat and stuff I think that'll be sick [Music] um sh sh [Music] [Music] sh hey [Music] [Music] now where is the what they called what am I looking for survey charg yes that's what I meant where's the survey charge I've never once researched a survey charge is it even in the game anymore survey charge it is a tier 2 but I don't think it's on the tech tree unless I'm being absolutely blind it's not on the tich tree okay all right so we're going to have to go find them that's interesting my base has this little thing uh I'm going to build like a farm here you know I think that's going to be quite cool uh and then have an elevator going up and down I think that' be sick I think you can get the um test generators yeah 450 RP so I can't afford it yet but I will be able to afford it soon and then we'll be able to make ourselves a lovely Farm um I need to go and actually Farm uh let me do for I set home one there you go we're going to need a lot of furnaces for the um the amount of sulfur that we're going to get out of these quaries so I'm just going to leave these here and let's go farm the road let me make sure I'm completely empty there you go okay all right let's go find the road try and find some survey [Music] charges oh yes look at that straight away 43 that's actually a load um so how does this work let me go back home and I want to figure out how this works all right so for/ QR let's create a quarry search no deposit found try again oh do I need to like move search okay oh so you need to buy the actual Quarry as well so how do I oh how much are they uh Quarry mining quy 900 RP o okay so we need to do a few things before we can start actually putting the quaries down so I'm going to try craft up some satchels maybe and do an easy raid uh and try and see if we can start getting some profit let's just see what other stuff we can find near the base oh search oh that's Stone nothing nothing Stone so we want like a sulfur one right oh sof and hqm nice okay yeah let me um let's go and get some RP do some raiding and then we'll come back and hopefully be able to place some quaries that'll be very cool I got some rope that's good GP make some satchels oh I don't have Satchel Bean can hang on a minute I need to craft a tier one here we go Bean can craft a bunch of them all right I've crafted 12 satchels uh I'm going to go buy raid if I can oh I don't think I have enough you don't have 250 how much do I have 100 oh how do I get RP uh so if I grab bunch of cloth sell and then I can sell that for yeah there you go if I sell just a bunch of this and I I'll probably get it back from the raid anyway so now we have 200 there we go so now we can buy raid 20 250 yes 4/ raid one let's go baby I'm really hoping the um the raid like skill tree is going to help us so much with the raids so this is like your own custom raids right nobody else can enter these zones which is very cool uh that's my base oh my God that guy just finished his raid I can call in an mlrs Strike should we use the ultimate it might this it's only a wooden base it might just actually destroy it let's let's do that oh my didn't expect that to happen all right I'm going to use I'm going to use the ultimate you have received some binoculars use them to set your target look through the block and hold e [Laughter] whoa it blew all up dude it blew it all up oh my God wait is it wait Did It remove the oh where's the loot aha we got to find the loot bar oh eight Rockets there you go that is hilarious and I can do that every 120 seconds I think it said nice MP5 I'll take that uh where's the TC 5c4 what damn 900 scrap That's crazy cuz that cost me nothing and I can do that how often 120 Minutes oh okay so every yeah okay so every 2 hours probably shouldn't have used it on the wooden base let's be honest but hey man that was fun did I get any RP I didn't get any R see this is the problem you don't actually gain any RP of course I sell so I'd have to sell all of that just to do another small raid okay fire raid easy cannot buy multiple raid it's not up yet is it not done oh it's not finished yet okay all right let's um let me go home and we'll do something in the meantime to get some RP okay uh I know the best way to get RP is from like selling cloth and literally is just like cloth C4 and Rockets well I thought we were going to profit from that not going to lie um I'm going to go try and kill the boss I think the one just down the road hopefully that'll give me some uh some RP it does have 5,000 HP though so I don't know if that's going to be easy or not oh there he is oh my God oh my God is he after me ah I didn't bring ammo I didn't bring ammo let's go back and get some ammo okay that did a th000 all right yeah he should be killable all right we're back with some ammo where is he he set you on fire oh I'm on fire ow I'm on fire oh I'm dehydrated Oh my he dehydrates you as well or was I already dehydrated oh my god um best boss fight ah it rust history [Music] you mind yay all right we got 10 RPS that it oh man oo we got some special items though okay got a research 2,000 XP that's not bad actually okay we need to go go uh I need to go home and I need to set my farm up because this is crazy I need to start farming like crazy dude we want to start getting a lot of XP uh RP I I'm I need food I need to go get some top so I am going to go to Outpost and then Farm wait is there no roads Outpost what there's Bandit is there a bandit Camp there is a bandit okay I'll run from Bandit we start filling up the farm with the cloth and then we can Harvest that and sell it and get a ton of RP that's the that's the plan anyway what the hell like I just what that guy just flew what wait I heard about this jetpack I don't I heard about this on the grape vine I think there's a jetpack on This [Music] Server heading into Harrison hospital oh all right this is a monument I've never been to before I wonder if there's zombies and stuff I can get RP from I hear an [Music] AK but I don't need to be worried about that that's weird I can he chainsaw is that oh there are look at this place dude this is awesome dude top four please this is crazy we go up even more this is a okay oh military crates oh you do D you get 10 10 RP killing him oh my God that's actually terrifying oh here we go oh dude they don't die what the yes the RP is rolling in now this place is awesome oh my God we're getting loads of RP got 350 now and we got 7 Minutes uh left for the cool down of the easy raid so I'm going to go home and I've got 22 Yeah I'm going to go home I've got 22 uh top so I can place down some planters and then I might be able to buy a god clone maybe we're going to need somewhere to get um water from so the large planter box is locked but the railro planter isn't so all right now can I buy a clone hemp clone yes expensive but I'll do it expensive but I'll do it it's a god clone [Music] so [Music] this is the only way I can get water right now just craft a bunch of water pistols wait don't sprinkle wait am I being stupid I think sprinklers are automatic on here and you don't need to actually find water hang on hang on a minute sprinkler is a tier one do I have my scrap no I think I'm being really stupid hang on I think the sprinklers might be automatic like you don't need to wire up the water they just have water you know let me just check yeah oh I'm an idiot oh well uh I just need lights now which I didn't unlock okay so while the Farm's growing um I need to put down the generator but while the Farm's growing I'm going to do another easy raid uh but this time I'm going to take my flamethrower that I found because I really do think because it's all wood like easy raids are mostly wood let's take the flamethrower we might be able to get through it really cheaply you know all right let's do it fire raid easy oh can I afford a mini I don't think I can let me grab my scrap cuz you can buy or you got rent minis which is kind of a fun thing uh so if I go mini for mini oh you purchased a mini copter there you go and it cost me nearly 3,000 scrap ouch dude Do Not Crash that was expensive all right let's go to this raid hopefully it doesn't have Sab site on it here it is is it wood again it is all right let's see what the flamethrower does all it's usually only one dude whoa that is evil uh let me try my my traps command oh look oh that's cool can I burn this is this allow so we got flame turret and shotgun traps behind this wall that's hilarious and there's an auto turret on the top o nice I'm buy a flashlight for 20 RP just so I can see could use the explosives but don't see I need to right now I have like unlimited low grade [Music] really oh [Music] God does this not warm you up it burns you but it doesn't warm you up that's so dumb I'm scared [Music] there's an auto turret in here [Music] somewhere your explosive was a dud but explo loed anyway love that oh we got a garage door why would I is that actually wait can I try that lock thing what was it pick lock what was that lock pick skill uh pick lock 4/ pick lock you've activated your pick lock ability it will remain active for 10 seconds you failed to pick the lock you can attempt another lock pick in 15 seconds what that's awesome man I want to try it I going to wait oh my god it worked that's sick and there's a TC o we got paper Okay 59 explosives 600 hqm damn a lot of you moaned at me for not using my storage thing so I'm going to use it I'm going to use it all right is that the raid done yeah loot zero okay we' done it hell yeah dude that was um that was good that was a good little raid let's go home and see if my uh crops have grown clone yes yes that won't take long before that's fully ready okay let's sort my loot out I think we need like the paper this stuff the paper and like the duct tape and stuff that I'm getting I think this is what you need to upgrade the quaries just like remember we're still going for the quaries I just need a ton of RP to be able to do it so far I have 193 and we need 1,000 right yeah 900 RP so we are getting close I'm going to work on the farm I think we have 16 diesel that's crazy you want to see something really cool for/ W I have my own personal recycler they that wild craft the workbench level three just so uh I can eventually get down to AK so I can repair it and craft them if I need more you [Music] know [Music] yeah all right I got my own little elevator set up this is sick yeah dude so if I put another button there and then we'll be able to go all the way to the top a this is going to be so cool um we go down yeah these should be ready to clone yes that's nine that's a whole planter good uh I need to Branch off some more power to power the lights back up other than that we are good to go we got a fullon full on working elevator system that might be the coolest thing I've ever done that's sick right uh I need some RP desperately so is there any rigs free large rig nobody I don't think there's any crate on it though uh that one's not free that one's not free okay so we got to wait for the rigs to spawn um is there any other way of getting RP apart from selling I might go back to the uh the little the monument thing with a load of zombies we'll check out some of these kill some zombies and that way we could probably get quite a lot of uh RP I'm going to go to the prison that looks fun and there's an x on the map what's that is there anything H should I be worried about samite so prison is there any zombies down oh there's things yeah yeah okay here we [Music] [Music] go oh there's a guy here [Music] hey oh my God ow oh oh my God I don't make it to break oh so the the zombies get let out that is how you get RP must be some kind of event that's awesome oh god oh dear this is like Call of Duty dude oh my God okay I think I farmed enough here uh let me go home and check my crops I really need to repair this AK that's what I'm farming up for repair the AK keep farming my crops um and then I'll have so much RP it'll be easy mode from there on okay let me do a recycle run well recycle run I mean a recycle teleport is that how that that works I guess and how much RP do we have oh 413 actually not bad we're getting so we're getting like we're halfway there to the Quarry that's awesome uh I might just keep doing that then right the only problem is my AK I don't want be AK to break uh how much scrap do I have only 400 should I do a raid could you get like 800 scrap but then I have to it cost me RP h maybe should I go run The Monuments try to get a blue card and stuff how much scrap do I need to get to AK 2,000 or I just research it for 500 I don't have a rifle body though oh this is not good just going to grab a blue card from satellite dish real quick a it's already open a someone's already done it has this one been done doesn't look like it hey what whoa who oh my God oh my God stop throwing Bean cans at me can't use my AK dude it's broken don't do it wow that was intense anyway uh we get a red card from Airfield there's a boss in Airfield though scary boss 5,000 HP P I haven't got the AK to do that uh is there a water treatment power plant train yard try train yard oh that's a lot of zombies who get all right let's get out of here yeah the crops are [Music] working oh yeah 81 dude from one crop that's the whole first floor done dude that's awesome that's so cool uh okay right I think I probably have enough scrap to research the AK now I mean I have rifle buddies and spring so yeah I'll just I'll just research it instead of uh Tech treeing it I think now that's all we need to do is go and kill a bunch of zombies which I think shouldn't be too hard now have an AK and then we'll have so much RP I'm already on 543 so as soon as we get to 1,000 we'll buy the Quarry and then we'll be sorted freshly crafted AK dude oh man I was just trying to place more Planters and it's you've reached the limit of 16 large planter boxes oh I guess that's as many as we can have oh well that's annoying but you know it is what it is I suppose I'm just going to place these everywhere I don't really care where they go oh I reach the limit of those as well okay how do you can you increase your limits I guess you might get more as you level up but for now this is what we have to deal with Okay so let's uh let me wire up the lighting and then we'll be good to go I did these in the dark can you tell [Laughter] oh they're so bad all right they're all done okay so I can pretty much let these grow now and then Harvest them when they're ready cuz I've got 100 clones still so we are good to go all right how much RP do we have 500 let me go to the hospital and kill a bunch of zombies and then hopefully we'll have enough RP eventually to be able to buy the Quarry which is going to be awesome it's very weird flying next to a chopper a py and not being actually damaged by it that is very strange all right there's a boss in the hanger I want to see if I can is he going to run this way oh oh my God where's my go go okay okay then buddy o [Music] pow is that the boss that's the boss yay what did we get ooh an AK oh nice duct tape I have a feeling that's good and 1,000 XP oh someone in the chat br oh [Music] why [Music] [Music] we're getting there 324s 663 RP we're close I only need another what 250 and then we are good to go Baby Oh my days I'm going into Atlanta right now look at this this is crazy man what I feel like I'm in the The Walking Dead film you know not The Walking Dead field uh the one with Will Smith [Music] the no what what's it called oh I don't even know dude at the police department here we go surely there's some goodies in here oh dude the map makers on this map are actually just insane there's a room Green Card toilet right not much here uh I'm going to keep looking around this city because I'm sure there's probably more zombies around here right [Music] [Music] ooh air [Music] drop do I want to use this elevator sounds like there's a lot up there [Music] man oo another turret that was awesome that so cool this place I can hit my zombies a this is just an RP Farm dude this is it this is [Music] perfect well that city was amazing I I'm very like impressed with the map makers dude they've absolutely smashed it look at this that's so cool D I'm going to go check out the hospital and then I think after the hospital we should have enough to get the Quarry [Music] [Music] he I think this is it I think this is it 900 RP oh let's go okay Home One ow home one okay right oh the cloth is growing too yes dude oh that's going to be so much cloth okay uh right let's do this so what do we need to do I think think we have enough RP we have the survey charges let's go outside for slq oh no I need to buy one of the quaries first don't I quar mining Quarry purchase all right we got one okay that's cool uh for/ QR and now we have to search oh sulfur and metal perfect so if I place this here I need to put diesel in there so how do I go back to it if it's not actually there I'm very confused I know I have a lot of diesel do I need to go like back to the same spot or can I do it from anywhere open fuel container diesel go back start sounds like a turret I don't know if it's on is that per minute open resource container do I need to wait I guess that's always on right what as long as there's diesel in there I'll give it a minute what was that in the chat the General's guards are killed and the general is seriously wounded help him evacuate from the island at grid Z8 where's Z8 oh there's a hot oh I'm going there dude let's row that maybe I'll get is it instant it is nice what do I get bunch of ammo perfect okay I'll leave that there let's go I want to do do this event thing that looks crazy and it's so close to me what is this event oh there's a thing in the middle do I need to get to in that what is happening there's a dude laying on the floor I guess that's the general whoa defendable bases whoa what is this what the bloody H is this uh called a rescue helicopter for the general at grid Z8 Oh my days what is happening zombies are attacking don't let them pass oh yo oh my God they're right here uh so [Music] good oh holy I can't get through I'm stuck ah there's a rock I can't I can't get through I'm stuck why would they don't make this hole big enough well that didn't go to plan um I didn't know you couldn't fit through that hole dude all right the quarry's been running for quite a little bit now see how it's doing uh your Quarry type limits com mining quarry with three of them but we have ah 2. 2K sulfur and 4.7k metal that's not terrible I guess and if we get another one we can upgrade it which is cool I'm going to do a medium raid I think I'm going to try anyway oh I'm going to sell all my hqm 1.3k RP boom look at that dude that's going to be beautiful uh so now I can do fire raid and we'll do a should we do a hard I don't think I've got enough for a hard we do medium yeah let's go oh my God I'm doing a raid at nighttime uh where is it by raid this one right yeah I've actually got some Rockets this time and some C4 here we go hopefully this isn't too much I don't know if I've got enough oh my explosive went off twice oh I could have put one C4 on there is there any people in here today any turrets no okay let me do for/ traps oh my g days that is a lot see what's inside door number one uh what's the easiest way to break turret I didn't remember my flame arrows [Music] a [Music] your explosive was a dud but it exploded anyway I love that that makes radium with Satchel so much better um should I call the lrs on this one strike yeah let's do it dude oh but it's got a uh Sam site I wonder how this is going to go oh my [Music] a that's not good that is not good oh my God there's so many turrets up on top I should not have done that oh this is going to make this impossible can I sneak in is that one going to shoot me oh hello hello maybe we on something here ooh nice that's a lot of hqf 12 C4 any more loot barrels oh oh HPS nice don't think I need to destroy those [Music] turrets this raiding thing the damage from turrets is awesome is that one gone whoa look at that's evil uh I don't have anything to break that with what do we get what do we get ooh [Music] nice [Music] all right man I just recycled a bunch of stuff is that all of the loot there's nine loot left where am I missing I haven't got any meds left though which is kind of a problem oh this door this door here I love the fact that you can just get Loot and then recycle it like straight away that is hilarious uh that's that's it the raid has been complete oh my God imagine uh yeah that's cool I think it say zero loot left so I didn't D yeah I must have destroyed the TC I got low grade from it does does it tell you in chat oh yeah you received 4,000 XP for stealing the treasure nice oh we leveled up too hell yeah dude we are now level was it 24 and that's I got 1,700 hqm for that I can sell all that for like a lot of RP I think and then we got our cloth that is almost done possibly well no it's not yet we got yes probably probably another hour on the cloth maybe a bit more right let's grab all our hqm smelt it I think this is how you profit from the raids with the RP you just smelt the hqm and then sell it that might make make sense I mean I've got 12 Rockets uh 12 C4 31 Rockets now which is much better than I had before and the Quarry is doing stuff yeah we got another 2K sulfur nice going to going need a mixing table soon I think about up all the sulfur right 1,800 uh how much can I sell that for 420 RP so it doesn't quite Break Even does it think I spent 500 on it yeah I did so we get a bunch more and then some RP I want to try and do a hard can I how much RP do I have oh I can fire raate hard oh can't buy yet I have to wait um um should we try a heli in the meantime should I get prepared for a heli I need some more meds all right let's try buy hel no is it INR hel attack here we go let's do the dude should that one Edith let's try that one the big boy that's expensive bro uh and now we can go to the heli Towers so we do for of tower one here we go and now we can call in this heli and take it here which is like a cool uh pre-built tower for you to take helies in and they don't take any any damage at all so it's pretty sick dude cannot call in a monument what oh there it is where is it this thing's going to destroy me dude oh oh it went down I didn't think it was going to go down we did it oh dude that took so long oh my God 177% accuracy I suck dude but we did it yay what kind of loot we going to get that was a struggle man ooh ooh okay so many crates okay okay I mean I'll take that any day of the week any more crates oh okay yeah I'll take that dude that's a lot 48 C4 and 57 Rockets okay that was awesome that was really quite hard like the speed of which it moves is multiplied so it was really hard to actually hit it and it had 15,000 health I don't know how much normal hel's have but I feel like that's more really surprised me actually pull it off did I get any RP for that no they get a bunch of stuff but no hqm I don't know if that was worth it for the RP price you know cuz that was expensive got a load of ammo load of raiding supplies but uh can't afford any raids you know how's my Quarry going okay another 2K that really really isn't worth it that really isn't worth it I suppose you have to upgrade them I feel like I could Farm 2K sulfur in like a second for 1,000 RP quaries need a buff dude that's crazy oh my cloth yield is looking great dude oh 30 40 cloth so per plant so far oh that's going to be a nice juicy what what why is this one not all right whatever and the second floor is it working now we good let's get in there yep that's all growing all right it's about a couple of hours later all of my crops are ready to harvest uh let's check the upper level as well yeah everything's ripe okay how much cloth are we going to get from this oh 2K per Planter how much RP is that so 81 perple that's not terrible I need get a bunch of XP too uh I'll put the last one and then downstairs all right 36,000 cloth so how much does that get me 1.3k RP that's not bad you know that is not bad at all I'll take that uh let me replant I'm going to upgrade my Quarry I think so how do you do it so you click on that and then nope wrong one click on that and then it's uh so you need another Quarry to upgrade it so let me buy one uh the jetpacks there though I could buy that oh that looks so much fun no I can stick with the plan Quarry mining Quarry purchase now if I do this do that uh all right oh then it takes two to upgrade Oh my days output times three okay so we need two oh man I wonder how high that goes I do wonder how high that goes uh I'm going to make a mixing table and start crafting all this into GP I think look at this new nighttime thing this is so good can actually see in my base at night what a game changer couple of mixing tables there we go start making some GPS I have 80 rockets and 60 C4 um I should probably go on a raid try and get some more hqm uh I can sell the duct tape I realized I could sell that for 250 RP there you go uh let's go on a raid I think what can we afford we have a th000 RP so I think we can do we can do a hard raid there you go 60 88 Rockets should be enough oh do I have a launcher do I have the scrap detect Tre to it probably not it's very far down isn't it yeah 2,000 scrap can I trade someone for a la rocket launcher I give like mlrs and stuff turret there we go M and the turret boom yeah track and rocket launcher hell yeah I might as well research it all right uh all let's make a launcher all right let's go raid hvs um yep yep yep yep yep meds all right let's go raid buy raid did I already do it oh yeah I already did it is it over here all right let's do it let's head out got my launcher yeah let's go here we go time for the oh this looks like a beast oh man wait someone's already here this is my RAID right yeah is there a mini here what the hell okay uh I guess this blow through the stone wall I wonder if the C4 will do the double double boom thing see if we can blow a stone wall with 1 C4 wait I need to call I need to call the mlrs I completely forgot uh let me destroy this turret right I this thing dude this is so [Music] cool oh there a TC oh that thing is sick the raiding like is so overpowered it's awesome okay all right all right I see the TC that is awesome uh nice o 4K dude that's sick fertilizer n 20K GP bro that is wild uh is it worth going through oh there's a turret right there wait I've got TC now I can just why are you bringing wood no I could have just picked this up I I can see inside is it worth going in there that's a lot of GP dude oh I did two Ah that's so cool it did two in one look how much loot is here uh we HP it ah yeah go it it what okay I didn't bring a hit tool that was dumb loot oh another launcher gar door this loot is kind of horrendous what oh ah the hell so there's no point going in there cuz turret there and just a tier three okay another turret more [Music] turrets oh ooh nice oh very nice and ooh just what I like to see uh we got to go up somehow oh my how on Earth am I going to do that I can't go up how am I supposed to to do that bro maybe I just go through the ceiling oh H is there a turret behind here oh oh God yeah blue card Woo okay and let's go up I think is that it there's apparently 28 loot left I don't know how oh where it [Music] is oo where is this loot God look at the furnaces damn those furnaces were stacked ah it's in the externals that's it raid complete 8,000 XP hell yeah dude we did a hard raid that's awesome and we got how much RP 1.5k RP just in that and in all the other stuff as well that is awesome and we bought like so many Rockets oh you can sell GP but for not a lot jeez that's terrible look at that 22,000 for 48 RP you joking you can sell metal fragments for one RP what yeah it's literally only like C4 and O we could sell all that C4 I mean we've got 100 Rockets I don't need all that C4 I keep one I can research it when I get home 2.8 krp dude that is sick what do we get what do we get what do we get what do we get what [Music] we okay okay grenades kind of Handy actually [Music] o 700 scrap nice nice all right that's that um we have so 38k GP dude that is crazy I need some low grade did I can I buy um um what do I need to buy an oil refinery maybe I don't really have that much screw though oh I oh God that I can recycle these they give tons of low grade inin Rockets yep low grade for days can I sell paper why is that even what is that for wait oh oh oh I can upgrade my Quarry right Quarry to upgrade for 2,000 RP or I need to buy two um quaries that's expensive all right let's do that shop uh 2.9k RP oh that's so expensive perchase two for 1.8k and then Quarry this better be good dude upgrade uh oh now we need a bleach output multiplier times three is that even like that's not even that great though right 30,000 RP what that's not even that good dude that's not even that could I buy diesel is anyone selling diesel no one's selling diesel um not that I need anything like this is I'm so loaded should we make a bunch of I've got 100 Rockets bro that oh I shouldn't have recycled all that cuz I need to I I've already got a launcher we we good we good um I have got n should we buy the jetpack let's do it how do we use it you got a jetpack how do you use it oh you what the dude do I take fall damage oh my my God that is sick how do you control this thing oh dude that is so cool I help W do I just oh is it full [Music] damage do I okay that is pretty crazy dude that is pretty crazy okay so there's an item if I do for Kit there's an item called The Prestige Planters When You Reach what when you it's a Prestige perk when you reach level 100 Planters won't need water what the well I know what I'm going to do uh I'm going to go and get some Diesel and test out my new quarry that's what I'm going to do plants are all going that's good go find some diesel I just fly to like rig or something or maybe water treatment way train yard any diesel spawn in trainyard I don't actually know oh Dome has diesel know that for sure there someone sleep there's a sleeper up here I can't loot it though obviously uh I did see a diesel let's go collect that I think you get nine per col ction oh 15 so now I can just stick that in my Quarry that's level three uh stick it in there and then I should yeah is there any more diesel up here so that's just farming me sulfur as I run around how crazy is that that's awesome I think this is faster than my mini that's hilarious it feels kind of wrong uh I probably don't want to go in a launch site let's go water treatment see we can get some more diesel oh oh you can't fly into a wall apparently that makes sense I guess what the there's a zombie in my there's a zombie in my hel what the what do you mean I just want to get back to my body bro a zombie in my hel oh my God there's so many zombies that would have been real good earlier and there's no diesel here God damn all right well I'm going to let my crops grow overnight and see what we can get up to in the morning everything's looking rather tasty cool right have a good night guys I'll see you in the morning peace [Music] out [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right boys it's an entire weekend uh I've spent the weekend just doing like raids and farming and buying uh diesel running the excavator that kind of stuff um and I will show you the fruits of my labor uh let's see I you have a vending machine what the side just outside my house a there is some hqm for me nice I got loads of diesel so potentially we might might be to run the uh Quarry again if we can get a hold of it it's so popular though so it's really hard to actually get a hold of um let's do a tally of all of the RP that we have wait are they dead no I left my plant to die God damn it okay so overall we have a total not including recyclables we have a total of 8.4 th000 RP and I have currently 622 so let's sell that and that and now we have 99.3k So the plan today is to do a nightmare raid um I've never done one before I have been farming Rockets we got 121 and obviously a bunch of explow so we should have enough to do the raid I think we just need to get a little bit more RP and I just sold all my hqm so I can cannot repair my AK nice let's do some recycling all be fixed by AK boom I got my balti my L9 I got the M39 I'll bring that as well um turrets what we going to do about turrets should I make some grenades like just a dumb amount of grenades that might be a good idea I have so much scrap where is f1's there okay this make so many F1 grenades there you go all right let's buy the raid let's go for buy raid nightmare boom oh we've got it w28 what's that there it is there it is Nightmare raid all right let's go let me go get all the Rockets oh this is going to be hard all right let's go jetp pack where are we going all right we here the nightmare raid oh it's a full hqm base dude I don't am I going to have enough rockets for this see we I can call the mrrs can i h let's do that let's do that strike yeah baby do it big am strike come on oh my God there's so many turrets up there what the okay let's break those turrets oh there you go nice they the samite isn't broke but that's broke all right all right let's break the walls okay here we go there we go we're in I hear loads of movement oh my God how much health did I have dude whoa look at the turrets dude look at that tet what yo that is wild all right that's not real is it that's got to be broken surely do I have to be in here to be able to damage it oh okay all right all let's start launching Rockets I have to break the chain link first I think could I break the Sam let me just check something hang on if I break the Sam site can I just fly up and then do top down I mean there's probably a 100 tups up there but it might be easier than breaking all these turrets you know yay it's down all right let's go no low grade ah horse I'm sorry but I can't even Harvest you what uh oh oh I can't it's someone else's horse isn't it probably I know wait what oh is invens God oh man all right well let's just startop breaking turrets I [Music] guess a I can enter the compound ah I've destroyed so many turrets I'm going to have to go home and get a new rocket launcher this is uh not quite cutting [Music] it there goes my rocket launcher is there anything I can see in there uh no I need to go home and get another one [Music] ah all right I'm back I have a brand new rocket launcher and I fixed my other one uh let's start blowing in and see how far we can get inside this thing it's a beast should have wait till day all right we're almost through the first wall it's taking ages man these boom nine Health all right what's behind door number one is it a billion turrets oh what do we have what is that is that what's that another just W oh there a shotgun o maybe there's some loot in there I see loot boxes oh my God go I knew it would be that easy dude ah okay let's break this turret there was a flame turret up there as well these nightmare raids really don't mess around it's done anything else okay we're we're in okay there's another turet mother get off the ladder oh oh you son of a all right the first box of loot what are we going to get oh I have a jack uh in the nightmare raid what are we going to get better be good dude oh okay that's good that's a good sign o large present a revolver okay I'll take it I'll take it the first box that's awesome man tur right there all right we're going to go through that door I think atc4 out the first box is crazy all right so let's see for this door oh oh my God there's going to be so many turrets I can feel it oh shotgun traps oh that's fine why do I have a laser on me where did it actually come from okay what do we have here I hear turrets out that's the outside turrets that's fine oh that's a lot of turrets okay let's deal with this yeah screw you okay so what's in here then oh do I did I just come through the I probably just came through the a entrance didn't I of course I did ha this makes me excited this one box makes me so excited oh I see a turret laser question is how many this hasn't actually been that expensive so far really I've used had a lot of HP Rockets but I mean I got 60 C4 or atc4 out of this anyway from one box turret oh there's got to be a turret up here isn't there why can't I reload boxes o oh that makes me so giddy oh what's in it oh that's poo that's a poop box I'll take the colorful metal chest plate though cuz it's cool is that that's not TC wait wait this is raised why is this I want to kind of want to go through this floor not going to lie it's going to be expensive though why was this floor being raised that makes no sense to me right okay moment the truth is there anything below this it's got to be right I it's a 10 oh God what oh what I I broke something there's a turret behind it hey is there anything under here oh there's a loot box there's oh is that the one from oh that's going to be the one from the ah maybe not then who knows man there's nothing under here that's poop okay so we have to go guessing we go up here and round and then flame turret [Applause] okay oh man there's going to be loads of turrets up there I can feel it oh no no turret okay cool [Music] I see a flame turret and uh okay actual turret wait is it up is it up there oh my God it's right there oh I hate this base dude ha one broke oh it broke come on give me the loot show me the money I'm scared of a turret oh I was right to be scared [Applause] more loot please be good oh oh M2 nice okay cool all right I'll drink now why not nice M2 is always nice to have I can't believe it's taking me this long to get one uh another box what are we going to get for this what oo this is the greatest part about this I love finding out the loot come on come on you be so good I mean all right I'll take it I guess uh bunch of recyclables really okay which one do we break probably the inner one right I still have 74 rockets and 2,000 explos so I think we should be all right what the hell what is this base man uh here we go oh man come on please oh taus I want to know where TC is going to be is it on the roof what the oh my days dude this is never ending ow what the dude yay I just got shot again oh there's a box there I missed you piece of stand up please come on please please please yes okay if I stand like that I can all right okay there's a box down here that I missed ooh that's a lot of hvps my guy that's what we like to see oh I'm going to I'm going to wear the fancy armor dude oh the heavy side to suit might keep that uh what do I oh go nice all right how we how are we going to take down these I think they broke oh I think it's broke let's have a look yes oh ohe oh I hate this okay all right let's go through this door damn this is a big raid oh dude I should probably rocket this one right oh loot box oh my okay all right that's oh large loot bag nice okay let me open my big box and uh start storing some stuff in here three air drops nice large loot bag lot of recyclables here I might just quickly recycle them all right the large loot bag and we get a P5 okay all right there's a turret right there oh I hate B turrets all right it's done this has to be loot right oh this is terrifying watch the door okay any loot under here no all right see for this door we got be getting closed sure flame turret turret broke door box hey nice 61 rockets that is what we're talking about we have to be get closer to to the TC surely right I've been here for a full rust day now that's an hour doing this one raid that's crazy does that break both of them hell yeah oh okay I'll take an AK door closer all right oh it's all right loot it's recyclables but I want the TC man I want to see that sweet hqm or like scrap or something in the TC it's going to be ridiculous TC's there oo come on okay [Music] please oh yes oh W okay 15,000 scrap 41,000 GP all right that hqm is nice damn son I mean there's still 17 more loot in here somewhere so I don't know where I don't know where that is okay let's go find the other loot where is that going to be I did see like stuff on the roof so maybe we have to go to the roof more loot stuff I don't really need but I'll loot anyway oh that's it we did it zero loot what did we didn't get any oh you got 40,000 XP hell yeah dude uh we done it we completed the nightmare raid that's sick we actually completed the nightmare raid that is so cool can you hear all the bloody scientists outside that cost me 10,000 RP what get out here now there's so many what the all right we did it dude I'm so happy oh that's so nice well I think that's it thank you very much for watching and uh I guess I'll see you in the next one let me know if you want some more PVE content and we'll try and we'll try and conjure up something to do on This Server I was thinking about doing like base builds you know just living in a cool base for a wipe and just see what it's like just PVE instead of normal rust cuz normal rust is actually evil uh yeah anyway subscribe if you're new like the video if you liked it and I'll see you in the next one peace out guys goodbye
Channel: Brit
Views: 217,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust solo, rust trap base, rust new, rust
Id: Xx0xNM8PYPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 20sec (6260 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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