I call it "Black Nior" Amyet G60 Customized

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look at this B B I got the old windshield thingy now I was thinking about dropping this back to here and doing Special Hardware just to have this actually flush but I don't know what do you think maybe it's good to have some air flow through there and it kind of does Hit The Handlebar is a good part now keep in mind I'm going to have a new stem and handlebars Monday so this is going to look even more like a motorcycle and my little tool bag my tools are actually in there for the whole bike battery bag cover mainly so it doesn't say am yet on it and to keep it warm during the the winter got my charger and stuff in here and then I keep my laptop on this side and a whole bunch of stuff and then my jacket tools I got a tire pump fix a flat cuz I don't care about these tires or I would use flat out as preventative maintenance enough talking let's get riding all one more thing this is the the helmet I went with since I have glasses also being on a bike you might stop a lot so you want something you can pull up and down and it even has some shades look at that that's hard all right let's get the out of here I got some shorter cranks on the way those are my pedals now I really like these I got some shorter cranks that'll really set the bike off oh look at all that trash that's what happens when you mow the grass in Wyoming my brother always in the way every day every single day those scooters are in the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a lot of people don't understand the thing about ebikes isn't to look like a motorcycle and be one no no no no no no I would get a motorcycle and I probably will I'm probably going to get an Enduro but no the point of an ebike is to literally be able to go anywhere on the sidewalk on the road through the park chill it's not meant to rip through anywhere you know what I'm saying you're supposed to chill that's the the the whole glory to it is the chill and a lot of people miss that especially these young cats that's why I almost wish ebikes had an age limit for a certain size motor that might solve a lot of our problems but like if you if you have to be over 18 to have anything bigger than a 500 watt that would probably get a lot of this crap that people have to deal with that people hate ebikes probably get a lot of that out the way there's a motorcycle that looks a lot like what I'm trying to do that is bad that's a badass [Music] bike I love the way those look see when I'm riding like this here I'll show you like this I can could just you know slow speeds just pop my helmet open you know only thing you got to worry about about like here on this part of the path oh that was hard on my front shocks is regular bicyclists they are the most dangerous thing in the Parks regular bicyclists do not think they have a speed limit they can go 35 to 40 if they want to through the park as much as they want and that's why regular bicyclists are really the most dangerous thing on the road right now as far as all the paths it's like that one bicycle I had him on camera he was going 30 something mil per hour through here on your left I saw I try to keep it like 11 12 10 especially you got a lot of people with families and dogs last thing we need is a bad it's even funnier when people give you dirty looks for going [Music] slow oh man [Music] [Music] that's a badass [Music] bike got to build their confidence man that's how we make young bikers right there STI to it you know what I'm saying cuz I hey I've been bicycling since I was 5 years old in masawa Japan and oh man I took a I took some some very mean crashes I did I took some very mean crashes before I got comfortable to the point to where I can do what I do today so you you might see me do some hops some some crazy but look I've been on bikes for 30 years all right my handle my my brakes are exactly where I want I want a little DeLay So I'm fully focused on I'm not throttling when I hit that Breck even though there's there's a cut off it's a personal preference it's how I've always been all right this is not full [Music] throttle that's the old golf course golfer getting the golf [Music] [Applause] [Music] in I'll just take the bike r on my way home [Music] it I just give him the kn he gave me the [Music] wave and this is why we stop at red light [Music] [Music] little slow off the start buddy w [Music] serious all right big hill with all this weight at 40% battery yeah we're getting 14 m per hour no pedal assist at all getting out the road cuz there's some guy in a hurry behind me I guess [Music] but he's slow as first daytime ride with the new look what do y'all think now I'm going to get shorter cranks that's tomorrow they're going to be here so that'll that'll alleviate my problem of uh being too close to the bag I had a super 73 rack planned out but I kind of like this look better than having it extended on a rack I like the way it looks from the back you know what I'm saying it's it's good it's not too much obstruction from my tail light plus I have a plate coming Monday you're going to love what the plate says let say run this with a middle finger but all right yall like sub and uh let me know what you're doing what you got you know what I'm saying I'll come check you out I'm bored I'll be checking out biking videos all night I work night audit so I will watch all your videos and binge watch them if you're good or if you try oh yeah and one more little upgrade I got boy
Channel: Slow PEV
Views: 171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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