I Built The Ultimate Ninjago Set...

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fellas ninjago is absolutely incredible the sets are always just top tier but recently it's been going downhill a bit now don't get me wrong i think that the ninjago set designers do an absolutely incredible job all that i'm saying is basically i really really like lego and money you know today i'm gonna be trying to become a ninjago set designer and to show lego my worth and why they should employ me i firstly need to make the greatest ninjago set ever step one have an absolutely flawless creative vision the likes of which society has never seen step two create the best ninjago set ever made and get lego to employment step three become the ceo of lego and finally make my parents proud okay we may only be able to do three of those things with my goals set and studying for finals thrown out my window because ninjago is my life now it was finally time to get started boys before we can do any kind of you know designing we need to start you know picking out a couple of things from here and there from all the ninjago sets and see what what the common theme is what things cross over in many many ninjago sets what minifigures come in the most sense what vehicles are the most common needless to say boys it's big brain time so here i've got bricklink open where basically you can see every single lego set that's ever existed and with regards to ninjago i think it's pretty obvious that you know ninjago legacy has quite a lot of sets all right so just taking a brief look at all of the ninjago sets if there's one thing that the ninjago set designers really like to do it's make these weird black kind of vehicles that are full by fort and just really quickly if i have a look at my ninjago collection over here let's just count how many of these you know vehicles i have one two three all right you know look fair enough maybe i do only personally own three but just trust me it's quite a recurring theme i'm sorry but can we just have a look at this quickly jesus christ there is so many ninjago bikes it's very very unnecessary now if we have a look on bricklink quickly call for example he obviously you know he appears in a ridiculously huge amount of sense because he's one of the four main ninja that makes sense right but kai on the other hand is he's a completely different story this guy here appears in about a total of you know 10 sets now with the common themes taken into account it was time to speak to the people of this great nation intellectuals people so intelligent that they might just be able to help me and twitter obviously one of the main things to consider when making a new ninjago set it's how well it's going to sell and i thought that i could do that by asking the ninjago community it went really really badly but boys i have to say my all-time favorite set has to be uh darius darithlam that sounds like a fantastic set don't know about you but i would buy that this one in particular um you know stands out as being something that would probably be quite realistic for lego to do someone put one that is worth my money guys i'm trying to become a lego designer not some kind of miracle maker i even i can't do that to be completely honest with you fellas i've never been prouder the people were sharing the good word of gareth and we were one step closer to creating the ultimate ninjago set the only slight issue with this is that i don't necessarily know that lego would you know appreciate this i think it's maybe not appropriate for kids now it was time for me to avoid revising as best as i could and spent several hours putting over 200 responses into a spreadsheet so that i could break down what people really wanted in the ultimate ninjago set right so what i've done is i've actually entered about 20 of the sets that i think would actually make a lot of sense as the ultimate ninjago set into this spreadsheet here i've given them a ranking from one to ten so just looking at this as you can probably see the majority of the sets are location sets so that's something that i was kind of expecting because we don't tend to get many of them from ninjago and when we do get them they are very very poggers in addition to that having looked at all of the responses that i got the majority of them were you know boggs tower which again that was to be expected alongside that we also had sets like darren's mojo dojo the corridor of elders four weapons and ed neden's junkyard but in terms of kind of just thinking about sets that i could imagine lego releasing volks tower is definitely one of them now not necessarily the 300 set that everybody keeps suggesting but maybe a slightly downgraded version so box tower is now it was time to actually create the ultimate ninjago set a product so great that lego would have no choice but to hire me so i got started and here are the results see one of the slight things that i hadn't necessarily considered was the fact that creating the best product that humanity had ever seen and being the best creative genius ever was a slight bit more difficult than i'd initially thought i mean sure this is a masterpiece but it has a couple of glaring flaws so i contacted benny brooks an incredibly talented lego builder over on youtube and asked for his help shut up you seriously think i'm gonna work for you such a so with benny brooks completely on board with all of my ideas everything was coming together perfectly basically my plan for borg's tower is to make it a similar scale to the avengers tower more play scale than anything else for the kids also because this is a ninjago legacy set amborg's tower is in tons of seasons of ninjago i do actually want to try and include as many missing ninjago minifigures as humanly possible we're talking cyrus ball gale gossip although she should really stay away from darris oh i swear to god it's not going to be good as you can see here from my highly detailed drawing i also wanted to include something darth related so let's check in with benny bricks's progress help someone let me out just let me free i haven't seen my family in three days i'm so hungry boys it's a few days later and benny's finished the build the build is going to get lego to hire me and show everybody my creative genius even though he was the one who built it and did most of the work but still it's time so we got the board tower set there's a lot of characters in this set as well oh dude i'm a bit speechless here because let's just quickly have a look at the source material that i sent you how the hell how did you get this absolute behemoth from what i sent you it was a very good drawing it was quite detailed some would say that i'm quite a bit of an artist artist i wanted it to have like a very similar type of design to the like tower in the show i love the insides because i was not expecting you to do anything in there that's so cool oh dude oh the minifigures as well yeah uh we got nelson we got ward or cyrus board we got uh business lady gail gossip she's irrelevant which we don't need we got bike lady darius pixel with the wrong hair hi cole and dead lloyd the minifigures are popping off a bit popping off a bit let's say in a theoretical world but you were lego and i wish to send you this set would you employ me this is the question oh no no yes yes oh my oh you're getting mouthy now betty breaks i swear to god i'm gonna put you back in the chamber all right fellas so we've got the finished set but now last but not least we need to see what the people think hello people of this great nation i come to you with the best thing ever created also lego can you like fire me please here we go i've done it there's no going back now and fellas people absolutely loved it like seriously not a single person thought that this set was bad and now all that's left to do is to get hired by legos so if you're watching this video please let go give me a job and also maybe like you know subscribe to me and benny bricks that would be poggers
Channel: Generic Stud
Views: 645,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego ninjago, lego ninjago sets, lego ninjago movie, ninjago Borg Tower, lego ninjago custom set, ninjago lego moc, lego moc, lego custom set, lego leaks, building custom ninjago sets, ninjago 10th anniversary, lego ninjago cyrus borg minifigure, lego ninjago cyrus borg, Gayle gossip ninjago, generic stud, ninjago borg tower set, dareths mojo dojo set, ninjago set, lego ninjago moc tutorial, ninjago customs, Custom Ninjago minifigures, ninjago cmf, lego custom minifigure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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