I Built the QUIETEST Keyboard Again... But The Easier Way!

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welcome back to the channel this is Scott K of all the videos I have put out until now the one with the highest view count is actually this one yes the video about the silent keyboard I always thought you guys are watching my videos to like make keyboard sound good but nope more people want me to be like quiet so I'm hurt I'm just kidding I get it there are situations like in an office setting that you need something silent to keep things peaceful right but one thing about the previous video was that it was done with a group by keyboard the Windex is 98 and a fairly involving process of creating the MX violence it's like frankensteining two different switches to make a super quiet switch a lot of viewers wanted to emulate it but either they couldn't buy the keyboard or just didn't want to bother with the switches so today I'm bringing you a video to achieve similar results but much easier one higher end with probably one of the most quiet off-the-shelf switches you can get and one more accessible keyboard with more budget silent switches you can easily get so let's get started all right if you recall there are probably two most important aspects of creating a silent keyboard one is dampening inside the keyboard and the second which is actually the main is the switch itself instead of regular MX style switches with hard plastic housings and hard stems colliding into each other and making noise silent switches have silicone dampeners too well silence those collisions so even the loudest sounding keyboard will become fairly silent once you drop in some silent switches I mean you can't really amplify something that doesn't exist right as mentioned before we are going to be building one higher end something that costs around 600 complete which is actually this one the kbd fans Odin and one more accessible something that will cost around 120 dollars complete which is this one the key Crown V5 yes I chose two 1800 size keyboards because well I figured these may be seeing more offices than like gaming rooms right but you can do this well with any size from 60 all the way to full size 104 Keys plus it doesn't have to be the kbd fans Odin or the qcon B5 any keyboard can pretty much be the host as long as it's hot swappable and uses standard MX style switches now for the high-end build I'm going to be using a set of boba u4s silent tactiles if you recall I had the chance to try these out along with like the bubble gum linears through the milk tooth home tester kit so it's not as quiet in my opinion as the MX silence but pretty darn close without all the hassle of the MX Islands the Boba u4s costs around 65 cents a piece though so it's not the cheapest switch out there now for the accessible build I'm going to be using these the kikron silent k Pros why because they're like 24 cents each almost like third of the price of the u4 s's plus you can just add these into the cart along with your kikron V5 order so it just makes it super easy right they're comparable to something like gather on silent Reds or cherry silent Reds or something like that now with both types of switches you can always Lube it and make it slightly more quiet but that is totally up to you for this exercise I'm going to just keep them stock because we're trying to do this easy thing right aren't you curious how these will turn out can the quick and dirty method beat the ultimate silent build of before well we'll find out soon enough but before we go into the build itself let's go to a quick word from our sponsor hellofresh so I have a pretty hectic lifestyle I have a nine to five job and I also create content in the evenings and the weekends which means I don't really have much time to think about too much about what I eat so either I can do this or I could rely on a service like hellofresh to help me eat healthier and also track my food budget better hellofresh is an online meal kit delivery service that curates very delicious meals and delivers them directly 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definitely help to mute the sound even more as well for stabilizers I'll be using a set of all stabs and I'll also be using the silencing pads as well as the silicone wire dampeners for that extra quiet effect the overall build was pretty straightforward and with everything installed this is what it looks like now I took the Boba u4s and drop these in as well done no problem for keycaps I decided to go with a set of dcx olivetti to keep a nice and clean look what do you think it was pretty easy peasy right speaking of easy now the kikron V5 is truly the easy mode it actually comes fully built already the easiest way to go about this is to purchase the fully assembled version for just 89 and then buy the silent switches as an extra for like 26 bucks for the entire jar this will only cost you around 120 total and you end up with like another set of red linear switches as a bonus if you want to use that in a future build or something like that truly easy for this application I did go ahead and properly tune the stabilizers to eliminate any potential ticks and the V5 also comes pre-installed with internal silicone dampening as well as well as plate dampeners so it has you covered in that department now the switches like the Odin the kikron V5 is hot swappable so I just dropped these kikron silent k Pros in no problem I mean you buy all of it at the same time so it's also very convenient as well for keycaps the keyboard already comes with it so you could always use that no problem now the two silent builds are ready as mentioned before in total the Odin comes out to be about like 600 and the V5 comes out to be like 120. so is there a difference time between the high end and the accessible in terms of creating a silent typing environment let's find out in addition I threw in the previous silent champ the wind x 98 with the iMac silence as a reference point oh and all you guys saying bro just by a membrane keyboard bro it's more quiet bro I threw that in there as well so you can finally hear that no it is not more quiet not by a long shot so please stop telling me the membrane keyboard is quiet so what do you think did I finally prove to you that the membrane keyboard is not the most silent did you notice a difference in the volume between the higher and Odin with the more expensive bull by u4s and the more accessible kikron V5 with the cheaper silence and did you notice the difference between these two new builds and my previous ultimate quiet one with the MX Islands let me know in the description below now if you want a nice typing experience and want a nice mechanical keyboard but need to be silent as possible I hope this video helps you achieve that it doesn't have to be an expensive Group by board or crazy Frankenstein switches to make the most silent keyboard you can do it with one of the off-the-shelf parts or keyboards in addition you don't have to buy the most expensive stuff to make your quiet either you can do with more modest budgets as well so before I leave you guys I did want to show you one more thing though this thing this is called a kale midnight Pro silent what is the difference about this one well these are supposed to be silent switches but without that softer bottom out of standard silent switches where the silicone pad and the stem and it kind of feels a little bit squishy instead the KL midnight Pros have a silicone pad built into the housings itself so while they're not as silent as can be they provide a much more regular typing feel while still curving the clicks and the Clacks of the match mechanical keyboard so you know what check this out [Applause] alright I hope that this video was helpful and as always if you want to check out any of these keyboards or components I have used in this video please check out the description below for the links as usual if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe and I'll have more content for you in the future thanks
Channel: Keybored
Views: 165,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mechanical Keyboard, ASMR, Taeha, brandon taylor, taeha types, badseed tech, glarses, hamaji neo, squashy boy, :3ildcat, randomfrankp, taekeyboards, Custom Keyboard, keybored, custom mechanical, Keyboard Kits, best budget mechanical keyboard, box ink, thoc, Wind X, Thock, Clack, Thocky Keyboard, Clacky Keyboard, Foam Modding, Keyboard Modding, Wind X98, Quietest Keyboard, Quiet Mechanical Keyboard, PBTFans, MX Zilent, keychron v5, kbdfans odin, odin v2, boba u4, silent keyboard
Id: RpuRYyCNQao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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