I Built Lebron James Dream Team

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today I'm building LeBron James's dream team but his team starts out as all 40 overalls every year of LeBron's career will spit from the upgrade wheel the upgrade wheel has five tiers and every three spins on the upgrade will boil knock a new tier as the tiers go up the chance of getting a superstar increase while the chance of getting a bomb decrease the goal is to win as many championships as possible with LeBron and go 82-0 subscribe to the channel if you do also check out my twitch I stream every weekday at 11AM and follow me on Twitter Twitter about basketball let's go we got rookie LeBron's in 84 overall and the rest of the team are 40 overall bots so let's see if we can get lucky here on our first spin of the tier one where we got a role player that's pretty good 12 chance and you guys know all Lebron teams need is shooting and defense let's bring in Chad olgram we just have to build an offense that allows LeBron to drive and kick with ease and getting a big man who could shoot is a great start I'm surprised Luca didn't win it and LeBron won Rookie of the Year dropping 33-13 and five in his first year and he also won the POI and he's on first team with his future self I guess if any player is going to make an all-nba team and win zero games it'll be LeBron and Shout Out us all year as well dropping 15 and 18. and the Atlanta Hawks win and win it all Trey young going crazy LeBron and Chet went up five overalls LeBron 299 and shutdown 82. I know we only added one player but I love this LeBron and Chateau we got ourselves up bro we have been getting incredibly lucky with the tier one wheel we're gonna bring in an all-time talent and certified bucket getter Tracy McGrady to play alongside LeBron I really couldn't have asked for two better picks off the tier one wheel and this version of tmac is only 20 years old we got a really young team and now we're back to reality LeBron still making first teams and we actually managed to win two basketball games how we do that T-Mac not scoring as much as I thought he will but 19 10-6 will take it and the Celtics win it all Jason Tatum getting a ring everybody's going up look at chet2 and 86. here is our final spin off the tier one wheel we got ourselves a bench or that's a lot more likely than what we've been getting before this was the best young 3-and-d guy could find give me CAM reddish I gotta make sure every single player on this team can shoot and play defense jokes with a near triple double LeBron racking up dpois and cam redders got us some more wins he actually did better than I expected but T-Max doing his thing chess doing his thing LeBron's doing his thing we're good I don't expect the contend right now we just got to bring young guys to the team to help him get better and build a team that can grow alongside LeBron now we're on to the first bit of our tier two well but I'm not gonna lie tier one went pretty well so this is not a surprise we're gonna bring in another big man to help space The Fallout let's bring in robertory there's not too many young big men who are 70 overall and can shoot threes Jay with an MVP LeBron still on first team and we're somehow almost a playoff team within all 50 overall bench I guess the Robert Horry pickup did wonders but again we're building a team to help LeBron just work and do his thing we want the ball in his hands every possession cook up or give it to T-Mac a couple times whatever you got to do to win and we definitely got our big three established time for our Second Spin of the tier two we're gonna get another bench rumors getting bad we're gonna bring in the shooter to come up the bench let's bring in Grayson Allen and it looks like the Cavs won a star Grace now and have cameras come with the bench I don't hate that at all let's see if we make the playoffs Shay with another MVP and this team actually made the playoffs as the sixth seed we have a six-man rotation and somehow made the playoffs and we got ourselves a game seven in the conference final James driving on Brandon Miller Dodge the T-Mac T-Mac trying to drive dies it back to James what a connection between T-Mac and LeBron Dilo going to use the person no way oh that was a crazy shot they're gonna foul and T-Max going to the line okay we need both of these T-Mac first one up it's good second one to make this a three-point game and he got it Dilo three ball it's off and LeBron's Cavs first year they make the playoffs with a six-man rotation are going to the NBA finals it's been an amazing run for this Cavs team so far but let's see are we playing the finals we're going up against the OKC Thunder who also have chat we got ourselves a game seven in the finals but LeBron and T-Mac have both fouled thou Care Medicine Chet both have five fouls Chad go to work to get oh I thought he missed it Shay three ball it's off rebound cam can't radish in the corner two seconds Minnie it's off okay it's High game I don't even want to go to overtime here but seven seconds left here in game seven Shea oh he's got a bot on him oh good hope defense time out we got a shot can we get it in get it in cam bro how are we not getting smoked in overtime chat driving you got the angle you got the angle go up go up there we go chat no don't get stuck on the screen shade driving step back midi Misty rebound check to save LeBron and T-Max Legacy five seconds a bot what are you doing but to chat one second chat dude how is our my God how is this game still close wait is it Grayson Allen and four Bots we're done it's it's over Grayson using the Bots great question three ball oh you got a good look man that wasn't a bad look Grayson shoot it Grayson just shoot it Grayson Jordy pull up MIDI I I guess I expected too much of Grace in the 1v5 this team this Manchester ended with 44 and 14. he did all it could and LeBron's officially a 99 overall but now we have our final spin of the two two I'm not gonna lies big cut at man the tier two will has been terrible this video gonna bring in another big man who could shoot it let's bring in Maxi cleaber and we're actually starting Maxi over Robert Rory I don't mind that at all the Melo grabbing an MVP and now we're in the play tournament okay and T-Mac is actually outscoring LeBron now and we got smoked in the play tournament so we're done and the magic winner now Trey Young on the magic now okay the team's looking pretty good and the tier three wheel can't be any worse than the tier two we've got ourselves a superstar what a great star eight percent chance it's not a flashy pick but we're sticking with floor spacing and defense let's bring in Clay Thompson again there's definitely better options but Klay Thompson fits perfectly on a Lebron team and LeBron gets the first MVP of his career while the Cavs said as the number one seed in the East oh that Klay Thompson Edition was beautiful 44 from 3 19 points a game while it was a close series but we're going out in seven and we lost a Brawny drop in a triple-double and the wolves will go ahead and win it all shade just everyone just moving teams I think clay might be regressing that's a great sign I don't know how you're regressing your Prime but what do I know here we go we got ourselves oh I wanted to go we got to fill out the four spot we're going to bring in the defensive player of the year who could also space the floor out let's bring in Jaren Jackson Jr LeBron has no choice but to be a basketball genius with this a lot about getting him everything he wants LeBron was another MVP you're welcome and I think they won the same exact games as last year I'd like Jaren the rebound the ball a little better but he's giving us great floor space and shooting 38 from three and LeBron cruised his way to the files where we're going to be taking on the king so if Kaden and this team is nasty and by nasty I mean gross his team literally sucks look at this pick and roll with chat you just pieced this team apart bro Clay Thompson open I mean I I didn't oh I made it okay well you get the point man your job is too easy and LeBron wins Finals MVP congrats okay apparently T-Mac actually won Finals MVP I don't know why Lebron was up there nobody went up but that starting five is looking nasty and here is our final spin on the truth well that has been very kind to us we got ourselves a starter okay we need somebody to run the second unit and we're gonna keep our point guards tall let's go with Kade Cunningham I gotta really start building this bench if we want to go 82-0 another MVP for LeBron and we won 66 games this time we're doing better the scoring is starting to get a lot more balance on the which makes sense we got a lot of stars Kate had a great year to start out and the Cavs had a semi tough road to get to the finals but they're here and they're facing a Warriors team that's pretty stacked not gonna lie just gotta close them out here in game seven come on make this offense easy T-Mac driving good take T-Mac Wallace trying to drive dives into Brady what oh what a block from James T-Mac hit on the ball LeBron sitting in the corner right now gonna use the chat screen T-Mac trying to drive as he cross throws it down what a move from DMACC T-Mac wants this ring Wallace try to drive lays it up in it okay we got a seven point game they're running pin Downs LeBron wide open oh he definitely break that okay let's not sell this game guys Wallace off the screen Wallace driving free Lane in a basket what are we doing oh my God tmac no way you just stepped out of bounds Wallace off the screen again Wallace driving gets foul we're really about to have a three-point game here tmac wants this game in his hands T-Mac try to drive it's not there great if it's okay to watch T-Mac driving missed it rebound bro we're selling this game Jason trying to use the screen here it's not no way oh what a pass Brady makes the hook one point game first free throw for James the crowd is quiet it's in gotta make this a three-point game he got it Jones off the screen Jones to Getty Getty three it's off rebound okay that should do it that could have been very bad on the bronze resume to go out like that he barely touched the ball like he Matt bro you are so lucky oh my God I'm not gonna lie choking and then winning Finals MVP is insane and Chet lettuce and scoring with 29 and we'd like to see Kade getting better and we're now gonna move on to the tier four wheel our first spins it going all right we gotta lock in here we need a crazy pick I was torn between taking step for Katie but I don't want to drop off too hard defensively let's bring in KD I could have made the obvious choice to win MJ but I want to stick to building the best team that fits LeBron James's game and this version of Durant's only 23 years old LeBron still grabbing MVPs and we just got the greatest record in NBA history 77-5 if the wheels come to us the next few spins we're gonna get ourselves 82-0 for sure and we made our way to the finals yet again where we're gonna play the Utah Jazz and they got scoot Devin Booker and Brandon Miller oh my God every team we play that I think is gonna be crazy we just smoke and LeBron James getting another Finals MVP look at Katie 42-10 and nine Unstoppable this man Katie went up to a 98 that's beautiful let's see if we can land and go with another tier four spin we got ourselves another gun okay okay if we don't go 82-0 I'm ass that's all you can toss it up to we're gonna pick someone who fits the system a little better than MJ does let's bring in Kobe this starting five is insane another MVP for LeBron and we won 75 games but we somehow won less games by adding Kobe we just gotta somehow build out a super bench that's all we could really do our starting five is amazing went ahead again and walked our way to the finals but we're playing Jalen green Justin Edwards Tatum Rock it's a really good team again just every time I say that we smoke them LeBron might get over 10 finals MVPs man this is crazy but our goal right now is to go 82-0 man we can do it we have four players who are 99 overalls and the tier 4 wheel has definitely been the best build so far oh we almost got ourselves another goal okay we'll take a starter we're gonna stick to our game plan for building a perfect team for LeBron let's go with Miles Turner let's see if Miles Turner can help us out these are not MVP numbers I don't know how LeBron's winning these I mean they're winning over 73 games so I get it we didn't have a single player average over 20 a game once again cruised our way to the finals where we gotta play a pretty good Thunder team going against Chad and they actually put up a good fight but we're gonna win here in seven oh my God they gave it to Durant I mean he balled 40 points can't blame him why is Durant going down one overall and now it's time for the final wheel the tier five will be got ourselves a superstar keeping the theme of floor spacing for LeBron to play good we're gonna bring in young Dirk I Don't Mind Dirk starting and Durant coming off the bench I actually like this LeBron finally doesn't win MVP we just keep winning 70 games man this is getting hard I might have to just go for best player available instead of trying to build LeBron the purple team we got to try to go 82-0 because I don't think we're ever going to lose a championship yet we're winning every year why did Dirk go down one and T-Max getting worse too it's getting ugly gonna need the tier five with a balance out here we're gonna go ahead and get a superstar okay we'll take that 30 chance I'm giving myself the best chance to go 82-0 let's bring in Shaq we are now running a nine-man rotation where everybody is at least a 90 or above DJ with another MVP doesn't matter what your team has he just can't go 82-0 it's really hard to find a balance between building LeBron the best team possible and also trying to go 82-0 another ring for us here obviously winning the championship again don't need to show you all this T-Max going down man and I'm not gonna lie even if we gotta go here I don't think it's gonna help okay well we gotta go I might as well just take MJ or Kareem or something like that we got to give ourselves the best chance possible to go 82-0 this one came down to age cream is only 23 years old so we're gonna bring in Kareem oh we got team at Kobe LeBron Shaq and Kareem hopefully this is enough to win it all Lebron back to win an MVPs and we tried our best but 77-5 is all we got and there's another ring for LeBron in the Cavs obviously and now I'm gonna send to the end of LeBron's career if he ever goes 82-0 I'll obviously show you and we'll go over all those crackalades everything like that LeBron's finally retired after 21 years in the league Force query averaged 24-8-9 pretty good stats shooting 53 and 42 from three here's some of his career highs not that overwhelming 59 Point career high rebounds 22 assists 20 nothing crazy and it was a 13-time MVP a 14-time champion a 16-time defensive player of the year and 21 times First Team all NBA ignore this LeBron but all Lebron was first in scoring 20th and three-pointers 11th in rebound second in assist and LeBron and LeBron are top two in turnovers thank you for watching me build LeBron's Jean team let me know who should do next goodbye
Channel: YNG
Views: 173,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nYN0qphl_rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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