I Built an AIRPLANE to Escape a Wasteland! - The Long Drive

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today we are turning this broom into an airplane let's get building ah just brush off my RV here with this awesome broom but before we turn this into an airplane we have to drive down the post-apocalyptic Wasteland to find some parts like wings um stuff to make it look like an airplane because it's just a bro it's just a broom but hold on hold on hold on check this out check this out because you think it's just a broom right but hold on it actually it actually flies uh oh my RV is kind of rolling away hop off we better catch it go I I can't lose the RV yet it's not an airplane yet it's just a flying broom I guess you can kind of classify that as an aircraft but it I don't think it meets any regulations or anything but it is a dingus his and Steve's a dream to explore the skies we do have some awesome Vehicles like this monster RV but never have I once built an airplane out of a a broom okay let's just oh there's a building right here perfect please spawn like some wood pieces so we could use it as oh something spawn up there so we can use it as like a wing or something don't crash don't crash okay these breaks suck on this thing turn it back around over here and are we gonna get lucky and find some pieces that we need all right what's inside a bunch of boxes uh we got some meat that might be helpful and um an old shotgun hmm none of this really helps us too much so oh oh this might help a light just in case it gets dark we can put that on the front of our airplane okay get back on the road here use your big old eyeballs and is that a mechanic shop no that's a big old Tower dang it a mechanic shop would have been perfect but no those Towers have nothing but we might be able to fly on top of one once we get our airplane broom functional because I don't think I've ever been up top there before oh right here we have a gas station oh oh please spawn something useful these brakes really suck oh my gosh okay do a YouTube don't flip don't flip oh that was so close that was so close I don't think anything useful really spawned here but maybe something for the van here let me just take a quick quick peek around um it doesn't look like much has spawned here hold up hold up we got Chuck enamel that's perfect because I got this Rusty shotgun it looks totally safe and some gasoline there's something way up over there is that a diner diners usually have a lot of stuff including chairs um Vehicles oh that's that's where we're gonna find our parts we're gonna be building an aircraft oh yeah we I'm just off-roading because you know this is a monster RV they could do that they could do that there's also a haunted house over there so if we don't find what we need we could just go I don't really want to go there that's kind of scary but you know just maximum speed across this hill I don't know how I'm gonna stop but you know what I'm gonna jump out I'm gonna jump out when we can because this thing doesn't stop and there it is okay I got my broom Mommy right I got the I got the broom okay there we go put this down for now and oh I almost hit a rabbit we're gonna open the door hit the brakes hit the brakes Dingus Steve take control of the wheel I'm doing it I got I got uh I that was a horrible idea I was a bet my RV alright so I made it back with some minor damage we lost our headlights um but look at this park it right here that's a perfect parking spot turn this bad boy off and uh oh we got zombie dudes stand back stay back dude I got a rusty shotgun and I'm actually scared to use it take this got him that's what he gets okay well let's look around and see oh look at this oh this right here is the perfect piece for a wing so we got the broom here I'm gonna go bring all the parts we find to the road here so we can construct the coolest broom airplane ever it's gonna be cooler than it sounds so inside here they got a bunch of these stools right um we can either use this or the coach inside of our RV to set Dingus Steve and Stevie on right Stevie there you go we're gonna use this for their seats oh this thing is gonna be so cool boom there's a palette here which we could use as the airplane's floor uh I don't even know if this thing's gonna be aerodynamic but hey we can use this bumper or a rear bumper as like a tail fin oh and there's a bunch of metal pieces in here oh yeah this is what we need and now it's time to build the airplane oh zombie rabbits take this you jerks get out of here they're too far away so I shouldn't waste my ammo so we're going to use one of these metal poles as a base um there's a trailer just driving around I was wondering what that noise was grab the broom right here we have to make sure it is aimed upwards while we build it like that uh look at this oh this is gonna be so cool okay that goes like this oh wow we should probably put the wing on I'm gonna put that at the very front because we're not working with a lot of space unless I can find something else to add at the back boom Oh Oh yeah this is this is coming along it's taken form I guess I can use this other piece right here for um to extend the body and I don't know what just happened but a trailer flew into my RV Steve Dingus Stevie no you get out of there jerk what is happening uh don't worry they're totally okay in there Just Gonna Keep building my airplane I gotta get out of here this place is kind of scaring me well time to add the tail section I don't have a lot of room here uh the tail Wing goes right here now we have to add the seat for dingus and Steve if you know they're okay inside the RV there we have to add an engine to the front is this even gonna work I really hope this works um this just goes right on the front and we have to add a propeller I mean we don't have to do any of this but I just want to make it look cool you know boom there's our propeller um yeah it kind of looks like an airplane I guess I think it's probably almost ready to fly we just have to get our pets out of that uh monstrosity right there oh gosh okay so I got out of that monstrosity there and I'm getting out of here so attach Dingus right there and Steve right here uh oh oh I guess they sat in the seat with him right there and the moment of truth is see if this bad boy here flies Okay it's loose we just hop on the Broom right and let's see if we fly um go up it's a broom make a fly right oh wait wait look at this oh we're flying we're we're flying in LA in the long drive we got an airplane what the heck why is this thing fly so good okay I'm gonna come in for a landing here oh wow it just kind of it just it just Falls but look over there um I think there's a sandstorm over there so we're gonna head towards there and we're gonna fly through it Dingus Steve hang on tight I'm sorry I couldn't find Stevie I think he got launched into space from that big old monstrosity of a vehicle collision that was happening there I don't know look at that there's a ship right there oh wow that's so cool look how big this thing is why am I flying sideways I don't know but look we landed on it okay here it is the sandstorm Moment of Truth will it pick us up and fling us we have to go directly into it this is crazy I wish this actually flew like a real airplane it's just like the broom mechanics and the multiplayer flying currently okay here we go I think it's I think it's oh oh it's definitely dragging us it's definitely dragging us but I don't know if it really hurts the airplane it's not really ripping pieces off just kind of moving us around this is crazy oh my gosh but we made it out of the storm we're going full speed it'd be cool if the propeller actually moved but oh yep we got it we got a post-apocalyptic airplane look how high we are look down there there's a little house that's so cool and I don't think I've ever seen what it looks like above one of these gigantic mountain rock formation thingies but we have to go up a bit there we go we just flew over it can I land on it Landing it um boom whoa you can actually oh no oh no recover recover we're in a spin we're in a spin oh my gosh there's a tower over there to the left oh stop spinning [Music] aerodynamic physics works but Yep looks good to me I'll just land it and fix it so it's pretty durable come on flip it come flip it flip it there we go and yeah we have a light so we can just attach this to the front of our plane pop it there oh where'd it go oh it's right here turn it on and we have light although we have a bed back here so we can essentially just fall asleep and we could just hop back in the seat and take off like this and uh where is that big old water tower thing oh it's behind us I gotta turn around and there it is just coming in before Oh that's Speedy um coming in for landing up top here and three two one landed oh my gosh that was um uh I I I accidentally landed too early um hold on okay and land it not in the in the antenna right here boom wow I never thought I would ever be up here oh my oh and my plane just exploded and Dingus explodes oh my gosh what oh no what are we gonna do now I don't think the plane works I don't think this this thing works anymore um no it's not working it's not flying we're trapped up here this is our this is our new home Angus Steve we're gonna be up here forever you know what thankfully we do have all these cool pieces to build us a little shelter three hours later oh we only have this morsel of meat here take a bite Dingus eat up buddy eat it all How Could You Dingus now we're gonna starve up here somebody help we're stranded up here what if I grabbed like a shotgun and shoot up there you know help me we're out of ammo too oh there we go
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 216,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the long drive, the long drive gameplay, the long drive airplane, the long drive plane, the long drive i built, the long drive building, the long drive building an airplane, i built, i built an airplane, i built a plane, airplane, plane, post apocalyptic, post apocalyptic wasteland, post apocalyptic game, driving game, driving, plane game, driving simulator, apocalypse game, wasteland, spycakes, post apocalyptic airplane, spycakes the long drive, spycakes airplane
Id: plAvZe0Ln78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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