I Built A SECRET GAMING ROOM To Hide From My MEAN BOSS! (Roblox)

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today I was at my job in bloxburg taking my lunch break when suddenly my boss appeared and started yelling at me for playing video games my boss just said I don't care if it's your break it's not allowed huh how does that make any sense you literally just said it's my break what if we needed you to come back early to help and you weren't paying attention because of that game um I'm going to say Well it wouldn't matter because I'd be on my break so you actually can't tell me to come back she just said you need to be more of a team player and what kind of loser plays those games anyways what YY she just said you need to grow up okay now she's just insulting me what the heck that was it she came in here to yell at me insult me and then leave so much for my peaceful lunch break what the heck guys my boss has hated me ever since I started working at this clothing store and normally I would just quit but I can't since I need a job in order to save up for Taylor Swift concert tickets for me and my best friend honestly this job would probably be bearable if I had a place to actually take my lunch breaks in peace all I want to do is play video games it's my break I should be able to do whatever I want to relax only there was a way I could do that without my boss bothering me I wait guys I think I just got an awesome idea okay guys my break is over and I am back at the checkout counter and I have figured out the ultimate plan to make my boss Cara leave me alone during my break so I can actually play my video games in peace but since I can't leave the store until my shift is over I'll just have to build my own secret gaming room inside the store but in order to do that I'm going to need help from my best coworker oh Maddie speaking of guys she just got here she just said hi gri I'm just going to say hi uh did you just clock in guys I am really glad that I thought of this idea today because me and Maddie actually work together oh she just said yep I'm going to say okay I need your help all right I'm going to say come over here come over here we have to get somewhere that we can whisper okay not close to the office this way this way this way Daddy just said okay sure what's up I'm going to whisper to her and say I figured out a plan to make Cara leave us alone on our lunch breaks for good but I need you to distract her and get her out of the store for a while Maddie just said wait huh really I'm just going to say I promise it'll be worth it she said I do anything for her to leave us alone yet same Maddy just said okay okay I don't know what you're planning but I'm hyped to see what you're going to do I'm going to say it's going to be awesome but I can't do it with Cara in the building so you have got to get her out of here I'm going to say can you d distract her long enough MADD just said yes I think I can I'll go do that okay okay guys I can't start on my idea until Cara is out of the building she just said you go do what you need to do okay guys I just going to hang out and try to act normal and see what Maddie has planned I didn't really give her a way to distract her but Maddy's normally pretty good at this kind of stuff oh okay she just went into her office and said Cara said uh hello do you need something Maddie just said can you come pick up inventory with me I forgot how to do it and oh jeez Cara just said what typical your generation is so dumb and lazy oh There She Goes Again just insulting jenzy whatever Cara just said all right I'll go with you and show you how to do the job you're paid to do dang okay Cara is not in a good mood today but that means it is working out there they go I'm just going to M my own business la la la there they go come on come on I just need them to leave perfect okay guys they're out of the building and that means I can get into build mode and and start building okay you guys I in build mode right now and I don't have a ton of time since the warehouse Maddie and my boss are going to isn't too far away so first I'm going to focus on building the secret entrance for the secret game room okay and I think I have a perfect place to put it I think I'm going to put it right inside this dressing room right here because the entry to the break room is right here so if we go this way for our break here won't really notice if we just slip into the dressing room plus we are always the one who clean these anyways Cara doesn't really mess with the dressing rooms so I think this is perfect okay I'm going to go ahead and get a secret hat all right there we go and it Blends in perfectly okay you guys it the the pattern on the floor looks a little bit off but I wonder if maybe I can just turn there we go you guys I think that blends in pretty seamlessly if I do say so oh no there we go okay now it BL did pretty seamlessly okay make sure to save that and then I'm also going to go ahead and just kind of um swap the placement of this little room divider and the ottoman okay and then you hardly even notice it that is perfect I think okay I'm going to okay you guys but there is the secret entrance right here now I just need to add a basement and actually I think I'm just going to make it I don't want anything like to show outside so I'm just going to make it the size of the dressing room it'll be a little small but it's literally just for me and Maddie so I think it might end up being totally fine okay I'm going add some walls floor there we go all right so this square is where the entrance is so I'm going to go ahead and put a ladder actually you know what I'm going to make it a little comfortable in here cuz we actually have quite a bit of room I think I'm going to go ahead and add some stairs I'm just going to keep it to the spiral stair cuz I think that's really cute actually right here I I think that works this is going to be our break room so I want it to be really comfortable and cozy right there we go cuz it is a pretty small space so I want it to feel really okay there we go you guys now we have white stairs and a little floor and I'm actually going to go ahead and change the color of the walls too actually you know what I kind of like the green I'm not going to lie I kind of think that that's nice we're going to go with green all right there we go okay you guys I have got everything figured out so far the secret latch is up here and it's pretty well hidden there's literally no way car's going to be able to find this oh except for the stairs okay I will have to um take out the stairs and think of something else but oh wait Daddy just messaged me and said we're on our way back okay okay uh oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm just going to say h got it guys I definitely got back a little faster than I planned but that is okay I just need to get the heck out of build mode okay okay okay okay luckily the secret entrance is built and very very hidden so so far so good okay you guys I made managed to get out of build mode and back to my position at work just in time for Maddie and Cara to get back oh there they are there they are and they've got all their inventory boxes oh jeez oh no car's coming over here oh gosh she just said you don't look very busy you better not have been messing around on that little game again I'm just going to say I was not and this time I'm not lying I swear I definitely was not playing video games car just said ah sure I'm going back to my office do your jobs and stay busy or you incompetently losers will be out of a job that was unnecessary what the heck she is so cranky today M he said literally and I had to go out and get inventory with her so did I distract her for long enough I'm just going to say uh yes you did but in order to finish I need to come back at night okay but I'm going to say I have a plan though guys that for me to continue building the secret gaming room I'm going to have to figure out how to take Cara's store keys and come back at night I mean I know that that's probably not a great idea but I have a pretty good plan I think okay you guys I've just been working my shift like normal today but it is near closing time so that's usually when everyone has their guards down a little bit cuz they kind of just want to go home and this is the perfect chance to steal the store key from my box with the help of my boyfriend Dylan who should be arriving very very soon oh there's his car there's his car okay here okay I'm just going to casually Walk This Way la la la la la so that he can see where this wet floor sign is all right I'm just going to whisper to him and say go time oh there he goes there he goes oh no sir are you okay he just said ow what the heck no I'm not okay going to say uh that was uh quite a a fall he said why is the Flor so wet there we go Dylan just said I demand to see a manager this is unacceptable I'm just going to say uh oh no there's Cara she just said what's going on are you okay okay guys it seems like they are pretty occupied so I'm just going to make my way this way she just said I'm so sorry sir and Dylan said I think I broke something oh okay okay that should distract him for a while and now it is time to steal her key to okay guys Dylan is doing a really good job causing a scene but he is kind of acting like a Karen so all right let's see everything looks pretty normal guys she doesn't even have anything out on her desk what the heck where do she keep the store Keys oh oh wait oh my gosh guys guys look I found them I found them back here here we go here we go got them okay I'm just going to run out and I'm going to set these down right over here okay okay now I just have to go over here and act like everything is fine villinger said you know what it's fine wait huh really Viller said yeah the pain is gone all of a sudden oh okay Carro just said okay great oh there he goes okay perfect guys Dyan made it out of here and I got the key so now all I have to do is come back later tonight oh uhoh car just said you mop up the floor uh got it honestly you guys it could have been a lot worse okay you guys I am pulling up to my clothing store that I work at right now okay I'm put my car right back there okay I still have the keys so now I can continue working on my secret gaming room I should be able to finish this though without getting caught okay normally nobody is even over here all the lights are off so I'm just going to go ahead and hop into build mode all right here we go guys so because this is a break room just as much as a gaming room I want it to be comfortable but I do need some Essentials so I'm actually going to make a little little divided off area over here just to do a little bathroom it doesn't even have a shower or anything just like a little toilet a sink stuff like that I think I'm just going to block this side off right here and paint it so everything matches okay I'm just going to put the toilet right over here I'm also going to add a little mirror in here there we go and really the only thing we need in the bathroom is like maybe some soap go we'll just get a little soap dispenser oh and a little towel perfect okay we're definitely going to need perfect right there okay now we just have a little bathroom that's actually so cute okay we've got that now the other thing that we're going to need in here is we're going to need a little not necessarily a full kitchen but like a little snack area so I'm going to go ahead and get some counters and let's see they can be pretty plain let's go ahead and do this I'm just going to make it almost like a little corner I don't even think we need three hole counters we can just have like a little indent right here two cabinets right there and I honestly think that that works get a little coffee pot cuz it is for break so definitely going to need coffee there we go and honestly I don't even know if we're going to need a whole like actual stove top but I'm going to put one there anyways just in case cuz you never really know okay you guys this is like the only refrigerator I can seem to find but they're all so big the refrigerator is GNA work so I may just have to let Maddie know that if we want to eat down here we're going to have to bring our own lunch and just be able to use the microwave and honestly I think that's fine it's just for our lunch breaks anyways and you know what I'm going to go ahead and put a little candy Bowl too because this is our lunch break and we can eat candy if we want to all right there we go so now I'm just going to paint everything so that it matches I think for these I'm going to do twice for these I'm going to change this to match this color of the floor I think then change the material there now it will kind of match I think I'm also going to change the countertop there we go okay okay I think that's pretty cute right yeah I dig it okay all right guys now that I have got bathroom settled I've got the kitchen settled now I can actually start doing the gaming room part all right I'm just going to put a big little posy couch actually you know what I think would be so fun it's just for me and Maddie so what if I just add added two little hanging chairs I think that is so fun and then I'm going to go ahead and I've done this before but I'm going to get some little beams and make a little makeshift uh separation wall there we go I'm going to move the chairs over just a little bit okay perfect guys I think that is so cute okay so now when you drop down there's a little divider perfect I'm going to go ahead and paint these I don't know I just like how this looks and I think I'm going to go ahead and make it Pink so everything in here is kind of like pink and green I know I think that's really cute so cute so cute I love that oh my gosh okay now we need a little coffee table okay I'm going to put this coffee table right here in the middle and we're obviously going to need a big TV so that we can play our video games whenever we want for as long as we want on our breaks and I'm actually going I think I'm going to put two in case Maddie and I want to play two different games we get to do that because it's our gaming room so there we go okay now I'm going to get a rug so that when we walk around we want it to be really quiet you guys okay because if we're down here and we start making too much noise then our boss is totally going to know that something is up move this that I can put the rug there all right I'm actually going to put it right here so it's also in front of the bathroom and I'm just going to paint it white with the outside being green all right and now for the gaming area I'm going to need lots of speakers and we obviously oh we're going to definitely need a clock because otherwise how would we know when our break is going to be up we definitely don't want to get caught down here okay so now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to make some custom little game consoles guys I'm just going to make a really small Nintendo switch cuz that is what Maddie and I play on most of the time anyways and it doesn't take up much room at all all righty guys there we go oh almost okay now we've got it all right we've got the switch over there we've got the two TVs we've got speakers and now the part that is going to bring everything together I'm going to go ahead and add the lights so we're just going to go to lighting and this part is going to make everything so fun I'm going to get a lava lamp obviously we're going to need a little candle that candle we're going to get the little tiny one there you go and I know that I could do the LED lights but I kind of love these little heart lights and I think they really match the vibe of everything all right now I'm going to change the color of some of these lights cuz I want everything to be pink and matching okay let's see I'm going to change this to maybe like a darker purple so it stand out some more honestly guys I kind of like the blue okay there we go you guys I have got the little chairs all set up I'm actually going to change these pillows now that everything's pink I don't know I think I kind of want things to stand out a little bit more so I'm going to change a couple of these colors and I think I'm going to change the color of these walls also to purple guys okay I know that that is definitely different from what it originally was but I think that that is so cute oh my gosh okay guys there we go we've got our little game console we've got two TVs all right it is finally done which means tomorrow during my shift I am able to actually test it out okay but first I need to get the heck out of here okay you guys it's the next day and Maddie and I are both back at work and it is almost time for our break I am so excited Maddie just whispered to me and said so is it ready I'm just going to say yep I am so excited oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh and guys there's the timer it is time for our break I'm just going to put in chat uh going on my break and Maddie just said going on your break okay I'm just going to whisper to her and I'm going to say follow me all right here we go here we go here we go guys go into the dressing room she just said so where is it okay here we go here we go here we go opening up the hatch and jumping down come on come on come on Maddie I just have to go up here and shut the hatch there we go perfect okay look at this she just said OMG so cute we have two little chairs that we can sit in so we can play our games together we have two separate TVs I'm going to say and look we even have a bathroom Maddie said I can't believe we actually made this we can actually take our breaks down here isn't this so cool I say and no boss to bother us we can actually enjoy our lunch break oh wait speaking of our boss oh my gosh there's Cara she just said oh losers where are you okay guys she is looking for us Maddie just said uhoh I'm going to say don't worry I secretly put in cameras guys I went back and I added a little computer so that I can view all the security cameras Oh there she is there she is oh my gosh she's in the break room she just said taking a break at the same time what's wrong with this generation don't they know there's work to do oh my gosh okay she just said where are those little losers hiding okay I'm going to whisper to Maddie I'm going to say she can't find us oh my gosh guys this is working perfectly holy cow she said g I guess they went out for lunch today oh perfect perfect okay I'm going to whisper to Maddie Maddie just said you're an actual genius car I'm going to say I know oh my gosh guys she doesn't suspect we're actually hiding and wait why does she look sad she just said I'm all alone again wait what the no one to yell at alone oh no is that why she yells at us because she's just lonely okay guys I'm not going to lie that is pretty sad but we're on our break so uh no time to to worry about that right now right now it's time to play video games
Channel: Cari - Roblox
Views: 61,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, cari hyper, roblox girl, girl roblox, fun, cari roblox, roblox cari, cari plays, roblox bloxburg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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