I built a MiniMOOG based Arduino DIY MIDI controller!

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Hello my nerd musician friend and in  this video, I'm going to show you the   Midimood, which is a midi controller based on  the minimoog, which i designed and built. The   Minimoog, you might know, is the most iconic analog  synthesizer of all times and there are versions of the   synth virtually, like the Arturia Minimoog, as I  showed you in the introduction. So, in this video   i'm gonna show you the building process and at  the end i'm going to show you how you can build one   yourself, and you'll see a small performance using  this beast right here. So, I hope you enjoy it.   So, that's it my friend! I hope  you enjoyed it. I really loved   building this controller and actually  making this video. And if you want to build   one like this, the MidiMood or a Minimoog MIDI  controller, I left the schematics and the code   in the description, but if you want a  step-by-step tutorial on how to build   this one and many other midi controller projects,  I have the Making Music with Arduino course. In Making Music with Arduino, I teach you  not only how to build those controllers, but   also how to program and about electronics, and  many other things, like building your own case,   like how to design and manufacture enclosures  like that. And links are here in the description.   Just go there and see if it's something you'd like  to do. So, if you liked this video please click that   like and subscribe to the channel. if you didn't  do, and tell me in the comments another MIDI   controller you'd like me to build, another synth,  or an effects chain, anything, just let me know.   And now i'll leave you with a small performance  that I did with this guy. So, see you next time!
Channel: Nerd Musician
Views: 138,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY MIDI controller, how to build a midi controller, how to make a midi controller, arduino midi controller, midi controller, Diy midi controller knobs, Diy midi controller potentiometer, Diy midi controller keyboard, Diy midi controller arduino, Arduino midi controller code, Arduino midi controller tutorial, Arduino midi controller project, Midi, Arduino, Arduino midi controller, moog, minimoog, synthesizer, minimoog voyager, Minimoog vst, Animoog, minimoog app, arturia mini v
Id: aLhOO-UiMg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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