I Brought Peter Santenello Back To Brooklyn!!!

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[Music] foreign [Music] Manhattan I'm excited I'm about to meet Peter santanello he's finally coming back to Brooklyn after two years I'm gonna meet him in a second and drive him over to Brooklyn and we're gonna have fun let's see Peter incentivizing me to jaywalk slimy how you doing man good to see you it's good to be back you're gonna get in the car right thank you I gave some weight yeah you lost me no no no no no no you lost weight since that's no chance I lost anyway okay so how's it to be back in New York City oh it's great it's cool it's been a while it was two years year and a half last two times we're like in the middle of covet so it was different it wasn't as Lively we're going to Brooklyn and I'm so excited to take you there because Brooklyn loves you yeah Brooklyn really loves you all right do you know that all of Brooklyn I think all of Brooklyn lives yeah I'm excited [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] Park everyone who sees Peter is going crazy that like they can't believe it's him how does it feel Peter I think it's the uh you have the fan club to slow me no I think they're here they're excited about you and it feels cool to be here did say Brooklyn loved you are you feeling it yet yeah yeah no it's it feels like uh this might sound corny but coming home a little really first time was like Wow shock value wow this is different this is interesting now I'm like oh it feels normal it's nice well and the last time you were here things were very very different yeah the the whole covid and the masks and all that stuff I made you wear a mask because my mom was uh all over me for making videos you know what it's uh I think it was the right thing to do at that time yeah it's funny because like some like the same thing today would look almost absurd but then it was I mean it was different types yeah okay let's go upstairs where are you bringing me slow so we are going to a stramel stramel story remember those Hasidic furry hats you want to give me a struggle do you want one I don't know do you have ones that fit these egg-shaped heads how you doing sir you're welcome thank you babe the theater good this is your uh Australian Empire this is the place so are you the go-to strimel guy on the neighborhood okay I'm one of the companies I'm trying to make happy all my customers the basic they come in and I try to find out what they want some people can't explain what I want okay I think I might I like that when I like this stuff and that's like I said I'm trying to find out like the color of the beard the color of the like the tools the how tall you are low and everything adds to the picture sure and I'm trying I'm imagining like this is my only customer basically okay takes time yeah and then and again everybody walks out so happy that they come back with another customer right that's lady he brought me in so yeah my travels from here yes I am so question what's normal do you think would look good on Peter oh I'm gonna have to give him a package of it but first a word from our sponsor thank you mind capital is a Residential Mortgage brokerage firm we focus on brokering loans for one to four families primary residents investment properties second homes purchases refinances cash out refinances [Music] the client just moves along so quick all you need to do aside [Applause] all right what neighborhood are we in right now we're in Boro Park Pearl park right in the way to package up wow there we go nice hello hello hello like the saxophone players by the customers I need to be with uh Lipa whatever yeah on the Dance Floor living my feet yep once you have this drama everything is going to be changed okay the buttons are just decorations no no the buttons are so we actually you're gonna love this we wear right over left so my suit cruises it closes you see you thought it was just for decoration that's another thing do you go do you go two button lower one undone whatever your personal style is what do the styling people do yeah another thing because Italian style would be leave that yeah I've done I usually leave the bottom button open because otherwise my Becca should won't close okay it does looks like I'm a big guy but some people leave it open entirely most people close them all I think but in Casita culture and in kabbalistic mysticism the right represents compassion okay kindness and the left represents judgment so we always want to have compassion over the Judgment we want to have that attribute be stronger than the other one that's why we wear our clothing now very cool actually ten thousand dollars and what what feathers this is these tails are so long tails right in the Tails okay so can you open it up a little bit to show them the tail I'm gonna show you basically the price goes how long the Tails is okay and depends on the work how many hours they put into each round okay so this is a handful the collar needs to match the tops need to match the color in the bottom needs to match sure everything needs to look Oh no you're much much bigger okay I think you look good in this round yeah this is great oh oh I'm gonna give you a much bigger cap [Music] okay uh getting there Peter you get you ready to marry I see the girl we've already taken it's too late yeah anyway it's not no difference he says you could have it even if you're that's pretty sweet okay I have to give you I like it the price really depends on the labor and the material and everything this is going to fit you much better don't get much time this month oh I was looking with the young yeah Peter left his yellow there you go there you go this is yes this is supposed this is how how low it's supposed to be you see your forehead this is how it looks so this one fits in perfectly yeah how much does it cost this is a ten thousand dollars now Peter should we get it for you I like the look you have to ask before before you get something yeah you have to ask your wife usually you call your wife and say you have to call the wife first and then you know the problem brother there's so much coming in here yeah the problem when someone wants to get a strum I know next is going to cost a week so yeah wig so so they have to uh I'm gonna spend out 20 or 10 or five or none okay how do I touch it okay so we used to touch it like this okay but we make the crown so tall so people are afraid it's gonna be like this actually it's not going to make any difference because you see put my hand yeah do it again yeah like when you build the uh skyscraper it will happen yeah the lower you dig the higher the building is going to be so we start the crown the actual tall Crown is yet we start from here not even from the top we start so we actually make it like a good foundation so you're gonna go like this it's gonna be a lot good so just go up but lately I I teach people you see the the cat the actual cat yeah take it off the cap and then you put in your hands oh that's easier I'm gonna go like this and see how long you tell that I don't want to mess this up I'm gonna show you you want to see a 12 000 I'm going to show you how how long the tails are I don't like this that's that yeah actually your tail goes to dancing yeah the new Revenant house Rabbi Peter Rabbi Peter looking great I'm not Manis Friedman but I'm up and coming yeah 100 by myself thank you very much thank you so much thank you thank you for having us you can have it all this is what I say to all people that go around searching for a nice town you could never know one like Peter maybe one day one day yeah you don't have to be Jewish you just planted there's like a painting on your house right some people have a silver chauffeur yeah why is that you can use it no it's like piece of artwork maybe you want to hang a Strom along your wall I would like to like the lid in the middle of the house music people ask me what's going to be next like after twelve thousand dollars I'm gonna put LED lights and Sirens my societies tinted windows sounds good okay thank you nice meeting you Peter thank you next time I appreciate it now when you walk down the street if you do see someone with a strong you should know he is okay so if someone's not wearing if someone's wearing still happy yeah if someone's wearing a scribble and it's not Shabbos then it means he just got married because as and how long ago uh within the last days so for seven days you wear it they look like Shadows everything dressed like Shabbos happy like Shoppers so you congratulate them yeah sure okay and we're gonna go into Mendelson's to say hi to Uncle Hashi Uncle Hashi Uncle Hashi Legend let's go how are you doing okay thanks looking great thank you you too is this a new edition the ZD on the on the pizza oh these are doing uh Grandma pizza and all that kind of stuff they crust okay oh wow what what are your thoughts on the mushroom like mushrooms delicious actually everything was good here how many people have come into the store because of Peter made me famous no people come all the people come in now yeah that's good yeah how about yourself doing well yeah back with this guy again Pasto has been here since as long as I can remember at least what 20 years now 28 28 years pasta I don't I think he might be exaggerating you were you were born here Foster you're not even 28. you're the pizza dough you're born right there oh really how many years are you here how old are you 46 you look a lot younger I literally remember being five years old and coming in here and he was here so we are about to hit 13th Avenue in Borough Park I want to see if anyone recognizes Peter so let's make a right started the Vietnam I remember we started a little further down okay all right guys have a living legend with me shlomi from Brooklyn hello tomorrow night we have an event in man shlomi what do you miss about our video making together back in the day when we did when we did that series two two years ago I just miss having you around and I feel that we never finished up because we're supposed to do a Hasidic wedding right and it hasn't happened yet but I hope you'll be back someday to do that and I can love to I can promise you this it'll be the most fun weddings you've ever been to and will ever be too guaranteed what's different about a Hasidic wedding you just have to come and see it there's so many interesting is it multi-day is it like three days it'll start at like 5 p.m and go to like two in the morning okay and um there's a lot of interesting rituals but then when the dancing starts it gets crazy videos are great thank you man appreciate it oh thank you [Music] [Applause] people are very excited that you're here that's cool it's cool to see uh the reaction to the world because when you're making the video nobody has a clue and uh after you're done you just post it and then that's it from on my side of things right I never watched one of my videos ever again so it's over and then it's cool that it uh did something positive so I could feel happy about that hello you know this is [Music] hey he's the guy thank you thank you sir so it's starting to get dark Peter thank you very much for coming out here today and coming back to I guess see your beloved Brooklyn my pleasure and it was really nice spending time with you for the last stop I have a little bit of a surprise for you I think you're gonna like it a lot and let's go what do you thinking happens now it's uh some celebration of some sorts it's not Saturday so it's not Shabbos right you gonna take me shopping he knows do you know this place give me a new suit no I don't come in [Music] nobody home oh there he is okay Peter meet Larry yeah good so this is Fino this is where I get most of my suits okay and today we're going to be getting you a custom-made suit whoa it's gonna make one from scratch wow what a knot whoa thanks I'll tell you all right all right so we knew the whole process it comes so the way this is gonna work is okay I'll start with some measurements okay and we finish the measurements we'll talk about fabric style design [Music] foreign [Music] Manhattan I'm going to continue the Vlog there so you're going to see but we're gonna see you tomorrow Peter that's why I'm not gonna like big I'm not gonna cry now no emotional goodbye because I know tomorrow we will do it again slump thank you bro thank you appreciate it okay we're gonna enter the theater right now this is Jacob hersko he's a very talented photographer who took a famous red sweater picture that's my YouTube thumbnail and I use everywhere thank you for showing up for this wouldn't miss it for anything right yeah Muskie often cannot come to the events I'm speaking at because she is a wife and mother and she's very devoted to the kids but that's why it's so meaningful for me today that she's here and we're able to do this together that said I want to introduce for those that don't know most of you do BK cashmere are you doing today we made a fantastic video in East New York together that was a we're going to talk about it but blew my mind and then the legendary shlomy thank you shalomi uh well they both did but I'm going to do a little back story I had a great time I think your audience loved it um good job Peter Well Done well and Natalia for making it happen so Peter very quickly I just want to thank you because you really changed my life you I was a little bit afraid to go out there to the world and do my thing and you were the first person who told me like that you believed in my content and a lot of my audiences share comes from you and we need to find a way to connect people around the world you're doing it you've been teaching me how you're doing it and I have so much so much appreciation to you of everything you've done and um thank you brother thank you
Channel: Shloime Zionce
Views: 124,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shloime, Zionce, Travel, Vlog, Hasidic, Jewish, Ami Magazine, Chusidel, Peter Sanetenello, Brooklyn, Hasidim, Chassidic, Mendelsohns, Kosher, Pizza, Fino, Custom, Suit, Peter and Shloime, Manhattan, Your Fellow American, NYC, New York, City, Live, Eveny, Theatre
Id: i8Fck6svLdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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