I Bought Undeliverable USPS Mail Packages + Fake NIKE Found?

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oh boy oh boy should I he should should I I think you should [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are back with you today with a different kind of box opening you guys have maybe seen this once already if you haven't go back and check out the video this is unclaimed mail we have never like besides the other video we've never done this before so this is strictly entertainment we have no thought of making money off of this however the boxes were like 75 um and they're supposed to be like seven to eight unclaimed items unopened unclaimed undeliverable packages from USPS yeah so um that's what's in the box and so what we're kind of doing with this is like a duel almost like who gets the better box we have no idea what is in this no no clue the box is fairly light it's about eight pounds or so um so it's not very heavy so we'll see what's in here so let's go yeah we're going to this we're not expecting to actually make any money this is this pure YouTube entertainment purposes if we can make back a couple bucks cool if not it's a fun video something different if you see something that you're interested in and you're like oh that's pretty cool then you know Reach Out reach out to me it's the wife317 yahoo.com and it's also in the description box yes below these are all unopened mail from USPS that's where the top of the box looks like it's kind of like that mine's packed full it is mine's got some air space with like the last last box yes or the place who gets these by the pallet at auction from uh USPS they have to burn off the addresses you know for legal privacy reasons but these were all shipped from a company to somebody in the U.S and for some reason either postage do or turn to Cinder or misdelivered it eventually goes to auction do we want to start off with little packages I just grabbed this one just to start with it feels like chess pieces or something okay well I'll do this two very very small and this one has something sharp poking out the back of it careful darling so this could be anything these could be McDonald's toys we got like some Legos oh they're earrings looks like that one oh that's that oh that's like a Sith from Star Wars it even has a lightsaber and stuff it's not Vader so I have earrings little white floral earrings the back of one of them is broken off though I can't think of oh it's it's the dude from the one show that we just saw the Obi-Wan show The Inquisitor or whoever the guy's called and another one of him and then another dude are those actual Legos though I think they're off branded stuff yeah I mean they would fit Legos that's what they're made for right but I don't think it's actually like branded yeah but it's like all Star Wars oh there's more in here oh there's more All Star Wars wow there's another whole package another Star Wars guy that looks like a Jedi and this one is that one's a Sith and here's this like spare parts and pieces oh this one's um Juno Grievous how was General Grievous that was different General gonna use this you had a bag full of goodness [Applause] wow wow okay well I have another small one here's a small one what do we have undelivered unclaimed USPS mail oh this is my earring box apparently or bag box these are all backs to for earrings so if you are a person who makes earrings these are like the the ones that have the hook on them so I'm silver like well like a platinum a silver and a black we have a replacement watch band for an Apple Watch oh it's like a leather replacement band Apple watch well that's special spatial I might save these bags oh they're pretty nice pretty nice just saying let's do a bigger one this time a bigger one this is like a box I'll do this side into a box I don't have a box I don't think in mine at all we have this was postage do December 7th 2022. wow these didn't sit around very long said it's an LED headlight trying to be very careful not to cut too far because I don't know what's in these LED headlights it says I guess it goes in your car's home I have a pair of jeans wow size small black not gonna pull them all the way out of the packaging but that's what I have LED headlights all right nice getting more trash for you okay we have a trash box next to us that we're adding to there's a big one down here I think I have a large one too is this this one's a big one now it's a big oh this is I'm hoping this is just packing material around whatever I think it is this is also postage do this one you can't read December 7th there's like a jacket or something very large package I'm not gonna use my diapers without tears it might be a jacket or something what do we have undeliverable USPS mail unplanned undeliverable for one reason or another yeah that's just all so my oh my they put a pair of shoes wow in a bag this is a jacket wow oh man look a nice jacket wow Brenda's dyg collection fashion d i a n y i Vogue good nice jacket these are red velvet with pearl shoes this is a size oh this is an extra large it says it looked like a women's extra large that probably fit you darling that's a nice heavy jacket I do not know the size of this it looks like they fit you at home no these are very small are those red bottoms no are those Louboutins no I've always wanted a pair of Louboutins no you're not getting them out of these better thank you for a nice jacket it is a nice jacket nice and flush it's a nice coat I really did not has a value to it I did not expect shoes out of like this package yes it's very odd they were protecting them now oh they tested notes in it oh I bet it's a collar yes just to keep your neck warm I guess I guess or it goes around the top of the Hat maybe something I think that's what it does it goes around the top of the hood see there's all these buttons oh yeah probably it goes around the top of the hood we got a brand new jacket women's size extra large if you're interested in that it's brand new you saw us opened up straight out of USPS mail or if you want some nice jacket red pearly shoes that I don't know the size of you can imagine can you like maybe those look like a tape measure you think possible because they're curved it says on the bottom 245 and then in parentheses it says 1.5 that's all I know I don't know there's no other markings so I have no idea like a large Jack you're interested hit up the wife at the life317 at yahoo.com women's size extra large jacket brand new nice jacket too nice and heavy that was like my big item in the whole box what size are you doing now like a medium medium-ish medium-ish this just says Return to sender unsufficient address unable to forward Return to Sender this is just this one is bad address this one is postage was good the address was bad they probably left off like a number or something a pair of jeans again oh this says Chanel it says Channel baby channel it says Channel always says that it says Channel foreign [Music] this isn't real channel it's not this is not real channel the jeans just say fashion and they are a size small with a elastic waistband on the back I don't know if you guys can I think I was out of cameras uh whatever they're not stretchy no they're not stretchy they're like Levi's but better they're just called fashion Levi's about better so if you have an animal this size looks like extra small oh this thing says NASA on it looks like somebody bought two things had shipped to them and that's awesome like a NASA hoodie for your pet size large for your pet poor dog didn't get their their stuff this pie is Christmas gifts too his channel is NASA Scandal his channel so if you got a dog and you want to like Spruce them up a little bit we got some channels yep what do you got left um I think I have just three left here's here's a pair of shoes how many do you have left three okay I have three also I gotta Shooters like bottles yeah you got bottles this is insufficient funds no this one is this is insufficient address they burnt off the reasoning oh it says yeah I can't read it it just says return to Center but they burnt off the reasoning oh we got Nikes baby oh boy oh boy oh we got water bottles yeah it says 8 A.M get started 9 A.M remember your goal 10 a.m keep chugging 11 A.M don't give up 12 p.m almost there 1pm you did it refill refill and then it goes through it again those are nice it says Nike SBs these might not be authentic though you think it might not this is a youth size 5.5 might keep these back for Dustin those are tremendously not often I think these might not be look at the look at the back side of the tongue you can tell that they're not authentic look at that look at that oh look at it you might not be authentic okay so let's see if it has like a little card it says so this company the Mr Wu Chef executive officer with with his WhatsApp Grant go brand product Supply limited dear customer hope you have a nice shopping experience in our online store our company mainly focus on selling top brand like Nike Adidas Gucci LV AJ coach Etc products for more products and wholesale price and service just contact me top quality best price okay so we do have a pair of yeah they kind of missed the Nike tags a little bit but I mean if you had a kid they wouldn't even care but these are some uh replica sneakers they are replicas so you can't legally sell these on eBay because I don't think half of this not even one thing of this is gonna go on eBay I don't know I don't know but if you just had like a kid that wore a size 5.5 I'd be like here son daughter grandchild niece nephew here's a pair of Nikes for you kids wouldn't know wear them have fun Nike SBs next package dog which one you got I've got this one this one postage dude this one I can't read postage do what do we get oh boy oh I can't read it oh well it was sparkly at first oh boy I don't know what it is airgun oil SOS argon yup no airgun airgun lip oil lip plump oh it makes your lip your lips like pump up plump lip plump is what it's called I I this one I can't read it's all in Chinese or Japanese I can't read these are sized small whatever they are oh god oh gosh the material is very interesting oh gosh oh that's kind of gotta makeup brush yourself it has an m soft very very soft stands for make that money and then I think this is probably the letter A it is also um a size small nice that's the letter A for Mall so we have M and A M and A so down below it's up to you to vote who got the best items still so keep in mind I got some fake Channel I got some fake Nikes you got a nice jacket that's actually a nice jacket my box is better again I got two pairs of jeans couple shirts some red shoes and water bottles water bottle and I got Facebook eyeliner fake Channel Chanel we call it Channel a jacket LED lights my box is better I think but who's not the best item you got the best item vote down below I mean if you want to go for like coolest item it'd be the fake Nike SBs I mean they're not bad quality but they're not authentic this is Return to Sender unclaimed I understand what this is about something business mail something no endorsement huh do not return the date on this is December the 10th but that's that's the date that they put this tag on there that doesn't mean that's the date that like this was shipped yeah yeah last item you know went through its whole process this whole yeah this is my last item oh boy oh boy is that for a kid I think it's a dance outfit very small is it stretchy yeah stretch I think it's a like a dance outfit or something no it won't I probably could get my arms what in the heavens oh I can't get my arms to this thing oh my look at all of this like those are jeans they are like talked about the stress okay we're almost halfway there foreign those are terrible look at all the holes and the somebody bought these are terrible bought these those are terrible and we're like oh wow I'm hoping this was one of those like it looks like one thing online and this is actually what shipped you know oh my Heavens oh my they're just called jeans they're just called jeans and they're a size small I've never seen hopefully this is like a new style coming in because these are really bad this is really bad I mean this it's like corn fabric all the way down but then like there's a hole there and look I came out the other side these are so bad foreign what's up with all the the I don't no please tell me these aren't coming in style there's no way kids are gonna wear these something like this that's terrible maybe for a Halloween costume but maybe for a pep rally like High School pep rally to come in the lizard those are hideous or if you're like a dancer for I mean I'm sorry if somebody likes them somebody's like my mom bought me that beer for Christmas wear them have if you enjoy it that's that's great it's just not my style so not my thing somebody bought those they literally ordered those they did they ordered I think you had the better box again but the people at home comment down below who got the best item coolest item best item look well you did uh who got the most unique item you did you got the most unique I got the coolest with the fake Channel and the high quality replica Nikes not uh Nike SBs size 5.5 they're not bad quality but there's some things off about them that screams obviously replicas but I I enjoy this it was kind of yeah it was kind of fun we won't make a thing on this like we'll lose 150 oh yeah but just it's different it's kind of fun to see what we can get like most of the stuff we'll put into our garage sale for like a couple bucks a piece some of this stuff some of these might sell garage sale for a couple dollars yeah you know I mean it's interesting interesting all right we have two more boxes on the way supposed to be bigger box items so who knows what's in that stuff I don't think it'll be a PlayStation 5 though I don't think so so yeah comment down below what'd you think you want to see some more of this we can buy some more mystery boxes of unclaimed undeliverable unopened is that all the tiles they had yeah USPS packages all right we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 50,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pallet flipping, return pallets, returns pallet unboxing, pallet unboxing, flipping side hustle, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon return pallet, amazon returns, amazon liquidation pallets, thrifting, amazon pallet unboxing 2023, amazon customer returns, missing amazon packages, unclaimed mail, lost mail, fashion, clothing, lost and found, unique find, strangers mail, lost package, lost cargo, unclaimed, pallet, auction
Id: -3nRvjC8uLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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