I Bought the First 10 Products Instagram Advertised to Me!

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all right now you're the serious one Wow oh I wasn't ready can somebody get me moving a lot what's going on guys welcome to dope or no the channel which we rate products dope or no or oh no is this what your boo is the HOTAS are here or your friend leaves their clothes at your house and you wonder how they got home without shorts yeah those make my do you see we got 10 products that Instagram serves us as an ad so all these products were ads that Instagram served me you made me go on Instagram after hadn't gone on Instagram for three full months and I got hooked again is that why you haven't been returning my DM yeah anyways let's begin with one way of many ripples less pain yeah better health better life Oh massage discovered the pure ripple effect dude your boy wants to be massaged all right we got different ones we got the pure wave cm7 pure wave cm5 period wave cm3 we didn't get to see m7 I'm screaming whoa that's weird I actually need this for a pilsner about a different attachment let's see if it helps yeah wait what all right possessing your back and this guy will help you take him out and really just soothe your boy needs this bad right yeah dude we're not yeah yeah all right massage each other yeah not on camera sounds like the Zeus it's not about doing it to yourself though you got to have someone do it to you well not all of us have companions at home that can just help us do this you have your mom on so there's nothing less cool than have any mom do this for home what else he's gonna do himself it makes way more sense of dude himself friend a friend here it's still up a shoulder seat doesn't that feel much better when he does it for like that part of my back cuz I probably can't reach everything great don't say I'm holding onto an airplane no like left a little a little of this how auto-tune was made let me buy you do my hand won't stop vibrating from holding another like the video do you turn left Oh Oh my ears tickle oh that tickles in my ears do it on your left side oh there's a skrillex concert Oh oh my god that's wild does it feel good yeah no you got that pinched nerve let me help you out with that whoa that's the sickness do I feel like I'm on a roller coaster I sound like Optimus prophet Tanner's face is like I'm like oh no it's like no like this is a dope this is for sure dope dude the pro reflex boxing trainer wait why is he still knocking a guy out while hitting the ball at the same it's like showing you like what it could how is that not gonna just come back and hit you in the noggin face isn't this just a dog toy but around your own head hey dude's truffle dog toy deer head and then hit it this reminds me of like you put a carrot you know on a string in front of a pig this is like for like a really muscular athlete you put a tennis ball in front of them and the way let me get it this Bulldog mode comes up gonna catch that ball I'm gonna throw it to somebody this one got a whole point baseball Elizabeth the wonderful toss look at this it's just a tennis ball with a string on it I think I immediately would just hit myself in the face see that my coordination would just be off you know I used to box when I was younger no really yeah and I can Best Buy owed box up some products and stuff like the cheapest piece of junk I've ever seen in my life box for the first time as a kid I have to tie this in the garage I literally have to tie this and I'll always be like we're family it's out of love like we're not doing this to be spiteful to give me a styling there's no way your arm is that why is that so long you're supposed to tie it to it there's a real product you have to have some serious self trust less coordinated in my life because I'm how he punches it see it's gonna straight-up hit me in the head maybe that's what you have to do came for your face Michael you're dead to me why is it bouncing what do you mean why is it bouncing it's always like is about to be lost right now we both got three I got a knock out that yeah it started out really dumb and it ended up being really fun all right friends this next product is a light goodbye and if you just don't know quite yet what I'd like to buy here Lindo / nope it pretty much means a product can be super expensive or just need some extra prep time a dough protein to get it all ready so and the last video that we filmed some products people buy who treat their pets like humans in the comment section you guys gave lots of love and you guys mentioned that you want to see Zeus be a part of the dopa nope team so as we were being served ads we came across this ad it's a cuddle clones they'll make an identical version of your dog oh my goodness you know sometimes it might be kind of rough to bring in Zeus to work every single day so I thought what if I make an identical version clone of Zeus dude I didn't realize that was a fake dog that one just looks like it's some yeah like it's a little baby they're really good at this the intricacy to be honest is really if you guys want us to buy this and make a clone of Zeus we will do it I'm just a hunter caper Zeus and comment down below lone Zeus clone Zeus Clone Wars Clone Wars so fun going Wars Clone Wars product guys guess what the originals back what's that the original the original what Polaroid camera that's right kids the exact same Polaroid that you got back an ID was those hippies this is for those people that like retro the you like it is the original Polaroid so we're gonna see if it actually is similar to the original I imagine not I don't know if it's gonna really be original task to get real its USB do you or doesn't have USB in it why wouldn't they just call that one a two-step instead of a one-step to too many Bluetooth Bluetooth enabled app that's why double exposures gosh you're scrolling dude I'm gonna get whiplash that's cool can I do one of those yeah no Add cars what kind of cool my wife would love to try to not break up the packaging I can see you can give this to her that laughs so you I didn't really think about you babe I had people to do it for me you everything about me babe I do I think about you all the time I mean let's thinking about you this morning all right we have the beautiful piece of art there I love the aesthetic and it's very heavy actually feeling it as a feel very like oh okay drama queen last time you touch my polaroid this is my heavy Tanner has weight everything is weight yeah this is like better than the honors that's away all right so there's an app that's cool Mira few bucks all right Michael do one but all right you know do a different pose three two one you have to leave it there for 10 seconds and then you can take it out 10 holster and turn it over and let it okay and then beats you often right here is like for portraits you'd be more close-up or if you have a bigger group also you can go wide there's a different lens or a different exposure setting I believe it's a whole different lens a fascinating I'm Michael gonna go into me now get a serious one Wow oh I wasn't ready this guy puts it down and takes a picture can somebody get me moving a lot this is you this does not solve it right now sorry I knew it was you the whole time for clarity like Ben quadruple exposing that nice now you have to get really close though is it close enough to let this guy in it no I don't want to be yeah he's gonna be oh I don't want to be in my shoes on type let's see what the hot guys got here Wow a bit deformed looks like a trip you should do a bunch of exposures where you're just going like you know like multiply that's a flat-out mcdo person oh I'll say it's a dope for sure in case you guys are wondering at the picture came out like me right there with my cute face and that's me right there next public next product movie that's what it is mopey is that kind of sad that their ad came up and that's the only way I knew what they were talking about because I don't even know what this is yeah tell you that to the corner you like sick footage of your kids shooting in a basketball hoop or throwing your adopted jewels what I thought the pool is to the left just on the way okay so this is pretty cool it's a phone gimbal but it's got like a little attachment on the side of it so you can control yeah you can control it so why is this better than like the DJI one it is cheaper you know how much the DJI want us oh one thirty nine I don't know that's a shame guys you gotta make it cheaper like DJI is so expensive this isn't their main thing they do in regular-sized Gimbels oh so maybe they have like better label ization yeah yeah yeah it's here here we go movi it's cool-looking it looks like smaller like a little bit more said it being so long your cinematic robot okay we got majestic shooting mode we got echo shooting mode movie laughs I don't know what any of these mean so this is like metal this is like high quality hey it's me let me give you the forecast updates raining every day in LA whoops I just played an old video yeah this is a list she's having fun with it I don't know how I got to it but I clicked a button let's go back to list okay so this middle button right here locks exposure so if we take a look at this you can see that little image is like changing it so basically if I pointed at the light and lock exposure you can see it's really dark and then my unlock the exposure it actually starts exposing properly this right button it goes back to list because I on the GI one you still have to use your phone right like do the settings on your phone like what Michaels saying is that reason why maybe you'd get this is that you can actually control it without touching your phone because that's honestly the worst part you have to set it and you have to like mess with your phone and when you're holding things and people around you're like let's go let's go let's go and you're like trying to bat finger it it just doesn't work as like a physical button one problem that I see with this off the bat is the reason why the mozz Moe is better because it has a center of gravity that is in line with your right this right now is very heavy this way gets tiring for your wrists not that heavy but it will get heavier as you go something to consider but for me I'm gonna say no I'll say for what it is the price is expensive but also safe so this next product is a diamond art club do what makes you Sparkle and let me tell you what makes me Sparkle whenever I see someone become a tier 3 member because that is my favorite member here what do you get into the tier 3 membership there's a join button down below and if you want a sparkle you click that join button and consider the tier 3 version so it's like a mosaic yes what it's like a mosaic of like BTS footage and like pull live streams like secret unboxing and a great example of somebody who is that Cameron Lewis Cameron Lewis makes me shine like a diamond in the sparkle and if you guys want to be mean I'm bad he is the diamond that makes me Sparkle you guys want to be like Cameron listen you want a sparkle the sweet little angels you are hit that joint button and if you don't that's totally fine too quick put your full name and email address in there okay it has to be valid it is named Cameron Lewis kiss me through email so this is what we get from it wait so wait me to Michael and I know exactly you're gonna say it's just an image that you overlay like diamonds on to make it a sparkly image yes oh oh got it it's paint by color paint by diamonds that's why all the diamonds have a number you put the number on the color and then it's Park Eliza's royal image we actually got it for free we just paid six dollars for shipping wait why did we get it for free cuz they're like don't four nope no it says right there your gorgeous diamond printing kit is free all we ask is that you help with shipping and handling let us know where to ship the free kit this is just like wish we're taking it all those products are free but you just have to like a dollar yeah but really you're paying for more than just shipping I the girl all right well we got it here so let's make now play my free diamond kit now first off box please look at this it's like rainbows where my holographic diamond painters holographic girls have your hand beautiful isn't it whoa oh this is the one I wanted to I kind of want on the one on the wolf there's looks thick no I wanted the one with the sky because the diamonds would actually Sparkle how are you supposed to understand what all these symbols gives it upside down this is kind of like perspective you know like you look at it from the outside oh it's a picture so art and then you dig deep enough and you just see a bunch of letters so this is legit like a hobby like you have to have patience to do this look at all the variation of colors here these are diamonds these are just like little pebbles that's all diamonds really are they don't even look sparkly I could give those to so many girls because those are girls best friends oh my goodness proceed okay so Liz informed us that you pretty much take this little heart guy here you take your little pen you pretty much stick the tip of this on to the heart which one may get sticky you can grab one of these little guys by just dabbing it and then you pretty much find the color its associated with and bada-bing bada-boom wow that's so much time that would say forever I think that's the point I think the point is for you to kind of just like let your mind concentrate on something actually meaningless so that you don't like just spiral out of control just like mindless worry if you're like that's what a hobby like doing a puzzle speed doing it if you guys have this hobby or hobby that's similar to this tennis your picks on Twitter dude next product all right we got a pretty litter kidney liver delivered hassle-free every month best cat litter ever dated why is it the best did you say that or did they say that they said you go she's a number of cats almost one month supply of pretty litter is deliver to your door each month we'll pay your shipping yeah why they do cat spayed themselves in their kitty litter I've never seen that I like to roll it typically the ugliest guy at my opinion no offense cats are disgusting overall it's an ugly cat Oh zooms in on the year that is an ego move you're making it rain litter on your cat that has messed up bro dude it's pretty litter the cat just winked at us are we looking at this I can't fake now that cat is real with you Mary we're gonna wing it looks fake that's real Michael scary doesn't know anything about cats I'll say this may be beneficial because of what it says they can like to tell you guys like like some high alkalinity or like it's blood if they like diabetes and whatnot our children are we have lemon water lemon water so what happens if I eat so this not recommended what's the brown stuff in it it's used if it used in there so that cats know that other cats that poop there before so this is for the aesthetic this is for regular yeah let's just look at regular what what does regular do first my did Joel of science we're gonna crackle right here let's do snap crackle pop put some milk and Matt alright so that would be like regular pee nothing's happening but it does sound like Rice Krispies I'm like pop rocks so that's turning blue in green they're definitely both different colors yeah this is like a yellow orange Oh subtle though this isn't real peace yeah right fine this isn't real Pete changing colors just you can't really detect it on camera and we can't force a cat to urine on our table so we're kind of at an impasse here Robert just like increase saturation times 10 and they'll see needs more JPEG so I mean obviously like you say we don't have cats but I'll say it does its job or it serves a good purpose oh that made a huge difference yeah distantly nope I'll say dope okay go thanks Instagram what is this person will care reimagine I don't want to reimagine my personal care reimagine it shop toothbrush shop body scrubber well that doesn't look fake image how am I supposed to shop this is this like activated charcoal or something it's like silicone looks like here you go Bowie boy okay so the reason why you want to get a boy is smart and sexy obviously yeah a boy us a toothbrush is made from bpa-free materials and is designed to last up to two times longer than traditional toothbrushes what does BPA stand for BPA bad people associate know it's just BPA TPE combines with the properties of rubber what's that stand for BPA oh the same put all it's an anagram put all the letters together and it spells that made in the USA antimicrobial bpa-free or TTP look at that faucet it's like trying to pretend like it's gonna come out of the front of it but it won't not obviously that is a weird faucet it looks like it's coming out of a flute yeah I love how soft it is on my teeth and gums but also strong enough to remove plaque and gives me that squeaky clean feel I have found a life product and I may never purchase a toothbrush again body scrubber is wonderful as well thanks Bowie for the innovation I'm never seeing the fakir person besides me add to cart' toothbrush this is that anti brand packaging oh you mean like it's in - not too - I call that minimalist no it's not minimalistic it's like a movement where it's like brainless yeah yeah that's it this feels what if I did great no I'm gonna see how this compares against the massager I'm gonna use it on my body but you're supposed to wash your body with this yeah that's a body that's a body scrubber you're gonna brush your teeth with this water right oh wait I'm triggered why they give me a blue one I have a pink one oh wait no you guys bought it because it's duper nope I'm stupid do you really want me to test this oh my gosh I know don't defend that wall kids want to know my mouth dude they cleaned it I washed it too with my Mac it works it looks cool I wonder that I would say it works I've always been curious if that worked and now I'm not anymore because I tried it this is how curiosity works kids I kind of want to try this here I haven't tried that one no I haven't tried it put this in your mouth so what do you you want to use the order and but you don't want to use a toothbrush there is a what do you rate this pretty cool I like the aesthetic of it it really does have like I'm better than you aesthetic about our nature-inspired z patch with overnight release promotes the zestful sleep it may express with all these is s cool yeah it has lemon patches in it five hundred plus five star reviews I'll believe it when I see it so it's pretty much a hatch that improves your sleep and you said you use this yeah I use this routinely the basic idea of this is that it pushes melatonin into your body when your brain isn't putting that out the reason why your brain wouldn't put out melatonin is because of blue light is because your exercise you recently is because you're not actually tired yet so non-addictive sleep aids like this will help you get to sleep I am sold I'm go to sleep funny story with these the issue is this is on your body if you're not necessarily used to it you're gonna forget it's on your body right so that's like the first couple times I used it I got out of bed I just went through my morning in a haze I was like what is going on and finally when I went to go to the bathroom but like pull down my pants it was right there and I was like oh I left that on oh my gosh I'm gonna peel it off it took like 20 minutes to like wake wake up yeah wake up so that's where you put on your body you put all of them on no I'm kidding I swear sometimes here are some really interesting things which I'm glad it says in here for most people you probably won't even have to use these most people these tips right here are actually gonna get you to bed at a decent hour so if you've got insomnia or you think you have insomnia hey stop using your phone two hours before bed put it away I know that's crazy talk in this day and age but do that I do that I put my phone away at 6:00 you're in bed by 8:00 I get up at 5:00 okay take a warm bath before bed Oh avoid staring at blue eye and 68 degrees these are all amazing sleep tips you should absolutely employ in your routine your nightly routine I definitely utilize these not every night maybe like once a week or something like that when I have trouble sleeping so I say it's a joke but I'm happy for you next product so this next product was a right to buy I'm where I'm 10 products with hidden features you would expect while and not know you could talk to us oh I can talk a lot faster than that baby I just don't because you can't keep up you guys are on the same page though so we got we guys ask you guys that's the second time I've done that for 110 maybe a hundred thousand one hundred ten thousand likes and you guys nailed it so we're buying it right now the looking glass it's literally a three-dimensional display it's a display that is a hologram three dimension star that's not one dimension it's not two dimensions it's not four dimensions oh not it is three though I was gonna go where you gonna go everything you see is real lies don't believe that don't like that so the idea is you can move around and actually shows you different dimensions of the hologram your holographic display has arrived why would I order them if it's already at my door right now this is just part of the beauty of the hologram what did we just throw the holo-room just yes we did aggressive guys new - duper no what what are we where are we it's not in here new phone who dish look at this beauty alright so we had a program here it's got a bunch of sample pack stuff that we can play around with but this is the first thing that really just pops up here watch me move this display what but look it's nothing it's just front oh I know how it's refracting the light but isn't that cool it's not like a lot of movement you know I mean like when you're moving like back and forth you'd expect to see more movement once you go to some of the animations though I think some of them allow you to like interact with it right yeah see that looks way better is that the 90s thing from Windows well that's weird isn't that see it doesn't really do it like this it's more side to side wow that is super framing oh it's giving me bad vibes here because you know those things that are like Oh check out this little playbook it's 3d and you just do this yeah that's what it looks like to capture out 14 cameras an actual person that's an actual person when I get out you know what a man just like not impressed I think it's cool well you're not you're not a 3d animator maybe because the motion isn't there I think for me like the interactive portion of it from like what the video showed that's what it was like cool to me okay then also interact with the 3d yeah I think it's cool if you are an animator because then you can make your own stuff and put it on it right that's what I'm saying I think it's lit so I'm gonna say Joe I think it is uh okay so make sure you go check out that last Instagram video that we did where we unboxed all sorts of beautiful eesti products and this video over here if you're not into that but for some reason you watch to the very end of this one so maybe you don't want to click this one because you've already seen it and this one you haven't so if that's the case click this one if not I don't know we'll see you next time keep brushing remember twice a day floss once and then kiss your mother goodbye or leave good fun I'm leaving you Johnny got a blast
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,891,972
Rating: 4.9543443 out of 5
Keywords: instagram, insta, instagram videos, social media, instagram 2019, trending, bought, funny, video, fun, comedy, new, challenge, how to, top 10, prank, buy, buying, I bought, mystery, mystery box, unbox, in real life, unboxing, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios, haul, reacting to, new gadgets
Id: D0yXEJvAk80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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