I Bought the Cheapest Guitar on Amazon... It's not what I expected (Part 1)

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suddenly my expectations have raised slightly and I'm ready to get them dashed I enjoy a budget guitar possibly more than I do is that true yeah I think I I enjoy finding something that's cheap and fantastic rather than something that's expensive and fantastic because if something's expensive then of course it should be fantastic it has no excuses the guitar that I bought from Amazon cost me 69.99 Euros plus 4 Euros 90 delivery so let's call it 75 Euros prediction number one the strings are going to be awful like nasty horrible things the setup there isn't going to be one there's just going to be a guitar screw together third thing third prediction the Finish is going to be actually pretty good but as in as a whole you look at it and go that's that's a guitar but then when you look closer you're going to get some problems number four tuners are going to be disgusting like a crunchy nasty things and yeah looking at it it's got a trim system so I'm also guessing that as soon as I use that tram system it's going to go out of tune 75 Euros 75 buckaroos it is here first thing first worrying thing is it came in this box um oh by the way that's in German because and in English because I live in Austria so this has come from amazon.de the German Amazon and um it's from MSA music instrumental um so if you're watching MSA hello uh I I'm worried about this box because it's already squashed that is an inner box it's not a shipping box and that's how it came I just ripped the the shipping label off there so I don't dox myself right as you can see I haven't opened this box yet and I am a deadly deadly curious as to what it's going to look like inside so ah yes got it in one it's taped with a piece of tape on each side so it's not going to come open that's good okay I don't know I really don't know what to expect oh I was wrong inside there is another box I beg your pardon wow okay that looks really small um that is the shipping box all my worries that like this arrived a few days ago uh I've been staring at it thinking that guitar is going to be damaged it's not because it isn't in a box I'm absolutely wrong first mistake made that might mean that my predictions are totally out of whack and I need my knife again to open the inner box there got it in in two right so um yeah so MSA must be the name of the Importer because that's not what I saw was written on the headstock but what's interesting is I've just cracked that open this brown tape this yeah yellow this clear tape is the original packing and someone has opened this I'm guessing in Europe I'm guessing MSA and checked this over that's actually really encouraging okay right here we go MSA what are we gonna get a guitar unsurprisingly in this little bag oh that's more that's teeth paper we've got newspaper we've got extra packing so somebody has opened this suddenly my expectations have raised slightly and I'm ready to get them dashed okay um right in the Box we've got we've got the whammy bar Allen key for truss rod adjustment and a cable right we're going to use that oh there's a second Allen key you probably saw that that's the one I thought was missing um that is for the the bridge okay and a newspaper there's a little doggie there hello dog cut suit einstuhauser ah there's an eight-year-old dog that um that wants a house frankly I think it's amazing an eight-year-old dog knows how to put an advert in the newspaper right elastic band around the top of the guitar this I prefer there's so much more to those foam bags those foam bags make my skin itch oh my goodness there's a matte black headstock I was expecting some kind of shiny um or gloss horrible thing I'm gonna try not to touch the neck because I get air because the neck is first impression very important I really expected this to be negative all the way through okay okay all right um if you remember I predicted that the Finish was going to be actually okay until you look up close and I was right the Finish is okay uh let's take that off the off the paper room all right um let's have a look that actually does seem to be like I don't know if it's set up but someone has made an attempt to actually set these in an order that I would expect them to be in that looks like a bridge that's been set up let's see if it's in tune no but that's a good sign let's cheer it up I'm wrong again the tuners are actually they're quite Pleasant to turn there's no crunching there's if I I mean every time I turn it it's there's a what's this the gear ratio is either really high or really low whichever one means that as soon as I turn it it reacts quickly there so back of the neck there uh it's absolutely fine often you find with guitars that you have a a little finishing problem here that is better there than some guitars that have cost 120 euros so let's say almost no let's say let's say two two thirds of the price hang on let's say another 50 more so another 50 bucks more this is better than some of the let's say Harley bentons that I've played or indeed some of the Squire bullet range that I'm really surprised how good that is right uh let's look at the body uh we've got a neck plate here with one of those bits of plastic underneath it so it's got neck plate with plastic um it's got quite a cool uh cavity cover the body seems thinner than a standard Strat star body that in that way that seems a little smaller the whole guitar feels a little bit smaller than normal it will look smaller than normal because I'm ridiculously big and I make strats look small and let it settle for a bit let's tune again [Music] it's quite it's quite loud I can't wait to plug this in but that's loud it's it's [Music] intonated like I don't know how close generally speaking that's intonated the low E and the the a are slightly sharp but that's I was expecting to be all over the place and this is good right what else did I predict I predicted the strings would be horrible and nasty I'm wrong um they actually feel okay I'm used to these um import strings being really nasty and thick and you can feel the individual wines that is not the case here that is a big surprise and bear in mind that I came into this project of bringing this guitar to you not intending to say that it was bad but kind of expecting to have one of those I bought a guitar from Amazon and it's awful videos you know so far I can't say that which is a real surprise I'm going to stretch the strings out as we're talking and that should hopefully Go Out Of Tune again because uh this can't have had the string stretched they can't have spent that much time on it as I'm doing this one thing that I have noticed is that the fretboard is extremely dry so I don't know what the fretboard's made of but it is extremely dry I'm kind of digging this headstock it's it's odd it's really weird it's it's kind of like they try to get really far away from a fender but I like what they've done it's kind of Reverend um sort of shape it's it's I dig this guitar I'm I'm genuinely surprised I'm going to turn the amp on and warm it up I forgot to do that because I was really expected to spend some time telling you how terrible this guitar was okay wait uh let's do weight whilst the amp is warming up cable out guitar on 2.75 kilos which in other is is exactly six pounds let's compare that to say my custom shelf Telecaster which I think is fairly light and that's over seven pounds which is 3.35 kilos let's compare that to what I think is a heavy guitar and that is the Nick Johnston Schecter 3.6 kilos what is the sector lighter than my telly 7.14 no four that's good that's that's positive news plug it back in and we'll go for Katana first because that doesn't need to warm up so um no let's go Fender Deluxe Reverb because I want to hear the cleans first we've got a five-way switch which actually feels all right let's start with that neck [Music] thank you [Music] sounds all right I mean it's it's quite bright for a neck pickup for a strap neck pickup [Music] and I don't know if it's going out of tuna it's the intonation but it's not right yet foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign buzzing stuff what is the the action like the action's super low which is nice for playing but it is starting to buzz everywhere so the action's great it's just that we've probably got some high Frets let's do a quick sound test so we'll start with the neck and work my way back to the bridge his fifth position [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in a minute but I think I think that was pretty good like there's not enough warmth in the in the neck form [Music] that bridge [Music] that's angry that's a nasty like 60s [Music] there's a 60s nastiness to that that I'd ex I like that sound very much I kind of like the neck as well but I think that fourth position was was surprising [Music] it's really put me off that it keeps going out of tune I think it needs new strings for sure that's not a surprise I would argue that most new guitars could do with a string change regardless of the price but so far I'm really really shocked at how not crap this is I'm trying to be super critical here and it's so hard I mean there there are some finish issues on the headstock but minor ones like super minor the most important part I think of a review like this is does it stay in tune which currently yeah possibly the thing is letting it down is probably the strings do the electronics work yes they do does it feel nice are there any chef chef threat are there any sharp fret ends no there are not that is a very nice feeling guitar there's I've played guitars that are 200 Euros like three times more expensive than this as well that have sharp fret ends this has zero sharp fret ends and no two lingware anywhere that would suggest that somebody unqualified has worked on it this is phenomenal I I'm so surprised we haven't tried the tram system okay this is where it's all gonna go wrong because the guitar is already going out of tune I've made excuses for that I very rarely touched tram systems personally when I play guitar because I go too far I use it as a one one thing does all gimmick but trembot sticks in nicely it's a screw in one uh let's give it a wiggle see if it stays in tune already [Music] not as bad as I thought [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm I'm shocked truly shocked all right it's getting stuck when I go up let's go on Sharp Okay so it's not quite floating it's it's sitting on the body but when I went up [Music] now it's stuck there now put a truly Out Of Tune yeah this might be the best one they've ever made which is why it's actually pretty good if it's the worst one you should absolutely get one of these if it's the best one then you never know I'm gonna guess that it's more likely one in the middle but nothing special seems to have been done to it it's still got like the the nuts on it it's still got some leftover plastic that you'd expect from a factory I'm shocked and if you're wondering about this on the pick guide in case you are new to guitars let's go to that camera for a moment um this here this is supposed to peel off that's a protective film so it's not got a nasty looking finish on the pick gun I just haven't taken the pickguard film off let me know in the comments section if you would like to see more from this guitar I would like to spend the time taking this apart and actually putting new strings on it and not modding it as such but giving it a little bit of TLC so if that's something you'd like to see that's something I'd like to do let me know in the comments and I will make that video for you there's another a video just there that YouTube thinks you should watch and just there is a button that lets you subscribe to the channel I hope you do and I will see you in the future bye-bye
Channel: TheGuitarGeek
Views: 665,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheapest guitar on amazon, amazon guitar review, vision guitar, vision stratocaster, theguitargeek, guitar, the guitar geek, andy ferris, andy, youtube review, black cheap guitar, cheap black stratocaster, best cheap guitar, amazon, cheapest guitar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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