I Bought the CHEAPEST Gaming Setup From TEMU..

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today I bought the cheapest gaming setup that I could find on Teemu first let's find a keyboard to buy so I'm gonna go ahead and type in gaming keyboard right here and here we're gonna click on the first one and it's actually 29 and over 28 000 people have bought this keyboard and honestly this keyboard looks a lot like the clicks keyboard so let's go ahead and get it now I need a cable for the keyboard so let's go ahead and type in keyboard cable right here and then let's just click on this first one why not and it actually looks really sick look at how cool that keyboard cable looks it does make me a little bit nervous though that it's only 12.50 because normally these cables are like 60 or more let's add it to cart and let's pray that I don't get scammed but what is a gaming setup without a gaming mouse so let's go ahead and type in a gaming mouse in the search bar and clicking on the first one and uh interesting this Mouse looks oddly familiar although it's a knockoff it is only 16 and it does have side buttons which is nice so let's get it so I was just scrolling and I found this super weird car Mouse looking thing and I am way too interested in this to not buy it so for only 13 you can get this huge mouse pad and there are a bunch of different colors that we can get I really like this like Christmasy looking one this red green and white one let's get that now the total for the entire setup plus the car Mouse which I'm pumped to try is 86 22 so I'll place this order and I'll see you back when it gets here okay so here is the mouse it uh does look very similar to my glorious model oh to be honest like oh my gosh bro literally look at this bro it's identical literally identical bro and this is what the mouse click sound like now considering this mouse is from Teemu I honestly thought the mouse clicks would sound a lot worse but they actually really surprised me now on to the mouse pad it came in literal busted open plastic so that's cool I gotta admit I feel kinda debated by the size of this mess pad the images are definitely kind of deceiving I thought it would be much bigger like lengthwise here all right let's check out the keyboard getting it out of the packaging immediately I noticed how cheap it feels you can definitely feel the love that wanted to make in this keyboard but anyway let's see how it sounds oh my bro these Keys feel so mushy bro it's like I'm typing into styrofoam or something let's see what exactly we're working with under the hood here we're gonna take off a keycap and yeah as I expected this ain't no mechanical keyboard it might look like one but it isn't it's actually just some strange enhanced membrane keyboard next let's check out this keyboard cable that looks like they played football with my package or something alright so here's the cable so I kind of see why this was only twelve dollars now because it feels and looks like one of those telephone cords from like 1943 that your grandma still has lying around so the last item that I'm most excited about is the car Mouse oh man this is sick oh my bro it's literally a battery-powered Mouse dude oh my gosh bro I literally feel like the delay is gonna be terrible with this all right so building around on this oh my gosh bro my wall button literally isn't registering like yo what watch this okay a place there for us but oh look I literally clicked it it didn't do anything talking about the keyboard though man it's also so freaking clunky dude I got a broken Mouse button like bro this is a nightmare I'm not sure if this speaks for like most of the products on Teemu that you buy but I mean I'm honestly gonna assume so all right please go easy on me bro I'm using a Teemu keyboard and mouse bro I really need all of the handicap I can get 67 cracked I didn't oh my gosh oh let's go in a weird way it actually does feel kind of satisfying to play on these keys I can't lie I don't know why I don't know I can't explain it to you it just it kind of feels right oh no place my wall bro I'd be doing so much better I feel like if I could actually place a wall but I can't oh oh bro face through my ramp okay I gotta go back this way no way no way this mouse is some dookie bro but now you guys know what time it is it's time to try out this car Mouse I am so freaking nervous this is this is a mistake bro this was this was a royal mistake no this guy is a sweat too bro no way am I gonna kill him oh oh my God my first kill with this Mouse oh my God I dropped my shotgun where did my shotgun go it doesn't matter oh let's go like this is so hard because I have to like learn entirely new keybinds too oh bro come on despite most of the hardware that I bought for this video being pretty bad and actually really low quality like like I expected though because it is from temu if I had to rank them I would say that this is the best product that I bought I really really like the headlights feature that is sick and then second would be this mouse pad and then third would be the keyboard fourth would be this keyboard cable which is like your grandma's telephone cable and then at last and certainly least because it's dog sh is this mouse this this is like the worst mouse that I've ever tried ever for any price screw that Mouse this mouse wins over that any day of the week even though it is Bluetooth and a battery powered Mouse it wins over this mouse I'll see you guys in the next one see you guys later
Channel: Cozmos
Views: 774,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: temu, temu gaming setup, budget temu gaming setup, gaming setup, best budget setup, gaming setup from temu, temu mouse, temu keyboard, temu mousepad, temu budget setup
Id: doWz7ZszLQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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