I bought the CHEAPEST AIRBRUSH KIT on Amazon - Airbrushing for Beginners

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i bought the cheapest airbrush and compressor kit on amazon to see if it's good enough for what most people use an airbrush for priming and getting base colors onto big projects this airbrush and compressor cost 30 pounds that's less than the cost of three cans of chaos black from games workshop could this really be the answer for those who just want a priming solution or will it surprise me as a great starter airbrush kit now for 30 pound i wasn't expecting great things and there were mixed reviews on amazon ranging from amazing to it broke the first time i used it now i have an airbrush and a compressor that i use all the time but i thought this would be great to review for those of you not ready to take the plunge yet and also for me to compare against a more expensive kit inside the box you get instructions for the compressor and the airbrush a braided hose the mains voltage to 12 volt power adapter the compressor itself an airbrush and a holder [Music] the instructions for the compressor are pretty basic but i did notice one thing and that was it said to only use a single action airbrush with it i'd seen folks online using this particular kit with a dual action airbrush so maybe this was a reason that it had broken for some who knows for those who are new to airbrushing a dual action airbrush controls airflow and paint flow whereas a single action only controls the flow of paint now this may feel like a negative however for basic priming it's not that much of an issue and with cheaper airbrushes anywhere you rarely get any control of the airflow so this didn't really pop me off the airbrush does come fitted with a dual action connector so make sure to switch it out for the included single action option [Music] the airbrush itself is one of the generic metal airbrushes that you get with most bundled kits and is very similar to the one that came with my more expensive compressor and that's been fine to use so i was hoping for similar things from this one the airbrush is easy enough to strip down for cleaning with the negative being that the cup is fixed rather than removable which just makes it a little more fiddly to clean if you want a more in-depth explanation of how to strip down clean and troubleshoot airbrushing problems check out my video i've linked here i stripped it before first use just to ensure it was clean and sometimes with these cheaper ones there can be rough parts on the needle or loose connections however everything seemed fine here this brush also comes with an adjustable end stop which you can set to ensure you always pull the trigger back to the same place and this controls how much pain flows out connecting it up is a simple task screw one end of the hose to the connector on the airbrush and then the other end of the hose to the compressor itself there's only one place it can go so you can't make any mistakes they only need to be hand tight as there's rubber seals inside to stop any air leaks next up connect the mains power lead sadly a downside here is the cable isn't really that long so you may need to have an extension socket somewhere nearby i know most people's question will be how noisy is this so i downloaded a noise measuring app to my phone to show you when switched on it registered 76 decibels now that info on its own might not make much sense to you so i compared it to my old hairdryer that i used for speeding up drying minis on the slow setting this also measured a similar noise level but on the higher setting it was a lot louder at 90 decibels so i'd say it's not as noisy as a hairdryer for an easy comparison now the real test how well does it actually work i dropped in some vallejo black primer and decided to prime some god tier minis i had waiting to be done the max airflow of this compressor is 25 psi and you can adjust that by turning a small dial on the side however with no gauge to tell you what it's measuring it's more about testing and finding a nice flow for you as soon as you switch on the compressor the air begins to flow so make sure you don't have any loose bits lying around and you start the pain flowing by gently pulling back on the trigger the further you pull back the more pain that flows so that back stop i told you about can be a nice addition for new painters to not spray too much paint all at once i found the paint floored really well the trigger action whilst not being as smooth as a more expensive airbrush i own was still good enough and it seemed to be doing the job just as effectively as my full kit with a compressor and tank now the advantage of a compressor and tank system is that it produces compressed air into a storage tank and then it switches off the compressor this is better for the compressor itself as it doesn't run constantly and it keeps the noise levels down and also it's better airflow as it's a steady stream of air from the tank with these compressors they have to run constantly to produce air and with that you feel the pulse in the hose for priming and basic airbrushing it's not really an issue however if you're trying to paint award-winning minis you may find that inconsistent but let's be honest if you're trying to win awards i'm assuming you're not buying a 30 pound airbrush kit in practical use of just getting primer onto my minis it worked really well it gave a nice smooth application of primer and it did the job i needed to do next i decided to try xenothel highlighting using daler rowney white acrylic ink again if you want to know more about xenothel priming i'll have another link to a video i made about it here white is a color that tends to be a little more difficult to airbrush as it can be quite gritty or a little spotty in application but through this airbrush and compressor i got a very similar application to that which i get through my normal more expensive kit it certainly was good enough to get the xenothel highlight applied and i could control the flow of paint enough to go in and highlight further spot areas like on muscles and on the sword to further lighten those up the airflow seemed consistent and adjusting the dial on the compressor gave me some control over air pressure whilst the airbrush didn't clog or spatter as i was using it so at this stage i was pretty impressed especially for the 30 pound price you can see here the finished primed minis and i have no complaints with the finish of the applied primer and highlight next i decided to try base coating and highlighting a mini with paint as this is something a lot of you would use in airbrush for painting armies for marines like warhammer 40k usually entails painting a lot of the same color now you can buy colored spray cans but they are expensive they can lead to obscure details if sprayed too heavily and you're also limited to the colors available with an airbrush you can quickly paint them any color you have here i've used mcrag blue by citadel to put the basic colour down and once i'd thinned it to the right viscosity again it flowed through the airbrush no problem just as i would expect an airbrush allows you to very gently build up thin layers which will mean some of the xenothel priming will show through giving you natural shades and highlights i then take kalgoor blue and spray it from above to further lighten the high surfaces like the knees and the top of the backpack you can see here it gives a nice shade and highlight effect and is a super fast way of painting lots of similar models without the need to highlight individual areas and it gives a really nice smooth blend of the colors this is how i've painted all of my ultramarines and i'm really happy with the overall effect you can do this for any color of course and i've used this method to get some great effects such as spraying from the bottom with a purple color and then spraying from the top with yellow and it looks fantastic this airbrush kit will certainly allow you to do that so my overall thought is i was genuinely surprised by this it's more than good enough to use as a beginner kit for those who don't want to spend over a hundred pound just to give it a try it'll do 90 of the jobs that most folks who use an airbrush do like priming colored base coats and applying varnish and anything that can help you do that at this price when getting outside is difficult can only be a good thing since i bought this it looks like the one i bought is no longer available however i'll put a link in the description where you can pick up one for slightly more money but it does come with different size needles and nozzles a moisture trap and a cleaning kit so it's still a fantastic price longevity will be the main question people ask about and i haven't had it long enough to say that it's been fine however i think making sure it has the single action connected in will help with things and i'll keep using this and report back maybe six months later or if anything goes wrong in the meantime at the time i picked this up i also bought this rechargeable battery-powered airbrush to compare so if you want to see what i think of this one too then why not subscribe and click the bell icon to be notified when the video goes live i just want to clarify that i was not sent this item for review i purchased it myself and this is an honest impartial opinion and the link in the description is through my affiliate scheme where i do make a small commission should you purchase through it thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video thanks for watching my video i hope that you really enjoyed it and if you did why not consider clicking on the suggested video below to see more of the work that i've done if you'd like to support the long-term sustainability of this channel why not consider checking out my patreon where you can pledge and support from as little as two dollars a month and there are lots of different tiers and bonuses which will give you access to a private discord server it will 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Channel: BlackJack Legacy
Views: 459,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackjack legacy, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Air Pressure Setup and Thinning Paint - Airbrushing for Beginners, Air Pressure setup and thinning paint - airbrushing for beginners, airbrushing for beginners, using an airbrush for the first time, best airbrush for beginners, how to setup an airbrush, how to use an airbrush, I bought the cheapest AIRBRUSH KIT on Amazon, cheapest airbrush, cheapest airbrush kit on amazon, cheap airbrush kit, amazon airbrush kit, airbrush kit
Id: rOmbSyILS2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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