I bought my dream house in Portugal.

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hi my name's Dave I recently bought my dream house in the rural Countryside of Portugal this video is perfect for you if you want to see what a traditional Portuguese Villa in the rural Countryside looks like [Music] now I was looking for something in a small peaceful Village a house with a lot of character that didn't need a lot of work and was ready to move in there is a lot of modern housing developments going up all around Portugal but this was not what I was looking for as they lack a little bit of the traditional Portuguese character but there are definitely things that you will need to look out for when buying these older houses stay tuned until the end of the video as I will share some of the best places to live in the rural Countryside of Portugal when I first looked at this house it was love at first sight you could tell the previous owners had a lot of pride of ownership the old world yellow and blue shutters had the authenticity that I was looking for and the recently redone swimming pool definitely didn't suck foreign [Applause] [Music] enough space where I could have my own garden to grow my own vegetables this Village was a tiny bit remote but could you imagine living in the United States less than one hour from a major city and the view of the beautiful wine vineyards and Rolling Hills was just something unbeatable a property like this in California in the Napa Valley would be so expensive there's no way I would be able to afford it foreign this was truly the life that I had dreamed about stuck inside my house during the pandemic this is the only entrance to the house as there is no front door but I prefer it that way because the back to the street is pretty much a massive Fortress privacy is definitely a luxury in Portugal and I am lucky to live in a place where I could have a nudist colony by the pool if I wanted to these used to be traditional blue wooden doors which were so cool but I had them changed for these glass ones because I mean look at this View when you first walk in this is the dining area of the house which I wanted to be a family style [Music] this is one of my favorite parts of the house these hand-painted tiles may be from the 18th century a friend of mine who is Portuguese said that they could have been stolen from an abandoned church of course I did not steal them they were here when I bought the house but I think they're pretty cool this property actually used to be a winery and this is a traditional lagar where they would Stomp The Grapes to make the wine and to keep up with the Traditions I keep my wine collection in here here is the living room area I wanted to make it nice and cozy that is a pellet stove on the right that heats up this entire large room and it works very well and is very economical I painted the ceiling white to expose the beams and make them pop a little more and this is my office in The Loft space where I do all of my YouTube videos and from up there there I have a bird's eye view of the living room below [Music] this is the guest bathroom which is smaller and nothing too special but definitely pretty well done foreign [Music] I love the stand-up shower and I'll probably end up redoing the tiles but of course a European bathroom would not be complete without a bidet and now into the kitchen I really love the balance between the traditional and modern it's a smaller kitchen but really everything that I need it to be it's very common here to have a dual washer and dryer in the kitchen this is a butane gas stove which I may switch to an electric eventually and a very uncommon large Farm style sink you don't see this very often in Portuguese houses [Music] and plenty of counter and cupboard space and if you were wondering where the refrigerator is it is hidden inside of this cabinet the refrigerators in Europe are typically smaller than the American ones but I have another refrigerator near the garage and the freezer is down here and no that is not a refrigerator on the left this is a pantry thank you and there is a door that exits to the pool and a window you can look out the pool while you are cooking as well as when you enter it looks up into my office and Loft area from above [Music] this house is all about the details the hot water heater is actually run by butane which is really nice because I'd never run out of hot water until I run out of butane the stove is also ran from this butane I go through about one of these every couple of months so they actually last quite a bit and they're around 30 Euros a bottle now on to the hallway that leads to my bedroom and my study room first room on the left is my study room where I like to read books and write songs [Music] door that leads out to the pool and I think that is really awesome this room also gets some of the most sunlight so it's a great place to Lounge back and just kind of soak up the light [Music] [Applause] I installed this ceiling fan for circulation and to cool down not very common in Portugal houses as well and this is actually all I need to use to keep cool in the summer and at the end of the haul is my bedroom this is a European king size bed which is also not as common in Portuguese houses foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shelf that's been built into the wall you can see how thick the walls are it is pretty soundproofed through this Stone I can't really hear much from outside I also installed a ceiling fan in this room to keep me cool during the summer this area can get quite humid as well so I do have dehumidifiers as well and I just love these old medieval style door handles and keys now to the hallway on the other side of the living room this Stone window is so cool as you can look into the living room and up into the loft [Music] this is my guest bedroom it's actually the biggest room in the house I didn't do a lot of decorating in here but it is still fully functional and ready for any guess foreign [Music] the house came with this really cool antique wooden wardrobe and this is the largest bathroom and the one that I use the most [Music] [Applause] [Music] the shower is much bigger in this one and I will probably end up redoing all of the tiles in this one as well there's a lot of potential here for a really cool bathroom [Music] and then this is my sauna room with a lot of storage it has an extra refrigerator my bike my wetsuits and my tools everything that I need to store in this room which is great the sauna was definitely a deciding factor on why I wanted to check out this place and now up to my loft which is my office and where I do all of my YouTube videos and play music this is my standing desk where I edit all of my videos and do my work [Music] and one of my favorite parts of the entire house is this large attic space where I'm using for only storage right now but I play my drums in here and I will be redoing this whole entire space soon favorite things about working right here is looking out the back window to the Portugal Countryside it's really the simple things that make all the difference I will be posting a follow-up video on the entire purchasing process of this property make sure to hit the Subscribe button and turn on the notification Bell to get an alert when I post that video also if you want to discuss the current real estate market or really anything that has to do with Portugal you can join my patreon where you can chat with me weekly if you're interested a link to my patreon will be in the bio below now as promised here are some of the best areas in the rural country of Portugal now anywhere outside of a major city like Lisbon and Porto is pretty much rural Countryside these are some of the places that I would recommend checking out if you want to be near the beaches in the El God of I would definitely recommend the Mountainside rural country near lole this area is very beautiful and is centrally located in The Algarve so you can get to places like Lagos and sagres but also tofato which is the capital in Tavira in Spain if you want to go into that direction as you go north from there you enter into alantejo alantejo is probably the most rural area of all of Portugal there is a lot of Farmland here and the more you go away from the coast you can find some very affordable properties if you're looking for off-the-grid living this could be a pretty good choice for you the infrastructure in this area might be a little bit difficult when it comes to basic things like internet but this is improving very very fast if you saw my recent video about George Clooney coming to the town of malidish you can see that this area is really starting to take off if you go further north from there Inland from Lisbon you will find the town of evetta there are rural Villages around Evra a little bit more East and you can find very affordable properties here as well yeah and if you go more North this is the silver Coast there are a lot of rural options up and down the silver Coast if you're interested in having a rural property closer to the beach and then you have the north of Portugal this area near Doro Valley Braga has a lot of rural Villages and a lot of charm a lot of Portuguese people when they talk to me tell me that the north is their favorite part it's very beautiful up here and if you're looking for mountains and even areas that snow this is the location for you it does get much colder up here in the north and it rains quite a bit but it is absolutely beautiful country and if you're looking for something that looks more like this then I would definitely recommend it what I recommend everybody doing is coming to Portugal Drive all around the country and see which fits you the best and if you can check out in different seasons because the winter time is much different than the summer here and it's very important to have context if you want to see more content about Portugal make sure to hit that like And subscribe button because I'll be posting videos like this weekly as well as the reveal of our business here in the garage we are going to be renovating the garage into a complete commercial kitchen and I can't wait to show you guys the process make sure to hit that like And subscribe button this is Dave in Portugal and we'll see you next time [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Dave in Portugal
Views: 98,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living in Portugal, Moving to Portugal, Purchasing Property in Portugal, Algarve, Loule, Silver Coast, Lisbon, Douro Valley, Rural Portugal, Expats Everywhere, Make.Do.Grow, Portugal Ruin, Buying a House in Portugal, D7 Visa, D7 Visa of Portugal, Retire in Portugal, Off the Grid Portugal, Alentejo, Villa in Portugal, Move to Portugal, Algarve Addicts, Our Rich Journey, Stay Classy Vlog, Why Americans Who Can't Afford America are moving to Portugal, Move to Europe
Id: qSl74-czCEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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