i bought ichika nito's signature and regretted it

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hey guys I'm going to be doing a review today of a guitar that is not reviewed properly on the Internet it's the it's the I don't know if you can see it it's the ianz ichano signature [Music] b-roll so as you can see the Aesthetics speak for themselves you don't need to watch this review for me to tell you that this is a beautiful guitar you clicked on this video because you saw it online or you saw it being played by icha and be like oh my god that's amazing that looks amazing it's nothing like we've ever seen before you know at least personally it's nothing like I've seen before you know there's there's stuff like strandbergs and you know the custom shop orms bees and the the aesthetes but that's like a higher price level and this comes in at around give or take $1,000 if you live in the US just just go to Google and just convert that so I got this from th man and you don't really need to know how I got it why am I talking about it let's talk about the guitar so um if you haven't read the spec sheet yet quick rundown roasted Maple fingerboard roasted Maple neck um three single coils ianz in-house branded we got a 5way switch and a Dynamix 8 and we got one master volume and one master tone and that's pretty much it I mean you know they got this system with the Headless tuners um right here the way it works is that you lock it in here and then the ball end gets fed through here and you tune it using these wheels um yeah you got your trust Rod adjusting system here and you got get this you got gold Fritz ain't that crazy um I think they're stainless steel correct me if I'm wrong but um yeah um I'm going just K I'm just give you quick a quick sound demo of how this thing sounds [Music] like [Music] I don't play a lot of ichano so forgive me if that was some shitty playing I want to talk about something that you should consider before buying this so when I first got this I really wanted the Headless for a long time and I just think they're like the coolest thing in the world and I finally got one because like I'm a fan of ichano I'm a fan of modern guitar players like Tim Hensen and Evette young and you know the gist and that was a mistake that was a mistake because I got this guitar purely just by looking at its Aesthetics and when I got the guitar knowing full well I have three single coils I was disappointed in the sound I mostly play with a lot of High Gain I dabble in a little bit of NE Soul playing as well so I thought okay I'll just get this guitar it'll be my you know I like the single cor high G High Gain sound and I thought so too because like bands like kadinja and that the guitarist Pierre DaNell Pierre DaNell um he has a really good single coil tone and it's like overdriven single coil it just sounds [Music] amazing and I thought I was going to be able to like uh replicate that with this but it's either I suck at tone chasing or it's just that the guitar wasn't up to my knes so with that being said I was a high game player and first thing I did was tested on my presets my High game presets that I usually use in my seven strings and my you know Six Strings as well and um there's one pickup selection here that makes you use the middle and the bridge pickup in series or parallel if you turn the dynamic switch on it uses these things together and acts like a humbucker now I've seen sound demos from the internet thinking oh they don't really sound that different from the from the q54 that has in the hbers and I wasn't really worried about that until I got it and here's how it here's how it [Music] sounds [Applause] [Music] I'm Out Of Tune but who gives a you might argue that it's not a bad sound but there's just something missing you can still tell that that it's a single coil and it's just underwhelming in a way I know you could get away with EQ for the most part in the post production and mixing and and all of that but when you get a guitar not only does it have to feel good it has to sound the way you Invision it in your head because for example a lot of Strat players have been playing strats their whole life and they like that twangy Spanky pickup tone right and then they're like oh I'm like 28 now I should get myself a Gibson just for you know to balance out my collection and they get a Gibson they play it in store and then it's just like why is it so muddy right to them it's muddy because they're strap players the same way for me I'm a metal player and I like High Gain and this is not the best thing to do it this is not the best guitar to do it so just fair warning I did this review because I wanted to tell everyone um if you play a lot of clean stuff if you're into non metal stuff this guitar is perfect I love this guitar but I don't I'm not really much of a collector so this is going to have to be sent back but yeah like if you don't play a lot of metal or even like let's say maximum something like pfia right something like pfia works [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Music] so yeah as you can tell that sounded really good right that sounded really good and it stays in tune really well that's something that I could say I'm not chilling but it stays in tune really well like I've brought this guitar went out with it went to my friend's house I opened up the guitar when I was at house at at his house and then it's in tune it's amazing it's going to operate pretty much like a normal guitar um the way you tune the way you play the way you change pickups the way you sculpt the tone everything just except you're doing the tuning down here except uh instead of up here and it's really light so it comes at about like 2 to 3 Kg so yeah just two ratings if you're a high gain guitar player you mostly play a lot of High Gain this guitar is a solid 7 out of 10 and if you're anything else but that and there's three single coils with the humburger this is a solid 10 out of 10 it's perfect in every way yeah I don't know how to end this video um real quick um here's a summary of the pros and cons of this [Music] guitar [Music] w
Channel: kessen
Views: 39,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZsyFW1rrPfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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