I Bought EVERY Highlighter in Sephora & TESTED Them Back to Back

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I bought every single highlighter that is sold  in store at Sephora so you don't have to and   today we're going to test them out back to back  starting from least expensive to most expensive   so sit back relax it's going to be a long one  but very informative and I can't wait to show   you all of these highlighters now make sure  you stick around to the end because I'll be   sharing the ones I think you should avoid and  ones I think that are top rated and just the   best at Sephora so be sure to comment below and  let me know which one is your favorite that you   see out of this video and let's get right into  it the first highlighter that I'm going to try   in this massive haul is going to be from Sephora  brand now if you watched any of my previous hauls   like my blush one my bronzer one all the least  expensive products in those categories were from   Sephora brand so it's no surprise that the first  one is $18 it's from Sephora it's a Duo which I   think is fantastic I love Duo products I think  that you just get great variety for you know   what you're paying for especially with this it's  $18 and you get two very beautiful highlighters   I cannot wait to try this on because I've always  been really impressed with all of Sephora Brands   products I've tried so far so let's hope this one  doesn't disappoint I have the shade golden hour   so it's two different shades so I think we'll try  one on top of the other I'm going to start with a   108 brush from BK Beauty this is like a very small  nice like Precision brush where I can get in there   and like really highlight certain parts of my face  so I'll be testing all of these highlighters on   the top of this cheekbone this is the cheekbone  that I always use for these videos so um here we   go first highlighter from Sephora let's try it on  I'm going to start with this lighter shade so the   lighter shade you can see it's almost more of a  baked product okay so there's low beam which is   this one right so it's more of like a you know  softer soft focus kind of highlighter it's not   like a beaming glittery highlighter and then this  one is high beam that's cute that's really cute   so low beam high beam this is the low beam blend  it on very nice doesn't feel you know like dry   or chalky very nice formul that but I'm actually  I'm not expecting anything less from Sephora brand   cuz I've just I've been loving the products I've  tried so far so now let's go with high beam high   beam is the more intense highlighter of the two  dip my brush in there it's a little itty bit of   yeah there's a little bit of Fallout so I'm going  to tap off this excess and we're going to layer   it just near it near the other one now it it did  cling to some wet areas of my skin where I don't   I actually really just to let you know I I only  have foundation on in this area and I have of   course some concealer under my eye but I didn't  set this air of my face I just wanted to stay   consistent and easy throughout this long try on  video and also to call out this is the foundation   that I have on today so it's the Covergirl plus  Olay simply agess 3 in1 Foundation I'm choosing   this because it's like a nice satin to semi matte  finish and it just feels nice and comforting on   my skin let me dip back into the high beam just  really quick and give it more thought okay very   pretty the high beam is definitely high like  I I feel like the Tin Man from The Wizard of   O my cheek looks like it's made of tin um very  like metallic but for being a very like metallic   finish it doesn't accentuate my pores too much  like I can see my pores a little bit but it's   very minor and usually with like super intense  highlighters like more chunky highlighters they   tend to accentuate any texture in your pores  and your skin in general so it's something to   look out for this one I'm getting just very  minimal I'm experiencing that very minimally   so with that said I this is a really great option  for anyone highlighter wise so if you are in the   market for a highlighter and you like the idea  that you get a more less intense version and a   bumped up version so like let's say you use this  one for a day this would be a great option for   night when you're hitting the town and you want  your highlighter to be very much like well known   that's it's there I think this is a really good  option it's a incredible price point so if you're   looking for a good quality highlighter where you  get some variety mixed in for only 18 bucks I   think this is a really great option I think oily  skin can Weare of this I think if you have a lot   of texture in your skin I would stay away from it  just because you know if you put in certain areas   of your cheek it can maybe accentuate pores or  Texture a little bit more than some other formulas   that I'm sure we'll get to in a minute but I do  think like if you have mature skin you could still   pull this off absolutely so those are my thoughts  on this one would I repurchase this definitely I   think this is a great solid formula so once again  that is the Sephora brand Duo highlighter next up   is also $18 it's from Tower 28 we're switching  now to a more of like a cream gel type formula   this is a really interesting product and it's  something that I use in my professional makeup   kit for unexpected reasons that I won't get into  cuz it's too long- winded but this is the tower   28 super do highlighter in the shade no shade  so it's just a completely clear kind of like a   it's like a glossy balm basically so let me  just show you it too because it's not going   to show up that much on camera but let me just  show you like texture-wise it's basically like   a clear balm that's it you know very much like a  petroleum jelly like an aqua4 you're going to get   the same exact effect with those kind of products  now this is something that I only use in my kit   when I'm doing like a skinc care campaign I'll do  this and I'll dab it on like the high points for   that extra juicy glowy you know good skin type  look so this is not something I use for like a   Glam moment so let me just preface it by saying  that so it's a very specific it's very unique it   it's very simple just straightforward so i' have  tons of experience with it I've used it a million   times it's going to be no surprise but let me  show you what it looks like on and I'm actually   going to apply this with my fingertips okay I'm  not going to use a brush the brush tends to soak   up the product and it really just kind of gets  trapped within like the bristles of any brush   that you're using and the same thing with like a  beauty blender it's just not impactful enough this   is the time that you bust out your fingers and you  dab it on so without further Ado let me show you   with the tower 28 no shade super do highlighter  looks like I'm going to hit this High Point on   my cheek right here you know so it's just very  simple this is also a great product like let's   say you're a makeup artist and you need to fake  the look of sweat on someone's face well look no   further you just need to tap this on or you use  aquafor that's you know the easiest cheapest way   to do something like that but that's the look  okay kind of has like that remember when glass   skin had a moment everybody talked about glass  skin it was like every tutorial you saw on the   internet was how to get glass skin this was how  you could get glass skin literally so this is   the tower 28 highlighter I recommend this for  anyone who's looking for a very natural no fuss   no added jazz or anything kind of highlighter  so if you want like that juicy glowy balmy I   just have really hydrated skin kind of highlighter  look and you don't want to actually see any Flex   of Luminosity or like illuminators or uh like  pearlescent pigments in your highlighter then   this is absolutely for you so I recommend this  for anyone who's going for a very very simple   Natural Glow so once again that is the tower 28  super do highlighter in the shade no shade next up   we have one for $20 it's from denessa myrix it's  the vision flush glow color for all over face I'm   really excited to try this I know this is like a  classic danessa myrix formula I've been wanting   to try this actually for a really long time so I  picked up the shade electric love and all of the   shades to choose from looked beautiful but this  one just stuck out to me I'm I'm such a sucker   for rose gold like Rosé type pink like more pink  undertone highlighters I just I love them they're   just so feminine and I don't know I'm just a big  sucker for that so this is a beautiful pink tone   highlighter it's in a liquid form so it's got  like a little doe foot applicator kind of like   a gloss let me just swipe it on top of my hand to  get a feel of what the product is going to be like   before I put this on my face so you can see it's  very glowy obviously this has a nice feeling to   it this doesn't feel like it's going to dry down  interesting wow this feels really nice I wasn't   expecting this kind of feeling I was expecting to  feel or it to feel like a liquid eyeshadow that's   going to dry down really quick and start to get  like like just crusty basically not getting that   from this so this is an interesting one it  could go many ways but I think the way we're   going to take this is I'm going to to apply more  to the top of my hand cuz I don't really want to   hit the applicator to my face and I'm going to  grab a 109 from BK Beauty this is that one that   has like a little slant to it and we're going  to tap this on with the brush so tapping it on beautiful really beautiful feels very balmy I  have to say I just I can't get over the feeling   of it I wasn't expecting it to have this kind  of hydrating like fresh kind of almost like an   oilbased kind of feeling feels really really  nice on My Skin Blends out in 2 seconds but   I also think that has something to do with the  fact that I pre- blended it on my hand with my   brush and then I hit my skin with it so it just  made it really easy overall like application wise   I'm not sure how easy it would be to swipe it  onto my skin so since we already know this is   a great application for this kind of product and  this formula let's just go for it and let's just   do a little bit of this too and let's tap it in  and just see what we can get okay so still easy   still very wow still very easy to blend out I  am being careful cuz I don't want to lift up the   highlighter that I already put underneath it wow  I mean that's beautiful I love this I'm this is   fantastic I might have to go pick up more shades  this is a beautiful first of all the shade is   beautiful but it's not about the shades it's about  the formula formula is fantastic I think this   would be a really great formula if if you have dry  skin cuz it just feels so nourishing on my skin if   you have oily skin it might be a little might be  leaning on too much of an like an oily Shiny Side   um if if you don't want to add too much extra  shine to your skin with like an oilier product   if you're really oily you might want to stay away  from this one or just maybe use with caution or   just be aware of that going into it combination  skin great I think even if you have texture in   your skin I don't see this I don't see this being  an issue and I don't see this enhancing texture   like I've pointed out and it might be hard to pick  this up on camera I do have larger pores right   here in the inner part of my cheek that's usually  a Telltale sign for me if like a highlighter   is going to be just too chunky it'll always  accentuate those little pores I have right here   this didn't do that it still looks really fresh  really glowy so again I think this is a great one   for pretty much anyone that other than someone  who has really really oily skin so mature young   dry combo all good and I think it's beautiful  I really think this is stunning um I could look   at this forever it's so pretty I'm definitely  going to keep wearing this you'll probably see   me wear this a lot in my tutorials coming up I  think this would also be a good product to use   underneath your foundation so as maybe for like  an underpainting product for like that glow from   within type look I think this would be a really  good formula I can't see it interfering much if   you're if you put your foundation on top of it I  think it would still be a really solid combination   I think they'd work well in that in that step  having underneath versus on top so play with   it I'm going to also try and like mix it maybe  into another liquid blush to add some like more   Luminosity to it I think it's just a really good  multi-function multi-purpose multi-use product so   definitely check this one out highly recommend it  for $20 it's to me it's a no you can't even like   second guess it 20 bucks great formulation highly  recommend this one from denessa myrix would I go   back out and repurchase it 100% this next one is  $21 it's from Kaja I love this brand Kaja I love   their Bento Beauty Box eyeshadows like the trio  of eyeshadows I use them all the time and I have   used this in the past I kind of forgot what my  thoughts were on it so I'm really excited to try   it again years later it's the bouncy blendable  highlighter it's called the Mochi glow bouncy   blendable highlighter I picked up the shade 01 toy  alien and I really picked up this shade because of   the name alone I just thought it was really cute  so let's try on toy alien from Kaja just take this   Little Seal off first okay now we can try it super  cute packaging I think it's really cute compact   oh it's got a little toy alien separated from  the pan it's okay we'll forgive it even though   I could just do this to it right now that happens  clearly this is a very soft highlighter like it's   not pressed hard into this container it is a soft  product like it even says on the package it's a   bouncy it's a bouncy something hold on what is it  it said it was a bouncy blendable highlighter so   if they're saying bounce that means it literally  has Boop like you can make a fingerprint into it   it's very soft so use with caution be careful  don't stop touching it and playing with it like   I am so without further Ado let's try on number  01 toy alien from Kasha I'm going to grab a small   delicate brush for this because I don't want to  risk breaking this so I'm going to dip into it   okay I'm actually kind of remembering this formula  now so I'm going to get a good amount this formula   from what I remember it built up excess oil on  the top of the pan pretty quickly so after a while   it's going to have like this kind of harder layer  which you could easily kind of just flake off with   like a mascara spoolie like a clean one but we  won't get into that let's just test out the actual product okay there we go there it is O very pretty  I'm going to go for this I just need to see I need   to get in here and feel it for a second second  let's just tap it on with the finger as well okay   so you can use this in like a strategic way like  tapping it and pressing it I'm basically pressing   it onto my cheekbone right here and I'm getting  really good impact using it that way I got nice   impact as well with the brush it was just a  little bit softer I can see myself wanting to   use this more with more pressure so in actuality I  should probably just switch the brush to be quite   honest so let's let's switch the brush let's use a  more dense brush this is a 108 from BK Beauty it's   still fluffy but it has much more density there's  more fibers packed into this brush so it should   pick up more of this highlighter and then we'll  move on yeah that's way better way better brush   Choice better than the fingers super pretty it's  definitely very soft very fine it's got a bit of   a patchiness to it um it's not like the smoothest  like evenly distributed opaque highlighter product   it has like some like I can see some patchiness  going on in here where the product is just not   not laying on my skin in an even way yeah and  it's definitely getting a little bunched up in   certain areas of my skin yep it's kind of uh it's  sitting in my pores I can actually see it sitting   inside of my pores which is not a good thing cuz  then that actually is just going to accentuate   your pores a lot so I don't really want that it  is a beautiful highlighter I will say I feel bad   not loving this one cuz I really just I really  like this brand but it is what it is and we're   testing it for a reason not the best formula  it's pretty you could see a glow but when you   really look close it's kind of like one of those  it looks good from afar it looks great from afar   it would probably look great in photos but up  close if you're person to person like face to   face with someone you're going to see texture  and you're going to see that it's sitting in   my pores and not in a really cute not in a cute  way at all so for that reason I don't think I   would recommend this one um because it's just  a little more difficult to to work with and it   doesn't look great up close from afar totally fine  up close not so much yeah I would say skip this   one I'm sorry Kaja for $21 it's still fine but  up close it's an issue so once again that is the   Kaja bouncy blendable highlighter next up we're  in the $22 range this is from glossy a and it's   the Halo scope highlighter I picked up the shade  quartz quartz looks like a nice champagne tone um   I've never tried this before it has a mixture  so I'm assuming it looks like and I'll get to   the bottom of it in a second but it has a clear  probably like a very shiny uh like a gel in the   center for like that extra juicy glow and it has  like the actual like tinted luminous highlighter   around the sides so products like this where it's  like a hybrid of two creams I don't ever recommend   you just going and swiping on your skin you're  going to have a really difficult time blending   the two worlds together because they're going to  go on stripey and separate I don't like like this   idea personally for that reason I just think  it's it's more difficult to to work with you   end up as a consumer just working harder to  make these two products work together so it   just I it's pointless to me personally so what I  recommend is take it now this is you know one of   my tricks I do all the time on my channel pre  blend it preor those two products together on   your hand this is taking some more effort than I  thought to like kind of warm this up on my hand   and lucky that I'm doing this on my hand and  not my skin because it minimizes the tugging   it minimizes like the frustration of making this  blend onto my skin and so it's just going to cause   less irritation as well like at the end of the  day so I'm pre-warming it up on my hand now once   I get a good amount cuz I feel like I'm going  to need a good amount for this to really show   up on my skin and on camera so once I have a  good amount I'm going to take a brush and then   directly apply it from my hand to my face but  that's the color and I think I'm going to use   a 109 from BK beaut it's like a little slanted  slightly flat brush I'm going to dip into that   highlighter and let's go for it I should in  theory have a lot on my brush after after that H okay that didn't work I don't know  where this went it like disappeared into   my hand let me just go directly to the  source all right and get a bunch on my brush I don't know about this I've already  made a dent in this product just trying to   get it to show up I mean it shows up it's just so  lacking in the glow Department very disappointing   um spula is just whatever I hate to be I'm not  trying to be mean so it's $22 how much product   is in it let me try just using my fingertips  for for just to try it out okay so I have some as I'm trying to push more on it's lifting  the other product that's already on my skin off   so you're getting this like spongy I don't know  it's hard to explain but it's really not the best   best method to apply something like that all right  what are my thoughts on this I'm very disappointed   it's $2 it's not horribly expensive I kind of  am not surprised just based on this brand that   this is like the kind of like delivery that  I would get with this kind of product they're   just a really they've always been like a really  natural like no makeup makeup brand and for me   it's just never been like my cup of tea like  I'm a makeup girl I want makeup that's going   to actually deposit stuff on my face and make it  worth it and just it just isn't for me personally   like I know there's people out there that love  this brand that's totally fine and you might   enjoy this highlighter but for me personally  I think this is a really big disappointment I   don't even like the finish that it has on my skin  it's just not a good formula I think that's just   the best way I can describe it like PL and simple  without getting to too much detail without just   like being mean about it I think it's just not  a good formula at all so I wouldn't waste your   money on this one I would definitely skip this  one is there anyone I recommend it for I mean   not really cuz I don't believe in the formula so  I don't believe in recommend it for anyone if I   don't think the formula is good so that once  again is the glossier Halo scope in the shade   quartz next up we're in the $24 range and for  that you get the milk makeup highlighter just a   highlighter and I have the shade lit I actually  have all the shades from this and I spoiler Al   I actually really like this product I think it's  a really good product now I've talked about this   before in my bronzer video and I think also in  my blush haul video don't be alarmed or don't be   fooled by the size of this you get just as much  product in this as you do for a lot of different   highlighters so again don't be fooled you get a  ton of product it goes all the way down in here   so now that I got the little speech out of the way  let's test it out I already love the shade I use   it all the time like I said you can see this one's  definitely used and worn so let me show you what   the milk highlighter stick in the shade lit looks  like on now my preferred method to apply this is   what you see me do a lot which is taking my brush  for this I'm going to use a 113 from BK Beauty any   small little semi fluffy semi flat brush will  work great and I like to dip directly into the   product take the product from the applic Ator and  then apply it so just tapping it on the formula   doesn't rip apart my makeup underneath it doesn't  disrupt it it doesn't lift it it doesn't separate   it anything like that now I don't like to swipe  this directly on my skin because then I do run   the risk of actually lifting up my foundation so  this is my preferred method like as you know if   you're not new to my channel I love this formula  because I haven't met one Foundation that didn't   wear well with this formula and also I have not  met any age that does not look good with this   formula I have this in my professional makeup kit  I like I said I use this and the bronzing formula   all the time it's a really great formula but the  highlighter specifically I think is great for even   if you have texture if you have fine lines if  you have mature skin young skin oily skin does   not matter I think this is a great great Universal  cream highlighter for anyone anyone who's looking   for a cream highlighter I highly recommend you  check out this formula so once again that is the   milk makeup highlighter it's the cream it's in the  shade lit and you can see it just gives a really   beautiful glowy finish to my skin not chunky not  too thick it's it's like just right we're now in   the $25 price range and I have two coming up  that are both fantastic from rare Beauty the   first one I'm going to tackle is the powder  highlighter this is the highlighter powder   from rare Beauty I have the shade Exhilarate these  are phenomenal like these are wow Ian if you want   a powder highlighter that is just you can see it  from miles away you have to try this now the other   thing I love about this too and you'll see in a  second it's a very fine baked type product like   baked highlighter it's not chunky it's not overly  glittery it gives a really striking glow to your   skin so let me show you what this looks like on  now I prefer to put this on with something that's   smaller and fluffy or bigger and fluffy whatever  you prefer but something like along along this   size is what I prefer it's not a densely packed  brush it's nice and fluffy because I want a soft   application of this because it's so intense which  let me show you right now how intense this is on   so I'm going to sweep this across the top of  my cheekbone this does have a bit of Fallout   if you go too aggressively into the pan so I don't  recommend you just doing what I did and swirling   way too much but now let's get into what it  looks like on so I'm going to hit this High Point and it spreads too it really like I  obviously just put way too much on but you   can see you could probably see from space to be  quite honest and please again ignore how much   I just put on my skin I really really overdid  it with this it's easy to overdo um so that's   something I should definitely point out it's not  for the faint of heart if you're looking for a   natural powder highlighter don't do this one if  you're looking for Wow impactful little itty bit   goes a long way then definitely give this one a  shot what I really like about it though is yes   it's like a super intense highlighter it's very  much in your face but it's not like a chunky one   that would accentuate any fine lines any large  pores you have like around your cheek area it's   not going to do any of those things it actually  leaves your skin with like a nice smooth Luminous   Finish so I love it for that I think that anyone  any age could use this product don't be afraid   of it if you have mature skin you don't need to  pack it on like I just did you can use it very   sparingly and just on top of the areas you want to  highlight and bring out even more I think it's a   great great product so I recommend it for anyone  like I said as long as you're looking for more of   an impactful glow highlighter this is it for sure  so once again that is the rare Beauty highlighter   in the shade Exhilarate same brand same price  point it's $25 it's also from rare Beauty these   are gorgeous now totally spoiler alert I have to  just admit I you know I go hard for rare Beauty I   love their products I think they have incredible  products with great prices um this is the liquid   highlighter so I have a shade that's pretty  light I actually have the lightest shade um   this was pulled from again from my makeup kit I  didn't want to buy another one so just bear with   me I'm going to try try the lightest one on that  they carry but they do have just you know three   other Shades to choose from like a rosé type one  more of a golden one and even deeper bronze one   they are beautiful so let's try on the lightest  one and let me show you how beautiful this is on   so my preferred way to apply this take it on the  top of my hand just like that nice and easy you   take any kind of flat brush I'm going to use a  clean one from half caked it's a 240 blush brush   take the product you could also this is actually  a great formula to use with a beauty blender or   a beauty sponge you dip in it same method and you  tap it onto your skin this just ensures that when   you're using a liquid highlighter or a liquid  illuminator type product on top of existing   foundation and let's say blush or bronzer that  you're being gentle and you're just tapping it   on top of it and you're not ruining the makeup  that's underneath because you have to be careful   when you're layering wet products on top of other  wet products because it's you know it's easy to   ruin those products underneath if you're too  aggressive with your Apple application so this   is my preferred application I'm going apply  a little bit more but I love this because you   can either mix it into your foundation you can  use it beforehand for like a glow from within   type look or you can do it this method which is  just applying it on top so applying on top of   the cheekbones you can apply it down the bridge  of your nose anywhere you're going to highlight   so it's a very thin formula it's not like a  thick messy type highlighter unless you like   directly swipe it on with the applicator then I  think it actually is very messy so again this is   how I like to apply I appli way too much now but  you get the idea it's super glowy has a good dry   down time so it will dry down on your skin which  I think is also really helpful because a lot of   liquid illuminators or liquid glowy products  tend to never dry down so they're just a mess   throughout the day like as you're wearing them  they just break apart your makeup they can I'm   not going to call any specific ones but like  they can break down your makeup this one is   nice cuz it actually does dry down after you're  done applying to your skin so it's going to wear   a long time in that regard it's going to wear  like anything else on your skin like powder   blush it's going to wear like that kind of way so  it's going to dry down which is amazing cuz it's   not going to slip and slide throughout the day so  I love this formula I think this is a beautiful   really well formulated liquid illuminator I  wish I had the other colors to show you but   just trust me they're all really beautiful so  once again that's the liquid illuminator from   rare Beauty in the shade Enlighten next up is  $26 this is from the brand refi it's the gloss   highlighter I picked up the shade topaz really  excited for this really really excited for this   it looked beautiful let me just cut this open  hang on it looked beautiful in store I picked   up the shade topaz which looked so beautiful and  I'm excited to try this really really excited to   try this if I can get it open we'll have a lot  of fun trying it okay cute packaging I love the   little tube I love their color like their brand  color very modern so let's open this up it's a   squeeze tube which means we're going to squeeze  it onto on top of my hand ooh let's do a little   swatching Swatch wow this has a very jellylike  texture ooh wow that's beautiful so I want to   point out this is probably a product well this  is a product that I would more than likely use   underneath my makeup to give that Lit from within  type look to like that glow from within that juicy   skin underneath your foundation you could probably  also depending on the formula use this as a mixing   product into your foundation to give it more  glow so like taking a matte product or matte   foundation mixing this into it just to give it  like that luminosity and more of a glowy finish   but for the sake of this video I think I'm going  to apply it onto my Foundation I'm going to pump   out a little bit more and let's apply this with a  flat brush okay I want to just swipe this onto my   skin this is just a clay too foundation brush  and we're going to do a swipey swipey and then Pat okay so this works great still on top of  foundation definitely be careful because with   liquid products you always run the risk of  it breaking down your makeup underneath so   I do think the best way to apply this like I  said is underneath as a glowy priming product   like a priming base or as a mixing medium so  like mixing into your matte foundations but   you can see it looks really pretty on top of my  Foundation as well I think it just it's a little   bit more tricky to apply something like this  on top of liquid formulas but really pretty it   loses its pigmentation once it hit your skin  so like for example let me show you one more   time it looks like it's going to have a lot of  color behind it it has that topaz bronzy color   in it like it has color to it but once it hits  my skin you kind of lose that color so it's not   there's not a lot of how do I explain it there's  not a lot of like pigment behind it it's more of   like a sheer amount of color but once you blend  in you don't really see that color anymore it   just kind of disappears okay so it looks like I  could layer it a little bit which I am right now   it's it's layering decently it's a very wet  glossy balmy juicy highlighter so if you're   looking for that I think this is a really pretty  option don't really see it accentuating my pores   much other than just making them look a little  sweaty cuz it's glossy um but it's not really   accentuating like texture in my skin I think this  would be really great for anyone who has dry skin   and wants that extra little boost of juiciness  and hydration to their skin or at least give   it the look of more juicy hydration if you have  oily skin you might want to be a little careful   with this cuz it is a really balmy formula that  might not sit the best on top of your skin type   combination skin great mature young go for it I  think all in all this is a really pretty product   but I would stick to using this as a before  foundation glow enhancing product if you use   it that way then I highly recommend it so once  again yeah for $26 the gloss highlighter from ref   ey really pretty and what I purchase this again  to use as a glow underneath product yes now for   $28 we're going to test out the YSL new Halo tint  highlighter it's a liquid highlighter I have the   shade new Rosy quartz it looked really beautiful  I have tested out the blushes in the same formula   for my last video for the blush haul video so I'm  excited to see what this looks like on and like   how pearlescent it is so let's give it a try so  this is a squeeze tube what I like to do is apply   it first onto my hand just like that and you  know what one of the best ways and easiest ways   to apply a squeeze tube product of any kind take  the bigger part of your beauty blender so as you   can see I've been using mine today to reapply my  Foundation I like to give it a quick little even   Distribution on top of my hand so that way when  I put my beauty blender on top of my hand if I   was just to like pounce on top of that Big Blob  of product it would instantly no matter what it   will instantly soak up some of that product so  this is like less likely it's going to soak up   as much if you do it this way so taking the big  part of that sponge tap into it and tap it onto my skin and it doesn't really do much that's  interesting so once I try to like blend it   out with my finger you probably won't  be able to tell but it's crumbling on   my hand that's really annoying that's  not like an easy way to apply this all   right let's do something different since  I wasn't expecting it to be so dry once   it's like played with let's try it this way  okay I'm going to take my finger this is not   how I normally apply cuz you don't have  as much control but let's just test it out yeah it's going to go on patchy with  my finger but at least we're getting some   pigment okay it's better it's much better it  feels very thick oddly enough it feels like   a very thick pasty yeah that's what it is it has  like a pasty texture you know at first I thought   I was really going to accentuate my pores that  I have right here but it's not so bad it's not   that bad either way I don't think this is like  a very easy formula to work with to be quite   honest unless you're like a a pro makeup artist  and you've tried you know your experience with   lots of different formulas I don't think this is  a very userfriendly formula to try out what do we   think of that I guess it's just okay for $20 it's  okay the price Point's not bad but I don't think   this is easy to work with like I said you saw  like the application was definitely difficult I   wasted a ton of product this is already so dried  so dried down on my hand that I could barely get   it off so formula wise I'm not impressed by  the formula I don't actually don't like the   formula I really think it's difficult to work  with do I recommend it for anyone not really I   don't think it's really worth checking out to be  quite honest so those are my thoughts on the YSL   Halo tint highlighter this next one is from frck  it's also $28 this is called the Slime light it's   a hologram highlighter so it's got like that  holographic type reflective quality which I   think is really fun like I I love holographic  anything but let's see what it looks like as a   highlighter I have used this in the past it's  been a minute since I've tried this I actually   already had this in my possession so I didn't  have to purchase this for this haul which waso   great but I don't remember what my thoughts  were exactly so we're going to try it again   and hopefully I'll remember what I thought about  it initially so same application method I'm going   to squeeze some out on my hand really pretty  oh also I'm sorry I should mention the shade   the shade of this one is space face so this is  space face from frck it's a pink highlighter   we're going to do a similar application so we're  going to take this last clean side of my beauty   sponge dip into it has like a blue reflective  holographic type finish so now let's take that ooh pretty wow much easier  to work with than that last one H very pretty I'm actually going to apply  more you know this is all about like making sure   we apply enough and I do feel like that sponge did  eat up a lot of that product so let's try another   brush just take a clean little blush brush dab  into it let's get some more color payoff hopefully   all right so formula wise it's an easier formula  than the YSL that we just tried much easier but   I mean it's okay it's pretty it's definitely okay  I still don't think it's that easy to blend onto   my skin as I try to layer it it's definitely  it's lifting the layer that's underneath up a   bit which is going to happen sometimes if you're  not careful if you just layer too much while it's   still wet that's going to happen inevitably  so that is partly my fault that's actually a   lot to do with how I just applied it but that  initial application with the sponge it went on   really soft went on really pretty went on nice  and even I just didn't feel like I had enough of   it so that's why I went in with the extra layer  but hindsight wise I wouldn't do that don't do   it the way I just applied it just apply a thin  layer and leave it because now I'm getting that   lifting effect and I'm getting a patchiness to it  because of my error of immediately repeating the   steps and immediately like layering another wet  amount ount of it on top of the other wet amount   that I had on my skin so one thing to point  out it's not really buildable so just keep   that in mind so one application is all you're  going to get out of it you're not going to be   able to layer an additional layer of this on top  for more impact but it was fine it was a pretty   enough impact on its own so with that said would  I recommend it I wouldn't not recommend it it's   not my favorite liquid highlighter I don't think  I would ever go out and like buy it again when I   run out if that makes sense I'll I'll use it and  I'll enjoy it but I don't think I'd ever like go   out again to repurchase it I wouldn't recommend  this for mature skin I think it's just a little   too much of a chunky it's definitely more of a  chunky glitter now I'm all about chunky Glitters   for mature skin on your eyes I say go big or go  home with your eyes but when you're dealing with   your face and you have more mature skin it could  be it's it's kind of a different category it's a   little bit of a different category in my opinion  so you know your skin you really want to look more   smooth and if you have mature skin the last thing  you want to do is apply a chunkier highlighter on   your skin if it's more mature cuz it's going  to accentuate those Fine Lines those enlarged   pores texture anything like that so I'd recommend  this more for like you know more young skin I hate   to say it um oily skin can definitely use this  combination dry sure but those are my thoughts   on the frck would I go out and repurchase it  probably not but is it a nice highlighter it's   it's definitely nice next up is also $28 it's also  a liquid it's from SE I've already used this I can   tell you right now I do really enjoy this product  let me show you what it looks like on do have the   mini right here okay so the mini size this size  in particular is $16 which is a great deal super   inexpensive great size if you're a makeup artist  or great size if you're just always on the go and   you want smaller compact products to carry around  with you now the full size which is not this one   is $28 that is why it's in this category right  here but without further Ado let's try on the say   glowy super gel it's in the shade star glow this  is like the original shade I believe they have two   shades now which is great I'm going to apply this  to my hand because it is a pumped product so you   pump it out I already know that I love the texture  of this product it has a really just lightweight   gel-like texture I'm going to be applying this  with a 108 from BK Beauty and there's a couple   ways you can wear this one would be on top of  your makeup like I am right now and it goes a   very glossy glowy finish but my favorite way to  apply this product is underneath your makeup or   as a mixing medium let's say you have a more matte  finish foundation and you want to be like Shear it   out give it more of a natural glowy finish you  can mix this into that product or any product   of your choice really and it'll give you that more  glowy finish to your foundation underneath makeup   is really where it's at for me with this product  it's just the easiest to use it's super blendable   it looks gorgeous underneath your makeup like I  said or even like your Tinted Moisturizer so if   you want that extra glow like that juicy glow and  lit from within look underneath your makeup this   is a great great product to use um super easy to  blend like I said doesn't give you a glittery look   it gives you more of like a wet pearlescent like  slightly pearlescent finish to your skin so it's   great for anyone with mature skin it's great for  anyone with enlarged pores I even think this is a   great highlighter for more oily skin because it  definitely stays put it's not like super greasy   or super oily in a sense where it's going to make  your oily skin look even more shiny it's going to   make it shiny but in a nice way so I love this  product again I think it's great underneath your   makeup on top of makeup it gives you like that  glossy glowy glass skin type look you have to   be careful when you're putting it on top of makeup  because you don't want to rub it too much and have   it kind of melt into your makeup and create like  that muddied effect with your makeup so tapping   it on like this is the way to go but overall I  love this product I think it's a really beautiful   liquid illuminator and I highly recommend this  one now we're in the $29 category and this is   from Iconic London I've actually always wanted to  try this I've just never gone around to doing it   for some reason probably because I have so much  makeup to just get through but this is a really   cool idea it's called The rollway Glow it's a  liquid highlighter I picked out the shade Peach   Paradise there's a couple of Shades to choose  from like I said this is $29 I already can tell   you that I love how cute this little size is I  think I don't I just I love little things like   this they're just so much more convenient I'm  always in my head like thinking like small is   better small is better in your makeup kit and  just in my day-to-day life too but um let's try   it out I cannot wait and since this is a roll  on and I think that's actually the intended way   to apply it we're going to go for it but before I  do I am going to get the product distributed into   this roll on ball first by just running it onto  my hand okay wow very impactful super glowy I'm   so excited to try this so there are directions it  does say roll in circular motions onto large areas   of the face or dots for precision application  makes sense let's do it high point is right here well you definitely don't get an even  application when you roll it directly on your   skin I'm going to take my finger now and just see  how this works okay that's really pretty so even   even though we started out kind of on the wrong  end with with the Roll On application method the   way it goes on like the way it Blends into your  skin is actually really nice almost has like an   oilier feeling to it so just keep that in mind  maybe if you're more oily skinned probably stay   away from it just cuz it might not be the easiest  formula for you or the best formula I should say   for your oily skin if you're dry you might love  this I'm going to apply some more I want to just I   want to kind of apply more so I'm going to do like  a method that I would actually do take a brush and   just see okay so it's not it's a cute idea okay  oh okay this is better this is way better don't   use your finger all right that's a better method  I still don't think the roll on is a great idea   I I would like to see something like this in a  squeezy tube I think that'd be better personally   or a pump a pump would be ideal cuz you just pump  out the right amount dip your brush in blend onto   your skin you're done you're good to go I like  the innovation of having the roll on I think   that's really cool I give them like lots of props  for that however I don't think it actually is a   good method of applying it to your skin so just  keep that in mind um you might want to play with   how you are applying it to your skin I think  if you want to roll it onto your skin like I   just did and then blend it out immediately that's  an option but this gives a beautiful glow like a   really beautiful glow it has a very soft amount  of color to it it's not overly peachy it's still   very neutral I think this would be beautiful  on dry skin normal skin combination skin even   like combination oily just maybe be a little bit  careful um not to overdo it it it doesn't really   dry down too quick so again has like a nice like  hydrating feeling to it I think overall this is   really nice aside from the roll on part I think  this is a really pretty product I think it's good   for mature skin I don't see why not the pigment  in it like the pearlescent glitter in it is not   chunky at all it's very very fine so if you're  not afraid to have some extra glow I think this   would be really nice for mature skin absolutely  dry skin 100% would recommend this for dry skin   it feels incredibly like hydrating and just juicy  on my skin oily is the only one I would say maybe   use with caution but would I go back out and  repurchase this I think I would I think I would   I just aside from the roll on being an issue  I think this is a really nice formula so that   again is the iconic London rollway glow liquid  highlighter we have another liquid illuminator   this is also $29 it's from Makeup Forever it's  the Ultra HD soft light liquid highlighter I   picked up the shade 40 just 40 I picked up the  shade 40 so let's see what it looks like on I   can't remember what this looks like to be honest  or what it looked like when I was picking it out I   think it's like more of a golden okay no it's more  peachy really pretty I believe this is a squeeze   tube no it's oh yeah squeeze tube excellent this  is exactly what I was hoping for or exactly what   I would hope for with the iconic lendon I think  they they should definitely switch it out for   like a squeeze tube or a pump just cuz this is so  much easier so I'm going to take my squeeze tube   just apply it to the back of my hand there's some  inconsistencies with the formula so I don't like   to see this there's a mediate separation from the  product there's a cream here and there there's a   liquid that's just oozing away from that product  let me mix it onto my hand okay that's much   better beautiful kind of looks like the Charlotte  Tilbury Beauty light wand in like the Pillow Talk   shade very pretty very liquidy very very liquidy  I'm going to take a brush to apply this I'm just   going to use a small one from Real Techniques  it's a 206 brush I believe and I don't want to   waste this product so I'm just going to swipe  and pick it up from my hand and then let t this out wow so once it's applied to my skin it's  actually stunning beautiful so this is the   kind of product that you could definitely use  underneath your makeup you could definitely   mix this into your foundation as like a mixing  medium same way I suggest you use the se you   could definitely mix this into like a more matte  foundation or a satin finish to give it that that   vibrancy and that glow or you can apply it on  top just like I am right now and it looks really   beautiful wow so first impression wise I did not  like seeing that product separate and having it   be runny and then thicker on on like the top I  don't like seeing that with the formula that's   not great but just keep in mind once you actually  apply to your skin it is pretty stunning like that   Blended in so easy it did not disrupt my makeup  underneath I mean I tapped it in a couple times   and I was done so that's easy application wise  once it's on your skin very very easy this gives   a beautiful like Smooth glow it's not like chunky  it's like a nice soft focused luminous type finish   I think this is really pretty I would recommend  this for anyone honestly mature skin young skin   oily combo dry I think this is a good like a  really good Universal highlighter for anyone   price point $29 I feel like you're going to  take a long time to get through this okay so   it's 0.4 o not not bad I mean you don't need a  lot of it I definitely put a little too much on   would I actually go back out and purchase this  I actually would I think this is beautiful and I   think I'm going to put this in my makeup kit to be  honest I feel like this would be a really really   beautiful product to use on my clients so that  is the makeup forever Ultra HD soft light and it   really does give you like a soft lip from within  type look beautiful okay we finally we going to   get to some powder highlighters and I'm really  excited to just switch it up cuz I feel like I've   been going through so many liquid illuminators and  liquid highlighters so let's get into some powders   we are now in the $30 category this is from CI Ray  and I've actually never tried anything from CI Ray   so so very excited for this I think the packaging  like the outer packaging is really cute and really   bright and happy this is actually called hi like  hi highlight it's the beach gleamy hybrid feels   highlighter and it says clean wet technology  okay we don't need to get into that and also   says in the back this also cute holy beep that's  bright so I'm assuming this is going to be really   bright It also says sexy sustainability there's  a lot of things going on back here I'm just going   to move on we're going to open this up and try it  on my face cuz that really is truly what matters   is what it looks like on your face cuz let's  face it you throw out this packaging anyway   I did pick up the shade Moonlight Beach which is  described as a warm golden highlighter very cute   packaging open this up let me show you it ooh  wow I think I picked a really good one for this   kind of powder highlighter cuz it's supposed to be  very intense I'm going to switch to a small fluffy   Loosely packed brush this is from it's a really  old one it's from zoa it's a 134 Luxe powder   Fusion brush let's dip in oh wow I like that it  almost has like a creamy feel to it let's go for it wow let's try to buff it a little bit more too wow  okay that is unbelievably glowy super impactful   surprisingly easy to blend into my skin even  though I did pick up a lot in my brush which   I don't do that don't do that I just really  want I got excited so I picked up too much   on my brush but you do not need to pick up even  a quarter as much as I picked up on my brush so   keep that in mind unless you want it to be this  like metallic but a little goes a long way keep   that in mind has a really nice soft feel to  it like a very very nice soft feeling I can   tell it's like pretty finely miled it's not  chunky it doesn't feel heavy or like a chalky   dry highlighter does like powder highlighter this  definitely has a nice soft finish to it I think   it's a beautiful highlighter incredibly impactful  gorgeous shade but again we're not really talking   about Shades but the shade is really beautiful  that I picked out I have to say I really think   that's stunning if you are looking for a bam  inyou face powder highlighter definitely check   this one out if you have more mature skin I'd  say you can still use it but maybe air on the   side of caution when you're using it like just  do a little bit blend it in and be good unless   you're really going for it with your highlighter  still has a nice smoothing effect to it so if you   have more texture in your skin if you have more  fine lines I still think you can get away with   wearing this without it over accentuating those  qualities in your skin but overall I think it's   a really nice powder highlighter would I recommend  this I think this is good for anyone again as long   as you're looking for a very bright very intense  highlighter this is definitely a good one to check   out would I repurchase it yeah for sure if I  ever ran out of it which I don't see myself   running out of it but if I did I would definitely  keep this on my radar and try it again so that is   the CI Ray highlighter this next one is also $30  it's also a powder highlighter it's from a brand   that I love and I use all the time it's makeup by  Mario it's the soft glow highlighter again powder   highlighter I picked up the shade honey honey  looked beautiful I swatched it in fact all of   them looked really beautiful I swatched all of  them in person but I think honey was just like   very special so I cannot wait to actually put this  on my face cuz I've only tried it on my hand in   store so typical makeup by Mario packaging I love  the Sleek clean matte white this is honey and Wow   Let's just let me just show you okay let me just  show you how gorgeous it is on my hand too just   before we get into it cuz I'm really excited  for this one wow beautiful it's so pretty so   same kind of brush different brand this is just  from Cara Beauty kind of a random brush but soft   little fluffy Loosely packed brush is great for  this kind of super impactful highlighter so I'm   going to dip into it there's not much kick up  which is great I am going to tap off some excess   cuz I that's going to be a lot and let's just go  for it wow I'm already impressed with it because   I've been I've swatched it like I said a couple  times and you saw how pretty it is on my hand   has a very smooth finish to it which I really  love and I think is very surprising when you're   looking at a highlighter this intense because  it looks like it has a chunky effect to it so   you would think that it's going to look kind of  chunky and like just too plasticky on your skin   if that makes sense but it doesn't it has a really  beautiful smooth almost like a wet metallic finish   you know how like makeup by Mario has some wet  metallic eyeshadows this has a similar feel and   a similar finish to it where it almost looks it's  powder right but if you told me this was a liquid   I would be I would believe you I'd be like oh yeah  that looks like a liquid highlighter I'm going to   put more on cuz it's just fun color is gorgeous  all like I said all the shades they have are   gorgeous finish is just phenomenal Blends in super  easy very user friendly in my opinion I think this   would be good on all skin types um all skin ages  if you want an impactful highlighter and you're   not afraid to go for it if you have mature skin  and you want that glowy look to your skin this is   a really great powder highlighter option because  again like I said it gives a smooth finish to your   skin it looks really silky it looks like wet and  almost like a wet highlighter even though it's   powder and it doesn't accentuate pores I can't  imagine accentuating to Fine Lines cuz it's such   a nice thin powder formula so I think this is  a really great Universal powder highlighter for   anyone that wants like high impact would I go  back out and repurchase this again for $30 it's   an average price and 100% I would definitely  recommend this and I would definitely go out   and purchase this again so once again that is the  soft glow highlighter from Makeup by Mario in the   shade honey this next one is also powder it's also  $30 it's from the brand give this is Gwen Stefan's   makeup brand I'm really excited to try this the  packaging is cute I mean this is fine but like the   actual inside packaging is adorable it's the check  my glow multi-dimensional Illuminating highlighter   the shade that I picked up is homegrown glow  that's cute so let's open this bad boy up   also I love the Paisley inside that's adorable  that's cute like this is adorable I love this   packaging a lot I'm a big fan of this packaging  so let me show you how cute it is on the inside   adorable reminds me a lot of Bobby Brown I feel  like it's a direct knockoff of Bobby Brown in a   certain way I know Bobby Brown used to have like  I think blushes with like the squares but they   also had like the highlighting bricks same size  eyes they were like horizontal pans anyway this   looks really pretty so let's try on the give check  my glow highlighter and let's just apply it with   a small brush from half caked it's a 210 setting  brush I'm going to swirl into all these beautiful   colors which is what you should do when you have  like multicolors in a pan the idea is you want to   get all those colors melted together so now I have  them all on my brush let's test this out smells   good am I imagining that it smells good like like  hints of vanilla or coconut I don't know if you if   you've tried this and you think it smells like  something please let me know and let's test it out okay that's pretty not like in your face  impactful but that's okay that means cuz we   all have different needs for highlighters so it's  good to have a variety just cuz this isn't like   as beaming as that makeup by Mario is not a bad  thing it's a it's a good thing you should have   lots of different options for highlighters  because everyone is different everyone 's   needs are different this actually has a really  smooth quality to it like has a smooth finish   I I definitely put a little too much on cuz I I'm  wanting to like test it and see what it does and   work it into my skin I don't think it accentuates  any fact I think it actually smooth my pores right   here to be honest has a really smooth finish easy  to work with easy to blend on the color is really   pretty I like that color a lot that I picked out I  think this would be a good powder highlighter for   anyone looking for more of a smooth soft focus  look to their highlighter and not such a like   glittery beaming inyour face type highlighter  so with that said if you have more mature skin   and you're looking for a powder highlighter  specifically and you don't want it to you   want to look nice and smooth and just more soft  focused this is a really good option I think this   would be really really pretty and then you know  young skin obviously oily skin dry skin I think   anybody could wear this highlighter I think it's  a good Universal formula I'm really I'm really   happy that this is so pretty on cuz I I want to  like more stuff from give my socks haven't been   knocked off yet so so I'm very happy to say that  I like this a lot I think this is really pretty   would I recommend this definitely like I said  for anyone I think this is good for anyone would   I repurchase it yeah I think I would I think  this is a really really pretty highlighter so   that is the give check my glow powder highlighter  next up again also $30 also a powder highlighter   this one's from tarte it is the Amazonian clay  shimmering light shimmering light highlighter   okay I picked up the shade rose gold glow and it's  so funny everything tart is always Amazonian clay   this Amazonian clay that what does it mean you  know like what does that mean to have Amazonian   clay in all your products I won't get into much  detail but I'm not like the biggest tar user so   every time I go back to a product it's usually  for like one of these videos I'm like kind of   forced to like pick up a bronzer or a blush and  I'm just like taken back to 2012 or 2013 when like   tart was like the biggest thing on the planet like  everybody used tart and I just feel like nothing's   changed since then not to get on a whole you know  side Journey about tar but um anyway Let's test   out this highlighter it looks really pretty  and I like this packaging this is like very   looks very high high-end feels very high-end  and the highlighter looks really promising   so let's let's try it out for this one let's  just try it on with a 116 brush from Mac just   like a small powder brush dip into this doesn't  smell like anything and we're going to go for it pretty very pretty very very straightforward  it's a classic very pigmented very luminous easy   to blend on Powder highlighter I definitely  really recommend this user friendly for sure   it's definitely impactful but it still has a nice  smooth quality to it it doesn't look like it's a   chalky thick powder highlighter it has like a soft  Luminous Finish to it still beautiful color I mean   I definitely a beautiful shade I don't remember  how many shades they had to choose from I want   to say it's probably very low um just cuz that's  tarte but what I recommend this for mature skin   totally I think I recommend this for anyone young  skin oily skin combo dry I don't think there's   anyone that can't use this product so would I  go back out and repurchase it probably not just   because there's so many more on the market that  are more exciting to me but that's just like a   personal opinion I think there's nothing wrong  with this highlighter I think it's definitely   a good straight forward powder highlighter that  kind of checks all the boxes so if that sounds   like something that you need I definitely  recommend this one I think it's beautiful   and that is the powder highlighter from tarte next  up we're in the $32 price point and this is also   from say I didn't know they had these until I was  shopy for this video it's the glow sculpt it's a   multi-use cream highlighting blush so it's a blush  highlighter but it's really marketed for both so   I had to put this in this video I got the shade  quartz glow and it looked so pretty so I I can't   wait to try this out let's open this up love  the packaging very sleek and that is what it   looks like in the packaging really really pretty  I want to just Swatch it really quick so it kind   of has a creamy it does okay so this has a creamy  texture to it it's kind of like a it's basically   a cream highlighter but it has obviously like a  lot more color behind it so that's why it's like   a blush highlighter now let's just Swatch it on  the top of my hand first I just want to see what   I'm really working with really pretty color I'm  going to apply this probably with my 109 from   BK Beauty let's definitely apply it with this I  think this is going to be a good brush for this   type of formula so I'm going to get a good amount  on my brush and then swipe it on and I'm going to   put it pretty much on like a blush since it does  have some color to it wow that's really pretty   really easy to work with really easy to blend on  my skin I'm not having a difficult time at all I   think this would make a really good blush topper  personally or just just like a simple more glowy   blush like a a more sheer natural glowy blush but  let's say you put on top of a regular Cream Blush   formula and you want like bump it up blend this  on top of it and I think it make a great blush   topper like I said I'm sure you could also use  this underneath your makeup as like a glow from   within type look this would probably be really  nice for underpainting to be quite honest but   this is great that is beautiful wow I think I  actually might put this in my makeup kit to be   quite honest I think I might have to just give  it up for that cuz I think this is going to be   a really universally beautiful product to use  in my kit finish is gorgeous it's not overly   glittery has like a really soft a soft focus type  glow which I I love I think that's so flattering   for like all skin types and skin textures I  feel like this has a really beautiful soft   focused like smoothing effect to it I think  this would be great for mature skin oily skin   dry skin young skin you name it really really  beautiful product it's incredibly easy to work   with and Incredibly easy to blend on my skin so I  love it for that very easy to use would I go back   out and repurchase this 100% I think I actually  might go out and pick up some more shades because   they have more shades available but yeah that's  beautiful wow highly recommend this one from say   absolutely love it and I'll definitely be using  this a lot more on my channel I'm sure you'll   see pretty soon but that is the glow sculpt from  say this next one is also $32 this is from Meritt   it's the day glow highlighting balm so it's more  of a balm I'm pretty sure this is going to be a   lot like the their bronzer their bronzer stick  that I also tried from my bronzer haul I wasn't   a big fan of that one for me personally on my  skin it just didn't show up but I have high   hopes for this one because I did Swatch this in  person it did look like it was going to be really   pretty but of course everything's different once  it's on your skin so that aside packaging I love   easy simple convenient small love that kind of  packaging but let's first pre-warm this up on   the top of my hand cream products you always  need to warm up a little bit prior especially   if they're brand new out of the box so I always  recommend this beautiful finish definitely very   glowy you know what let's let's do a couple  things let's just directly apply this cuz I   know I know Mera is a very natural brand so I feel  like I'm going to want to get a lot of impact so   I'm just going to go and like really press this  onto my skin and so far it's going on nice and easy it's pretty okay wow it really gets  wet it gets a very balmy texture wasn't   expecting to get that glowy but I'm going to  delicately press the rest into my skin with my fingertip that's pretty it's not the most  impactful highlighter I've ever used in fact   I feel like the more you kind of press it into  your skin it just kind of goes away so it's very   natural it's very natural let's put a little bit  more on okay it's pretty it's just first of all I   don't feel like it has very good staining power  because just kind of lightly tapping it in just   to blend it you lose a lot of that pigment and  you lose a lot of the product and it basically   just kind of lifts up a little bit so I don't  love the formula personally I think these are   just more difficult to work with and also I just  don't want to put anything on my face that's just   going to be gone in a couple seconds that's just  pointless um personal opinion I I do feel like   this is going to be gone like literally off my  face within if I were wearing it all day like I   feel like this would be gone in a couple hours  um maybe sooner I don't think this is a good   formula for all these skin types I think it's  probably going to slide right off your skin if   you have dry skin though and you want to natural  simple glowy cream highlighter definitely I think   this would be a good option for you for sure so  anyone that's looking for more of a natural finish   to their makeup and to their glowy highlighter  products this would be a really great option to   check out if you're on the other side and you want  more of like a high impact more of a long lasting   highlighter I'd say skip this one I don't think  it's for you mature skin dry skin definitely would   be a great formula for you for sure but when I go  back out and repurchase this for $32 no I wouldn't   personally I don't think it's a right fit for  me and what my like my personal tastes are but   that is the Merit daylow highlighting balm coming  up next for $32 it's from Fenty Beauty you know I   love the match sticks from Fenty Beauty and their  bronzers I use them all the time big big fan I'm   going to tell you the the honest truth I'm not a  big fan of the highlighting sticks from Fenty I   think they're a little too dry but before giving  all this away let me actually put this on we'll   talk about it and all those things it's $32 I  have the shade ice cream it's 06 ice cream and   this has more of like a peachy tint to it which  is really pretty let's get into it I'm going to   first take off this old Swatch and just Swatch  a little bit on my hand like I said it is a much   more dry formula um which I'm just not that big on  for a highlighter so you know it goes on it's all   fine I just don't think this is a good formula  for a highlighter like like especially if it's   a stick you don't want it to be so dry that it  just looks heavy so to me this is like a kind of   comes off as like a heavier finish and it's just  not very impactful so it's it's funny like it it   looks really glowy here but once it hits your  skin it just doesn't do much so i' I've always   been kind of sad about this one CU you know I  love Fenty you know I go hard for their products   I think they have some incredible products but  to me this is not their best product at all I'm   just going to do a little bit more so you can see  you just you don't really get that color payoff   and that highlighting glowy payoff that you would  expect so what I recommend this not really like I   said there's just there's just so many other  good ones on the market I think this is just   not their best product in their collection I  wouldn't recommend it for dry skin oily it's   just not my recommended highlighter so we'll  just keep it at that would I go back out and   repurchase this I definitely would not um full  disclosure this one was actually sent to me in   PR so I was lucky enough to try it for free but  I'm just not a big fan of this one unfortunately   but it pains me to say it because I'm a huge fan  of Fenty Beauty but I would definitely pass on   this highlighter so once again this is the Fenty  Beauty match stick highlighter this next one is   also $32 it's also a stick it's from Anastasia  Beverly Hills it's the stick highlighter I picked   up the shade hot sand hot sand looked so beautiful  so I cannot wait to actually put this on my face   to properly test out I'm a big fan of a lot of  Anastasia Beverly Hills products I think they   have some really great formulas I love their  blushes in the formula so my expectations for   this on my skin and not just being swatched on  my hand in store are pretty high I'm not going   to lie so this also has a little brush to it you  know if you know me you know my opinion on these   I think they're useless I think you're better  off blending your product on with your finger   and that's just a lot for me to say that cuz I  don't believe in necessarily using your fingers   for a lot of different things for your makeup but  I would rather have more product in here and just   skip the brush personally yeah they just don't  work really well for me so I'm not going to be   using that brush just letting you know I going  to warm this up on my hand like I do with all   new products but look how pretty that peachy Brony  glow is stunning I think I'm going to apply this   with a 109 from BK Beauty and I'm going to do  my favorite method which is get a whole bunch   of this on my brush work it in there pre- blend  it all those things let me make sure I have a lot   so it's impactful and we're going to take this  to my cheek m wow beautiful easy to work with   super easy to blend on granted I did you know  do my favorite method which makes it easier to   blend onto my skin I definitely put way too much  on my brush I couldn't quite tell but really easy   to blend very impactful but in a nice smoothing  way this does not have like a chunky glitter to   it it has a really wow like a really beautiful wet  shine like a wet juicy shine to it I put way too   much on let's just ignore the fact that I have  a lot of product on my skin the color I picked   out is really pretty too I will say I really like  this color I think this is probably going to go in   my makeup kit to be quite honest that's gorgeous  easy to work with easy to blend on did not lift up   my makeup underneath again Let's ignore the fact  that I have a ton on down here product-wise great   product I think it's a great great product I would  recommend this for anyone mature young dry oily   combo does not matter this is going to be a great  universally easy used cream highlighter that's   very impactful but has a really smooth Luminous  Finish it's not accentuating any pores it's not   going to accentuate any texture in your skin feels  really nice yeah I mean this is beautiful they did   a great great job that's a great highlighter love  that highly recommend it would I go back out and   repurchase this for $32 100% highly recommend  this one from Anastasia Beverly Hills next up   we're in the $34 price range we have another  product from Anastasia Beverly Hills when can I   tell you I have been eyeing this highlighter for  years and I for some reason never got around to   purchasing it I just believe me I've been wanting  to try this for so many years it's just a classic   powder highlighter this is the shade Iced Out and  this is a I'm going to warn you this is like put   your sunglasses on Wow beaming highlighter this  is not for the faint of heart this is not for   anyone who's going for a natural highlighter  effect or like a natural makeup look this is   not going to be for you I just want to totally  put that out there but if you're a makeup like   die hard makeup lover and you want that impact  this is very old school in my opinion and this   really does get the job done this will give you  that highlight and that glow so let's open this   up you're not even ready for how pretty this is  like this makes me so happy this is like this is   fun makeup you know like there's natural makeup  there's office makeup there's day off makeup   and then there's fun makeup this is fun makeup I  cannot wait to put this on my face so let's just   let's get into it let's get right into it it and  we're going to put this on with a extremely old   fluffy brush from morphe I'm sure they don't even  sell this anymore it's an m501 I'm going to dip   into this wow wow I don't even know how much  I should get on my brush I just want to keep   playing with this the packaging the way they like  emboss the product it's just come on like that's   absolutely gorgeous let's just let's go like  this H you know what I was expecting a little more H maybe I overhyped this in my head good  old morphe brush is going to shed on my face of   course all right it's there it's definitely there  it's more holographic than I was expecting like   you can see as I tilt my cheek definitely a unique  finish it's not really like the tar or the makeup   by Mario has has a different finish to it it's  a very unique finish it has a slight holographic   finish to it but in a gold has a gold undertone  very unique that's I guess the best way I can   describe this I don't think this is going to be  your everyday type highlighter I think it's a very   specific highlighter needless to say I don't think  I would recommend this necessarily for mature skin   just cuz I think it's not quite wearable enough um  you can however don't listen to me if you want to   get it and you have mature skin don't listen to me  I just don't it wouldn't be like the first powder   highlighter that I recommend for mature skin with  that said oily skin young skin doesn't matter you   can definitely check this out I just think it's  a very specific highlighter because it gives you   a very specific finish so keep that in mind so  if you're looking for something like this like   this kind of finish absolutely go for it it's  easy to apply it's smooth it's not patchy it's   very um consistent throughout it's just really  the it's the finish that it gives you and the   color that's going to be like the very specific  part of it other than that formula is fantastic   ease of use is fantastic Blended AB ility great  looks nice and smooth but that's about it that's   all I have to say about this powder highlighter  it's gorgeous would I go back out and repurchase   it I'm going to be honest with you probably  not because I want to get that much use out   of it like I said it's just it's a little too  niche in a way so with that said I wouldn't go   out and repurchase it because I wouldn't get  enough use out of it but if you're looking for   something like this then definitely check it out  this next one is also $34 it's from the brand Ilia   it's a powder highlighter it's the daylight  highlighting powder it's tulk free and I have   the shade Star Struck so let's try this out I've  never tried this and I I'm very excited I love the   Ilia bronzing powders I think those are really  great so I'm hoping that I'm going to love this   as well the shade that I picked out is beautiful  I mean it's not about the shades but this is a   really beautiful highlighting shade let's just  Swatch it so you can see it on the top of my hand really pretty has like a creamy quality  to it even though it's a powder which I love   without further Ado let's try this on I think I'm  going to apply this with the this end of a Huda   beauty face brush so I'm going to swipe into it  oh wow wow that's so beautiful I love the shade   that I got I'm probably going to put this in  my makeup kit actually this is so pretty I love   like peachy I know I put way too much on don't  worry I know I know I have way too much on but   it's just good to see what it can do wow again  Let's ignore the fact that I have an excessive   amount on the way it Blended on was super easy  super quick I did not have to work hard to blend   this on my skin at all the glow payoff is quite  intense extremely impactful I mean this is like   glowing glowing to outer space literally it's  just gorgeous the feeling of it is really nice   has a very silky just very fine night nice feeling  to it in fact I can even like kind of rub it into   my skin wow formula is great this is a great  highlighter formula I love this I'm obsessed   with this I maybe I will keep it for myself maybe  I'll be selfish or maybe I'll get another one I   think this would be a great highlighter for anyone  mature skin young skin oily combo dry I think that   anybody can wear this and will really appreciate  this and enjoy it I think this is a phenomenal   phenomenal highlighting powder I'm obsessed with  this actually price point 34 bucks not bad you get   a really big pan of it you you need a very small  amount so this is probably going to last you a   really really long time so would I recommend this  a 100% I think you should definitely go and check   this powder highlighter out like go check it out  it's gorgeous would I go back out and repurchase   this definitely so once again that is the Ilia  daylight highlighting powder in the shade Star   Struck okay so this next one I want to just point  out I very very lightly applied just a little bit   of foundation because and I left this area pretty  much bare because this next one I have in my kit   I've used it for I don't know maybe over over a  year it's been out I think maybe maybe going on   two years I don't know I lose track of time no  maybe it's just a year anyway it's from Fenty   Beauty it's the eastrop all over glow enhancer  this is not your kind of glow product that you   would put on top of your skin how however I mean  it could be and it might might be marketed that   way I don't recommend it that way at all it's too  liquidy um it's just like like how I I said the   say is going to be best underneath your makeup  same rules apply for this one in my opinion so   I want to just kind of apply it all over just to  show you what it looks like as a glow enhancer   this is also great to mix into your foundation if  you want to like obviously give it a more glowy   finish to it and sheer out but this is going to be  best used in my opinion underneath your makeup for   that glow from within type look so I'm going to  shake it lightly I have the shade O2 Taffy topz   and just like a really pretty champagne shade  this is the product very thin very like jelly   like or gel-- like I think this is a great  formula for all skin types I want to point   that out there even if you're oily and you're  kind of afraid of like liquid illuminators CU   you think they're going to make you even more  like oily looking or shiny throughout the day   I think this is a really great formula even still  for like more oily skin types because it doesn't   feel heavy it doesn't add like a thick oily  texture on your skin it's very lightweight so   I love it for that for mature skin this would  be a phenomenal pre Foundation product just to   give you that again that glow from within look  and just some extra hydration too this does have   a nice like slightly hydrating feel to it it's  it just kind of feels like like a serum like a   glowy Serum is the best way I could describe it  I'm going to apply this to my skin in just the   areas where I don't really have that foundation  and get a little bit more and I'm just going to   apply it with a flat brush this is from clay  Depo because this is how I would apply it in   my professional kit so if I'm prepping a  client's skin and I want that underneath   glow that glow from with in I usually will just  kind of apply it with a flat brush and just go D it plays very well with most foundations  I haven't really met a foundation that it   doesn't work well with and it's just a simple  really easy to use pre makeup glowy product   so it's a liquid illuminator like I said it's  very easy to work with it's going to work with   all skin types all skin ages and yeah it's just  it's just a great product it's really just easy   it's not super metallic just keep that in mind  it really is more of like a wet glow versus a   shimmery pearlescent type glow like it's more  on the Wet Side even though it does have some   Pearl pigment in it as you can see it's more on  the Wet glowy Side than the glittery glowy side   so just keep that in mind so if that's something  that you're looking for I think this is a really   great option I do recommend this for anyone so  like I said anyone that is looking for this kind   of texture underneath their makeup to give that  that glow from within look great option so again   Blends out super easy very easy to work with you  could even just take your fingers obviously and   just blend it on with your fingers and then put  your foundation on top very very easy product   to work with it's $34 you don't need a ton of  it to get like that glow from within look so I   think the price point is absolutely fine would  I recommend this 100% I think this is a great   product would I go back out and repurchase  it 100% I think it's a really great product   to check out so that once again is the Fenty  Beauty eastrop lit all over glow enhancer this   next one is $34 also it's from nud sticks it  is a classic formula if you haven't tried the   nud sticks products I mean like literally it's a  classic nud 6 tin product it's the nudies glow all   over face highlighter you can basically put this  on your eyes your lips your cheeks just like all   the nude 6 products it's they're very multi-use  multi-function which is great and nude scks they   have had great formulas since the beginning of  time I think they've always had really really   great formulas that work well so I haven't used  their highlighter though I'm going to be really   honest in a minute it's been like a minute  I always have a couple I think I have like   currently probably like three of their blushes in  this formula in my makeup kit and I love them so I   love the formula very used to it but specifically  I haven't used their highlighters in a minute so   I got the shade bubbly baby or bubbly baby bubbly  baby it looked really pretty so I'm going to warm   this up with my hand and then apply it and you  know what I'm very confident with nude sticks   and now that I've already visibly warmed this  up like it literally is like melted a little   bit which means it's going to be easier to  then blend onto my skin so I'm going to go   for it with this one I'm going to actually  do something I rarely do and I'm going to directly apply this to my skin pretty I mean  unfortunately I picked a color that really   Blends right into my skin tone but you can still  see it I'm just going to tap in the edges of this it's not as glittery as I kind of hoped it would  be let's just put a little bit more on let's just   add a little bit more just cuz we I want to see  what it can do okay I actually really like this   finish you know what to me like first of all let's  talk about how it goes on it goes on easy it's not   disrupting my makeup which is a miracle because  I did directly swipe it on top of my Foundation   but again I know their formulas and I know  what they're going to do so I trusted it not   to completely ruin my makeup easy to blend on very  very easy to work with has a beautiful finish and   I want to point out something to me this product  is what this product wanted to be and what this   product wanted to be but failed measurably sorry  not to be mean but like they're trying it just   seems like this is what they were trying to go  for like they were trying to be the nude sticks   highlighting balm and they weren't like they just  were not because this also even has like balm in   the in the um description back here too so that  really just tells me like sizewise everything wise   they were set out trying to emulate this formula  and they failed miserably so like I said prior   don't waste your time with those go for like the  classic like go for the brand that did it right in   the first place this is a great one I think this  is a great great highlighter and honestly I think   I might even put this one in my kit cuz I don't  have a nude sticks highlighter in my kit and the   finish that this gives is like wet and balmy but  actually sticks to your skin and actually gives   you color payoff and actually stays put and is  is actually giving me something whereas those   were like where did I go what did I do nothing I  didn't do anything it just a big disappointment   and a waste of money this actually does what it  says it's going to do incredible formula I think   this is good for anyone mature young oily skin  could definitely wear this highlighter and it's   going to stay put I think probably very well  combination dry will love it like beautiful   I think this is a solid solid amazing highlighter  I'm I'm wildly like in love with this highlighter   to be honest like this is absolutely gorgeous  it's not accentuating any fine lines it's not   accentuating any texture I have right here like  where I have my more like visible pores it looks   smooth healthy dewy H like all the things you want  a balmy cream highlighter to be so would I go back   out and repurchase this 1,000% and I probably  will do I recommend this I recommend this for   anybody I think this is a solid choice so if you  are interested in trying out this highlighter do   it trust me you will love it so once again  this one's from nude sticks it's the nudies   glow all over face highlight we're now in the $35  price range we're going to take it to a powder   highlighter this is also a very old school formula  it's been around for a very long time and I'm sure   it's been copied a million times over it's from  benefit this is one of my favorite highlighters   I used years and years ago like another lifetime  ago it's in the shade cookie and please leave me   a comment if you ever used cookie cuz cookie was  like one of the biggest powder highlighters when   it came out it was like so popular everyone loved  cookie um I love this packaging I'm a sucker for   the old school benefit packaging this is just a  beautiful highlighter I cannot wait to show you   what this looks like on my skin and for those  that remembered it and used it back in the day   this will be like a trip down memory length so  without further Ado let's apply this brand new   gorgeous cookie highlighter for this one I'm going  to use a refer 18 brush it's a perfect size Little   Brush just get in there and swirl it around and  let's Swatch and swipe cookie cookie a classic   straightforward like very straightforward classic  metallic highlighter I have a brush here there we   go very pigmented and this has more of a Sheen to  it versus like a glitter so it may look like it's   going to be glittery but once you have have it on  it's more of like that what is it what's the word   for it it's kind of like um foiled is I guess  the best way I could describe it it's not like   thick glittery chunky glitter it's more of like  a foiled finish once it hits your skin and you   blend it on very smooth very easy to work with  very easy to blend on just universally great I   recommend this for anyone I think even if you have  mature skin it has a nice it has a pretty smooth   quality to it it's not accentuating any fine lines  or Texture or pores on my skin very classic like I   said anyone that has a need for a bright classic  powder highlighter that's very impactful but not   on a chunky glittery way I think this would be a  great option for you oily skin dry skin it doesn't   matter anybody can use this highlighter it's like  I said very very Universal and very easy to work   with so what I recommend this I recommend this  to anybody that's looking for that highlighter   that type of in-your-face highlighter and would I  go back out and repurchase it I definitely would   cookie has a special place in my heart probably  forever so this is the once again benefit powder   highlighter in the shade cookie we're now in the  $36 price range and this is also from a classic   brand that I I kind of think back if I'm thinking  about powder highlighters I definitely would think   of Too Faced it is the Too Faced Moon Crush it's  a newer formula for them I know this is like a   newer launch I want to say within like the last  6 months maybe longer I don't know I lose like I   said I lose track of time but it's newer for Too  Faced it's the out of this world highlighter I'm   excited that it says that there was two shades  to choose from I picked the shade shooting star   really cute packaging very Too Faced the physical  packaging is where it's at I love these they look   like poly Pockets to me they just look like '90s  toys to me and it makes me so happy beautiful   packaging let's open this up wow doesn't smell  like anything which is surprising for Too Faced   let's face it beautiful embossed cute it says  Moon Crush in there that's adorable I'm going to   I'm struggling dipping my brush into it cuz it's  so cute but let's try it on okay I'm going to use   a smaller brush smaller loose fluffy brush this  is from LH Cosmetics it's a 306 brush and we're   going to just swipe in here get a nice amount  and let's go for it wow beautiful I love the way   this is blending in gorgeous gorgeous highlighter  there's really nothing to complain about with this   highlighter it's obviously extremely metall metc  has a very foiled finish to it again like not like   a chunky chunky glitter but like a foiled more  wet finish to it you know this is like the Tin   Man from Wizard of ooss like this is the kind of  metallic look you're going to get with these kind   of highlighters so if you're going for that and  you want like a wow impactful powder highlighter   absolutely check this one out from Too Faced  absolutely and anybody can wear this okay so it's   not going to be based on like for mature young  anybody can wear this type of powder highlighter   because it doesn't have a thick chunky dry chalky  finish to it or Texture so if you're dry if you   have mature skin whatever the case is it's going  to come down to what your preference is so if you   fit those two descriptions if you have dry skin or  if you have more mature skin or both but you want   a wow highlighter you can absolutely use this  and I would definitely recommend it it's going   to come down to personal preference like I said  oily skin combo young anybody can wear this it's   going to be do you want an intense unbelievably  impactful glowy powder highlighter is if you do   you have to check this out I I'm already obsessed  with this it's stunning it's absolutely stunning   now you don't have to put on as much as I did of  course but that wouldn't be as fun for me to show   you just like a little itty bit I want to show you  like the full shebang the full full show here so   that is gorgeous it's not accentuating any texture  or fine lines in my skin like I said blend it on   quick blend on easy great formula can't complain  checks all the boxes I highly recommend this one   would I go back out and repurchase this one from  Too Faced 1,000% I am a big fan so once again that   is the moon Crush highlighter from Too Faced  next up is $38 it's from the brand kosas it's   the glow IV vitamin infused skin enhancer I have  the shade radiate for myself I also have another   one in my makeup kit I spoiler alert I love this  product I bought it when it first came out and I   was really hooked on it so let me show you why I  like it how I use it and all those good things so   let's pump it out this is a pump sorry forgot  should have cleaned it I'm going to pump this   out on the top of my hand because again this  is how I like to actually use it and let me   just take a little bit of this and kind of swipe  it down so you can see how beautiful this is now   the reason why I like this is because you can use  it so many different ways it works in many many   different ways you can use as a mixing product  you can use it underneath your makeup to give it   that glow from within which is beautiful and you  can also mix it on or actually apply it on top of   your foundation so I'm going to be showing you how  to apply it on top of your foundation but before   I do let's just admire this beautiful Swatch on  my hand another reason why I like this product   is because it doesn't pill it doesn't ruin the  makeup underneath so when you're layering it on   top of your products unless you're being really  aggressive with your application which I don't   recommend it's not going to lift up your product  even if it's cream foundation liquid foundation   Tinted Moisturizer whatever you're wearing as  your base it's really it plays really well on top   of those products and then underneath it's just  foolproof it really acts like a good it actually   kind of acts like a glowy primer for your skin so  I wouldn't use this in addition to a primer so if   you're someone who's using a primer specifically  for Underneath Your Foundation I really wouldn't   wear this on top of the primer cuz it's going to  add too many layers of like of just filmy product   so avoid that but if you want to use this as  your primer that gives you glow I think it works   excellent for that reason without further Ado let  me show you what this looks like on my skin cuz   I love it and honestly I'm going to be real with  you I can use this product with any brush I really   can I I find that most brushes work really well  with this product it's because it's a really good   formula so I'm just going to grab a 110 from BK  Beauty dip into it and tap it on top of my cheek   it's just easy pigmented glowy it's just a great  formula they did such a good job of this formula I   got so many of my friends to buy this product so  hopefully they're enjoying it as much as I have   been enjoying it going to add a little bit more  just to build it up you can actually really build   up this product it is super layerable it doesn't  ruin that first layer if you go on top of it   with a second layer so again the formula is just  perfect they just nailed it so good they also have   an incredible shade range too so whether you're  Fair deep there's going to be a liquid illuminator   from kosas that is going to be perfect for your  skin tone which I love I really appreciate that   it's not like they just launched two colors and  thought that was enough so Props to them I know   I already said it's you know Blends on easy and  all those things but it really does blend on so   easy it's so so easy to blend onto your skin you  won't have a hard time it's not going to leave you   patchy it's not going to pill it's not going to  disrupt it doesn't do anything bad so I recommend   this for anyone dry skin oily skin combo young  mature doesn't matter who you are I think this is   the one of the best liquid highlighters that I've  tried I'm obsessed with it so in case you can't   tell I'm obsessed with it so I highly recommend I  think the price point is fine I know it's a little   bit higher but you do get a lot of product you  don't need nearly as much as I just waste it on   top of my hand so keep that in mind a little bit  goes a long way they're very very metallic so you   don't have to go for a lot of it just a little  pump is all you need so with that said it does   last a long time it also I kind of like this even  though you know who knows what it's really doing   for your skin but it does it is infused with  glutathione vitamin d and vitamin K I don't   know I just think it's a really great product I  I I love it I I highly recommend you go out and   try this one I really do what I go back out and  purchase this again 1,000% I highly recommend   this for anyone and once again that is the coess  glow IV this next one is from house laabs it's   $40 it is the bior radiant gel powder highlighter  this is the shade pink amethyst and spoiler alert   I love this formula I use it already I already  have the shade rose quartz and rose quartz is so   beautiful it's like a pink highlighter you could  use as a blush depending on what your skin tone is   it's just stunning so I'm a big fan this formula  but let me show you why let me test out this one   again I picked out a different shade like I said  pink amethyst for this video and I'm already a   big fan of it it's a really beautiful soft has a  peachy pink tint to it and it's just gorgeous so   let me show you what this looks like on I'm going  to be applying this one with a really old morphe   brush it's an M523 brush and I actually like to  apply the ones with more pigment and more color   with a blush brush like a kind of like a smaller  blush brush cuz I end up using it as a blush if   it's more tinted if that makes sense so so bigger  brush I'm going to tap it on easy to blend great   color payoff but not like not hard to work with  kind of color payoff very very unique shade I   mean I love the way it just kind of shifts from  like a gold and a peach and you see pink in there   very very unique shade very specific now they  have tons of other Shades to choose from it's   not about the shades it's about the formulation  I think the formula is a perfect formula it's   easy to work with like I said easy to blend has  a smooth quality to it so it's not going to leave   your skin looking like like a chunky glitter even  though it very well looks like it's going to be a   chunky glitter in the pan just like judging the  pan but it's not on your skin very easy to blend   looks smooth long lasting I've worn these like  all day and they just they stay put they're very   very longwearing so beautiful formula I'm a big  big fan of this formula I think it just checks   all the boxes they did a great great job with this  powder highlighter there's no Fallout when you're   hitting the brush to the pan so that's also great  in my opinion and the Finish is just stunning it   gives you almost like a wet metallic finish it's  just gorgeous I recommend this type of highlighter   like this formula highlighter from house labs for  anyone mature dry young oily does not matter I   think that this is has everyone in mind I think  it's a really great highlighter to check out so   would I recommend this 1,000% love it big fan of  this one would I go back out and repurchase it yes   and I probably will pick up another shade just cuz  I'm I'm collecting them at this point but I love   this one so once again that is the house Labs bio  radiant gel powder highlighter next up is one that   I've had for years and I've Loved this one for  years it's from Fenty Beauty it's $40 it's the   kilowatt highlighter now these are really cool  because you do get two colors so one's usually   more shimmery like more of like a chunky Shimmer  and one's more of like a softer focused luminous   highlighter so chunky more soft focus you get  the best of both worlds and they always have   really good color combinations as well this one  is the shade mean money which is this one mean   money and husta baby um beautiful highlighter has  like a peachy gold undertone to it it's beautiful   on let me show you how beautiful it is and believe  it or not I like to use this with more of a fluffy   brush I'm just going to grab a 116 from Mac any  smaller or even like this size fluffy brush will   do and let's layer okay so we're going to layer  going first with the shade mean money which is a   softer formula and I'm going to apply it right  around here and again it is very soft so you   do get the best of both worlds you get two very  different finishes in one highlighter yes this   is $40 and it's a little bit higher up there in  the price point but to me it's more thoughtful   because you get two different formulas so you  really do get I think a good amount of product   and just variety for your money so let's talk  about this first one first it's softer it's   not like a chunky highlighter it's more like soft  focus just you kind of have to you know it's not   as like eye-catching right away but that's good  so like if you're someone who doesn't want like   a blinged out highlighter this is amazing very  smooth doesn't enhance any texture has just a   really soft like again a soft focused finish which  I love I'm going to flip to the clean side of this   brush and we're going to dip into husta baby and  husta baby is actually my favorite so let me show   you and by the way these come in so many different  shades even like fun Shades like bright pinks and   there's like purple and just they have really  fun Shades to choose from this one's more of a   neutral one and this one was pulled directly from  my makeup kit this is a really well-loved one of   mine so now let's do the chunkier one at the front  of my cheek and just kind of layer it on top very   impactful still smooth you know doesn't it's not  going to hide your pores this one because it is a   chunkier more metallic finish highlighter so  keep that in mind but what you could also do   too is you can actually just flip the order so  if you're someone who like like me who has more   pores here you probably want to flip the order in  which I applied these and then stick to applying   the more dramatic one in the areas of your face  that are really smooth that you don't really have   any skin texture or issues that you're trying to  not bring out but again you get the best of both   worlds with this one you get a good variety of  finishes which I think is really helpful to have   on hand especially if you're a makeup artist you  get two different finishes in one small compact so   it's great for that I recommend this for anyone  mature young dry oily it doesn't matter it's a   universal un great highlighter is what I should  say it's a universal highlighter that anyone is   going to enjoy and again I just have to point out  you get two different finishes so you really get   the best of both worlds in this so that is also  why I recommend this for anyone would I go back   out and repurchase this one from Fenty 1,000% I  have a bunch of them I love these so once again   that is the kilowatt highlighter from Fenty Beauty  next up we're in the $42 price range and it's no   surprise once you get into the 40s it's a lot  of Charlotte til Tilbury I feel like everything   from Charlotte Tilbury is like $40 and above this  is $42 it's the glowgasm beauty light wand it's a   liquid highlighter I picked up the shade gold gasm  I've never tried this particular shade but if you   know me or if you've worked with me for years I  for years I used the Pillow Talk original and the   pillow talk Intensity 2 or just Pillow Talk 2 in  my professional makeup kit I live for those two   products I live for them I love them so much even  though the applicators like to explode in my kit   and they like to leak and get all over everything  that's around them so now I put them in a plastic   zip Ziploc bag because they're always messy no  matter what they leak something leaks from them   always so they're in a Ziploc bag and that believe  it or not that Ziploc bag has glow gasm and liquid   highlighter all around it so they're just always  messy but the one for my personal use that I have   I picked up another one cuz the one I had was just  really old and I need to toss it it's like an old   pillow talk one so I also want to try a new shade  anyway long story short I love this product I've   loved it for years I absolutely hate the packaging  I just can't stand it it's just messy it's also   really unhygienic because you see this guy right  here first of all if you're a makeup artist and   you're touching this sponge to every one of your  clients faces please don't do that that's really   Beyond unhygienic so take it off and one of my  colleagues actually blasted me for this and was   like Nikki I can't believe you haven't R off  this sponge I'm like he just like really told   me that he was disappointed in me and it's stuck  with me ever since and so this new one I plan on   ripping the sponge top or off of so don't worry  don't make fun of me anymore I will take this off   and it's a great genius thing to do because once  you take off this sponge you just squeeze it out   you could squeeze it onto a palette if you're a  makeup artist which is what I used to do I used   to smash it onto a palette or if you're using  it on yourself same thing or dot it on and you   don't have like this annoying dirty Spong sponge  that's really messy okay now we got all that out   I just have a lot to say about this highlighter  okay now that we got out that about the packaging   Let's test it out even though I can tell you it's  a great product let me show you what it looks like   on and the first things first is you have to  twist it on so it's on off or off on you have   to open it okay and I'm going to squeeze some out  and just show you what it looks like on my hand first and listen the idea of the sponge makes  sense but once you're in it like you're in the   thick of it it's not great so it's a great idea  great concept but it's like the expectation versus   reality the reality of it is just not that ideal  so again glow gasm in gold gasm and let's put it   on I'm going to actually just go for it because  I'm going to take the sponge off in a minute anyway so that's probably way too much but I just  want to admire how pretty it is before I swipe it   out I'm going to grab a small brush for this and  I think I'm just going to use a 113 from BK Beauty   and I'm just going to start by tapping it on now  with this product there is a learning curve that I   experienced when I first started using these and  that is if you apply too much pressure it lifts   your makeup up so be very careful so if you're  applying this on top of your foundation if you're   a makeup artist applying it as your final step in  a highlighting application be very careful because   it if you apply too much pressure you're going  to lift all that product right back up and you're   going be really frustrated the other thing I don't  suggest you do is go back and forth blending it   out you just want to be very delicate and gentle  and just tap tap tap tap and you're done if you do   it that way I promise you it'll be beautiful every  single time this also works incredibly well as a   pre Foundation glow from within type product so  if you want to underpaint with this and get that   underp painted glow effect beautiful swipe it all  over put your foundation on top it wears great on   top of this product Foundation works well on top  of this product so don't be afraid to use this as   an underpainting glow enhancer it's amazing for  that and yeah I mean that's pretty much all I   have to say for this I think this goes for anyone  like anybody with any skin type or Texture or age   can use this 100% so mature young oily combo dry  it works for anyone it's a really great formula   packaging not ideal but once you get over that and  you take that little sponge off which I will soon   it's a phenomenal phenomenal liquid illuminator  so once again I say it's worth it it's 42 bucks   and I know it looks small but you actually do get  a decent amount in here like it takes a while to   go go through this one I promise you so what I  recommend this one 100% I do love this product   and when I go back out and repurchase it yes and  I have many many times and I'll probably pick   up some more soon because I just fell in love  with it all over again but once again that is   the Charlotte Tilbury glowgasm Beauty light wand  next up is also $42 and it's also from Charlotte   Tilbury and it's also product that I a dieh hard  fan of like die hard fan I love this highlighter   so much but it's very different from this one  this is the Hollywood Flawless filter I have   the cute little mini I have the full sizes in my  kit they're a little heavy they're a little bulky   no I don't deot them no I won't deot them for my  own personal reasons but for myself this is my   this is my little cute mini so I love to travel  with this one it's like the perfect cute little   size so this mini FYI is 19 the full size one is  $42 I wear the shade 4.5 medium and this is just a   phenomenal product okay totally worth every penny  whether you get the mini like me and you like to   travel with it and use it on the go or if you get  the full size it is a great great formula so the   way I like to use this is underneath Foundation  okay but I am going to be showing you on top of my   my Foundation just for the sake of just continuity  throughout this video so underneath your makeup   it's amazing to apply as like an underpainting  product so it gives you that ultimate glow from   within but however this also gives you quite a bit  of coverage so when I use it I usually use it on   my clients and I put it on underneath and when I  find that I do that I end up using so much less   foundation on them because they're already getting  a good amount of coverage with just this product   and their skin just looks so juicy and healthy and  glowy it always is so beautiful on everyone I use   this on everyone too while I talk about that let  me actually swipe it on so again this is mine so   I'm going to go directly in with the applicator  now this shade in particular Blends right into my   skin it's basically like my skin tone exactly now  I'm just going to tap it in and kind of spread it   out and again so on top of your foundation since I  already have foundation on it's going to give you   a very subtle glow so this is actually one of the  best glowy products for mature skin because it's   undetectable it just gives you like this healthy  vibrancy to your skin I'm also a huge huge fan   of using this on my dry skin clients because it  really a cyphon puty moisturizer on and serums   and hydrators like skincare hydrators this gives  that instant like I had a facial and I just have   fresh juicy skin underneath my makeup or just in  general so I love this product like specifically   for dry skin people because it just adds like  a filter of hydration to your skin it's really   hard to explain it really is magical and it's in  the title it says it's a Hollywood Flawless filter   it really does give your skin a filtered look so  I want to point out too this is really important   it's not like a glittery highlighter this is  something very unique I wanted to put it in   this video because it does give you a glowy effect  to your skin so it kind of is like a highlighter   but I don't use it like a highlighter I don't  use it to like highlight specific parts of my   face like I would a powder highlighter I use this  more as like an all over glow prep so keep that   in mind if you use it in that way you're going to  absolutely love it but you can just like I showed   you right now you know apply it on top of your  foundation and your products or your blush and   things like that to add an extra bit of glow but I  really think that the best way to apply this is as   like a foundation and then put minimal foundation  on top of it so who do I recommend this for like I   said anyone dry skin oily skin combo young mature  any bite this works well on anybody it doesn't   accentuate Fine Lines texture it's really easy to  apply really easy to blend out it plays well with   so many different products that I've experienced  in my kit so I love it for that would I go back   out and repurchase it I repurchase this all the  time I'm a huge huge fan so it's one of those   products that when I run out I always go back  and get more do I recommend it a million times   over so once again that's the Hollywood Flawless  filter from Charlotte Tilbury next up is also $42   it's from Fenty Beauty and it's also one of my  favorite products of all time this is the most   magical thing I think in general makeup wise are  you ready it's this you've probably seen me use   this many times this is something I always have  in my makeup kit it's always always in my makeup   kit because it just adds like it's like a magic  wand to anything your skin your eyes oh I guess   that's it I wouldn't put on my lips but it's just  the most beautiful product it's phenomenal okay so   it's a highlighter they make many other Shades I  have the other Shades as well but this one is by   far my favorite this is the shade how many carrots  it's the original one they came out with and this   is like an all over well they call it an all over  Diamond bomb yeah Diamond bomb but we all over so   you could put on your your collar bone your  shoulders your deete anywhere you want to be   like like glistening this is it so how beautiful  is this like it's just stunning I use this all the   time as like an ey Shadow topper it's just magic  it's really purely magic let me just Swatch it so   you can see it oh I'm you kidding me got my sister  hooked on this too and I think this is like the   only highlighter she ever wears without further  Ado let's swipe how many carrots diamond bomm on   my cheek now for this product I do like a fluffy  little small brush so I'm just going to use this   little one right here pick up a little bit just  swipe it on so this has no color underneath it's   completely sheer the other ones have like there's  one that's like has like a bronze tone underneath   and one that has like a pink tone underneath this  one is completely clear it's like Crystal Clear   like when you think about like a diamond ring  how you can see through it that's exactly what   this is like literally it's like they crushed  up real diamonds and they made a highlighter it   gives you a wet juicy glistening kind of glow to  your skin but in a powder form it's really just   honestly it's one of the best formula products  I've ever tried it really is like I'm just going   to say it I've I gate kept this for a really long  time I'm not going to going to lie I kept it like   Top Secret in my kit for a long time and I've  always been surprised that not that many people   talk about this to be honest I'm always shocked  I think this should be like a viral product do   I recommend this for anyone anyone anybody can  use this and wear this doesn't matter if you're   young mature if you have dry skin oily skin combo  does not matter if you are looking for like that   unbelievably glistening wet metallic look to your  highlighter then you absolutely have to try this   one like it's the one of the best ones I've ever  tried period so again look at that it just doesn't   get better than that it's just it's stunning just  try it if you try it or you buy it after this   video you have to comment and you have to tell me  what you think because I just I'm excited for you   to try this so would I recommend this a million  per to anyone anyone that wants a glow you have   to try it would I repurchase it yes and I have  I actually broke one so I had to repurchase it   I've given one away I had to repurchase it I've  purchased many of these and so I will continue   to repurchase it but once again that is the how  many carrots diamond bomb from Fenty Beauty it's   a must do I have a throwback for you it's $42 it's  from Smashbox and Becca so do you remember when   Becca was a brand and they had the most incredible  highlighters on Earth and you had to have them but   do you remember specifically champagne pop if you  do and you wore it you have to comment and let me   know this is such a blast from the past so if  you don't know Becca was sold Smashbox bought   them and now Smashbox continues to sell their  highlighters and a lot of their products too   like their under ey brighteners all like the main  products I'm thrilled I'm so happy cuz I remember   when they came they announced that Becca was  closing it was a really sad day for all of   us makeup artists and just makeup lovers because  this highlighter was just perfection it's one of   the best it still is one of the best highlighters  on the market unless they changed it we'll find   out together but champagne pop specifically was  like the viral at the time highlighter so I had   to get it and I'm so happy that Sephora carries  this one because again these are all highlighters   that are spefic specifically carried in store at  Sephora so they now have this at Sephora in store   so thrilling to see it there so so excited and so  excited to now put this back into my makeup kit   cuz I you know I'm going to if I don't keep it for  myself maybe I'll keep it for myself but let's try   on champagne pop together from Becca so I'm going  to apply this one with a rer 18 brush and wow wow   should we Swatch it let's Swatch it on my hand too  let's come on let's just really enjoy this one wow pretty right is it what we remember hopefully okay  now let's apply it to my cheek oh my gosh yes way   I put way too much on but it doesn't matter it's  okay it's for like the fun of this video oh my   gosh this is so beyond pigmented wow that's  a highlighter still looks smooth it is going   to accentuate a little bit of whatever texture  if you have large pors it may or probably will   accentuate that just a touch I think overall  it's not that bad though I mean it still looks   pretty smooth it's just this one little area of  my inner cheek that looks a little you know just   avoid that area I should have avoided it but I'm  just getting too excited and I'm applying it all   over cuz I want to see how pretty this is and  I miss this highlighter that's really pretty I   still recommend this for anyone even though I  just talked about like texture issues I still   think this is a really beautiful highlighter  it's a great formula they have amazing Shades   this is just the one that I loved the most back  in the day I think this is good for anyone mature   young oily dry combo it doesn't matter it's a  straightforward highlighter so if you're looking   for one like that then absolutely go check it out  it's worth checking out do I recommend it 1,000%   would I go back and repurchase it now that it's  available again yes for sure okay we're getting   up there in price we're now in the $46 price range  this next one is from hourglass it's the vanish   Flash highlighting stick I I just noticed that  flash highlighting stick that's cute so it's a   stick it's a cream form I have the vanish blushes  from hourglass and I really really like them so   I I have high hopes that I'm going to like this  as well I picked up the shade pink Flash and in   hindsight I have a lot of pink highlighters now I  don't know I was really in a pink phase when I was   picking out these highlighters or shopping these  highlighters for this video but it's okay I you   can't go wrong with pink so this is the form that  comes in it's a stick you can twist it up which is   kind of cool it's pretty sleek to be honest like  that's some Sleek cool packaging which I wouldn't   expect anything else from hourglass and also you  know you you're paying for it so you should get   some Sleek cool packaging it's $46 so let's swipe  it on my hand first cuz I want to pre-warm it   up anyway beautiful it went on really creamy it  didn't go on dry I was actually expecting to be   kind of like drier where I'd have to warm it up on  my skin kind of get it going but it goes on really   nice and creamy it's not dry it doesn't feel dry  anyway and I think you know what just because I   it really is really creamy very creamy so I think  I actually might swipe this oh yeah okay this is   very soft wow this is a really nice formula I'm  going to swipe this directly on my skin I have   confidence in this after feeling it on my hand I  have confidence that it's going to go on smooth on   my cheek so let's directly apply it let's do one  big swipe okay let me get some more you know it's   always so much more impactful on my hand versus  my skin for some reason and then let's just tap it in okay it's pretty it Blended in really nice it  Blends in actually really easy it looks decently   smooth yeah I don't think it looks really like  too uh chunky of a highlighter no that looks   pretty it looks smooth look I like that feels  nice it doesn't feel like a thick stick cream   like I would kind of expect when I when I look  at St like in this kind of packaging it feels   really nice creamy easy to work with it's almost  kind of balmy to be honest which is nice let's   see if it's buildable I'm going to build up a  little more intensity okay so it's definitely   it's buildable it's not ruining the first initial  or second initial layer that I have on my cheek   it's actually layering really nice on top of each  other which is a really good sign I feel like this   is a great a great highlighter um aside from the  price just being super expensive I think this is   really nice anyone who's looking for a stick or  a cream highlighter especially one that's easy   to use like when you're on the go like where  in terms you can just have you can just kind   of swipe it onto your skin dot it on and blend  it in with your fingers tip if you're looking   for that kind of like on the-go ease of use I  think this is a really good one to check out   the fact that it's has like a silky like balmy  texture to it it doesn't feel dry I think this   would be a great formula for dry skin types it's  not going to feel or look heavy and just kind of   cakey on your skin anyone with oily skin can  definitely use this combination doesn't matter   I think mature is going to love this I think it's  a beautiful finish like beautiful it's not overly   glittery it's a very soft Sheen which is really  nice nice and flattering god it feels really   nice so would I recommend this one from hourglass  100% this is really nice if you can get over the   price point being very high then it's great and  I think you'd really enjoy it um will I go back   out and repurchase it yes I would repurchase  this I do I like it yeah the price point sucks   let's be really honest here on this channel  the price point sucks but it's hourglass so   do we expect anything less probably not would I  repurchase it fine I would it's really pretty so   once again that's The Hourglass vanish flashlight  stick highlighter okay like I said we're getting   up there in price this next one is $48 it's from  Charlotte Tilbury it's the Hollywood glow Glide   face architect highlighter I never I never looked  at this name until now so it's basically a powder   highlighter okay it's a fair fancy name long name  for a powder highlighter it's cute though like I   like the way they actually put examples of where  you can highlight that's really cute I didn't even   notice that until now cute packaging it's $48 I  picked up the shade Pillow Talk glow because I   love Pillow Talk I love anything from the Pillow  Talk collection call me a sucker I don't care I   just really enjoy it and it makes me happy so I  have another pink highlighter to show you it's   okay oh I like that it's in the same compact as  the um airbrush powders even though those break   constantly on me so I'm assuming that's going to  happen with this too but we shall see very cute   it says Hollywood on the front with like stars and  stuff ooh beautiful inside has like the embossed   Stars it's cute it's Charlotte Tilbury all their  packaging is beautiful all of it's really jeweled   and you know it's just fun I love fun makeup  you if you you know I don't even need to tell   you that I love fun makeup let's apply this  one with a smaller powder brush this is just   the other side of my double-ended Patrick brush  let's Swatch it oh wow why okay that's good I'm   like you coming out that's interesting why why  do that happen I don't think that's on purpose   let's Swatch it first because it's always just so  impactful okay well it's not crazy impactful but   that's fine we need variety of highlighters out  there for everyone cuz there's always something   for everyone and their needs so let's go ahead  and apply this now with the brush to my cheek oh I love Pillow Talk so much obviously I'm  putting way too much on but let's just really   experience it together so blend it on really easy  looks beautiful it's not overly glittery as you   can tell on my hand it has more of like a Sheen to  it like not like a glittery highlight effect it's   more of like a glowy Sheen look so I I love it  I think this is beautiful I think the formula is   really nice very impactful but in again like more  of a Sheen soft focused way that looks beautiful I   love the shade I love the Pillow Talk series like  I said I love all the pillow talk everything give   me all the pillow talk so I'm excited to have  this in my collection that's beautiful I really   have no complaints I don't have any complaints at  all I think this would be good for anyone mature   can definitely wear this like 100% it looks it  actually looks pretty smooth on my skin to be   quite honest like I feel like my pores look smooth  my skin looks really smooth so I think anyone with   even like large pores or more textured skin could  definitely get away with this powder highlighter   without any kind of issue of it accentuating  mature skin young skin dry skin oily combo   whoever you are whatever category you fit into I  think this is a great powder highlighter this is   nice this is really really nice I am a big fan  do I recommend this I do I think this is really   beautiful I know it's higher up in price but it's  a perfect formula powder highlighter so if you're   looking for that go for it and would I go back  out and repurchase this one I would I think this   is great I really like this a lot so once again  that's the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood glow Glide   face architect highlighter I have the shade Pillow  Talk glow we have another one for $48 this is from   Pat McGrath it's the Divine glow I picked up the  shade Venus nectar oh yeah I remember this being   really pretty okay I can't wait to try this on  my skin I've only swatched it beautiful Packaging   come on like you just got to give it up for Pat  McGrath and the packaging inner outer packaging   it's all just stunning it's so beautiful so this  is the highlighter it's the skin fetish Divine   glow highlighter let me show you how beautiful it  is on the inside love I want to say this almost   looks like it's been touched there's no like  there's a ring around it like maybe it been like   touched or I don't know maybe I'm being paranoid  but there's usually like a plastic film that is   inside side but I do not have that and I have  some visible Fallout on mine you know It's Tricky   out there you never know if you're going to get a  product that's been touched or tried or whatever   let's Swatch on my hand first because I want to  just show you the impact beautiful so this is a   beautiful almost like a bronzy peachy glow or a  nectar glow like the name so let's try this on I'm   going to use a zoa 111 petite face finish brush  and just kind of use the tip of this brush to   apply this highlighter and let's go for it wow wow  wow I don't feel like I put a lot on my brush but   I apparently I did cuz I have a ton of highlighter  on my face wow okay all jokes aside let me buff   some of this out because I went a little overboard  with this okay can't get it off because it's like   stuck to my skin now so we're gonna ignore how  much I have on I mean I know it's not about the   shade but I really picked out a stunning shade  I think this is going to go in my makeup kit   to be honest this is so beautiful the way this  looks on my skin is gorgeous wow blend it on in   2 seconds even though I have a ton of product on  my I had a ton of product on my brush it's still   Blended out really easy looks smooth I don't see  it I mean I really don't see it accentuating any   pores around here too much looks just wow it's  a wow highlighter for sure it's like a very imp   Act full very stunning highlighter I mean it's  stunning it's absolutely stunning do I recommend   this for anyone I recommend this for anyone let  me just say that I recommend this for anyone just   like with the the Hollywood Flawless one from  Charlotte Tilbury or the Becca one I recommend   this for anyone who's looking for a very impactful  very like Luxe bright shimmery highlighter and   it's like high impact so if you're looking for  high impact this is for you for sure I think   anyone can use it dry oily combo young mature I  don't think that there's anyone that can't use   this it's going to come down to just like some of  the others it's going to come down to preference   of what you're looking for so if you're looking  for that high impact I think this is a stunning a   stunningly beautiful highlighter for sure would I  go back out and repurchase this one yes definitely   would repurchase this one even though it's pricey  I think it's worth it I think it's just gorgeous   it's glistening on my skin so once again that  is the Pat McGrath skin fetish Divine glow   highlighter this next one it's from Westman  iler the fulls size one is $48 and the only   fullsize cream products I have from West matier  are the blushes cuz I go through those so often   I think those are better to purchase in a full  size if that makes sense but this one if you're   going to try it get them mini now let me also say  I was pretty bummed out because I know I own this   somewhere could I find it for this video no I  couldn't find it anywhere but I know I have it   somewhere so I had to spend another $25 to get the  mini but it's okay it's for the sake of this video   so I'm all good but this is the lit up highlighter  stick from West wer super Sleek packaging I am a   big I always do this too I'm a big sucker for  Westman tier packaging it's very luxed very   expensive um I'm sure it's part of the reason  why you spend so much money on these products   like there's an actual magnet in this magnets  aren't cheap if you're putting them in your makeup   containers they're not cheap it also has like the  logo in Boston here I could go on forever I love   good packaging so it's not about the packaging  that's just a side note let's talk about this   actual product this is kind of similar to a couple  others we just swatched earlier it's a cream it's   going to be very sheer I'm going to Swatch on the  top of my hand just so you can see what it does   now the cool thing about this one it's not your  basic sheer balmy just for the sake of this video   and demonstrate purposes it's not like this this  is completely clear there's nothing added in it   there's nothing there's no crushed pearls there's  no Pizzazz there's no jazz in it like there's   jazz in this so at least you get a sheer balmy  highlighter that has light reflecting pearlescent   pigments in it so it's actually beautiful I'm not  going to lie this is a beautiful product on it can   be a little difficult to use so let me show you  how I like to use it there's a couple ways you can   use it I'm going to show you one just easy way to  use it which is just taking it grabbing a smaller   brush I think I'm actually going to use um I like  a more precise brush for this product to be quite   honest and this is the kind of product highlighter  wise that I will use in very very specific places   and I really am thoughtful and careful with how  I apply it because with these balmy textures if   you are not careful they can easily break up your  makeup that's underneath so if you're especially   if you're makeup artist or if you've just  applied your makeup on yourself and you have your   foundation on you have your blush on and you go to  put this highlighter on top and you're rubbing too   much you're too aggressive with the application  it will really really disrupt your makeup underne   so this is how I like to apply it take a small  brush this is the 113 from BK Beauty take the   brush to the product get a whole bunch I like to  get a lot should be enough and then I just tap it   light pressure you're just going to go D D D D and  you're done so by taking your brush and dipping it   into the product and then applying it to your skin  you're skipping the blending part on your face and   instead you're doing all the pre-blending of the  product in this order and then directly apply it   to your skin and you're done you just tap it on  you're done and this is the best way to apply   because again doesn't disrupt your makeup it  doesn't give it a patchy effect it's not going   to lift it up it's not going to mess anything up  so this highlighter is absolutely beautiful if you   want that Lit from within glossy again glass skin  type finish to your makeup if you want that balmy   juicy look to your skin and not like an actual  physical glittery powdery highlighter then this is   definitely for you mature skin it looks phenomenal  on mature skin like absolutely phenomenal on   mature skin I should I should really like harp on  that it's like beautiful on mature skin oily skin   I wouldn't recommend it because it's not going  to be a longwearing product if you have really   oily skin if you're combination if you're normal  definitely recommend it would I go back out and   repurchase this yes cuz I have and it's a great  product um just a little bit of a learning curve   when using it but other than that it's a beautiful  beautiful highlighter so once again that is the   Westman tiller highlighter stick in the shade lit  up next up is $48 it's from Dior this has been a   favorite of mine for many many years if you know  me you know I love this highlighter I recommend   this to so many people because you get everything  you need in one in one and also you get great   formulas as well so this is the Dior backstage age  glow face palette now in the back it shows you the   colors that you get you get a strobe white a  strobe gold a blush pink and a blush bronze   they're just beautiful they do make other Shades  in this palette however this is the original one   it's the o1 universal it could be a little tricky  to find it's usually sold out so it is a little   bit on the difficult side to find just keep that  in mind but if you can find it or especially if   you're a makeup artist this is just such a must  in your kit in my opinion I've talked about for   years so without further Ado let's get into it  let me show you how I like to use it why I like   it all those things so I actually love this as  an ey shadow palette I'm going to be really real   with you this is a beautiful these make beautiful  eyeshadows this all over this in the tear duct or   all over this across the crease I mean I could  go on forever I use this palette for so many   different things I also will use this as like a  blush Chopper because it is more pink obviously   it's a makes a beautiful blush chopper for more of  a matte blush you can just pop this on top and it   makes a beautiful topper for your blush I love  this palette okay let me just get into it now   I usually use more of a fluffy brush just to kind  of swirl into all the colors now I'm just going to   swirl into these top three cuz this one's a little  bit more deeper and bronzi on me so I'm not going   to use this shade in particular on myself so  I'm just going to go and carry my brush in like   a little C shape and get these three Shades right  here and we're going to go for it now now it's not   like a glittery highlighter so I find that I can  really use this on anyone even if there's someone   who wants like a natural look to their makeup this  doesn't give you like that chunky more uh like   thick glittery effect to your highlighter it gives  you more of like a soft focus more of like a soft   Sheen so it really is just stunning it photographs  unbelievably beautiful you don't have to swir them   together you can use them all individually which  is also a great way to use them in fact let me   just use my fingertip I'm going to dip into this  white Frosty one and I'm going to just do a little   like pinpointing highlighting so right in this  highest point of my cheekbone right here you   can kind of pinpoint it's almost like popping  a little Spotlight on on certain areas of your   face so if you want to really like specifically  highlight certain high points of your face and   bring them out even more if you use that frostier  one or if you're a little bit deeper in skin tone   use this deeper bronze one and you pinpoint your  highlighter and it's like putting a spotlight or   a flashlight in that one little spot of of your  face it's really phenomenal it really is just a   beautiful product I could go on about this forever  so I'm going to try to cut this one a little bit   shorter cuz I've talked about so many times but  this one to me is a perfect Universal highlighter   for anyone mature 100% you can use this young oily  dry it doesn't matter there's something in this   palette for anyone so I think it totally justifies  the price being a little bit more up there in my   opinion you know you get let's just point this  out okay for $48 okay let's say you were to get   four of these that's like 84 bucks this is the  same size as one of these pants so if you think   about in those terms especially if you're a makeup  artist or if you're just a makeup consumer and you   don't want to buy a million highlighters you want  to have one that gives you quite a bit of variety   I think this is a great buy I really justify  the price in that regard because you get so   much for your money and again as a makeup artist  this palette is essential it will make your life   so easy when I do travel jobs and I I need to  minimize my kit which is my least favorite thing   to do as a makeup artist but when I'm traveling  and I can't lug all like my all the things that I   want to car with me on a regular basis I know  if I just pack this highlighter it doesn't   matter what model I'm going to have it doesn't  matter what their skin tone is their skin type   it doesn't matter if I just have this I'm set so  do I recommend this I recommend this for anybody   and everyone you should go out and try to get this  if you can would I go back out repurchase this a   million per I have two in my collection and I just  I love them so so much so once again that is the   Dior backstage glow face palette I have another  Dior highlighter for you and this one is also   beautiful I have not used this one in a really  long time just going to throw that out there   so I'm excited to use this again it's the Dior  forever Couture luminizer I picked up the shade   03 so 03 is a pearlescent glow you know totally up  my alley I love a pearlescent glow this reminded   me a little bit of the Fenty how many carrots I've  never actually applied this to my face I only ever   swatched it and I have another one like this but  in a different shade but I saw this at Sephora and   I just couldn't resist it first of all packaging  is beautiful and if I didn't say it already this   is $50 okay so the last one was 48 this one's 50  this is like a little leather cushiony tufted is   the word it's a tufted compact how it's Luxe I  mean this is like Luxe Dior so here's what it   looks like inside it is pearlescent and truth be  told I'm probably going to put this in my makeup   kit and use this as a ey Shadow topper and more  for like a beaming Spotlight type highlighter   but let's test it out on my face cuz I've never  actually worn it on my face first I'm going to   Swatch it because how can you not it's beautiful  feels a little bit dry wow so yeah it's that   pearlescent clear wet kind of glistening glow  really pretty can you see that really pretty so   for this one I'm going to apply this with a fluffy  brush nothing too DSE cuz I don't want to be I   want to go a little bit softer so just pick it  up a really old y14 morphe brush and I'm going to   swirl into it and let's go for it wow wow oh wow  has a slight blue reflect to it whereas like the   Fenty one it's pearlescent as well but it doesn't  have any color shift to it like it doesn't have a   color shift I feel like and maybe it's just what I  see in person maybe it's not translating on camera   but I feel like it has like a slight blue shift  to it maybe not intentionally but wow it's it's   beautiful it definitely gives like a wet look to  your skin like you can see it looks really wet it   blended into my skin with complete ease um there's  a bit of Fallout to this product which I'm not   you know I which isn't great but it's there just  something to note I don't think it's accentuating   any texture in my skin surprisingly it just looks  like a healthy I mean it looks like it's liquid   to be honest like if you told me that this was a  liquid highlighter on my skin right now I would   say yeah okay that looks like a liquid highlighter  it looks juicy and glowy and and dewy and wet I   think this is good for anyone who is looking  for this type of finish with their highlighter   so if you are looking for that pearlescent more  wet metallic look like where it looks like like   just a wet sheen on your skin and you don't want  to have any color behind it you want something   that's completely like almost sheer even though  this one has like a slight blue shift to it this   is great um I don't think it's just you know going  to be specific to any age group or skin type so if   you're mature and you're looking for this kind  of highlighter go for it young oily dry doesn't   matter this is a universal highlighter so it's  going to be very specific to what you're looking   for finish wise so if you're looking for this  type of finish in your highlighter specifically   then this is a really cool one to check out for  sure it's definitely pricier than even just like   the Fenty one that was what $40 it's definitely  more pricey than the Fenty one um I think the   Fenty one if we're comparing ing these two just  because they're so similar I'd go with the venty   one personally but this is still a really close  second and it still looks beautiful on um it just   it feels a little bit thicker on my skin that's  one thing I should point out but again blend on   easy has a little bit of Fallout just Ste to note  would I recommend this yes if you're looking for   this type of finish I recommend it would I go  back out and repurchase this I probably would   I think this is really pretty this is definitely  impactful it's Unique it's gorgeous so that again   is the Dior forever highlighter it's in the  pearlescent glow shade next up is a whopping   $58 it's a newer product it's from West mintier  it's the liquid super loaded highlighter so it's   like a liquid highlighter liquid illuminator  this is the shade powder Rosé or powder Rose   powder Rose I have the other two shades I have  all the shades I was actually gifted these in PR   from West mattier thank you to West mattier but  the other two shades I put in my Pro kit that's   how much I like them that tells you a lot but I  like these in a very specific way and actually   typically I would just put these underneath my  Foundation that's why I have them in my makeup kit   but I'm going to show you on top of my Foundation  I'm also going to Swatch this to show you what it   looks like on so make sure you shake this because  it is a liquid and it actually says to to shake it   so I'm going to shake it up and then since this  is a squeeze tube I'm going to squeeze this out   on top of my hand and first I'm going to show you  what it looks like on my hand we'll just kind of   swipe it down it's very juicy very emolient like  it feels really good I imagine this would feel   great if you have really dry skin I don't have  really dry skin but I keep this in my makeup kit   like I told you I have the other two shades in  my Pro kit because this works as a really nice   glowy primer for drier skin clients of mine and  it just works beautifully under makeup so it looks   stunning there's not a whole lot of pigment or  color behind this product at all so there's three   Shades I have the a lighter one in my kit I have  the deepest one in my kit but both of those are   really interchangeable to be quite honest like  they there's not a lot of color pigment behind   it so I find that anybody really can use these  Shades it doesn't matter what your skin tone   is you could wear any of these because they are  once they're Blended on they're pretty much almost   completely Shar which is good and bad I like it  for that reason cuz it's easy to work with and I   could put it on anyone but the main reason why  I like this product is because the feeling is   amazing like I said it works incredibly well under  makeup now I'm going to show you on top of makeup   but just keep in mind that's not my preferred  way of of using this product my preferred way   is underneath makeup as a glowy prep to give  you that glow from within type look underneath   you can also mix it in to your products but again  underneath is really where it's at so use it as a   glowy primer so I'm going to pump out a little bit  more and I'm going to use a 109 brush for this and   just get a good amount and tap it onto my cheek  now since this is very emolient be very careful   if you're going to use it in this way don't rub  it too hard don't swipe it too hard because you   will lift up your makeup underneath because it is  more like I said emolient so it doesn't really dry down it stays really juicy and glowy and wet  looking and very balmy looking so again it's   very specific and if you are looking for a  highlighter or a glow enhancer with that kind   of finish then you'll love it I think it's really  phenomenal the one category of people that I don't   really recommend it for to be quite honest is  oily if you have really really oily skin I just   don't think this is the best formula for you I  would much rather you pick up the coess glow IV   I think that's better for oilier skin cuz it has  a little bit more of a dry down so it just kind of   helps to stay put on your skin if you have oily  skin so the way it looks on top of foundation   is just balmy wet juicy it's not like a glittery  product it's very soft very luminous I think this   is phenomenal for mature skin and dry skin I think  those are like the two categories that are going   to benefit the most from this type of highlighter  but you can also use it if you're oily just use it   with caution just you know if you want to try it  and you're oily by all means go for it combination   skin combo oily combo dry totally fine but again  I think the best person for this is more of a dry   skin person or more of a mature skin person or  both dry and mature you're going to love it so   easy to work with um again my preferred way to use  this is underneath the makeup you can definitely   layer on top just like I did it layers on top  still very easy it just doesn't give you like a   high just more like subtle and glossy and balmy  so just keep that in mind so would I recommend   this one yes absolutely I know it's up there  in price you don't need a ton of it but I still   think it's a really great product worth checking  out like I hav't my makeup kit that says a lot   to me cuz there's not much room in there to put  new products would I go back out and repurchase   it I would cuz I really enjoy this product I think  it's beautiful so once again that is the Westman   atier super loaded highlighter we're nearing the  end if you can believe it we're in the last three   highlighters of this huge highlighter haul all  highlighters that are sold in store at Sephora   this next one is the highlighting palette now  this is a little tricky because it's The Hourglass   ambient palette and when you really actually look  up what this is it's not marketed as a highlighter   it's marketed more as like a soft focus kind of  like a filter for your skin and it really truly   is that however this does have a Sheen to it as  you'll see has a Sheen to it it gives you a soft   glow to your skin I'm a huge fan of this palette  I keep these in my makeup kit they have three   different shades now to choose from this is the  second level of intensity it's beautiful it's just   beautiful you can wear these as eyeshadow you can  wear them as bronzers all over you can wear them   in so many different ways you can wear just this  one as an under eye bright it's just a beautiful   highlighter so the way I like to use this palette  is again so so many ways but I use this more as   like a finishing powder so whether that's all  over or if it's just on the cheeks or if it's   usually all over I usually use this all over my  client's skin because it gives such a soft focus   filtered effect to anyone's skin this is also I  think incredible for dry or mature skin it brings   a vibrancy and again a filtered look to anyone  with more mature dry skin it just it's magical   like magical I've used this for years when I used  to do bridal makeup I used this all the time back   when I was using it like the most they didn't have  any other Shades choose from other than the very   first palette which was very difficult because  it's a very light like Fair light to medium   palette like skin tone wise so it limited you but  it was a beautiful formulation I use it all the   time specifically on mothers of the Bride I loved  that palette cuz it just really gave the skin   beautiful filtered look so I'll stop talking for  a second and let me show you what these look like   on now there's a couple ways you can use this okay  and there's a couple ways that I like to use this   one is more of like a specific highlighting area  so I'm going to take a small brush and show you   how to just use one specific color so this is the  lightest one in this palette so I would use this   to give a soft focused highlight effect and again  keep in mind soft focus you're not going to see a   glistening wet glow to this product it's not like  that kind of product it gives like a soft focus   glowy effect like highlight effect to your skin  but but not a traditional highlighting scent so   taking that first shade and just bringing it right  here this gives that like very natural highlighted   effect but in a non-glittery way just brings  like that light a little bit of a light cast   to this area of my skin now you can also do this  just right below it for a little extra color but   the way this makes your skin look so if you were  someone who has more textured skin larger pores   wrinkles Fine Lines this don't be afraid of this  I know it's powder and some sometimes people are   really afraid of powders when they have Fine  Lines or wrinkles don't be afraid of it this   is actually going to be your best friend it just  Smooths over your skin it's such a magical weight   it's totally worth a price tag in my opinion it's  $69 I know it's not cheap but you know what you're   worth it in my opinion you're definitely worth it  the other way I like to use this is by swirling a   bigger brush this is a 103 from BK Beauty I love  this brush swirling all three of the colors okay   you're just going to go in there you're going  to go to town and since this is nearing the   end of this video I'm going to show you this on  my forehead okay which is my favorite place one   of my favorite places to apply this palette so  I have all three of the shades and just bringing   it all across my forehead for the healthiest soft  focus and filtered effect to my skin how easy is   that and look how pretty that is it's stunning so  let me show you one more time I'm going to sroll   into all three colors again and we're just going  to kind of Hit the side of my cheek almost use   it as a blush so just sweeping it back it's just  beautiful it just brings this life and this soft   focused Flawless look to your skin it's just it's  magical it really is magical I I highly recommend   this product especially if you're a makeup kit  and you want that extra like expensive look to   your makeup applications this is where it's at  like 100% pick them up they're beautiful you'll   get so much use out of these and if you're just  someone who wants this gorgeous Flawless like glow   to your skin this filtered effect to your skin  and it's incredibly easy to use to so like ease   of use is like a 10 for this product it really is  like you don't have to have any skill to use this   product correctly in my opinion it's so so easy to  use so if you're looking for this kind of finish   absolutely hands down get it I recommend it for  anyone like I said Dry mature love it absolutely   love it oily young doesn't matter anybody can  benefit from this I recommend it for anyone   who wants this kind of look to your skin the soft  focus filtered look to your skin you have to try   it out when I go back out and repurchase this  I do all the time I love these I will always   have these stocked in my makeup kit I will always  continue to use these so hopefully they never get   rid of them I doubt it um are they pricey yes but  they're absolutely so worth it so once again that   is The Hourglass ambient lighting palette this  one is the shade Golden Bronze okay we're down   to our last two and I'm actually really thankful  because my cheek is now starting to get irritated   and red underneath my makeup all that swiping and  swatching is now taken a toll so I'm happy to say   we're on down to the last two they're beautiful  they're very pricey so just a for warning if you   don't want to be tempted just maybe maybe skip  this part but stick around cuz it's really fun   to see the last two they're very pricey but they  are beautiful the second to last one that we're   going to try out is from Westman tier it's the  cream it's like a super loaded tinted highlighter   I've talked about this before you know I love  it it's one of my favorite products it's very   luxurious very high-end very weighted very very  Lux in your hands it is $75 I know $75 it's not   cheap but again like you deserve it if you want  a really expensive beautiful cream highlighter   you might want to check this one out the one that  I have and the one I use the most is powder Rosé   it's and it's a beautiful Rosé type shade it's  just stunning you could sell this ones really well   loved I'm about to hit pan I'm so close before  I put this on my skin I'm going to apply it with   my fingertip tip and just Swatch it for you all so  you can see how beautiful that is it's creamy it's   very impactful but it has almost like a mousse  feel to it like a bouncy almost mousse feel to it   and it's very long lasting so it's a cream but it  stays put really well I love it for that reason I   love this for anyone so I'm going to put this out  there right now I recommend this for anyone if you   have oily skin phenomenal as well doesn't slide  on your skin so if you have oily skin like it's   still going to stay put really well so I love  it for that combination skin obviously amazing   totally fine dry skin can absolutely use this  and we'll probably love it it looks beautiful on   it really is just stunning mature young anybody  can use this and like this let me show you what   it looks like on one of my favorite ways to apply  this is a 109 brush is by using a 109 brush from   BK Beauty so I'm going to dip into it pick up  a decent amount and also like a side note I use   this a lot either on its own as a very very like  light sheer blush or I use it as a blush topper   so I'll put like a matte cream on first or like a  non- shimmery cream blush first and I'll put this   on top as a topper and just gorgeous it's just  stunning okay without further Ado second to last   highlighter let's Swatch it on my cheek it's  just so good it's just such an amazing formula   $75 and I know I know that's a ridiculous price  I know but get ready for the last one it's just   beautiful it's just stunning it Blends on  incredibly easy you don't have to work hard   I could just keep going because it's fun to just  keep swatching it onto my skin it looks smooth it   doesn't accentuate texture it doesn't accentuate  you know any larger pores you might have it Blends   super easy the sheen that it gives you is just  out of this world beautiful I love this shade in   particular so much but they have other Shades to  choose from as well they're not pink but this is   just a stunning stunning highlighter I love this  the only drawback to this is the price that's the   only complaint I have about this formula is the  price is outrageous you know I I bought it I love   it I enjoy it thoroughly if you want to treat  yourself to a very high-end very expensive but   really beautiful Formula Cream highlighter then I  think this is definitely worth checking out and I   highly recommend it so when I go back out and  repurchase this one from West Minier yes and I   plan to when it runs out I'm going to definitely  go pick up another one cuz it's just it's stunning   so once again that is the Westman atier super  loaded tinted highlighter we reached the end I'm   sad but I want to say thank you all if you have  gotten to the very end and you've stuck it out   with me and you've kept me company I just want to  give you a big thanks and the last highlighter is   probably not going to be a surprise it's almost  funny to me at this point cuz if you've watched   my other huge haul videos like my blush haul my  bronzer haul all the blushes all the bronzers   that they carry in store at Sephora then you'll  know you'll probably guess what the most expensive   highlighter is that you you can buy in store  at Sephora drum roll please okay you ready no   surprise it is the Tom Ford shade and illuminate  highlighting Duo this is $90 9990 they're all $90   I know but this is $90 as well just like the other  ones what those 95 $90 let's see what $90 of two   highlighters can get you now I picked up the shade  moonlight moonlight is classic it's just classic   Tom Ford's classic it's so expensive but let's  enjoy it together let's Swatch it let's do all   the things and talk about all the things and then  we'll we'll round up our thoughts so this is the   packaging comes in this little bag however mine  just came right out beautiful beautiful classic   expensive Tom Ford packaging so it opens up like  this you get two shades you get very big pans so   you know there that's definitely something that  we'll talk about in a second you get two fulls   size pans of highlighter one's obviously lighter  one's a little bit deeper I have been eyeing the   shades or this one in particular Moonlight for  years and I mean no surprise you know why I   didn't buy it it's cuz it's $90 and I'm like I  can't just can't I I don't want to justify it   but I Justified it for this video and I'm really  happy cuz I'm going to put this in my makeup kit   for sure CU I've been wanting to for years so  without further Ado let's put it on but first   i'm going to Swatch it on my hand so let's start  with this top shade pretty and now the second shade one's more of like a champagne undertone  the next one is it's I'd say it's like a classic   slightly Rosé type undertone I don't know why  do I associate them with alcohol it's like the   easiest way to describe them I don't know why so  let's try these on I'm going to take my refer 18   brush and I'm going to dip into this top shade  first let's see what this Tom Ford $90 highlighter   looks like on if you've ever wondered what it  looks like on I'm here for you so let's swipe it okay all right it's a bit chalky  it's definitely a bit chalky let's   dip into this deeper one slightly  deeper one below and see what we   can do all right that one's better for some  reason this one just came out really chalky it feels more like a dry formula it doesn't have  like it doesn't have you know I mean I know it's   a powder highlighter I get that but there are  chalkier drier formulas and they are more like   amoliant you know not so dry formula powders out  there so this is not one of those this is like one   of those more classic dry formula highlighters  um I don't like that feeling it's fine it went   on fine it looks fine it's not accentuating any  pores or any um texture I have like right around   here it looks really smooth on my skin I just  didn't like the way that I applied I feel like   I had to really force it and really like pack  it onto my skin to get it to do what all of   these others for half the price did so that's a  little upsetting um do I think it's worth $90 no   it's pretty but like I would be Raven about this  if this was like a $25 highlighter I i' be like   wow beautiful for 25 bucks or even $30 okay let's  just say it's like $30 the max I'd say wow this   is like incredible formula it's beautiful for 30  bucks definitely try it you know checks all the   boxes you know all those things but when you're  talking $90 then it's just like at that point   when it's $90 you're just going to be picking  apart that product cuz if it's not like it's   $90 your expectation is like way up here versus  if this was $30 my expectation would be here like   at a normal level so with that said that's why  I'm picking it apart because that's what you do   with a $90 product the only thing that I could  say in its defense is the fact that you get two   full-size pans for $90 okay so one of these for  45 isn't outlandish so now we're getting really   Technical and like really dissecting it and I I  feel bad but trying to get my overall thoughts   on this I think if we looked at them like 45  bucks each it's still pricey and the formula is   not impressive enough for $45 and it's certainly  not impressive enough for $90 for two cuz what's   the point of having two highlighters that aren't  even impressive right you might as well just have   one that's not impressive you know what I mean  it's like double disappointment at this point   it's pretty it looks nice it probably will  will wear nice it will probably work for dry   skin oily skin mature skin oily combo young all  the people it's going to it's going to work for   anybody but is it worth $90 I'm sorry Tom for but  it's not it's definitely not it's it's definitely   not it's pretty it's beautiful don't be surprised  if you see me using it in tutorials or if you see   me using it on set on my clients because I want  to get my money's worth and it still is pretty   however out of all the highlighters that we just  experienced together that looked so beautiful that   are less than half the price it's not worth  it in those terms so do I recommend this one   no will I go back out and repurchase it no am  I going to get my money's worth now that I have   it yes so get ready for that this was the last  one and once again this is the Tom Ford shade   and illuminate highlighting palette in the shade  moonlight now that we sat here and tested out 45   different highlighters that are all sold inside  of Sephora let me give you my thoughts let's let's   get to some conclusions here what do I recommend  versus what do I really strongly think you should   avoid let's start with the what I think you should  avoid I think you should avoid these highlighters   these highlighters specifically I think you should  definitely avoid and don't waste your money on I   just talked about this one it's $90 the formula is  really dry it's not super impactful you can just   get so many other great formulas that are a powder  highlighter for less than half the price more than   less than half the price so I would avoid this  one from Tom Ford sadly and then the rest are   creams I would definitely avoid this one from  glossier it just didn't do anything it's just it   very underwhelming disappointing it was difficult  to work with and difficult to blend on so I would   definitely avoid this one this one from YSL it's  the new Halo tint highlighter this was just really   disappointing once it hit my skin it was pretty  when I swatched it but overall it was really hard   to work with and there just wasn't much product  and like pigment behind it like there was no ump   behind it so don't waste your money avoid this  one and this one again is very sad and it pains   me cuz you know I love Fenty Beauty but an honest  review is an honest review avoid this one from   Fenty Beauty it's the highlighter match stick any  of the shades they're just really dry and they're   just not impactful so and they're not really easy  to work with so I would definitely avoid this one   from Fenty Beauty now let's get into the ones I  am obsessed with that I highly recommend that I   think are just must haves or must tries like you  should definitely try these if you're looking for   a highlighter that is sold inside of Sephora try  any of these highlighters that I'm about to show   you the first one I think is one of the best if  not the best liquid highlighter in Sephora is the   kosas glow IV I love this formula I talked about  it you know you know my thoughts already but I   think this is one of the best liquid highlighters  if not the best liquid illuminator highlighter in   Sephora it's just an incredible formula you can  do so many things with this it's so impactful it's   easy to work with it just checks all the boxes for  me now as far as creams go don't be surprised I   think this is just such a great cream highlighter  from Westman ater but I have options if you don't   want to spend the $75 for a cream highlighter  I think that the nude sticks is a close second   a close runner up and it's half the price so if  you don't want to spend 75 maybe just spend 35   instead and get a really great easy to work with  cream highlighter but in my opinion these are two   of the best best cream highlighters that are sold  at Sephora the next one I'm going to show you is   just an overall Best Buy like Best Buy best bang  for your buck most useful most practical powder   highlighter and no surprises here it's the Dior  backstage glow face palette this is $48 you get   four different shades you can do so many different  looks with this you can work with so many people   using this palette it's going to just cover  all the boxes check them all for you it is just   a perfect highlighting formula it's not chocky  it's not dry it doesn't accentuate weight texture   or pores on your skin it's just a phenomenal  phenomenal highlighter if you can go pick this   one up it's one of the best ones in Sephora by far  the next one I'm going to show you is most unique   the most unique just impactful and just impressive  powder highlighter has got to go with the Fenty   Beauty Diamond balm highlighter this is in the  shade how many carrots they have three Shades   to choose from this is the original one it's just  stunning it's a perfect powder highlighter that   gives you a wet high impact High shine look to  your skin it's just really a stunning and unique   highlighter you can use on your eyes you can use  it to just highlight the top of your cheeks it's   just stunning it's just so stunny if you can and  you want like an in your- face very impactful like   bam type highlighter you have to give this one  a try I think it's one of the best best powder   highlighters that are sold inside of Sephora okay  the next three that are in this category are just   three classic highlighters that you just can't  go wrong with so they're kind of all the same to   me so I I just couldn't narrow it down so let me  show you what they are the first is a classic it's   from benefit it's the cookie highlighter this  is just a classic classic powder highlighter I   mean it's the best way I can describe it checks  all the boxes gives you high shine high impact   easy to work with all those things and then  the other one it's a classic highlighter this   just very similar is the Two Face Moon Crush in  shooting star they have two shades any of these   are just they're a great buy they really are  they're a classic powder highlighter formula   and the other one and the last one that I want  to recommend that you just can't go wrong with   is the classic Becca now now Smashbox highlighter  in the classic shade champagne pop or any of the   shades they have are just phenomenal they're just  you cannot go wrong and they have great Shades to   choose from too so these three right here to  me they're interchangeable to me they're just   basically the same product they all work exactly  the same they give you the same kind of impact   and high shine and they're just a classic powder  highlighter so can't go wrong with any of these   highly recommend them I think they're some of the  best that are sold inside of Sephora so these are   just my standouts these are the ones I recommend  the most out of all the ones I tried and that   doesn't mean any of the other ones are bad they're  not bad at all but these are just really the ones   that stand out the most that I think you should  if you're in the market for a highlighter you   should stick to these that wraps up this video  and thank you so much for spending this time   with me and watching this video If you enjoyed  it and you missed my blush haul or my bronzer   haul you can check them out right here I'll also  link them down below in the description as well   as links to all of these beautiful highlighters I  just tried on for you all subscribe to my YouTube   channel if you haven't already I would love to  have you and I'll see you in the next one bye you
Channel: Makeup By Nikki La Rose
Views: 908,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SCJ3AyGypFg
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Length: 158min 49sec (9529 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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