I Bought Cheap VS Expensive Lost Mail Packages

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have you ever ordered a package and you get notified that it's been delivered but nothing shows up what ends up happening to these lost packages well most of them end up at these male recovery centers and if the owner doesn't claim their lost Mill within 30 to 60 days it either gets donated or auctioned off today I decided to buy cheap first expensive lost packages to see if I can make a profit this should be real interesting all right profit from buying lost packages it's crazy that nowadays you can literally buy anything I actually bought people's lost mail imagine you ordered something you're waiting for it you're super excited never shows up and now you might see it in this video if you actually see an item in this video that you never received that never showed up to your doorstep please don't get mad at me I promise I promise I'll ship it back to you but let's see if we actually profit off of all these boxes all right guys so for the cheap lost packages I paid 351.53 do you think we're gonna profit I feel like you'll get there so you want to get the opening brother I'm down first box pretty light we crossed everything out just in case their address is on it so let's get to it baby yo I know you guys love these Mystery Box videos storage unit videos anything mystery so drop a like if you're excited to see what's in here no way there's no way oh wait there's no way that's actually so hold up it's a WWE ring that's fire it's definitely used that blood dude what is this what did we just open no this is sick that's Monday Night Raw oh that was a Smackdown kind of guy because Undertaker I wonder what else we're gonna find bro okay well if this is one of yours uh I think I want to keep it now I said we go with this one right here it's by itself all right it's actually heavy okay damn hey if I find a Ouija board in here I promise I'm ending the video I'll turn it up oh it's a chair wait I've seen more oh who is this Sacramento River Cats bro is that a baseball team I'm so confused but we got a bobble head all right not bad what is this a chair yo that's fire okay that's hard what the hell is this oh is this a pedicure thing oh that's a thing yeah it's fired yo this is actually not a bad find hey yeah there's something else in here okay we could use this yo that's crazy out of all people look who went to all right two boxes down and we've unboxed 115 dollars worth of stuff roughly do you think we're gonna make money though there's only two boxes left but this one is heavy but I don't know what's in here sometimes the smaller stuff is what matters small is good I don't know why I relate to that Dennis I'm gonna let you do it up all right I wonder if there could be like scary items in there oh oh I belong to Sydney my name is Jason without a o wait dude is this a piggy bank yes it's one that actually counts your money that's kind of cool is there money in there oh that would have been sick no money broke up dude Dennis unlucky I'm opening the rest of the packages this was the jackpot one this is the last package on the cheap side ready it was Heavy give me luck good luck thank you world yeah yeah World Cup packages ready oh shoot okay okay okay okay okay wait there's still more in here bro okay toss her over Noah one two three okay where do we start where do we start poor Bree didn't get her package to Robert not Robert bro Robert listen man it was an accident it's not supposed to be in my possession let's see what Brie got Robert it's gonna be like something romantic that's my guess oh high heels high heels girls use red here's that lingerie yeah it is lingerie honestly I think dude Robert was about to get lucky yoga pants yoga pants all right last thing sports bra hey I've been eating one of those interesting package to say the least let's see if this small package is worth it last time we opened a package it wasn't good all right let's see oh a Christmas gift that's uh some good wrapping right okay ready ready let's see it oh oh oh I could see someone going on vacation grabbing that from like the airport or something oh they killed it back sick like these tend to have better items in them there we go oh dude I see these all over Tick Tock bro we use this in one of my videos anything you put that speaker on it turns into a speaker which is crazy that's the same what are these like a satisfying game I feel like I know all right your turn brother puzzle oh that's I'm guessing the puzzle what are you saying right now Noah Legos bro just rip it you don't need the knife I just feel cool for imagining a knife who got it right none of us what the heck what is this wait oh wait is this like a GoPro dang it's a fortune too wait low key I want to take this out and test the quality that'll be lit that's kind of sick I want to try that all right we got it unboxed all right testing this Vivitar it's 4K let's say hey let's replace the cam we'll start using this for all the videos should I start vlogging with this like the video baby 40 bucks for a working camera though is lit 4K too some people can do a lot with that exactly start a vlog oh oh wait what the heck artificial turf I have like an all-turf backyard I could probably add on to it wait that's kind of lit it's actually so funny how random these could be what are we gonna find next imagine it's a one chip and it says a note like I knew you were gonna buy lost packages so we're at 300 of value and we still got a few more boxes to go keep in mind I only paid 350 for this I think we got this what is that a handy heater does that go around your neck yeah I mean come on what the heck oh are those bath bombs at fizzlers oh my bad scratch and sniff I don't smell anything I'm going to Cotton Candy snipe that's the nasty cotton candy I feel like this is good for the value side all right let's keep it going it's a Barbie no way oh my God bro oh special edition wait wait See's Candy Barbie damn that's sick Bro all right what is this a blanket yeah I think there's a blanket Oh I thought I saw it I'm gonna be the Snuggies yeah look that's what I thought I saw I saw a sleeve wait bro I still always see these commercials commercials were lit but I made my mom buy me one of these back in the day really bro wow guys so we are at 400 now meaning we've already profited fifty dollars I'll take that we still got a few more packages on the cheap side what the heck what is that oh is it the ones that fly and come back to you or like the UFO one but wait oh oh does it fly oh all right let's see how high this actually goes oh yo it's gonna land on my roof yo wait wait wait no wait that's it that's it do you think anything will top that no we still got the expensive side that was fun that's on the cheap side what's gonna be on the expensive side but it's still cool that's why money doesn't buy happiness with that made no sense the phone case more heels Jesus hey is that Con Air no I like Conair what is it we got some pipes that's pretty cool fidget pipes oh that's cool that's actually cool come on bro okay I don't know what we got here oh my god I've been looking for a skirt dude that design too these are cute Man From The Bottom whatever and there's the bottom of my heart ready bro what is this is that a plant okay it looks like this one cleans a fish tank and I think it just came with stuff you could put in too let's go and get some music oh Freaky Friday what oh my God is it in there oh I just saw a tick tock by zero where he said that when they were on God's thumb and they found those onions it was apples with like edible paper grape jelly and they painted it and they put brown sugar to give off like the dirt effect that's crazy that actually sounds like a fire snack shout out holes man but yo fire find this is a frother I've never seen it like that though so for some morning coffee lit okay oh a Super Mario backpack I know you don't like doing this on camera but he gives the greatest Yoshi impression of all time he doesn't want to do it while looking at the camera but go thank you okay Super Mario backpack and Justice League lunch box all right should we open this one yes sir I don't know it's so bad at opening stuff actually sucks bro oh that's my favorite emoji yo and it's a speaker that's fire dude look final package on the cheap side and we're doing really good what is it what is it some safety goggles oh oh it's like if you're working at night it has lights that's cool all right guys we just finished up the cheap lost packages and we found a total of roughly around 585 dollars meaning we profited 235 on the cheap lost packages if we profited off that imagine the expensive side we spent 3 500 on all the expensive lost packages shall we move over there we shout out you need some help no way yo this is crazy this is gonna have so many packages in it I can already tell 3 500 dude I'm excited sometimes things like this you could lose it's like a trap is there a lot of packages oh yes sir this is gonna be a good one set it down do everything neatly oh yo this is heavy dude I'm still alive here we go see some wires and a projector bro oh no that's way HD projector no way that's it this is actually sick Bro it has all the wires and everything okay I mean this seems to be brand new oh shaving there's multiple things in here HDMI cable bro 4K you can never go wrong with some HDMI you got a shaver definitely need that trimmer all right can I shave your beard off no how many likes let's say 200k likes and we shave your beard I'll let you shave myself yes yo please I haven't seen Dennis without a beard I don't think I've seen myself without a beard all right is that a nose trimmer okay hey last we got a universal remote bro I used to have a giant universal remote and I used to prank my dad while he was watching TV this was back in the day it was like a giant one good start I'm not gonna lie all right I'll grab this oh a Polaroid with some film brand new too oh there's a letter in here a note in here no way what is this pup cap and Captain two in one cup holder oh why does it look like that oh my God you can put fries in it they must not have seen the life hacks we've done what's the note say oh the most insulting birthday card ever ready oh 50 Starbucks gift card Kevin enjoy the Starbucks kid love Joe oh sorry Kevin thanks Joe Legos Oh cards ah some Viejas cards opened up dude this looks mad old oh my gosh this is heavy okay I just broke whatever it is we got some shoes in here no way these are sick wait something but they're used I'm not gonna I smell these we looked them up and they're replicas so definitely not expensive but they look custom oh my what the orange oh Sledgehammer bro what the heck Terry towel no idea what that is mini Sledgehammer bro this wrench is huge bro what the hell some sunglasses they're dark and a tape measure we got a mask all right so a little tool kit oh yo I thought that was off-white don't I have a shirt with like the yellow thing right here that says yeah be on it I knew it looked so familiar oh my God it does say heavy literally the same exact thing I'm like I swear I had a shirt like that this was the heaviest box of them all is that toolbox more tools bro that was Heavy oh this is what was Heavy 70 piece mechanics tool set heavy duty trash bags and then bleach okay that's kind of scary wait that sucks so we've opened one giant box and we're at 730 what what do you think you think we're making good progress I think we're good so far we still got five giant boxes to go so if we keep up at that rate maybe we'll go over a little bit that's the plan all right give us a jackpot item here we need some like Gucci slides you know what I mean guys this reminds me of like my storage unit videos like you buy one and you never know what's in it you can lose you could gain so far we're doing a good job what is that a Nerf gun fire Dart shooter yeah you build all this and it's a motorized one oh it's like you actually just built stuff it's literally called build genius definitely not for me man like if I can't do a Lego set like this is this is hard oh a drone a drone with the camera on there this is looking more and more promising bro let's see what's in this one that was this package whoa whoa yo and Legos I just said Legos that's crazy that's crazy it's crazy that like we've been assuming there was Legos in this whole video and like there's actually Legos you know how rare that is that Lego box was worth 160 dollars oh that's helping us all right yeah so we just made it over a thousand dollars but we do need a big one because we only have three boxes left there's a lot of them in this one I have a good idea go oh keep going whoever package list did not do a good job hey this box better have gold in it okay the box that was giving us the most trouble oh my gosh it's a briefcase imagine there's money in there there's no way there's actually just no way what's that was that a record oh it's a prince Record Deal or No Deal [Music] oh that's insane dude that's so cool okay I think that's definitely worth it great fine great find 1135. that was a little bit jump keychain readers oh it's like reading glasses oh what the hell a sound amplifier so if I put this in my ear you guys would just sound louder yeah I didn't even know they made stuff like that pop sockets no way those are still things I'm not gonna lie like we need a jackpot box yeah we need one it's getting close right now this one I have high hopes for shake it for luck what is this okay looks like this is a layer of some sort like uh it looks broken so I'm just adding more fuel hello I don't know what this is DVD player Blu-ray bro it's not looking too hot for the expensive side we need a good one keep in mind guys we paid 3 500 for this let's make it worth it something crazy let's see more tools dude oh dude shut up okay that's weird that's weird there's been some weird things in these packages is that a lock gloves I'm gonna pull a Renee from Storage Wars and say that this box is conservatively sixty dollars hey would you agree because the batteries are expensive down to the final two boxes the value of the expensive side so far is 1 335 so unless these have thousand dollar items in them then we definitely lost we need these to be good come on oh something crazy oh what is this looks very antique antique oh wait oh okay maybe these could be worth something maybe is it missing a piece dang it ain't good well what's in here stop is there something in there no way bro come on we need gold like please how crazy would that video oh my God it's literally just a bar of gold come on come on please please ready we will give it to one of you guys okay that's kind of cool from how old this is you would assume the batteries would die right yeah and look it's still strong like it's loud I don't know if these are worth a lot of money but I think they're still pretty cool finds yeah I like these final box here we go PS5 and Xbox those are our last chance oh oh a printer is it new though okay printer I mean Loki I needed a printer I don't think we were gonna reach our not at all so we actually ended up losing 1 665 on this side that hurts that does hurt well we ended up losing money on our investment but it was still extremely interesting to unbox Lost packages I decided to donate everything we opened to a charity nearby if you want to see us opening lost cargo packages which include high-end products let's hit 200 000 likes oh yeah and you'll see Dennis get his beard shaved off too peace out everybody
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 4,864,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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