I Bought All The Yu-Gi-Oh! Packs in Walmart...

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[Applause] yep you already know you already know how did we do today [Music] alright guys so your boy just got back from Walmart I bought every single yugioh pack hat one wife as you guys can see earlier on the video I bought a ton of stuff I literally bought every single thing that they had to offer there at that Walmart so $1,000 right here is it worth it to be getting $900 back I don't know but hopefully you guys enjoyed this video nonetheless and whatever cards I pull out of these packs these cards going to be going towards my shield only dark road AK so you guys haven't seen episode 1 or episode 2 makes you guys check it out the link will be in the description box below how my try to get as many cards as I possibly can to incorporate until my danger dark world deck that I built last week so without further ado let's begin nicely this look at this thing right here look at this there is about 40-50 blister packs right here immortal destiny we got you know some battles of legends heroes revenge we can potentially pull the BLS link that's in here which is very very awesome X right here I got the last two mystery power cubes at Walmart this mystery cube contains 5 rare cards if I battlepacks 1 figure hangar and 75 comment cards whereas this one contains 2 booster packs one doulas fact 5 Matej cards 5 rare cards and 55 common cards so these are the two last remaining mystery power cube in the you do section at the Walmart that I was happening it's really rare to come across the 2019 megatons at the Walmart that I actually went to so right here I got the last three so I'm really looking forward to be getting more danger cards to add on to my ganger dark road deck for my shield only you know so hopefully we can get some danger cards out of this thing next right here everyone's favorite the mystery power box right here the last two one dual power one legend in collection one this is really hard to come across and I'm really lucky to actually be able to find this at the Walmart very old-school hopefully we get some good cards out of this thing and last volleys we got legendary two good Duel Academy here is Game Boy edition take a legendary collection GX let's start off with the blisters damn Oh this is a lot of listeners this is a lot of blisters that I had in front of you guys right here and let me organize this for you guys right here so you guys can have an idea of what the blisters that I got okay so five four three okay guys so here is all the blister packs that I got at the Walmart that I was in so right here we got 15 battles of Legends blister packs okay we got 11 blister packs of the legendary duals the immortal destiny and the cool thing about each blister pack is that each blister pack contains two packs so 11 times 2 is 22 so there's a total of twenty two packs called the legendary duels in water destiny and right here we got eight random blister packs so we got you know channels in Valhalla he also got some you know circuit break metal Raiders which is cool have you got a cybernetic horizon barrel servant and of course to chaos impact come mister packs last but not least we got seven of the Walmart mystery blister packs each of this thing right here has 25 cards plus one rare card so I'm actually very excited to see how what we can actually pull out of this thing right here which would be really really hostile and let's start with the battles of legends heroes revenge first let's fast-forward this real quick [Music] all right so in front of you we got 15 pax health battles a legends Heroes wrench without further ado boys let's begin hopefully we can get to BLS like okay I just want to get the BLS link I think these are European print cards I don't know why you just look darker than the usual American print but anyways I'm not complaining about complaining come on let's go BLS link ooh region here violent nice vision here Trinity cool cool cool bowing is great especially when militia after me now holy macaroni monster right here all right this will be a great addition to my deck and also the pls link I need good BLS link ASAP that card is very important for my dark road deck oh and drop the kaijus lumber cards really good nice so there you go interrupted kaijus lumber we can potentially use that inner side deck with gamma field as well which is nice come on oh oh my god oh my god Ellis thank you Jesus oh my god oh my god oh my god is this real oh my god guys oh my goodness my shield only that just got way better I was praying to you yo gods were here that we would get this thing oh my goodness sorry your headphone users ridiculous plus soul pulse right here wow this car that's like I believe like $80 right now I don't know 80 100 100 Canadian I I don't know exactly the price on this car by notice cart is expensive and it's like one of the best cards in the set so you got the pls link very very cool very very awesome Wow I feel like blisters or sometimes overall way better just packs from booster box whoa oh come on come on you can also get on Mirage as well holy macaroni guys I'm shaking bro I'm shaking siphon or lambda nice potentially put this in the side deck as well okay oh my goodness not signing extra deck looting hero increase very cool very cool so far soldier lambda LS link Marty very very satisfied Wow under the lambda another lambda how much is this is like $20 right tell me this is like $20 come on Wow another lambda do we get other VLS like we get another BLS like I'll go crazy oh my goodness Wow so far I'm already very happy very very happy for this blister pack my goodness why these cards all so I'll warped look at that really work these are definitely European print cards I'm sure the European print Wow all right come on Oh high speed high rubberband shrewder cool you got four more packs to go so far so good tanker tops really good condition to my dad I need three of these but I only got two so creation tall so my my danger dartboard back I made that this card is card is so good going second so definitely put putting this card into good use it's on my side that nice Oh another banker tops nice cool there you go two more packs to go come on with me get fortune lady oh I was gonna say oh can I use this card says you're reporting target but I don't have any zombie part last and final pack Wow yes there you go strike strike you're a stray trying out for our final pack so I'm really happy and what we got out of here guys oh my goodness is so good so so good very happy very very happy that I was able to get the BLS link and also the Cyprien were lambdas we don't actually buy the special edition where gamma comes in so we can corporate gammas into our site back with the danger dark Wardak but damn you know these are three new green edition cards come I need your dark poem attack a hundred thousand percent so there you guys have it all right guys immortal destiny time without further ado let's fast forward this thing real quick [Music] twenty two packs of the legendary doulas emoto destiny without further ado let's begin guys okay so we all know that we can get captain gold you mean I mean a dusted gold and also Bane out of this thing so you pulled a bang we literally make our monies back which is what I'm looking forward to do and this blister packs right here that we have in front of you guys okay so let's see if you get malicious Bane I don't think that we can get any cards probably a good addition to the danger dartboard ACK maybe that dark sanctuary card which you can search grab up directly from our decks right hand which can be really good but oh no not dark sanctuary I totally forgot oh oh my god this car comes in a set perfect perfect a lot of super another super Polly target another super Polly target I need this for my danger dark road back 100% so I'll put that on the side oh my goodness that's good that's really really good alright for my super Polly target which was really nice so there you go I needed that starting about a fusion dragon this this one can also go into my extra deck as well how do you got a copy of this card for my last mystery cube already had this in my Extra Deck but it's good I always have another one all right can we get bane I need a bane please come on bein a babe let's get a big all right next pack partner plant okay there you go another predator plant card we're looking for malicious bait to try to actually make our money's Mac Oh send us a neck romps we did get a one when he would he required now which is pretty good I rather prefer a dusted gold but next time we'll still do okay okay another predator plant super rare come on give me the baby give me the baby baby you know it's something with Walmart blister packs that just blesses us so much there's something with Walmart blister packs I don't know what it is but Walmart just gets me so lucky so lucky with these things ridiculous ridiculous you're telling me this is not crazy oh my goodness oh my god it looks like I'm making my money back well not entirely hunt is looking good so far holy macaroni guys only macaroni yo what's in these most Walmart blister packs man I want you guys to comment in the comment section below I feel like they stack these blister packs they have to stack them Paul my goodness like these these hacks and way better than mine - booster boxes ridiculous I truly you think that the Walmart blister packs are just crazy crazy crazy Wow Wow all right guys you got a couple more packs ago we had a duster gold holy macaroni rare sorry more about these hacks are literally complete okay I'm gonna call it a night cool cool all right guys you got one more perhaps to go come on nope nothing there come on nothing this one two more backs a duster gold are you here dark spirit of banishment I'm gonna ask them out at least come on give me some nothing it's okay guys we still got this far sealed only deck and they also got another copy of Simon and food and Dragon which is really good so so far really really happy with my poles oh my goodness guys there you go militias Bane oh my goodness the most expensive card and assembly this card is like $80 right 60 USD 80 Canadian so this one right here includes one booster pack one we're in three cards so let's see what we can get out of this thing what rare car can you get oh okay okay ring up the fence legendary collection Kyle oh cool so it comes in an ultra rare please alright the shadows in Valhalla that's all for this plate can we get a nice blossom and I were just the first set of hash blossom got reprinted in so we can ash they'll be pretty cool powder entity gnarley' nice so three goes pretty much it for the first challenge and Mahalo oh okay another ring of Defense okay okay that's how you're feeling okay Oh let's see we get ash blossom come on mermail this megalo I'll start going to enjoy and gateway gateway to chaos let's see you can get from circuit break can you get that house awesome awesome is coming here circuit break is impermanence and wall we're driving right and easily match come on whoa overtime barrier a seeker rare look at this guys look at a metal verse nice we did policy career from a blister pack which is really really cool so there you go overdone burial let's go after Simon and horizon let's even A+ off to the policy me intentionally plus cigarette and this thing right here says new low price extreme value this pack was six dollars it's not extreme value okay anyways nice try Walmart let's go raw legacy survivor tender B's dry gaseous cybernetic overflow the best card in the game that's pretty much it no ultra rare in that one let's walk to kiosk impact come on let's go intact can we get a prismatic rip you guys think we can get a prismatic we're come on dream mirror phantasms okay cool nothing for the very first one let's go off to the next one can you get a prismatic alert let me know guys I have faith happy a smoke EOS impact let's go we're willing of the Unchained Souls unfortunately no prismatic rares next to me our Farrell servant and metal Raiders includes one booster pack two rares and eight comments so let's see how what we can get out of this jungle very excited I love these old-school package buddies okay okay ignite ignite Templar cool you sure you a Shogun saga nice nice nice to ultra rare cards and the Pharos turbine let's see what cards being out of this thing hopefully you know which river to see career from this set will be awesome ooh no matter of extermination very cool nothing it for this one let's call some metal Raiders one of my favorite sets by the way cool traptrix mantis what else virus cannon okay cool traptrix mantis nice nothing here for this one alright guys the school metal leader imam metal raiders give me some niwatori ryu cushioned we're all in trouble o princess of the sugi killer Nino sort of deep-seated in rock water grotto number one alright so that's pretty much it for all these blister packs right here let's go off to the random mystery cards right here from Walmart okay this thing I'm actually very very excited to see how more cards you can actually get out of this thing right here we have a bunch of mystery stuff right here and see oh okay oh so one rare cards we got McKnight spectrum supreme mp18 right here this is definitely European print right here 100% and the rest are just nothing too exciting so we got the Meg night card right here I'm pretty sure you don't make too much value like you'll get too much value out of this thing and this thing is actually very expensive as well it's like ten dollars men conduct they should put better cards and these things better plan man finesse Walmart is finessing the system right here alright 25 cards plus one we're apart now one red card better be like at least a five dollar car tab to you know to be valid you know I mean like they're not making it they're not giving us too much value do this then juice you aren't a super transformation really come on man nothing there's no expensive car oh oh oh okay okay dark world brainwashing this is nice I can definitely use this in my dark world deck oh my goodness I never expected this card to be in here wow wow wow wow oh my god this is good I'm very happy now very happy very very happy dark world brainwashing alright guys next hack next one absolutely what is this oh there you go can I keep the unity start DLR nice nothing nothing really good in this one right here okay power bond oh okay cool Cyber Dragon cards which is awesome but other than that there's no staples we can possibly use for our danger dartboard X or to put that on the side don't leave that loo cards we got on this so far for Jack his definitely dark world brainwashing but other than that no luck okay okay okay oh my one rare card now we got a rare look at this shifting shadows this card right here is definitely damaged determination he owned a waterfront okay okay nice cool some cool legendary dragon cards next pack come on don't don't don't give me around give me something nice oh we're here Sylvan this card is definitely European pen look look at the colors on that card definitely European print for sure this looks fake but it is not fake is it fake no I saw fake this is real when I was infernal at Ando nothing now two more packs ago come on up in Sector ax Xena Hawk haven't seen is quite in a while a damn maneater bug shot us to the go ooh minibar own dragon lake Devil teego keel over nothing nothing for this one let's go up to the last and final mystery packet here Oh Taiki the unity star once again baby alright ultra guys seven tools at the band-aid Wow nothing I'm never gonna buy these things ever again I don't think yet so much like you got too much value how does this thing if you guys are like this thing was $10 a hat $10 a pack like this whole power is like probably like 25 cents at most alright guys that's pretty much it for the blister packs s go off it the megatons and the legendary collections so right here we got 9 packs of the 2019 megatons these are the promo packs come on okay right yeah keep monster 1 dog Bruno more these cards are definitely going to be included into my main or side I got my new danger dark road deck from my sealed only you do so there you go Jackie monster before dark wall not dark hole I don't go no more these cars are really nice new edition into the monster born again dark blue no more so that's the second copy of Dark Moon Omar which is really really awesome nice and let's go out to the last one you get Nibiru where is our Nibiru no one to be rude but we did we did get three dark moon no more so look at that already really great going second cards are grew no more this is definitely add it into my side like 100,000 percent so this thing right here it's really good for my CW do come on dangerous baby let's go dangerous come on nope no dangers in this patch right here we need to get as many changer cards as possible we're looking for the snake has specially Nesi as long as he's like the best one who dog men dog med is nice Tommen is actually very very nice so this is definitely going to be incorporated into my main deck 100% the more danger cards I have in the main the better in my personal pan so there you have it next pack oh yes danger Mothman is very nice Doolittle Camaro Mothman is one of the best dangers when it comes to playing dangers and dark growth so because this card is always a guaranteed this card which is really nice so there we go games your mouth man so we got tree danger so far out of two packs let's go on to the next one the danger danger response scheme okay this one can also be incorporated into the main deck as well so there you go what a danger cards right here making me really really happy so dangerous pond see this card can definitely be at a hundred percent wood elixir Camaro to since I don't have access to violet Camaro this card is definitely going to be incorporated to my track because I do play super polymerization this car requires to cybers monsters so you can actually use to silently monsters to make the extra Camaro if you guys do not know so sometimes this card might be even better than using violet Camaro because his card is just like it can clear itself on the extra mana zone more dangers pootrap trick okay no danger card cheat so far well so far things out three danger cards is really awesome but more would be better Helio vampire sucker cybers clock dragon cool cool cool come on come on Thunder part thank you my third Thunderbird my third Thunderbird baby we got three Thunderbirds now really awesome look at this guy's I'm trying to build my shield only deck like I'm try to complete my seal only back as quickly as I possibly can in megatons Hart helping me do that so I'm very very excited alright so more packs to go for the mega pack come on baby let's do it let's do it come on nope no dangers in this one last but not least alright let's go come on you're trying classes realm danger this card is not gonna be used at all but damn alright guys so far so good we got a majority of the cards that we need for the deck right here I'm gonna incorporate these cards and tie my main deck of my danger dark for deck 100,000% alright guys legendary collection tools Duel Academy year's game board edition without further ado let's begin I haven't opened this thing off in quite a long time I'm very excited to see what we can plot on this thing how know there's gonna be any cards that we can use or else you not only that but nonetheless guys I'm having so much fun opening up these packs right here so there you go great tornado Dragonic tactics and there you guys have it let's go 5 mega pack a month Oh Oh crystal beast sapphire Pegasus dimension fissure shooting doji fake hero all right nice this card will not be a good card for our side act because we need to use our graveyard so you figured it's not that great for us oh we can use DD crow crow comes in this thinks we can definitely incorporate down to our side deck for orcas Mukai deter beasts ha Polhemus let me to your grand nails nice mirror gate space gift crystal red yaki sorry guys we got three more packs come on come on you were here light and glow gold um Yubel cool dark fusion really nice really good-looking card I love the way this car looks especially is ultra version holy macaroni you have two more packs to go all right let's see what see yet I'm looking to get a DD crow I really want to get equal for our side deck oh thank you oh there you go speaking DD crap we got DD crow bars I like every single dad contains meta game utilizes the the graveyard so DD crow is just really really good whoo shining Phoenix enforcer this car looks absolutely beautiful oh my goodness you know why Neos Wiseman Wow you also got punishing Rio as well but actually can be a good first turn normal summon against Dex that searches a lot so car can be pretty good but really happy with DD crow definitely incorporating is crying on my side like 100,000 percent so the car was really good last but not least come on non-fusion area well a rampart blaster I haven't seen this card it's so long sorta stalling make you so happy kind of bees Darius clarity's Lannister and feather shot alright guys there you go there you guys have it so the only card that we could use was definitely D crowd all right guys so let's get started with dual power right here the only car that I'm looking forward to getting on a dual power is utopic double and double or nothing because we couldn't actually use those cards in our deck which would be really awesome totally California anyways our deck is already really get a little TK but since we're actually able to put up multiple monsters with level fours on the field you can actually use utopic double for our deck right here so there you go security dragon is nice cool let's go to the next one come on double or nothing okay so we're gonna double or nothing we definitely be able to use this and you need to prove yourself cuz ready I'll utopia from the last to empower that we got oh my god yes yes thank you guys this this your only challenge I know that I spent a lot of money but we're almost one step closer into finishing hard danger dark road deck so this is episode number three let me know what do you guys wanna see in episode number four so far this is so this is great utopia has already guaranteed in this thing as well which is really cool all right why else do you get well I wish y'all construct not gonna do us anything last not least one dual power come on nothing here but so far I am very happy with the results we got utopic double and double or nothing alright guys there you go legendary collection number one this is perfect because it fits our beautiful play Matt he hasn't been got in your plane not yet make sure you guys get it today hit the link Edition box below at tx1 comm get your Egyptian god card playmat today guys let's get started man link in description box below to get your play mat to define let me open this thing real quick cause the Egyptian gods man this is my shower right here blue eyes dark magician also red eyes be dragon let's see if you can a potentially 20 altra rare or cigarettes out of this thing so okay there you go so that's pretty much it for the very first bag nothing there let's go to Pharaoh servant come on fellow servant give us some come on Pharaoh lightforce sword cool nothing for this one let's go off to spell ruler because these last three packs are my favorite three packs of all time so come on smell ruler o messenger of peace damn it's all good many just holy macaroni old card smells ridiculous oh oh okay okay I'll start gobbling this car cadet leave in Corbin to my main deck to make the deck the 39 Karnak to make a little bit more consistent there you go up son compliment nice very nice so this thing this thing can be used in my danger dark war deck why not all right my favorite part is a vision of chaos so must get started with these two cards first masterís all right mask of darkness share the pain pumpkin the king of ghosts halloween is already over let's go off to blue eyes legends of a white white dragon holy macaroni come on we get a blue-eyes and get Exodia head what can we get maneater bug I'm super a maneater bug super classic super nostalgic holy macaroni flame ghosts alright guys so far so good we got two super so far and this card is EOG who remembers this card let me know in the comment section below what is her favorite part of the legend that led to the blue-eyes White Dragon let's go up to invasion of chaos didn't you pull something nice would be good getsu fuuma if you get like a chaos Emperor dragon that would've been crazy but anyway guys I had so much fun opening up this thing right here I don't think we can get anything good out of this thing that's really rare you get something that is out of these mystery powdery cubes okay so there we go Oh Slifer the sky dragon this is very cool it definitely uses in the keychain these rare cards are not great oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness Wow not that great at all guys these things are really weird a plus and this looks like $30 a piece by the way they're $1 apiece it is not good nothing can be incorporated into our danger of our broad deck using these cards right here battlepacks what monster leak the factory right so let's open up this thing I believe you can still get by Gosselaar mother this I'm not sure if they got some animal is worth anything out of this but back in the day guys I remember getting a prismatic rear die Casa la mode was such a big deal because it was like about how much let's figure out starting way back in the day it was like $60 for a prismatic rare maybe okay cool cool cool yo Park come on skill successor one shot one there you go two more packs to go come on I guess that won't be good Mizuki nice last but not least come on there we go zero gravity Manju is mbar Goblin force no arms I might even pronounce his name and explore explore dragon to run out for our first mystery power cube you know what man this is only probably is probably the coolest thing that came out of this mystery power cube come on let's go okay what is this so yeah Oh 2017 mega tip okay nice cool oh we got destiny a destiny soldier nice we also got duelist at Kaiba oh okay junk connector plaques better zombie and vtiger jet don't care what else do we get that nights dark world brainwashing is we got three coffees of that so far did we get anything else something something good that's pretty much it right update jammer apparently we can use this but there you go we haven't got anything good out of these mystery power cubes other than of course the dark world brainwashing for our dark roll attack right here let's start with this 2017 mega 10x to the 2017 magazine this is the zodiac key all right to be wrong Full Metal Fusion okay drowning your force okay let's go up to get these orders come on look at this look how warp destiny soldiers is there you go and this is European pregnant you haven't see by the colors the draw are Christia creeping darkness Spanish too dark monster grave on level 4 dark months for nectar hand nice and abyss actor evil heal I do is back Kaiba and we get the ultimate rarity on semper dragon to be do that'll be crazy so we're stalker polymerization oh he Tatsumi giant and vampire lord to round off for our mystery power to they put us to the side what did you get all right here we got okay battles the legends lights revenge Oh finessed finesse the system baby there you go there you go Walmart is still playing games with us what else up the starter deck link strike metal readers cool metal Raiders that was a legend lights revenge and also a deep end alone evolution okay that was a legend nice revenge cool cool okay the Dragons collide structure neck oh okay BC CG legend n collection Joyce Road Tolkien nice this is awesome we did get it at least a graded rare a greater card which is not bad I'm not complaining okay so you got a maximum crisis booster bad ass blossom him in this Oh rise in rampage raging tempest sorry and last fact we got ooh invasion of chaos alright guys you know what this is our last our last destination oh and also Minerva's what will this active train razor nice ooh rewrap their satellite Falcon battery beasts add a bit of black Gareth nice one word and white or a dolphin okay yo Twilight Geoghan that's Nino dreamer que me on the Time Lord super-heavy samurai steam train King and my modesty is tired dragon Thunder charger Mugen tsukiyomi planner beast noxious an evolution of here who asked her we have sorcerer too bad this card is banned black Fang magician Zephyr divine striking clean port monolith you again this is the zodiac set zodiac barbell who dealt to the magna warrior the zodiac RAAM RAAM super-soldier synthesis zodiac como and Shino bird pigeon metal waiters you got a mirror force let's get a mirror fourth baby Oh cyber source crawling dragon larvae moth princess again block attack mushroom man number two punish the ego and guardian of the labyrinth crazy Walmart video there's no last and final pack all right let's do it self-destruct button module the 10,000 hands fiends hand near DNA transplant mad dog of darkness grin man Judaism nice grandma Jews feel pretty cool primal CTL lizard and last my lease o-jama yellow to wrap off for our video all right guys all right guys so you guys so much watch this video hopefully you guys enjoyed it you guys enjoyed the video make sure you guys smash the thumbs up and I'll be absolutely amazing so overall guys I had so much fun making this video I've never done something like crazy like this ever in my entire life but I'm just very glad that I was able to get some new edition cards support my shield only you know that these are cards aren't even Corbin to my deck 100% really glad I was able to get the BLS a link we also got some danger cards right here to also support the danger dark wall now if you guys wanna see the updated list make sure you guys smash that thumbs up button let me know what videos you guys want to see next when it comes to see and only this was episode number three I'm try my best to just add Newark hardens the deck never ever thoughts about this video in the comment section below I think you have so much for watching again this is your boy Sam from teams are Sam Sann yeah alright guys peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: TeamSamuraiX1
Views: 3,395,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, walmart
Id: D004_SugAO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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