I Bought a Wii U... and Goodwill sent THIS? 😮

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I spent over $11,000 on untested consoles from Goodwill and in this video we're going to test explore and fix about 10 of them and see if we can turn a profit guys welcome to the Hampton hole now I'm saving up for this limited edition Xbox 360 so my profit goal today is $250 but let's go ahead and start with this fat PS3 which is basically mutilated very dirty and then flip into the back our model number is C go1 which is not backwards compatible but let's plug it in and see if it works now hold on a second I don't know how I missed this but the entire corner of the PS3 is Warped so uh not a great sign all right I got this bad boy plugged in turned on got life new games inside oh no here it is guys turn it on and immediately we get the yellow out of death not surprising and basically what I'm doing with these really broken consoles is putting them to the side and saving them for an episode at the very end of the series of the Hampton Hall let's go ahead and um move on to the next console so next up we'll test out an Xbox 360 slim yeah warranty seal intact let's go ahead and see if we have a hard drive here I hope so yes 250 gigs let's plug it in and see what it does all right plugged in turn on we got life do we have a free game yes Black Ops 2 dude got some scratches but not too bad Black Ops 2 it's like a 10 $15 game now let's see if the console Works do this profiles first one of course the game Auto boots I can't stand Auto booting all right come on take me back to the main screen all right so first up here we got Chase next up is Chase's blonde without an e JC King Harwell spooky sugar 9703 stud my man and we got woful parchment 5 creative and actually there's a there's a mix of all people with fairly solid gamer scores let's start with uh King Hartwell Right Here China Sun Survivor I've no idea what that means oh he's got the background the live jazz background nice no bio let's check out the last time this guy played I was about to say wait no way this was played six months ago or no that's eight months ago at this point but no wonder Black Ops 2 was left in here this guy oh the way this is this is hilarious so he was playing Halo 4 a lot back in 2020 you know during the pandemic and then I guess I guess eight months ago he decided to boot this up and he's like yeah we give Cod we give COD Black Ops 2 AO and then got rid of his console because he didn't like it anymore I don't know that's that's actually pretty funny to see and this thing's got play history all the way back to 2013 so 2013 to 2023 impressive there but uh let's check out we got any games here oh dude we got full games here we got Advanced Warfare Batman Arkham Asylum Batman Arkham City Halo Waypoint oh dude skate three and Tomb Raider I should have known this guy was a skate three player I just you could just tell by the hair let's beat up skate three and see what's going on there oh yeah he's dressed up in his hoodie and and slacks and looks pretty oh crap looks pretty he looks pretty similar to his his profile pick there let's check out the scares he's guys he's got Chase ke Kon I to say that gx1 ,000 and dddr on his the banquet skateboards nice but dude I I love putting out people's skate profiles and just checking out their avatars here dude this console just went from pretty good to legendary without the games on here even the Batman games oh those are so good now we got to check out these other profiles as well spooky sugar was the next one with a a decent gamer score so let's see what's up here wait spooky sugar oh never mind he doesn't have that much but he's got the this is like as as basic as your avatar gets we got Brooke no messenger but last played Halo 4 in 2017 Batman Arkham City back in 2014 the digital game on the console um let's check out the next profile now all right wolfford parchment had the most gamer score he had 9,000 here he's got the camo pants the fingerless gloves Black Ops 2 in 2016 and that was the last game Advanced Warfare we also saw that on the console and then scrolling all the way back it was first played in 2011 so 2011 to 2016 not too long a play history but uh man let's check and make sure our family settings are not turned on here they're not cool so this console is good to go I got a 250 gig hard drive with some free games got to love the free games but guys this console is good to go it'll be listed down below for sale on my website called jrob gaming.com so go check it out but let's move on to the next console now now next up we have a random Wii U console which is very beat up and this thing is filthy man like look at the inside of those vents oh baby let's plug it in and see if it works oh oh oh oh I just plugged it in and it's got a white light there that means there's a a disc inside of the inside the disc drive nice all right let's see if it turns on got power now let's see what kind of game this this side something good maybe something good what just happened oh my power supply just unplugged itself awesome let's try that again yes yes new Super Mario Bros it's not it's not even a Wii U game it's just straight up a Wii game they were playing on the Wii U dude that is awesome let's go and of course I have a game pad here which didn't come with a lot it's just my own game pad and booted straight up dude legendary oh yeah we got some users so we got Martin and we got Stella let's start with Martin here and see oh what wait I got to put in a password even use the profile what okay well at least I can use this other one let's see what kind of stuff is going on with this uh console though all right scroll into wait dude this person just made a million folders great yes here we go we got games okay so I scroll through all the F folders and most of them had nothing except this one games folder has Super Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land which should be digital games here let's see if they even boot up so clutch dude here it is it's working I'm not surprised at all because I think there was a bundle that with both Super Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land so here's another folder that has a few things we'll go open up the Mi maker and see if they've got any interesting Miis so we got like Stella Martin Lily key we actually got this one down here that looks kind of like me and straight up called dummy dude I ain't no dummy come on man that's messed up this guy's got the super wide eyes the postes here are actually pretty funny but uh oh I can change directions too yeah everybody face the wall you're all on timeout wait pee pants that's hilarious but next up we can check the daily log and I guess that should tell us when we last played or when this console was last played so let's check it out oh so nice on the Wii U you can actually just press the trigger and it'll take you to the last time played so this person had it was 2018 when they last played they played Minecraft for 8 hours Super Mario World for 3 hours and Mario Kart for half an hour and penis movie for 4 minutes dude what a day actually hold on that's not a day that's a month wait wait let me click on that oh there it is on the screen but well still actually you can see on the screen that they played for five hours on the first and then it kind of just slowly progressed and that was that was that and actually yeah you can scroll through here and see every month Minecraft was by far the most played game actually this month was Lego Marvel Avengers but every other month is Minecraft but that's just for Stella I think I I wish I could see this other guy on the on the console but I don't think it'll let me unless I know the password which is strange that I can't even log in locally let me let me try one more time yeah so I still can't get on without putting a password in let's go ahead and test out a game I got Lego City undercover and of course the disc is already popping out let's put it in and make sure it works and oh yeah there we are it's working yeah game's working I'm going to do one more thing though on this console I want to go back to the main menu and try to boot up the the old Wii menu all right so now I'll put the Wii game back in make sure that works and I don't know I haven't used the Wii menu on a Wii U in forever but let's go and check out the Mi Channel and see see what it shows up as all right well never mind the Miis on the wiii are completely separate from the Wii U so it's I'd have to create a new Mi which I'm not going to do but here back on the main menu the dis is working clearly so this console is good to go it'll be listed down below for sale so guys go check it out if you're interested and let's move on to the next console all right guys next up we got a couple Wiis here we got a white Wii G compatible 4 wi uh no SD card in that one now this other one is extremely dirty and beat up oh what is that on the front gross uh nothing in the dish drive or nothing in the SD card sorry let's go ahead and plug it in and see if it works all right starting with the one on the right turn it on o we got a free game inside let's go ahead and eject we got this is not real I am speechless this game goes for $152 loose I means if I had the the case this game would go for $200 that is ridiculous now the other problem the problem we're having here is that it's not showing up on the screen but oh no what is wait what is going on dang guys the uh that did not work I swapped out AV cable still the same issue and I can see Super Mario Bros there dude there's there's a lot of games on here oh man I go to I got to fix this this is actually I've gone through over a 100 Wii consoles in the last few months and this is the first Wii I've seen that actually has an issue outputting video but man this is another one of these consoles that will have to be put to the side to fix at the end of this series because I got to do some research into how to fix that issue uh let's go ahead and try this other console out and man I really hope this game works all right now for this extremely dirty Wii turn it on there's a game inside what's in it another GameCube game what is hold on what is this oh it's just Naruto C CRA I mean any GameCube game though is worth something uh let me let me look this up this one's not that much it's 10 bucks but I mean it's 10 bucks I didn't have before and this looks really scratched up now this one is actually showing up on the screen so let's go ahead and boot it all the way up and see what it do this is got a photo I can't show it but it's it's it's not I mean it's funny but it's also at the same time like PDA I'll leave it that way but but guys we got games on here as well Super Mario Bros we got Sonic the Hedgehog we've got Legend of Zelda we got the free game here we got we dude we got to try out Pokemon XT please I really hope this game works this is unreal like did these two come as a package deal like I just picked these up randomly from the lot and how did I come with two two consoles in a row with GameCube games and downloaded games unreal I don't know man let's let's boot up this uh this GameCube game and hope it works so this is strange I just booted up the game and it has this faint warning health and safety it looks like when you boot up the Wii for the first time but the GameCube game GameCube controller won't do anything we controller won't do anything what what's going on here oh the gameu controllers are the gameu controller ports are filthy I don't even know if those was are working game is working boys that's let's go m motivation I it is unreal that somebody left Pokémon XD in their old Wii I can just see somebody watching this video right now seeing their old Wii and just punching the wall like oh man that's that's tragic for them but I'll take it dude let's go ahead and eject it and let's let's go ahead and explore the rest of this Wii and see what's up with it man I'm going to I'm going to be really disappointed if there's not a lot of Miis here there's not much going on there except for one Mei that I can't show you because it's just uh not appropriate I I'd say come on man this we is kind of let me check out the console nickname that's that's actually hilarious console nickname is console last but not least let's check out the last time this console was played here we go February 2012 we've got some play date another I saw this in my one of my last videos where there's a there's a channel that has over where it has 23 hours and 59 minutes of play time and then you add another play time and it ends up being over a full day of play time in one day somebody told me that basically if you left if you started Netflix at let's say 10:00 a.m. yesterday and you ran it until 10:00 a.m. today it would put 24 hours on today plus you know this person probably played some more so that that I guess that makes sense not really but anyways guys this combo of we here might be the most unreal thing I've ever seen from a Wii uh in Texas loow series or the Hampton Hall Series this one will have to get this one fixed in a future video and I am excited to see what's on that console because there I could like see some make out some faint stuff and I saw a bunch of games download but guys Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness crazy let's go ahead and uh move on to the next console oh and this one will be cleaned up and list is down below for sale this one of course will go in a future video but let's yeah let's move on now now next up we have a regular Wii which surprisingly has a GameCube memory card inside of it and dude look look at that dust Line Dirt line actually that's insane this console itself is just filthy but uh let's go ahead and Boot It Up see if it works and we got a free game no SD card that did not sound good but we got Mario Kart dude nice the disc looks almost perfect okay let's put it back in and yikes that noise is not pleasant let's see if it works I mean if it works it works I'm not going to touch it it's not making the best sound well the game works all right I will take it nothing else much special here on the main CH the main page we got our Mario Kart Channel and stuff but uh let's go ahead and check out a few things here so first going to pop in here and look at the console nickname and dude I got to I got to take the disc out it's annoying me how loud that is JD's we all right so I guess who ever played this was named JD I expect to see a me named JD now next up let's go check out this memory card and see what's on it all right we got Madden 05 I actually played Madden 05 it could be back in the day NASCAR Thunder 03 and M dude these are like I'm not going to lie these are like my three favorite games from 2003 2005 I was huge into sports right then and mad NFL 05 I played on my friend's GameCube I played NASCAR Thunder 2003 on my friend's gameu Cube I played MVP baseball on my PS2 but wouldn't it be hilarious if this was this was my friend's GameCube from back when I was like 10 years old 8 years old whatever it was let's go check out the Mi Channel wait what a Mii sent by Moore has arrived I have never seen this oh that's amazing somebody wow nobody's booted up the me first of all why is it so blindingly blindingly white and that's amazing I think somebody sent this Wei over or this sent this me over from the the check me out Channel and just had never opened up the Mi Channel since then and why wait why is this so blown out got J of course yeah there's JD JM chuck oh it's Chuck Norris that's hilarious got Dan Emily and that's about it dude this this is straight up blown out let me go check the Wii settings real quick back here on the home page I think it actually looks worse than it did before I turned off burn in screen reduction I don't know what that would do to fix this but I also uh changed it to widecreen now I'm not sure what the issue is here I actually haven't looked into it but I've gotten a handful of comments cuz I've had the same issue on previous Wiis uh had a couple comments that say it was back capters another person told me that it was just a setting on the Wii somebody else told me it was bad AV cables although I've swapped out AV cables and this is the same AV cable I actually use for all the Wiis and most of them work so let me know down below if you know anything about that but let's go ahead and check out when the last time this console was played all right December 2014 we've got this looks like one of those times when somebody just turned on the console and connected to the internet for the first time in forever and then next day we got some play data Guitar Hero 5 that was it for this week actually hold on one more day guar Hero World tour nice so so was after that that they said goodbye to this Wii and took it took it to Goodwill I guess but I mean this console does work it's got a weird screen and the disc drive is really loud but it works but I don't know free Mario Kart I'll take it but I'll go ahead and throw this console into the pile of consoles we'll fix at the end of the series but let's go ahead and move on to the next console so next up we got a PS3 Slim already got it plugged in let's go ahead and turn it on it's got life no free games oh yeah it's booted up all right let's start and see what profiles we got on here we got we got a lot of stuff on here we got EJ EJ money 757 user one KJ bunch of JS let's start and see what system software we're on and how many gigs we got all right 4.86 and 120 gigs so probably played somewhat recently let's go ahead and see what's downloaded here no games downloaded but we can check out the save data utility last play to YouTube in 2021 and then Call of Duty ghost in 2015 I'm checking out the message box everybody has hi babes you there oh must be as this guy's girlfriend that's that's hilarious so it's not a whole lot there a couple friend requests and some sus sus messages but but this guy didn't send anything other than friend request that was funny let's go ahead and put a game in and see if it works huh oh there he goes wait what oh no the disc goes halfway in are you kidding me now it's straight up crap whoa whoa whoa whoa stop stop stop stop no no stop oh my goodness did you guys hear that that was very suspicious I want to risk it I'm going to put it in one more time I'm speechless I have never heard a PS3 disc drive make that noise it sounded like an engine revving with a combination of I can't explain it that was that was strange all right let's go ahead and check out these other profiles and we'll we'll come back to that all right we got KJ last up and yeah more YouTube oh this guy's actually got some games though GTA 5 Call of Duty ghosts Last of Us nice Uncharted oh Red Dead dude let's go my man all right let's check out the message box oh my gosh look at all the look at all the received messages this is like this is got to be thousands most of them appear to be wait what unused balance most of them appear to be just invites Lobby and Men what what does that even mean all right not much going on there let's see if this guy sent anything uh not much it's it's actually amazing how many profiles I've been through on these PS3s that have tons and tons of received messages but barely any sent messages feels strange to me and a lot of the receive messages actually seem to be like conversations so I'm not sure what's going on there I don't know if it's not keeping all the same messages here or if I'm missing something yeah I'm not sure exactly but interesting this console is clearly not working uh this is one where I would open this up if it was just a disc drive like pulling an issue and I could probably fix that but this is an issue where I probably need some replacement parts and I'm not going to have those by the time this video needs to go live so we'll push this to one of the repair videos at the end of the series uh but yeah that was the worst no I've ever heard in my life but guys let's go ahead and move on to the next console so next up we got a 360 slim and I already know this one has no hard drive cuz it's just uh an empty there warranty seal is intact console actually looks pretty good itself but let's plug it in see if it works all right let's turn it on got power we have a game inside nope no game oh yeah Boot It Up all right we got nothing at all wait is this does he even have any memory built in uh no wow okay great it's the rare console that used to have a hard drive and somebody took it out let's put a game in and see it works well yeah that's not going to work unrecognized disc status code okay yeah that's not good all right well this console doesn't work guess we got another console to throw into the the last few episodes where we fixed consoles I want to call Easy Fix probably needs either needs a laser swap actually from that noise it probably needs a motor swap or greas up rails something some sort of combination of that but no wonder somebody took the hard drive out it just stopped reading games so they took the hard drive out put it in a new console and started playing playing there but yeah this console's not good we'll put it in the stack to fix later and then uh yeah let's move on to the next console all right guys so next up we got three Wiis one white two black they're all GameCube compatible let me check the SD cards no nope none available let's go ahead and start right to left and plug them in see if they work all right let's turn this first one on we got got a free game what do you know man wi Sports the classic it's kind of scratched up but man in my experience wi Sports will work no matter what so let's go wait hold on oh dude we got games these are not just old games we got Uno we got Tetris party got monster hun oh that's Nintendo Channel never mind check me out Channel wait hold on nice that that awesome what is this happy holidays Christmas why is my arm so far back I got to fix this sensor bar while we're at it we'll check out the console nickname Ace that's pretty good nickname now let's go back and check out that holidays thing this is actually kind of funny you can make a card card wait we have card album so going to see some old cards made yes oh one card that's it so you can select your tree your frame your stickers your music This is So Random this is actually a really neat idea that you could I guess back in the day when you could actually use internet on the Wii you you can make cards put Christmas cards in here and send them to your friends that's a genius idea genius I tell you and yeah as you can see wi Sports is working let's go ahead and check out the me channel see what's going on there all right we've got Ace and Buddy made by God God himself wow okay and of course last but not least here we'll check out the last time this console was played all right feu February 2014 we've got some play data Netflix for the entire day and that was it awesome well this conso is good to go it'll be listed down below for sale let's go aad and move on to this one right here all right so let's turn this one on we got power and dude another free game are you serious what's in here we play all right we play we can calm down a bit because we play is like a $3 game but it's still still a great game fun game let's go ahead and build up the console and see if there's any other freebies on here got all the channels we got we play let's check out the me Channel first and see what's up there dude one me is this a joke Keith and I mean Keith even played a handful of games we Sports we play Mario Kart how do you play all these games and only have one me how much you want to bet the console nickname is Keith Johnson must have been his name must have been Keith Johnson honestly I'm not going to bother checking the last time this thing was played because it's probably played like one time back in 2012 but uh so I'm going to I'm going to do the uh the unthinkable here not even check the last time this console was played so let's eject this game and this console I mean it's good go it's working listed down below for sale and last but not least let's move on to this console right here all right 3 two 1 power another free game are you kidding me let's see what's inside another copy of Wii Sports dude this is unreal I shouldn't be surprised at this point but like dude the number of games I find in Wii consoles is just ridiculously high and now booting up it almost looks exactly the same as the last Wii we got all the standard channels let's just start it out strong here with the the Mi Channel you can see wi Sports is loading up start with the Mi Channel and see what's on it hopefully there's more than we one this time what Heather made by Heather how do I keep dude this is this is blowing my mind how am I coming across these consoles like one after another that are so similar and and like trust me guys when I picked these consoles up they were like this console was on the top of the lot this one was like on the bottom of the lot they weren't like bundled in a bag or a box or anything they were just happen to be in the same lot of 12 consoles now console nickname Heather surprise surprise I bet if we go back Heather has only played Wii Sports but let's check oh we got a handful we fit plus EA Sports active wi Sports Resort wi Sports Netflix not horrible let's check out the last time Heather played all right here we are August 2015 we got a message I clicked on the wrong date let me go back 22nd and we got a bunch of messages but no play data this is one of those times where the person boots up connects to the internet and then doesn't actually play here we go June 2010 we got some play data let's check it out me channel we Sports and that's it so that was that's crazy 20 2010 man thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed this video this was no words to describe this haul in this video remember guys Hampton Hall will have videos every Wednesday Friday and Sunday throughout December so check them out and thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 269,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, the hampton haul, hampton haul, texas load, the texas load, nintendo holy grail, holy grail, holy grail find, wii u, wii, xbox 360, should i buy a console from goodwill, untested consoles, untested console, untested wii u, untested wii, untested xbox, ps3
Id: 4_HkNR_TdjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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