I Bought a Used Save File and tried to Nuzlocke Pokémon Scarlet!

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I bought a used Nintendo switch off eBay with Scarlet save file data on it to try and see if I could beat a Nuzlocke using only the Pokemon and items still left on the file why am I pointing catchow the rules are simple if it's on the file I'm allowed to use it this means only Pokemon on the file can be used in the run so no catching any new Pokémon it also means all those tantalizing little sparkly Fellas on the ground can't be picked up oh man I really wanted you we see a shiny two that thing's being left behind this also means I can't buy anything from the shops get any new items of any sort including TMS but anything already in the bag like potions or TMS can be used this can go one of two ways I buy use switch and it has no use save file data on it you just got scammed okay well maybe there's a lot more than just two ways it can go but we could get a switch with save file data on it and it have already completed the game we could get one with safe file data at the very beginning of the game with only a few Pokémon imagine if I just got like two L chunks and a cat or if we're Super Lucky we get a save decently far room with a bunch of cool Pokémon and a full box but knowing my luck that's not going to happen in the olden days of the DS and Game Boys it was simple to get your hands on used save file data you buy a used DS cartridge it into your DS and boom we're checking out Scott's PE Scott he has one gym bad Scott you'd be Roar you're like I'm done with this nowadays however safe file data is actually stored on the switch itself which presents a lot of problems if I shove Scott's Violet cartridge into my switch I'll be looking at my ugly mug all over again so if I want to do this I'll need to buy pre-owned switches which is going to cost a lot more money please like the video if you enjoy this the main problem I'll have to face is most people actually wipe their consoles before trading them in or selling them online so not only do I need to find someone with a used save file that is not complete but I'll also need to convince them to either not wipe their switch before they sell it to me or pray they forget to yeah I don't like my [Music] chances why is this guy smiling does he think it's a laughing matter wait a minute hang on this one does AR he is zero ah no it's already completed all right so I'm not having much luck currently on eBay which is annoying but here in Australia there is a website called gum tree and people post like lots of used stuff on there so I'm going to check that out next I don't know if that's a worldwide thing but basically it's like Facebook Marketplace so going to check that out now all right so no luck on gum tree either I'm going to try Facebook marketplace now hopefully I'll have some luck on there I can't show Facebook Marketplace though because that would reveal my Facebook to you and I don't want you guys stalking me eventually I found a post on Marketplace that was also selling the Scarlet game with the switch so in theory this should have Scarlet save file data on it now I've just got to figure out whether it's been completed or not all right so I've just got to the place to hopefully pick up the Nintendo switch I might record all of it I don't know I don't want to invade anyone's privacy so if it gets awkward I'm just going to stop recording so we got the bad boy let's go it does have save file data it has potentially three he said that his um roommate also used the switch to play Pokémon um and he's played all of them so we can look at not only Scarlet we can look at Diamond arus and shield I think he said so that that would be sick to look at all right so let's check out Scarlet first we'll look on Ryan's account first if that has nothing we can look at CL and then Kevin so the objective is to try and beat the game with whatever is on this save so if there's good Pokémon in here that'll be easy so I kind of want to do it where ideally it's a more of a challenge but I'll take whatever's on here oh okay we're somewhere okay aumu jump Dino Lucario with a sooth Bell classic saai and spicy boy are any of them shiny no okay well let's look in the box then tropus harama gim we've got a couple of boxes oh okay we should definitely be out of nuzlock this look how many Pokémon we've got so being pretty far in with only four battles remaining I decided to check out the other account so Kevin what's on your safe file what is this team we're in lincia spicy wolf lava aeral Gade flato coil coel okay where is this save up to though okay so hasn't done iono hasn't done MAA what has been done oh my God just the rock Titan and the grass gym they went to the bug gym cuz they unlocked it they're like n can't be asked I'm actually just going to go do the rock Titan and then the Garage gym and then run over to levinia to take on iono next I guess was there plan maybe I should follow through with that plan and take on iono so by now most of you know what a Pokémon Nuzlocke is but I'll quickly go over it for those of you who don't in the most recent games it's got a little bit more difficult to Define since there are no Random Encounters but the basic premise is if a Pokémon faints it's considered dead usually when a Pokémon faints it's either released back into the wild or it will lay dormant in the box where it will lay in rest for eternity hoping praying that one day its trainer will pick it up up once more sorry little bed I don't think you're ever going to be touched again in this run we'll be doing it semi hardcore since I have no idea what is on my team I'm not going to hard limit myself to level caps but I'll try be reasonable what I will ban however is item usage in battle and nothing from the box can be added to the team unless something dies so carrying on from where Kevin left off I thought it'd be fun to take on the Electric Gym first well since we're here after all well well well iono you think you can defeat me watch huh go Lavar our first battle in the safe file nuzlock let's do it all right rock slide go hey did no damage that's good rock slide one shot watch belly bolt in next was predicted this is not a hardcore Nuzlocke so I can actually switch out so with triple home clawed and we'll take we should be able to take out belly bolt next turn I think with the triple home Clause surely right paralysis no that's annoying okay all right let's just go for the seed bomb seed bomb take out the belly bolt here catch these seeds buddy okay Luxio in next we switch to spicy wolf breathe fire we've been paralyzed okay it's all right flamethrower should take out Luxio although we are now at half health and since we're paralyzed if the Mis Magus comes in and goes for hex we're going to take extra damage so I'm going to switch Arcanine out delayed go okay so now it's going to talize as good special defense so we just go for the the sacred sword since since it's going to talize Electric but I'm also terizing fire to get rid of my weakness to ghost confused R okay interesting it didn't just go straight for hex cuz it would have been quite effective nope Gades over the level cap it turned away when he caught it he caught it over level please just listen to me one Scala if you don't do this you will die stop pretending not to notice galade you're confused don't hit yourself sacred sword let's go we got the critical as well oh my god let's go I decided to take on oror next since it was just up the hill and with Glade now hope hopefully listening to me after obtaining the gym badge this Titan should be easy is he going to listen to me oh he is going to listen to me why are you running why are you running huh huh galade stop cuddling me the hell was what the hell was even that so now you like me h galade i okay sacred sword go slice and dice we're eating worm for dinner tonight boys now what should I do well I'm sort of near the fire base and we have two Pokémon super effective against it so it should be fun right her first Pokémon is a tal which sets up the sun with its ability I send in Lavar first and go for a rock slide which actually flinches on the first turn after taking some significant damage however we do manage to take down Toco before switching out as the Starmobile comes in switching over to aumo now who is also super effective not only resists the fire damage being a water type but also takes half damage on top of that from fire and nice moves thanks to its ability thick fat aumar use bubble Beam not on me zo real what the hell taking down the car I made my way towards KAS Kord to take on the water gy but these damn star grons are blocking the way nope you can't get through here oh yeah you want a bet just watch me you now what now freaking what I got through you goon arriving at the gym I'm tasked with delivering a wallet to the gym leader who's run off to the port only problem is I've got to make it through the desert to get there oh my God Titan we do not want to fight that yet it's like level 40 yeah we're not ready for that arriving at the Port kofu wants us to buy something for him as a part of his challenge I don't know why he doesn't just buy it himself seems kind of sus are we buying something illegal for him totally not weeded quied now heading back towards the gym our coxal evolves into Cox TriCity I guess which is kind of perfect for taking on this gym but before I could take on old man kofu neona runs over and wants to battle I'm used to fighting her at the Electric Gym so this was kind of cool she still has the same team that she normally has there though so florado deals with them easily enough oh man I lost no moaning no moaner you lost fair and square all right kofu let's do this leading with a Val Losa which sounds like what he's going going to be a loser yeah take that get roasted terizing coity we take it out with a shock wave and in comes W Trio oh I just real realized I just realized that wo have mud slap we take it out either way but since we made contact with bu Trio we did lose some speed and even though cromal is very slow with the speed drop we are no longer faster than it oh it's faster than me oh be gone with the thunder clap [Music] let's go now that we've done the Water Gym though we can work our way through the things that we've missed wow that was hard oh just took out Nimble that was close nice heading up to Glo mountains to do some training both Lavar and floras to evolve into puper and miara respectively no it's a shiny snow and we can't catch it heading down to the normal gym next we take on Larry sacred sorting takes out the Kamala and same goes for the dunpar but as we all know the fighting type is weak to Flying which is part of what Larry's final Pokémon Star raptor is oh it dropped my attack I didn't think of that oh wait stat drops effect sacred sword I just remembered I think we're good I think we just take it out I I'm feeling very confident in this actually aial Ace not very effective anymore which is good sacred sword doesn't one-hot staraptor is facade going to do enough to take me out I feel like it is both of star Raptor's moves wouldn't be very effective against Pupitar wait we could earthquake it now because it's no longer a flying type we can earthquake it right right haha yeah how about that star rptor should have thought of that Larry should have thought of that it's lucky M the poison team star base was the next badge I wanted to acquire skunk tank is his first Pokemon and has access to just three moves Sucker Punch toxic and venoshock so I send in pidy to set up iron defense toxic wait I thought that wouldn't affect Pupitar that's saddening oh Pupitar shed skin let's go go let's go for the earthquake then okay goodbye skunk tank managing to get off two IR defenses before taking it out and shedding off the poisons we get flinched by Riv room but knock it out the following turn with an earthquake same goes for the mark and in comes the navi Starmobile we should be able to take this oh we taken those for days earthquake we're three shot in it that's right earthquake make make make make make the ground shake G as the kids say and that is attakus defeated moving on to the Ghost Gym Buster rhyme they call me the MC kill them and grab my peas M no man you don't want to test me I'll get you stuck in a freaking tree all right let's do this Ryme the Ghost Gym Leader is the only person who does the double battle in this whole game now I know this is changing in the DLC which I'm super excited for but it's also super scary for nuzlock so um maybe I shouldn't be excited for that either way Pupitar and Cox TriCity now you probably know why I'm I'm I'm doing it this way um I think the most important thing to do is uh crunch with on mimiku and then talize discharge with coxc early talization this is crazy well actually as a matter of fact if you talize in this battle the crowd of people actually go who is this guy this kid is incredible let's give all this Pokémon stat boosts so every single stat your Pokemon has gets boosted by a stage so it's just you have to tralize first turn otherwise you're just wasting free stats but here we go we go for the discharge which doesn't affect our teammate but hits both mimiku and Benet and benette didn't go down but we landed paralysis that could be big now I'm thinking this takes down both of them which it does which is nice discharge both toxcity tzers we'll see how this goes out speeds hits both houndstone lives we crit toxcity okay now it is unlikely that houndstone goes for oh it doesn't matter we we outspeed we' won we've won yeah maybe you can rap but you can't get out of my lap no okay yeah I'll I'll see myself out all right now we've arrived at the chansy pharmacy this is the point in the Nuzlocke where I would normally come here and fix all of my Pokémon's horrible IVs however we cannot do that because that requires spending money so that's just kind of disappointing why did it even come here now I'm just upset the quaking Earth Titan mascarada use flower trick the stage lights are on me now as long as SC villain does just a little bit of Health to it a little bit of Health a little bit of damage to it we are good Razor Leaf okay perfect we've done it we are good now although we would go down here it is all right because all we have to do is flower trick again we deal enough damage to finish it off I'm almost positive let's go after defeating the ground Titan we make our way to the psychic gym only for neona to Ambush me again will this lady not just leave me alone I'm sick of her moaning after defeating her I was then forced to do some emotional training because apparently I have an anger issue this was court ordered so I will comply this time what am I doing right now now why is she fighting like she's ready to go all right let's go this is going on a little too long for my liking Pepsi this video is sponsored by Pepsi okay that's a lie Pepsi [Music] man jip's first Pokémon is figero which is also a normal type as well as psychic but it's only moves our psychic and dark which my cat resists so no terizing just yet so I take the opportunity to set up a home Clause boosting my attack as it goes for a crunch multiple times dealing barely any damage taking it out with a night slash Inc comes gavor this is when we terize hitting gavor with a triple attack boosted Terra crit yeah that's crazy meaning Inc comes a Spath next which a night slash and finally incomes FES draliz it psychic we knock it out with another night slash and call it a day heading up gaco once more where I was forced to abandon that shiny snowa I just couldn't help but Mis mount coret it it's just I don't know why it's just so much cooler the music's so much cooler this mountain is so plain and boring here we find gusher the ice gym leader but hopefully Arcanine and Gade can handle it leading with frost moth I hit it with a quite effective flamethrower Inc betic next to surviv the hit and went for an earthquake which did make me do a little oopsy in my pants but taking it out I switched to Gade to deal with sa TI in my haste I accidentally hit mystical fire which did no damage and me we took some Dam Dage from Ice spinner taking it out next time with the sacred sword in comes Altaria so now hopefully we can take it out in one hit or we'll probs go down here oh no we're slower oh my we lived let's go and down goes Altaria earning me my final gym badge but we're not done collecting badges we still have three other badges to collect the next one being the fairy base with toxtricity I mean toxtricity we roll through this place and take down the Dragon Titan with masas Gara and aeral who is somehow still alive yeah I know this guy's stats suck yet here it is clutching out the win boss of Team Stars fighting base AR all right so AR leads with toxic cro which is a poison fighting Pokémon which is quad weak to psychic which lets me hit it with a psycho cut for Quad effective damage instantly taking it out beautiful we love that and then in next comes annihilate now obviously annihilate has quite effective attack on us being psychic fighting and it being ghost so what I'm going to do is swap out to spicy wolf and play rough it play rough go close combat oh play rough just isn't enough to take it out but because it close combats it drops its uh defense stat meaning the next play rough actually should do enough to take it out right look let's go all right let's go Arcanine Pimon okay I guess we're weak now so we can swap back to Glade should outspeed it oh close combat yikes that did a lot of damage it crit okay cool classic nice little crit moment there all right psycho cut take out Pimon please we should be good to stay in against Lucario Oh I thought we were going to outspeed we survived on 8 HP from the dragon PSE okay I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it all right finally all that's left is the car I think the play might be to go here to raliz grass and then go for play RS speeding out not going to do much damage that's fine flower trick always crits so the damage should stay somewhat relatively the same we're about to see if it does more no okay well oh no okay we can't lose miara aeral aeral is quite safe High horsepower shouldn't do too much damage draining kiss does a lot let's go isumer I'm surprised shift gear but it's too late buddy nice and down goes the CF starm mobile defeating Ary and meaning we can make our way to the Elite 4 baby now with every badge of wide we can head to the league the biggest problem in the whole run here's the problem we have five back-to-back battles with no opportunity to visit the Pokémon Center in between which means I only have the potions I was given back at the start to use which is a grand total of 12 super potions 10 normal potions and two hyper potions cool yeah totally fine I'm not worried at all you challenged by R of the Elite 4 okay our first test flower trick go this should definitely one shot wish cash right and down it goes down goes cam opt oh wait it is sturdy I forgot about that poison jab ooh please don't poison no I mean let's urn before before the poison tick happens AUM will finish it off please thank you Leaf blade takes out CLA zile we're good we took a little bit of Chip damage there definitely more than I wanted to a child dare approach me nice down goes copper Raja goodbye bronzong do we not just win by flamethrower everything oh it has sturdy no we're going to take damage here light screen gay oh oh I thought we were going to outspeed secret sword please take it out okay all right let's do this tropus in first coxc is actually like a perfect counter to tropus in a way it out wait what how did it go why did it set up Sun and then go for air slash um okay so in next is the oricorio teer dance so now that we've been confused not only do we have to not hit oursel in confusion but we also have to hit the Stone Edge which is um low percent chance and now we get hit by I win cool great speed drop I don't need it by need to be any slower oh we snapped out of confusion all right all good then and we hit our Stone Edge okay I'll stop complaining I'll stop complaining do we switch for alaria I feel like we do I feel like it's just smart to maybe go into a zemal and um fairy move it and we drain and kiss it okay this is going to take a while but you know what it's fine we'll get there and down goes Altaria bit of a slow burner that one but a safe one so it's good the brave Bird's coming okay we take the hit and as long as we don't M the Stone Edge down goes star rptor which is good okay now here is the scary part where I feel like things can go very bad I'm assuming it goes for Brave Bird here we just need to hold on and I don't have a lot of faith in it oh let's go man TriCity use OverDrive yes all right so we've made it to B battle four of five as long as we can get through this battle without losing a Pokémon and also uh without everyone having being in red I think we should be all right all right Noivern in first we're going for the player off bait out the air slash I don't really care that's a problem okay masara let's not lose you shouldn't do too much it crit of course it crits okay extreme speed should take it out though nice all right down goes Noivern in next is dral this is when I make the switch over to Tyran we outsped it look I won't complain I'm just very shocked poison jab hang on this might not be good yeah this this is bad actually I really need an earthquake to take it out there AUM Ral is actually kind of just free I'm now realizing the only yeah we're good we've won we've won it's over we've won AUM Ral the goat in comes back Calibur all back Calibur has is icicle crash brick break and glaive rush now this is going to take a minute but we're good we're safe we've won the battle goodbye you bastard anyway let's do it we made it to gaer oh they healed all my Pokémon for me sweet we'll just move on to the champion then all right let's do this oh now I'm hyped up and I forgot that I got rid of night slash on mecar that is unfortunate I guess we H Clause then at least we had speed set up the H claws stat race terized knocks out a Spath okay cool the this is a water Ty Pokémon I'm using a grass what the heck is he thinking click all right down goes v loser perfect flamethrower take out avalo goodbye maybe I should have gone into Glade and hit it for a quad effective cuz it could hit me with Stone Edge here and take us out but if we outspeed and take it out first okay we didn't take it out miss your Stone Edge living on 7 HP let's go oh Arcanine you Beast okay okay down goes King Gambit okay oh just doesn't take it out but we outspeed and poison it with the freaking poison jab okay now what we have to do is survive the Zen headbutt which we do easily Zen headbutt doesn't affect the dark type you fool and down goes go go we take the dazzling GLE hit back with the sacred sword and down goes glamora let's go now you may be thinking RJ you just became the champion you did it you beat the game well for those of you who don't know this is kind of far from the end of the game we still have to go take on neona Arin and Penny but not only that we then have to descend into the hidden area zero and challenge a uh a paradox Beast technically well it's a it's a robot but it has a bunch of paradox Pokémon on it so you know well let's go do that aen was first and easy enough we took down greent with a sacred sword toad scroll with play rough scovillain with poison jab gargan akle with earthquake cler with overdrive and mosti with draining kiss for the boss of Team star her Evolution team was no problem knocking Umbreon with a sacred sword same went for Flareon and then Inc came Vaporeon but since I had boosted my attack I decided to stay in and take it out with a leaf blade in next with jolon who missed its thunder so we took it out with another sacred sword Leafeon next then somehow managed to slip a leaf blade into my chest bringing us just above 30 HP but Gade did finish the job low health I switched in Cox TriCity as she sent in Sylveon and one poison jab or technically poison kick later we had won the battle onto neona all right neona leave me the F alone and after this you have signed and agreed that I will not have to fight you anymore let's just flower trip we don't need to talize oh we out speed The lyan Rock I actually kind of wasn't expecting to outspeed but I will take it gladly potentially oh my God that almost took out Gade okay okay at least we took out Pont at least we took out Pont oh my God it's silly to stay in but also I'm pretty sure sacred sword would oneshot it yeah screw it you know i' I'm I I regret my decision I already regret my decision well it's too late now let's go for sacred sword please kill it okay okay I could have very very much regret crit that decision just then boom flamethrower takes out oror let's go okay I would have liked a little more damage as long as this doesn't okay as long as that didn't take us out we're good how do you like my real hard hits man it feels good to finally let loose your Pokémon have just been destroyed over and over so I don't know what the hell you're talking about right now neona but you've got one Pokémon left Meara use flower trick take out this damn quacker cck okay well um anyway uh let's go to area zero we we've got some Paradox Pokémon to fight neona you were not supposed to follow me here we agreed you signed the document if I beat you you would leave me alone oh whatever taking down the Paradox Pokémon we find ourselves in the hyperbolic Time Chamber well it's not hyperbolic but it is a Time Chamber technically all right we're here at the AI lady from the past she's got a team full of past Paradox Pokemon and I guess it's my job to take her on you know what I did not prep into this at all I just sort of led into the fight I terized with Stone Edge we win Stone Edge ooh I mean if we hit it again we take it out next turn but so so it's all right you know it did oh wait the attack drop again no oh my God that was so annoying and down goes Slither wi to the chip damage from the sandstorm but toxcity also took damage from that so that's kind of unfortunate but it's all right oh except no oh I was meant to swap it it dropped my attack stat what am I doing no I'm throwing why am I throwing oh God okay we'll poison jab it since I'm in but this is going to do less damage cuz we had our attack drop that's so unfortunate oh it has earth power Cox TriCity no no I threw I threw we almost made it through this whole thing without losing a single Pokemon why did I do that now honestly guys blame the controller it's I think it's a you know input delay you know not my fault that's flower tricket click deleted play rough o okay I forgot we're dark type for a second there all right flower trick please do enough to take out scream tail that's the death of Meara no Tyranitar in your goard we just take those we take ice punches it ain't going to do deadly squat to me earthquake take out the scream tail if we were still dark we'd resist this ah no don't run it off okay it's all right it's all right I feel like we keep Arcanine around for the extreme speed and we use Zumer Ral now one more bounce and it goes down we just have to wait it had Thunderbolt bounce go we missed what is happening right now aeral jump with me okay we jumped now now we don't be paralyzed and we drop on the flut man yes oh my God the flood man is finally dealt with far out but you know what that's not even the worst of our problem the worst of our problem is coming right freaking now all right go Gade we've got to deal with the big man himself now roaring Moon sacred sword survive this hit let's go Gade secred sword let's go Gade we didn't even need to rely on the Zumer or ar canine to clutch out the W I'm so gas the freaking Glade survived that hit oh my god let's go and down goes AI s all right now we just need to take down this other kidon and we'll have the W coron use ter blast finish this bad boy off and let's clutch out the run baby we did it we beat a Pokémon Scarlet nuzlock using only Pokémon that were already on a save file that I bought off eBay let's go if you like the video you want to see another video just like this one where I buy another switch or maybe if you want me to see me do it in I don't know bdsp or maybe I don't know another game like the original Diamond of pearl or or soul silver or something like that let me know in the comments I actually really enjoyed this um having Gade and masara still on the team made it sort of all right not too bad but uh I mean next time who knows we really don't know we we legitimately could get two LUN on the team so let me know down in the comments hit like subscribe to the channel if you're new I appreciate you watching all the way to the end of the video it means the world I love you guys thank you so much for supporting the channel and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: ItsRJ
Views: 19,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon scarlet, pokemon nuzlocke, I Bought a USED Switch to try Nuzlocke Pokémon Scarlet!, USED POKEMON SAVE FILE, used scarlet save file data, used switch pokemon save data, buying a used switch, buying a used switch nuzlocke, pokemon scarlet dlc, pokemon scarlet used save file nuzlocke, pokemon scarlet nuzlocke, itsrj, itsrj save file, itsrj nuzlocke, pokemon used save, used save file pokemon, pokemon violet, nuzlocke, HARDCORE NUZLOCKE
Id: mc7BmUL2VsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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