I Bought a Suspiciously Cheap Xbox Series X from eBay...

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I bought a suspiciously cheap Xbox series X from eBay and in this video we're going to take an in-depth look at it and see what's up with it so first I want to do the slide test here and yeah clearly not much packaging in here so let's go ahead and open it up and see what they sent us now this listing is very uh sketchy because it was only 250 dollars it used a generic picture and uh the description was nonsense said nothing uh but the condition was listed as for parts so I have no idea what this console is going to be like I don't know if it's broken or working I don't know but let's go ahead and see what's inside all right so open it up and we have FedEx bubble mailer no there is no way dude you've got to be kidding me like dude like what this seller I don't remember how big they were but they had like tens of thousands of feedback on eBay and this is how they're shipping stuff what on Earth my goodness like I guess they listed for parts and just assume they can get away with anything all right so here's the console and as you can see from the front it actually doesn't look too terrible I mean it's clearly got some scratches and scuffs and whatever I wonder if the buttons pressed down yeah they'll press the sync button looks pretty mutilated and yeah looking at the top I do see a fan in there which is which is good my worry here is that they open this up and like scavenged it for parts um hopefully they did not but we'll see so taking a look at the bag it's pretty clear that somebody has been inside here before because this seal is gone you got the the screw exposed and then this one right here this sticker pulls up pretty easily and then you can get to the to the screw there so we'll take a look at that later let's go ahead and take a look at the other sides uh bottom looks pretty solid do still have the stand which is good to see and nothing much to write home about on this side or this side you know some scuff scratches whatever now let's go ahead and plug this thing in and uh try to turn it on and see what happens so I got the console plugged in uh my first thought was that maybe the HDMI port was broken and uh the cord plugged in fine so we'll find out of course if it's broken in a second got my gold controller here as well but I'm getting a little bit hungry now so let me go get some food first and I'll be back so I'm back at my food and as I turn on this console test it out I'm gonna tell you about our sponsor for today's video which is Factor now in case you haven't heard of factor they deliver fresh never frozen meals straight to your doorstep and the coolest part about them is that they're pre-prepped all you have to do is put them in the microwave for two minutes and they're ready to eat I have a black pepper and sage pork chop right here which I'm gonna eat while I turn this console on let's go ahead and turn this console and see what happens three two one we do have life let me get a little bit of this uh broccoli casserole thing here looks pretty good so as I was eating my broccoli this console decided to turn off on itself let me go show you guys in the in the picture there you'll see it turns on for a second and then it uh turns off in about three two one and there it goes off now so even though this console doesn't stay on at least I have a nice meal to enjoy here and I was a bit skeptical it's first you know it's it's a microwave meal I thought I was just gonna be like any of those other you know junk microwave meals out there but this thing no this is like a restaurant prepared meal that you stick in the microwave it's ready to go I had chicken the other day and that stuff was as tender as it is coming out of the pan and it's kind of funny with this meal like this thing is straight up cheaper than takeout like if you guys tried to get delivery from a restaurant recently there's like no way you're spending under 20 bucks and uh only takes two minutes to heat up and it's kind of similar with grocery shopping like if you go grocery shopping you get to get a meal you got to bring it home prep it cook it clean it up all that stuff and uh this just is this is going to taste as good if not better you know it takes two minutes to heat up and it's delicious now for me there are some times when I'd like to cook my own meal um and that's where hellofresh as you covered in hellofresh actually owns Factor so between hellofresh and Factor you got all your braces covered so head to factor75.com or click the link down below and use the code Jacob R50 to get 50 off your first Factor box again if you go to factor75.com and use the code Jacob R50 you'll get 50 off your first Factor box so something else weird I noticed with this Xbox is when you turn it on the fan never even spins up uh so I'm not sure what's going on it also has a slightly weird smell almost I don't want to call it burning plastic but like it's it's getting there uh but we fortunately do have my uh handy dandy cardboard Xbox series X that I can use for parts if I need to but let's go ahead and open up the 250 Xbox series X and see what's going on inside because clearly somebody's opened up before and um hopefully they haven't made it worse so flipping over to the back of the console here again there are two screws one here and one here uh surprising I'm still surprised that they actually peeled up the sticker instead of just poking a hole through it because that's you know the lazy way to do it let's go ahead and take out this first screw here I think I think we ever put the screw back use a drill because it was in there tight and I didn't mention it earlier but this console was manufactured in June 2021 so it's almost two years old now I'm not sure if that'll be relevant to us or not but just something to point out so yeah first glance it looks pretty normal we still have our fan screws there uh we got our ribbon cable here here we've got a couple ribbon cables these don't even look like they've been taken out yeah it has that one looks loose so that's probably been taken out before but everything looks like it was put together put back properly yeah so nothing nothing super obvious at first glance now first thing we're going to do is take this fan out I want to take a closer look at it while I turn the console on so I can just get a you know a better view of of what it's doing fan looks pretty clean I don't see anything obvious obstructing it so let's go ahead and plug it back in and then plug the console in turn it on and just see what the fan does all right console is plugged back in turn it back on we got the noise and the fan tries to spin up I didn't notice that earlier but it does try to spin up and then the console turns right back off let's turn it on one more time and see if the fan does that again all right so it's back on and yeah the fan it's trying to do something but it can't it can't start up so first thing I'm going to try is I'm pricing the replacing the fan and see if that fixes anything all right so like I said I have my cardboard Xbox series X here it's not even uh not even screwed down so we can get this thing up pretty easily my guess is that the fan is not the issue it's probably just a my guess is a power supplies blown but we're gonna try the fan first and I think power supply being blown would make a lot of sense because I smell like a slight I told you the weird smell I don't know if the power supply has like an odor of of roasting but I don't know if that makes sense let's go and turn this back on though with the new fan see what it does huh new fan is even worse so turn it on fan does not even try to spin up and the console seemed at least the first time I turned it on the console seemed to turn off even quicker than before take this fan off and let's go ahead and tear this thing down a bit more and again taking a look at the bottom here looks like all the screws are here which is pretty surprising to me because usually when somebody opens a console tries to repair it and doesn't actually fix it they usually break other stuff leave screws out and whatnot so it's surprising to see this thing still intact at the same time that's also not a great sign because it means that like a legit repair company might have opened it up before and if they couldn't repair it then good luck to me repairing it all right so let's go ahead and pull the entire chassis out here oh but I hear something something is loose inside so I think I might know which piece is loose it sounds like a plastic piece but I think it's the uh the piece that holds this side um of this Cable in place so this cable plugs into the disk drive right here as so this side right here plugs into the motherboard hopefully my camera can focus it plugs in like right there when I took this piece off the other side came out really easily and I wasn't quite sure why um and I think I know why now because I think that clip is broken you can see it in there well you probably can't see but oh those pins are bent and it's broken well that doesn't look great let me just tear this console down some more and we'll get to it all right so this little block right here is the power supply now taking a look at it uh it doesn't look like anything crazy I don't see like any burn marks sniff test okay I do smell I think that kind of odd smell is coming from the power supply because I can yeah I do I do smell it so I don't know if it's like a burning smell or what but we're gonna go ahead and take this little block off and replace it with the one from my cardboard Xbox series X and see what that does and oof yeah you can see that plastic piece that was broken there let me zoom in there all right so you can see right here we have one cable to the disk drive and this is Cable number two to the disk drive and you can see that plastic piece right here is like wiggling around it's about to break golf I think there's another plastic piece on the other side that broke off and that was what it was rattling around all right guys so it's comparison time here on the right I have the Xbox series X from eBay the left side I have the cardboard series X and you can see that's the broken connector there you can see this connector is intact and the difference is we have a plastic piece right there that holds the Sata cable in place this one does not have that so the pins don't even rest up against the right spot in this cable I'm not sure if we'll get that to that in this video to replace that because this piece definitely needs to be replaced if you want to play uh with the disk drive I think we can run the console without the disk drive or maybe that's the issue maybe the console is not booting up because the disk drive is broken not sure but I do have the power supplies out now and at first one thing I thought could be an issue is the fact that they are from different times mine is from we'll see a manufactured in September 2020 this one's manufactured in you know June 2021 but I looked here and you can see they both have model what is it 1920 1920 so let's go ahead and do the swap right here and see if we can get this bad boy to work all right so I kind of the bare minimum back together in terms of cables and you know screws and that sort of thing but I got my HDMI power cable plugged in fan plugged in let's go ahead and see if it turns on three two one okay we got life and the fan oh man that's awesome it was not the power supply because I still got the same exact symptom where I try to turn it on the fan tries to spin then turns right back off I wonder do I have to have the niche Drive plugged in to do anything I don't know so I spent like the last half hour doing minor little tests here and there the first thing I wanted to try was booting up my uh working Xbox series X the cardboard Xbox series X without a disk drive to make sure it would still boot up without a disk drive plugged in and sure enough it does so um that's not the issue here and uh yeah so I don't know what the issue is right now basically I saw the power supply still had same exact issue I tried resetting it with the if you hold down eject sync and press the power button it's supposed to go to the um to the recovery menu or whatever that didn't work but let's just keep going down and seeing if I've confined any other issues here because uh yeah nothing nothing obvious yet um but oh there is the rest of our Sata cable just fell out of the Xbox all right got the heatsink off let's take a look at this thermal paste here I mean there's clearly not a whole lot there but it doesn't look awful by any means and just looking around here it doesn't appear that anybody has been this far into the console before I just don't like seeing any uh you know human wear or tear from opening this thing up so unsurprisingly what I just tried for the last half hour didn't work uh what I was doing was swapping components from one Xbox to the other and vice versa and just seeing if they would uh if I could kind of narrow it down to basically which board doesn't work because if you look at the Xbox series X there are two boards here you have this board right here which has um I think this is the Wi-Fi antenna here you've got some connections for your disk drive and just various other components and then you have this one ribbon cable that attaches to this board and goes to your your main motherboard where you have your heatsink and your your Apu and all that good stuff SSD and that kind of thing so what I try to do is swap these two boards in both Xboxes but I did that and then I tried out both Xboxes neither of them worked they would basically uh the light turned on the the console made the noise to power on and then it faded away and did nothing so unsurprisingly it appears these two these two boards are married to each other in some way there's one other thing I want to try and this is not going to fix our Xbox but it's going to just be it's gonna be interesting we want to see if the original Power Supply on the bad Xbox is bad or not because that was the original thought is that it smelled it didn't turn on we thought that was bad power supply so I'm curious if that is still a bad power supply so let's go ahead and try that out and basically what I'm doing here to test this is I have the original cardboard Xbox series X and all the components and then all I did was swap out the power supply to the bad power supply were supposedly bad power supply and we're going to plug it in now and see if it works all right so there we go guys this power supply appears to have never been the issue because now my cardboard Xbox series X with the uh the power supply from the bad Xbox is now working fine the fan is on the console is on so it appears that maybe it's a power delivery issue not a power supply issue and by power delivery I mean something on the board is shorted or messed up and not allowing the console to turn on fully again I don't really have any experience with troubleshooting board level stuff on a console this complicated so please let me know down below if you have any suggestions or tips or if you've seen this before alright guys myself and my editor Danny I've done a bunch of research and troubleshooting on this console in the last few days and essentially we've come to the conclusion that this console is a doozy and it's just it's still having the same issue still doesn't work and let me just kind of show you what's going on now so first of all I have the console plugged in here with no SSD in it and let me just show you what happens so with no SSD in it we turn it on the power light stays on the fan boots up and it goes like it doesn't stock like I did oh wait that time it turned off all right anyways so now it's now it's even even weirder but essentially before this is this is the thing it just like it's weirder and weird every time but basically what happened is I took the SSD out turned the console on and the fan spun up the console stayed on like indefinitely and which was weird because with the SSD in it it would turn off after like five or ten seconds so we kind of came to the conclusion that it's most likely an SSD issue so what we did was was uh replacing the SSD is not super simple so this is the original SSD I had to buy um one off of eBay I actually bought two just to like tried a couple of them I bought two more off eBay for 140 each and these are uh these are Xbox series X drives now these are two different slightly different draws but I have seen people online use these you know be able to clone one drive to another um because they are both Xbox series X specific drives now to do this you have to clone a specific partition from the original drive to a new drive because we're assuming that the original Drive is bad here but you can still get the keys off of it they kind of lock it to the motherboard so you copy the keys from the original drive to a new drive you put this drive in here and then it should work theoretically but it doesn't for for us I've tried it like 20 times I watch different videos I watched different tutorials they're all essentially the same where you use this program called macrium reflect you uh you know you get the image from this partition here and you you clone it to these these drives here and it just didn't work for me I also tried cloning the entire original drive with this little sabrant cloning tool that I saw on tronixfix I saw him use it once and I tried that did not work still does the same issue when you put the new SSD in it turns on for like five or ten seconds and turns off and uh yeah I don't know I don't know what the issue is and you know the listing it just leads me back to the eBay listing it's a bit sketchy that the seller had like 10 or 20 of these and we're selling them for super cheap so like I don't know if they knew these consoles all had like the same issue and they're like unfixable I don't know it's a little a little bit weird but I'll let you decide what you think about that and uh yeah so I don't know what the issue is kind of sucks that I spent all this money on these this you know cloning tool these two hard drive two ssds here and uh still not working but uh let me know down below if you got any ideas or any fixes you think might work we've tried a ton of stuff a ton of stuff I didn't even show on camera and just no dice a swap power supply swap a bunch of other stuff and just nothing's working so yeah let me know down below what you think um and yeah thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 613,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, xbox series x, xbox ebay, xbox series x ebay, cheap xbox, cheap xbox series x, sketchy ebay listing, xbox series x repair, xbox ssd, xbox repair, how to fix xbox series x
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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