I Bought a REFURBISHED PS4 Bundle from GameStop... worth it in 2021??

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what's going on guys so here in this box is where a fervis ps4 that i bought from gamestop and it's actually not just the ps4 gamestop calls it the essentials blast from the pass bundle uh so it also comes with a few games which we'll check out later but yeah like i said it's refurbished it's just the original ps4 it's not a slim not a pro just the original black ps4 at least that's what it's supposed to be you never know with gamestop they might send me like a white ps4 or a limited edition who knows but the first thing i like to do is take a look at the box so as you can see box looks to be in decent condition um for obvious reasons ripped off the label this side is a little bit smushed in but that's kind of a gamestop standard if you get a box that's not smushed in then you're extremely lucky but it actually didn't just come with the box it also came with this package and i believe in here are the games so they ship the games first and then they shipped the console um not sure why i guess the games were available before the console but you know it is what it is so before we unbox this thing make sure to hit the subscribe button down below and also the join button if you want to support the channel monetarily helps me buy more consoles like this from gamestop ebay that sort of thing to unbox for you guys so without further ado let's go ahead and cut the tape here we'll open up the console first and then i'll see what's in the other little package like i said gamestop refurbished ps4 console plus some games and it cost me three hundred and twenty one dollars i believe which is uh you know i i would say it's expensive for a ps4 but considering the prices of ps4 and xbox ones nowadays it's really not a terrible price and let's go ahead and see what got inside of here all right so here's a packing slip for this box and it says ps4 system black and ratchet and clank so i guess they included the ps4 and one game in here and then the other three games i think are in the other package my guess is that these two things weren't one warehouse and the other stuff wasn't another warehouse and that's why they shipped them separately but i'm not sure so let's go ahead and take a look at this game first now this this is extremely interesting right here let me zoom out a little bit so you guys can see that better so you know how usually you have these sealed air bubbles that are used for shipping this is interesting they used a bunch of them but they're all popped not a single one of them are inflated and they just kind of stuffed it in the edge and then they wrap the game around or they wrap them around the game to support it or to protect it that's like that's really interesting it almost looks yeah they are popped so somebody did this on purpose somebody literally took these these sealed air bubbles they were perfectly good and popped every single one of them so they could stuff them down in the side of the box i haven't seen that before guys that's interesting all right so first thing we got is ratchet and clank for the ps4 playstation hits and the the game case is actually in pretty good condition and you got your your disc in here and i don't see any scratches which it's a little bit harder to scratch blu-ray discs than it is like old dvds and stuff um but this is actually in really good condition you know a lot of times when you buy a pre-owned game from gamestop it uh it comes in like one of those really crappy uh generic cases but not this time and of course here's the ps4 so i'll go ahead and pull this thing out all right so here's the ps4 console as you can see on the front premium refurbished playstation 4 with the console controller usb controller cable ac cable hdmi cable and free 30-day guarantee now the funny thing is my 30-day guarantee is already up because i bought this like at the end of december uh you know i kind of get a backlog of consoles sometimes and i don't have time to you know unbox them all within 30 days but kind of sucks for me so hopefully it works so before we actually open this box up let's go ahead and open this package up and see what games we have in here all right so i got it open and here's the packing slip for this one we got the last of us remastered we got uncharted 4 a thief's end and god of war um kind of interesting how the punctuation did not prop up properly right there well these are really random prices 791 1583 and 790 not sure how they came up with that but you know it is what it is so we got uncharted 4 a thief's end and this it's like these three are actually all in their original cases um but this one feels a little bit uh rougher around the edges not quite as clean oh and the disc is out that's not ideal the disc actually has some some scratches and stuff on it not too bad though and then we got a little just a little leaflet in here about the last guardian and then next we have the last of us remastered which looks to be in pretty good condition in the original case and everything and we got the disc here and see it looks pretty good so so far so good last but not least got god of war now this one looks like the oh it looks good the case was just the case was like like that i don't know if you guys can really tell but it was off centered and it wasn't closed correctly i don't know how you close the case right like that but somebody did but this one looks to be in decent condition original case open it up and you have a little god of war leaflet and of course the game and it actually does have some scuffs and stuff on it and some fingerprints so hopefully it works alright so now for the console like i said it's the console the controller and then all the necessary cables let's go ahead and open this thing up all right so here we go let's see we got in here we actually oh that's a pretty cool controller i haven't had one of these yet so if you guys are not familiar gamestop likes to include just random controllers you know if you buy usually when you buy a system brand new you'll buy like a black ps4 and it'll come with a black uh black ps4 controller if you buy a white ps4 to call the white controller gamestop they'll just mix and match anything like i mean literally anything so i'm not really sure how to describe these colors i guess it's teal and purple and yeah it looks like it's in pretty good condition the joysticks look like they've barely been used all the buttons click nice a couple of them a little bit sticky triggers are good looks like for some reason this sticker is peeled off not sure why and this middle button is kind of sticky but it does look like it's actually a gen 2 controller as you can see the light bar in the middle lights up which is not on the generation 1 ps4 controller i'm not really sure if they call it gen 1 gen 2 but that's what i'm calling right now and then of course we got our usb cable for charging hdmi cable and power cable all pretty self-explanatory stuff and then down below this thing we have the ps4 and classic gamestop used sandpaper on it oh man i can't believe this guys if you've ever watched my videos you'll you'll know that whenever there's a glossy console from gamestop they take sandpaper or something uh to make it basically matte across the entire thing and it never fails like i think almost every time they've done it um actually i don't think they did it on the i bought a ps4 pro like the spider-man edition and i don't think they did on that one which is which is nice because that's a really nice console but let me just zoom in here and show you what i'm talking about alright guys so it's pretty obvious on this one we got the light reflecting on it and you can just tell this whole part right here is supposed to be glossy but it is not glossy at all they just scratched scratched the crap out of it and they also scratched it on the map part as well i i still don't know why gamestop does this i hope somebody in the comments works at gamestop and can tell me why they do this it's just so weird i mean it's glossy for a reason it's kind of like a design attribute to it all right so other than that i guess let's just take a look at the console so here's the front of the console hopefully you guys can hopefully it's focusing on that and you guys can see it so got your disk tray right here two usb ports and that's about it nothing special on the front the side again nothing special on the back we have our power ports and then you know hdmi auxiliary port ethernet port all the good stuff and as you can see i think usually there's a warranty sticker down here and down here um and here but those are gone because they it's a refurbished console so they open it up and i guess clean it out supposedly then this side nothing special it says 500 g which means it should have 500 gigabytes on it and now here on the bottom you have three rubber feet i believe one here here and here which is good they're all still there and then here's the top again i just want to look at it again like i showed you guys it's extremely scratched up and again if you guys know why they scratch it up like this if why they use sandpaper or whatever let me know down in the comments because i'm very interested to know i've seen this on so many consoles and every single time never fails they scratch it up with sandpaper or something like that i don't i don't know what it is but they love to do it if they see gloss they're going to sand it up but i don't know why all right guys so now we've unboxed it and everything let's go ahead and take a look at this console and make sure it works so first of all i just want to give you an up-close view of the scratches as you can see it's actually pretty bad this side is the map part but even that's bad and then this part is supposed to be glossy but as you can see the scratches all over it um but yeah i already got it plugged in and stuff so let's go ahead and press the power button and hopefully it turns on and usually i believe the ps4 pulses blue and then it turns white solid white once it's turned on uh so we'll give it a minute and hopefully it'll boot up that's not a great noise it sounded like it started booting up and then it turned back off how much you want to bet that somebody just unplugged it yep that's what i was thinking somebody unplugged it without actually turning off the ps4 properly so now it's doing this checking the system storage and stuff and it has to basically restore itself and then it should be back normal hopefully all right so it seems to be rebooting now it's still flashing blue and i see the playstation logo on the screen now in the meantime let's go ahead and turn this controller on and make sure it actually turns on it works this middle button is definitely kind of sticky i don't know why it's weird though so i believe it's connected to our ps4 now we got a white bar and as you can see it is booting up now which is a good sign so i am connected press the button we'll go through our little setup real quick and i'll go ahead and i guess i'll go ahead and connect to my internet all right so i connected to the internet and now we'll just finish the rest blah blah blah pretty quick and yeah nice that was pretty quick gave me a warning about turning off your system properly since the last person did not you got user one and here we go guys we're already booted up to the home screen and so it is working so far i am connected to the internet so i pulled up the internet browser and it seems to be loading up the ps4 homepage uh so yeah i guess the internet is working correctly let's go back to the home screen and now i guess the main thing is we want to try out these games see if they actually work first of all make sure there's no game disc in the in the console there was just recently i bought a console from ebay i think it was xbox one and it actually had a had a game in the uh in the console left in there which is kind of funny so let's try out ratchet and clank first all right so we got ratchet and clank p playstation hit pull it in there and hopefully it'll load up it's probably gonna tell me i need an update but hopefully it'll boot up without the update and we'll see i'm not sure if i'm actually going to boot up these games i might just see if they pop up like this make sure it actually can read them um because otherwise it's gonna i'm gonna be sitting here for ages trying to trying to get these lames to install well maybe not that was really quick i expected it to take a lot longer than that but yeah that's pretty quick i guess we'll go ahead and boot it up and see if it works all right guys so as you can see it did load up and it's now loading up a game but i mean i'm not going to test much further than that i'm just going to test to make sure it works i'm going to close it and we'll try the next game ps4 doesn't sound too terribly loud yet i'm sure if i played a game for a while it would get pretty loud because that's just like the ps4 signature all right so next up we have god of war and the funny thing is i actually just started playing god of war on my ps5 because it's in the ps plus collection pretty fun game i'm only about an hour into it but it's a it's a fun game and i'm hoping this game works because it did have some smudges and stuff on the disk there we go all right so hopefully this thing will install real quick and we can boot it up all right guys so this one's taking a lot longer i was a little bit concerned at first because it wasn't the disc wasn't even spinning or anything but it does look like it's installing a little bit now i guess this game just has to install more before you can actually play it unfortunately um so we'll go ahead and wait until it's finished installing and we'll see if it works all right guys so it took like 10 or 15 minutes but it finally finished installing let's go ahead and turn it on and make sure it works so it's making me adjust my hdr but i don't really want to do that right now so let's press next alright guys so it did boot up and it looks like it's loading up just fine i just played this interest scene like a week ago so um i do recall it i'm pretty sure he just smacks the tree with a hammer or not with a hammer it's an axe why am i saying a hammer but yeah it does look like the game is working let's go ahead and go back to the menu and we'll try the next game so next game is the last of us remastered so let's go ahead and see if it works all right so we got the last of us remastered for the ps4 let's go ahead and slide it in the disk slot and see if it loads up hopefully this game does not take as long to install as god of war because um don't want to sit around and wait for it there it is so it pops up and let's see how fast it installs and it looks like this one was really quick it was like two seconds i think it might even even been faster than uh ratchet and clank let's go ahead and see if it loads up and i'll show you guys when it finishes all right guys so it just it popped up with this loading percentage in the bottom right hand corner so it doesn't look like it's working it's just kind of got a load so it it kind of tricked me it did that install real quick but then it actually still has to load until it gets to 100 um even though we already booted up the game all right guys so loaded up didn't take too long um you know it's been up forever since i played this game but it's such a good game if you guys have not played this game go ahead and pick it up it's i'm pretty sure you can get it online for like five bucks nowadays so definitely pick this game up if you haven't played it yet and let's try out our last game which is uncharted 4 a thief's end all right guys so here we are got uncharted 4 for the ps4 i'm going to put that in uncharted 4 is another game that you got to buy if you haven't played it yet such a good game actually all the uncharted games really good you can actually get the the uncharted collection for the ps4 that's one two and three all in one i'm pretty sure it's it's pretty cheap nowadays so so definitely pick it up if you haven't played it already and this is another one that copied really quickly hopefully it doesn't trick me again and do it like a loading bar on the home screen but we'll see all right guys so this one loaded up pretty quick no loading bar or anything and it's pretty interesting how naughty dog likes to do the same thing on other games they pull up like a really nice looking scene and say press any button and then it pulls up this uh but yeah looks like it's working fine again if you guys haven't played this game definitely pick it up i'm sure you can get it pretty cheap nowadays i know there's been a sales for like five dollars in the past so yeah as you guys saw all the games worked which is really good really good to see um not always a guarantee with gamestop and my ps4 is actually going crazy now it's finally starting to turn into like a jet engine um i guess it's because it's playing uncharted 4. must be a pretty intensive game even though it's just sitting on the home screen right now but the uh the fan speed is definitely picking up um but yeah interesting all right guys so just a quick recap again i bought this from gamestop refurbished ps4 console it's not the slam not the pro just the original one and of course they use sandpaper on it scratched all up just like gamestop likes to do and it also came with this cool looking controller i guess it's teal and purple i think is what i decided and it also came with four four games uncharted 4 the last of us god of war and ratchet and clank and that's because it was gamestop's essential uh blast from the past bundle so it cost a little bit more than just a regular ps4 um because it came with some games and like i said earlier i paid like 321 dollars i believe which is pretty steep for a ps4 especially when you when you think about it the ps4 came out for four hundred dollars um almost eight years ago now and i'm now buying a ps4 eight years later with four games for only 100 bucks less kind of crazy but it is what it is and yeah ps4 seems to work fine the games work fine my main disappointment is that it's all scratched up but you know at this point i expect that from gamestop so thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to subscribe button and also make sure to hit the join button down below if you want to help out the channel monetarily helps me buy more stuff like this for you guys so we can unbox it and try it out on the channel and yeah thanks for watching guys and have a great day
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 178,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps4 from gamestop, gamestop, should i buy a console from gamestop, best console from gamestop, ps4 vs xbox one, xbox one vs ps4, ps4 vs xbox, xbox vs ps4, gamestop refurbished, used vs refurbished ps4, should i buy a ps4 from gamestop, should i buy an xbox from gamestop, should i buy a refurbished console from gamestop, jrob gaming, should i buy a used console from gamestop, jacob r, jrob0021, unboxing, gamestop refurbished ps4, gamestop blast from the past
Id: _idS8k20Wwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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