I Bought a "Refurbished" NES From Lukie Games - Here's What They Sent

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over the past few years I've been on a quest to find the best companies to purchase refurbished products from and also which ones aren't so good I bought a supposedly refurbished and yes from DK oldies and honestly I wasn't that impressed so I decided to try Lukey games to see what their refurbished NES consoles look like if you haven't seen my video about the DK oldies refurbished NES I'll put a link for that video at the end of this video so you can go check it out so I paid 234 dollars for all of this stuff which I feel like really isn't too bad of a deal as long as it's what they say it is overall I generally don't have a problem with the price these companies are charging as long as they're honest with what they're listing it at and they send out exactly what you buy different people value things differently depending on their experiences and what they're looking for so as long as they're advertising things honestly I don't really have a problem with the price even if the price to me seems a little bit high that all being said let's start by taking a look at this game and see if it was opened and if they did any cleaning on the pins after that we'll plug the game into the NES and see if the NES even works normally I just put this thing in and test it out but if the game's dirty I don't want to necessarily put it into the NES so I want to check this game first and make sure the pins are nice and clean the these actually look I wonder if these are brand new screws I wouldn't think they'd go through all the trouble putting brand new screws in but you never know okay what do we got um I mean the pins definitely haven't been cleaned it doesn't look like but they also don't look as dirty as I do see some I'm gonna go ahead and get these clean just to make sure that this cartridge is clean for testing in the NES now in order to clean this I'm just going to be using a little bit of deoxite d100l and some magic eraser depending on who you talk to this is a horrible way to clean it or a great way to clean it but I know for me I've used it a number of times before and it works really good Magic Eraser is a little bit abrasive so it can wear off some of the coating on these pens so you just want to use it sparingly if you have to use it now I've seen a lot of people commenting that when you use the oxid you can actually just leave it on and that will help keep the pins clean on both the game cartridge and the console so what I'm going to do is clean all this off right now because that does have residue from the uh Magic Eraser I'm gonna get that all that off and then we will add a little bit of deoxite back on the pins and hopefully that will keep these clean long term and also hopefully clean up the pins on the inside of the console which I'll be looking at that in a minute to see how those pins look okay that's pretty good for that side now let's do the other side okay now that that's done I'm just going to add a tiny bit of deoxite right there right there and we're going to take my finger and just rub it on the pins this gives it a little bit of coating I hope this is what you're supposed to do I've never done this before so okay there we go let's get it back in and then we'll take a look at the NES console itself and the outside of this looks honestly pretty good got a little bit of discoloration going on down here not sure what oh that kind of just comes off I feel like maybe that's uh maybe they put put some cleaner on this yeah they must use some sort of cleaner on it because it's just rubbing off just with my fingers granted my fingers have a little bit of that deoxy left over um but other than that we do have an original looking game cover which is cool yeah and we got some more of this marking on it which I mean kind of bugs me but honestly at least this tells me they probably at least did something so I would much rather know that they actually did something like they tried to clean it even if there's a little bit of residue left behind I don't actually mind that okay this looks pretty good yeah I don't I don't see any issues here so far this is looking pretty good let's get it plugged in and start it up and see if it works and if it plays this game we just cleaned let's put the game in see how hard it is to push in ah it's kind of hard not too bad okay is it gonna power on [Music] fan gray screen let's do a reset okay so far it's not playing but let's see if we push it back in again push it down let's see what happens okay here we go that's good news I'm going to connect this controller see if the controller works for the game and then we'll open up the controller and see what the inside looks like the outside I mean it looks like it has been cleaned it is discolored a decent amount which I mean isn't the best but it's also not the worst let's see if it works though oh I got something rattling around on the inside okay and it does work so far okay so far the controller is working fine it does have something rattle around in there though so let's take it apart and see what it is you just got six Phillips screws on the back and that's all it takes to get into this one oh what do we have here so we got a major problem on this screw I bet that's what's rattling around in there okay and the back comes off yep that is what's rattling around at a little locating pin in there go right there and then this piece right here is just uh broken off from the bottom case let's have a look at the rest of this see what it looks like check these button pads that's a great way to tell how dirty things are in here okay so not too bad they've definitely not been cleaned but overall they're not in too bad a condition um there is some sort of like I don't know something on here so I am going to clean it off because I've already got it opened up I might as well I'm not sure what that would be maybe just a little bit of flux or something overall though not really too bad I'm just going to give these button pads a quick cleaning let's check the buttons real quick I forgot to do that yeah not bad not bad at all so now I'm going to get this one back together let's take a look at the other one oh and to get this screw post off I'm going to hold one side with pliers while I remove this screw with my Screwdriver from the other side just like that oh just like you just ruined my scene you stupid screw just like that now if I decide I want to fix this I can super glue this piece down to this piece and then hopefully that will last a long time okay I can't do all this taking it apart I can't just put it back together with this piece being broken off so let's go ahead and just fix this up real quick that's not how it goes like this and that's going to take a while to dry so I'm just going to set this one aside and we'll take a look at the other controller now now the second controller is definitely in pretty good condition nothing rattling around in this one let's open it up and see what it looks like inside and here's the inside and this one the board looks pretty good got a little bit of Gunk on the back of this button Pad but really actually pretty clean overall yeah a little bit of dirt but not bad at all so this one's in pretty good condition I'm just going to give this a quick cleaning then what we've all been waiting for I'm going to open up this console and see if it was refurbished and see if I can figure out what exactly they did and just as I say that I found something else interesting if you look in the light here you can actually see where it looks like something has kind of been like wiped along here so I think maybe somebody I don't know if it was Lukie Games but it seems like maybe somebody actually wiped this board off which honestly that's pretty impressive based on some of the other refurbished items that I've bought in the past okay now I'll open up the console and see what it looks like on the inside okay we're not missing anything so far and the inside of the top case we've got a little bit of I I feel like maybe that's like cleaner overspray or something we look right down in the corner here it looks like you can see where somebody wiped this off maybe so I think we might have one that somebody actually wiped out the inside I can't say for sure though I'm not totally 100 sure on that okay it does look like we have all the parts inside so the metal shield is here all the screws are here so that's all good so far let's take this metal shield off and get down to the 72 pin so this screw is actually not screwed down all the way that's interesting I'm not sure why it wouldn't be but not a big deal like it still works fine and everything it's just kind of weird that it's not screwed down all the way okay and now this top plate should be able to come off and it can now if we look right here we can see where it looks like somebody has sprayed something in here to clean this off which I mean that's fine at least it shows that actually clean something that's good now let's get these six screws out so we can check out the 72 pin one thing I don't like is these screws this screw and the one on the other side it's totally stripped out so you can't actually tighten them down that's not like a huge deal but at the same time it's just it's it does kind of bug me I don't like it if you can't screw it all the way down and you can see on this screw right here where it has kind of taken out the threads along with the screw and sort of same on this one and now we can get to the 72 pin and remove it maybe from the board that is tight I mean that's mostly good that means it should be a nice connection on there okay and here we go I'm gonna get my pick and test the strength of these and see if they feel like they're as strong as the original also just as a note the lockout chip on this NES is fully intact it has not been disabled okay and just check these with my pick I mean these feel decently strong I feel like they don't really feel as strong as like the original I don't think but they definitely feel stronger than some of the others that I've seen that are definitely not original they do seem to bend up fairly easily but I think this is probably one of the better quality reproductions I mean I think I I can't say for sure and while I have this apart I'm just going to bend all these up these actually are pretty easy to bend honestly I prefer just the original 72 pin unless there's some major issue with it it did work when we started it up and put a game in it so the same time I guess I can't really complain too much this one doesn't really have any markings other than made in Taiwan on it and I mean I feel like it has a different manufacturing process or a newer one than the original so I mean you can see where this part of the plastic has not been trimmed off right there and then the same thing right here so I'm pretty sure this is a reproduction and generally speaking the reproductions just aren't as good or as strong as the originals but like I said this one at least did work when I started it up so that's better than some other refurbished consoles that we've taken a look at in the past let's get this 72 pin back on I do want to test it with one more game I'm gonna use the game that I got in the DK oldies refurbished NES bundle that I cleaned very carefully so I used that game since I know it's clean and we'll test it one more time after I get it back together so here you can see the issue that they were having with the screws the screws I'm not sure what happened if they got them misthreaded or what but something happened so they're just kind of like pulling out the threads you can see right here the threads are oh actually look at this right there that looks like it's from over tightening of the screws because if you tighten it too much it'll just kind of like pull the threads right out so that's probably what happened there there and the rest of these mostly look okay but you can see down in here we've got some thread shavings down here so if they would just not tighten these so much then that would take care of that issue right there but overall that's one of the only issues I see with this so not too bad but it's such an easy thing to just not tighten the screws down so much so maybe a little nitpicky but easy fix though too the inside of the bottom case under the board it's a little dirty has a little bit of debris in here I don't know what that even is or that looks like uh maybe no not Cheeto dusk something so I mean there's a few a few little spots of dirt but I mean I would expect that I don't see any problem with that at all now with all the screws in and this top metal plate on we can get the top back on put the screws in and then start it up also I do want to mention how cool it is that Lukey games did send an original zapper gun this thing just feels better and looks better than any of the aftermarket ones out there so I definitely appreciate that this is a nice looking zapper gun and as a side note these don't work on flat screen TVs they only work on the old style CRT TVs so don't buy one of these from any of your refurbished shops expecting that it's going to work on your brand new fancy TV because it will not now let's get Super Mario 3 installed and see if it's gonna work and here we go let's see if it's going to turn on and it does and there we go if you like this type of video you'll probably want to watch the video where I bought a refurbished NES from DK oldies I'll put that video up on your screen now so you can come hang out with me over there and see the condition of that refurbished NES thanks again for watching today and I hope you have a good one ah glad I'm done filming this this is going to be a good afternoon ah come here mushroom
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 264,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tronicsfix, lukie games, dk oldies
Id: oikGxw3VAYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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