I bought a BRAND NEW 2023 Honda Civic Type R! (Kind of) - CTR Episode 1

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I just bought a brand new 2023 Honda Civic typ R okay well maybe it's not brand [Music] new there's a few things that all car enthusiasts can agree on burn down all squatted trucks don't buy cars from Pennsylvania and the Honda Civic Type R is a good car I've got to say I absolutely love this car I can get behind this car it Tes brilliant Perfection the only thing that the real Racers complain about is it's still a front-wheel drive car it is not a rear wheeel drive drift so I obviously have a traction disadvantage front-wheel drive sure it's front-wheel drive but that's really the only thing that people have to complain about this car but once they actually drive it they all seem to forget because it's such a good car that is of course except for the price if you pay $5,000 markup I would call that a win if you paid anything under 10k on markup I think you got a great deal with this car a lot of the dealerships have a 20K 15K Mark right now $882,000 $882,000 they are driving it around putting 100 km200 km 300 km on the car then listing it as used and then putting the price to $80,900 these cars are supposed to be $45,000 not $60,000 nobody wants to pay pay $60,000 for a Honda Civic even a year later they're still hard to find without a markup you can find them used for about $50,000 they really hold their value because they're really good cars but I'm not going to pay that amount for a Honda Civic even if it is one of the best cars that you can get it's just out of my price range I legitimately can't afford it which is why I've bought this this I can afford thanks to our partnership with Continental Tire we'll see if we can get it rolling again [Music] thank you to Continental Tire for sponsoring this series of what may very well be my favorite car of all time I run Continental Tire on most of my cars whether it's for Street driving or track driving and we have some big plans for the Civic Type R we're going to be using the Continental extreme contact sport O2 for our street driving and it's also the ultimate rain tire we're going to be running a second set of tires the 200 treadwear extreme contact force these tires are actually made by hooer I am so excited to get started on this project so I can put these tires to use click the link in the description below to get yourself a set of these Continental tires for yourself aash has been detected last year at a grid life event this car wrecked into a wall at njmp to be fair this happens a lot at njmp at that particular Corner we actually got a shot of a a fit wrecking at the same exact spot moments before this type bar wrecked there I've had my fair share of sliding moments on that corner as well it's a tricky corner I also know that wrecking into a tire wall is probably the best way to wreck your car into a wall if you're going to wreck your car into a wall because the tires absorb a lot of the impact so it makes the damage look really bad but it's actually not that bad it's mostly superficial and not structural how do you know Ben have you wrecked into a tire wall it's okay uh I got this car for a really good deal talked with the owner at the time that it happened and he you know worked out a deal with his insurance and everything and they did officially total the car so it is a salvage car took about 6 months to actually get everything kind of ironed out and figured out but got a really good deal on the car so I can actually have an opportunity to own one we just have to fix it so now let's let's get it over to the lift take a look underneath and see what things look [Music] like these are all of the warning lights that the type R now suffers from and it's amazing that despite all these it still runs and drives I'd probably fit in really well at a Volkswagen Meetup but this is a Honda we demand nothing but Perfection I want this car to be my daily driver so before anything else we need to get this car on the lift and check everything over mechanically to know what we're dealing with oh whoops I'm touching the side skirt there's nothing I can do about it sorry although the car did only hit a tire barrier it hit pretty hard and there's no telling what damage there may be so we have to check every nook and cranny dang that's why we got all these uh warning lights on the dash well this is one warning light we still got a few more we got to figure out most importantly if you come on underneath the car this pinch weld perfectly straight pin straight rocker panel untouched the side skirt obviously was touched but it just pulled out of the rocker panel and the rocker panel is there's not literally no bends anywhere in this the only Bend is right here do see this right here in the intercooler now it doesn't look like it's punctured all the way through we just probably just have to replace the whole thing with a pwr intercooler pwr you kidding me with the quality of this product I mean I mean that'd be a good idea just for safety we should we should upgrade it to a pwr yeah oh there's another dent right back here so so I mean she's toast I might be able to fix this right now here we go there we go I fixed it it's no longer a Type R cuz this is where it would normally say Type R so what does the r stand for how would people know that it's a race car everybody knows that type R stands for type race car this R actually stands for something and what it stands for is racing this thing is made for racing it's an aluminum subframe hope that didn't crack it's a little bit I think the Tire the tire is what's loping more more than the wheel is here the trailing arm I can see it wiggle how do we know if that's straight or not we we need a straight edge but it's not even a straight stamped piece I don't I don't know what's going on with this back here but it's definitely off the front Mark is tow in by an extreme amount but it's at least one in tow in on the front I think we can align this back if anything bent it might be the out tie rod on this this side here hey Ben does this look like movement happened I'm measuring from the trailing arm to the tire that should that would remain constant I think it's fine back here I think it looks toe in because the front is toe out but the subframe is okay right looks I mean it it doesn't look bad the diffuser the factory OEM diffuse it okay it's not functioning perfectly on this side it's crazy how all of this can happen in an instant you hit the wall in a split second all of the stuff shifts like it's just crazy to think about I kind of want to get started more so on the body panels you want to take panels off yeah cuz I I'd like to get Steve out here as quick as possible okay so that we can um get him to measure see if there's any anything wrong with the front end so we got to take Hood this front panel of what's left of it off I think we should remove the fender I I mean we might be able to save it pull it back here let's check dude it's almost perfectly straight just kind of flare it out a little bit we can fit some wider tires in here yeah there we go oh we don't have hood struts no what in the 1993 is this is this core support bent at all do you think that that's why I want to get all this stuff off as soon as possible where is the proper tool for that I don't know it's been lost for some time it's kind of odd to work on a car that's already half broken cuz you don't actually know the sequence of events it's like I think the grill was probably supposed to come out first [Music] oh don't break it yeah right I don't want to break this oh yeah it's looking better already so here's another fun fact about Type R the fk8 type R has some overheating issues on track um so for the fl5 they improve the air flow design through the bumper which you can tell maybe that's also why the front grill is kind of funky um and kind of large cuz it adds more air flow to the radiator which the radiator has also been upsized for the fl5 so it's a bigger radiator than the fk8 and we have more air flow coming in through here kind of like a little vmount setup cuz the air goes up and through the hood it's pretty neat so yeah it looks like your housing is correct just a little bit oh it might be savable but I don't know that stinks that's so this is an airbag sensor this will detect if there's a collision on the corner and if there is a collision it will deploy the airbag it works just going to go ahead and unplug this which is a fancy plug cuz you're not supposed to unplug them cuz it's an airbag sensor but [Laughter] I didn't unplug it I ripped it apart break the sensor you already broke it wait a minute wait a minute huh cuz the sensor is broken it's just it's just all coming apart in pieces that's also supposed to come out um I I thought maybe maybe that is just how it's supposed to be [Applause] [Music] it is that is not that bracket was not meant to bend it did not want to do that this bracket was never meant to bend [Music] either yeah we could definitely reuse this definitely there's no question well it's close to being out thank goodness all of these tabs broke mon truth be careful not to break this thing these headlights are expensive there we go Tada oh buy people complain about modern cars and how many electronics and stuff there are one plug for the whole headlight look at that you see that right there hondata yes sir we have a hondata ECU which means we can tune it hondata ECU already one step ahead we're going to want that later anyway so that's awesome okay with the headlight out we can see the front core support structure a lot better clearly not touched also look at how beefy this is like that is insane the significance of the ax accident too you you would you would think it would be like severely damaged yeah I mean to Total a car you would think it'd be damaged but like the worst damage is this is bent a little bit but I could bent that back with a freaking wrench that's just that's just an outer bracket yes just like that problem solved now let it go yeah perfect say yeah you better you better hold it on your side all these bolts come out so easily [Music] I don't think it's going to fall it's just bending weird on the screw oh got it she's [Music] off now that the garnish is off the side you can see perfectly straight frame ril I mean even this is cosmetically okay little scratches here we might want to do some touch-up so that doesn't rust but like that's straight we see maybe a little there let's get this rear door open see what it looks like up up there but I mean dude I think this thing is perfect yeah this rear quarter is the only thing that's going to be actually bad has this door ever been opened I have not ever opened this door I don't have a door handle to use this is this is the spot that we're most concerned about cuz like if this isn't Square which it's clearly not but this hey it opens now hold on stay in there wait you want me to stay hey look I found some of your GR oh I got some girl in the back seat huh here stay in there let me see if it closes again buddy brand new Next on the list of items to inspect are the doors which require removing them [Music] completely how heavy is it it is pretty heavy I'm I guess I'm coming out that way okay stop hey you're scratching the door shut up obviously tail light's bad but the fact that there's a anle in here has me a little nervous put a little black tape on it you don't never even know should we remove the next door I think we should remove the last and final door last bolt last [Music] bolt [Music] nice this this is gross this is bad this is not [Music] good Tada I would venture to say that's my Lane keep assess blind spot monitoring sensor it looks a little broken hey it does appear to be broken yes the problem is we got to get this radar sensor to sit at exactly where it wants to be so we have to get the new bracket cuz we can't just bend this back I mean it's broken anyway this spot which you can see tire tread on uh is obviously the only thing that's not bolt on when you Whittle it down the actual damage to this car just that exterior damage under control I set Mark into the depths of the Civic to tackle the airbag removal so we kind of got a plan of attack I know I can get to these back screws here got plenty of room room I'm going to go ahead and take off uh these to see if uh I can get a little bit of extra room without taking the headliner off if I can't and I'm going to have to take the whole headliner out man this sucks I don't know I'll pull that other one off see if I can get a little bit more space we're starting to get some clarity [Music] here well lost my [Music] flashlight see do I have a is there a 10 mil back there have you seen the 10 mil I actually do need the 10 mil stop [Music] filming come on yay got it that was close [Music] why is this not coming out so coming out the trunk because I'm trying to keep all the Plastics and except for that one obviously keep all the Plastics you know as new as I can without scratching them it was a little bit more difficult to just try and get it out the door we need to take this out because we need to replace obviously the airbag hopefully we can restitch this now I need to start looking at the replacement airbags for for all this stuff okay well we have reached a part where the car is obviously very stripped down completely stripped down we we have a good core Chassy shell to start with with the exception of this spot right here this is the only thing that is not bolt-on it's pretty cool that modern cars you can basically take everything off as a bolt on except for you know the SE pillars and stuff and the rear quarter we've got to take a deeper look at this I have an expert a buddy that I'm going to call who's in the industry um he's got a body shop and we've we've used him before for a lot of painting stuff this I feel like is a bit more involved um so we're going to call him up have him come by he's going to take a look at this and tell us how much trouble we're in and hopefully it is not very much my name is Steve owner Choice collision and we're here to see how bad the the typ r is is if the frame's off the unibody is good or bad we're getting ready to find out I got this side and let's see if it looks the same as the other side we have symmetry that way but that doesn't mean we're out of the woods [Music] yet okay yeah there's definitely a difference this this pin should be touching right here but again we have still brackets and things that are bent if we have sway that means this front end here needs to be pulled this way the next St is hit the frame machine and probably do a little bit of tugging and all we're searching for is a/ inch but a/ inch will make a huge difference thanks again to Continental Tire for sponsoring this series click the link in the description below to get yourself a set of tires
Channel: Gears and Gasoline
Views: 531,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honda, Civic, FL5, Type R, wrecked, salvage, rebuild, gears and gasoline
Id: rnYfyoCkCHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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