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hey guys I'm Adam molesey this is my evil five this is my pride and joy all right if I die I want to be buried in my evo five you're new to the channel I have to add a quick disclaimer the moustache 100% a joke please don't be bothered by it please don't comment what is it on his face the joke supposed to bring smiles to let us take children all over the world it's a joke okay it's a joke all right now to my regular folk here on the channel please be mindful if you just put two together by the intro there's a chance we might have some new people on the channel in today's video so please be nice to them in the comment section if they don't understand some of our inside jokes because there's a lot of them maybe you help them understand how stupid we are but I forgot the most exciting part of all is that today we're going to get a Supra I tend to make these videos and like super hyped it up and I put I'll pipe it up and then end up giving away the title of the thumbnail anyway so I might as well come out and say it I'm talking a little bit about it before I get it right now I'm go to the bank to get a cashier's check and we're driving to New Jersey they're one of the first places that I was able to find it was willing to sell me one at MSRP and didn't want a bunch over sticker so right now we're doing that so hey the last time I went to New Jersey to get car was actually for my 335 like four or five years ago with Jimmy Oakes we took my dad's Prelude down picked up the 335 off a private seller and drove it back so New Jersey where turbo BMWs are bought get it when you're at the bank dealing with a very large sum of money and all of a sudden your phone starts playing I set my friends on fire the bank tellers are gonna give you a funny look let me tell you so technically I've never even driven the new Supra let alone seen it in person I'm pretty excited I think it'll be interesting to kind of hearing how I feel about it considering a daily a ninety-eight Mitsubishi Evolution which i think is questionably one of the most raw feeling Japanese sports cars kind of of the era you can argue and say maybe a thirty two GTR would be a little more raw but I honestly think the Evo is just a little bit lighter and less planted feeling and the rawness the reach of GTRs feel a lot more planted so I don't feel as raw they feel or motion just because they are a little bit heavier we're at like 2,800 pounds in this thing I make four engine wheels so it's fun all right so we are at Tommy shop real quick Tommy what are we doing no no like where we go I've already said what we're doing so it's kind of relevant you don't need to say anything but I'll tell you what we're doing we're about to buy the most controversial car of 2019 so I already I already said what it was in the title and of the video earlier I think it's funny how long have you been telling me to get one of these since the day I told you I wanted to ask you to buy him this has been going over like three weeks have anything Adam bar they're super Adam but this is Adam by the Supra with this idea to buy one yeah so Tommy was like he wanted me to get one for myself cuz he wanted to drive himself and I was just super resisting an idea and then just something clicked in the shower and and now I was like hey and I was like hey Tommy you have a great idea I think I'm gonna get a Supra talked to you with seven feet tall dude look what it is following us right now literally it was the car that was my dream that thing is me before I got my 335 it's like my dream melanoma in a second blue you guys excited today disease rip it god they're so pretty that caller like mom's yeah like in person it looks so much cooler than it doesn't photos is that smile big enough dummy let me interrupt you five minutes away we're almost I'm so excited to what what I need stop trying to control my video like everything else in your life let me let me be excited so check out that rav4 so anyway no no that was going listen ah okay I really enjoy driving around my old Japanese cars and my right hand drive stuff I'm excited to drive around a new car alright so listen get excited as excited as I am that's it I was literally trying to film what about how excited I was and you cut me off as excited as I am you aren't excited you are an old man that never loves in a van for you because I'm not excited whoa tyro two hours in the back of a van you see he's sharing my excitement building he's sharing my excitement we're about to get a Supra can we talk about that I've never known to sit around have I driven by George ever super what you do thank you goodbye exactly I was like goodbye I'll wait for the new one guys look how much I'm shaking you're shaking - it's because of the coffee yeah so we're coming out here friend of mine you guys know Brett he has good relations with a lot of dealers around here so he was able to get in touch and find the super and a color that I wanted at MSR peace that's why we're driving out here I knew a couple in Florida for sale but the problem is if I got one in Florida wouldn't be able to have fun with it and mess around with it up here there's no roads are driving Florida that are cool and by that he means he wants to drive it true that it is that it super is that uh so bro I see a Mustang - hey that's one of TJ's giving away if we drive two hours Adam has to go to the bathroom instead of looking at his new car I would have weighed it tight here for a new what what vehicles is hey we're building one of these just from 1996 though the end of those is what Adam looks like when he's not excited about getting a new car he's so stoked they took yeah I think so too they know you're here for they saw me they something they saw a camera that's what I think jeez they really got this thing in the lot in the back of the lot here check out that look at these two it's like a match made in heaven wish at him at his cargo pants on don't you yeah her zip off I thought this would be a good video but we're walking like a half a mile he can't believe he's meeting you know chill chill you just gave it away okay you sure you don't want that lime green Jeep shooting one that lime beam Jeep dude they got this thing in the lock up the vault oh hell yeah is this your personal garage oh yeah yeah the New York Auto Show have you what do you think tiny smells weird in here smells like a new Supra yeah that's the best angle it's kind of hard we're in the dungeon here oh the cameras got it pull it out into the light I'm gonna go I mean you kind of own it you hit this man oh he's got it you're very close it's quiet but sounds good we're too close Oh kind of done in there won't you put launch control on I think I like the little side diffuser thing that's rad I didn't notice that what's on the window oh that's monk from the dungeon I think mung bean bean look at the headlights are sick Scott what the van is making me a little unconscious driving around for 10 minutes it's nice inside hell ya know like there's a lot of leather like it feels like nice leather you know what I mean I know what you mean it's BMW no no but I I kind of expected it to like do you like cheap on the inside you it's got a decent-sized trunk to put your bike in it that's true and a joke I might be able to make it fit I can't wait to you do some cool stuff with this and then let me drive it yeah you see rages - you don't - deal with that honestly like this thing better not bolted issues it's funny because I could see how stoked you are now but for the last week when I've been trying to talk you into getting reality doesn't set in until like it I'm actually like in it in it this is so blue tooth I bet the speaker's apple carplay carbon fiber things really know I'm you sound like it when I have carbon fiber on a car using it's because a previous owner like wrapped it and somebody put a sticker on it dang this thing is red better person the Reds like a little bit less metallic and I thought like it's red it is red do some paperwork and get the hell out of New Jersey we only dealing are we yo don't you all that dude got a check number on it - we're filming your excitement I kind of want to get real-time he doesn't even know it's done finally dude ready to go get some pizza you know I do he's excited that's good she's good when you buy a beer it's good when you buy a $60,000 car and get excited whatever you guys knew what I meant right Wow you looked embarrasing on your own vlog don't edit that out this truck is pretty sick you sure you want to leave with to trade the van trade the van oh here we go Elzy what's what should we calm ms/ms Scelzi came here yesterday put a $500 deposit that I'm not gonna pay him back found this car it's coming it's coming so Brett actually convinced me to buy the Mustang too if you guys remember I was like throwing that out that was that was all Brett these two right here bad influences we make him buy everything how much money combined have we got him to spend I bet give this guy a month and he'll have one I bet give me a year I guarantee you'll have one broke the tie bars so yeah he just got a tie bar already told it cheese here's a guy that crashed rednecks car when he's sleeping will he will guide oh breathing TJ hunted with a secret another corner he do that there it laughs yeah you just did that while you're super came around the corner you were dabbing like TJ did that thing looks good oh my goodness it is little make it make it pop Bob this thing sounds kind of cool doesn't sound bad I feel so uncomfortable I have no idea how to like put it in gear anything I'm just gonna follow you let's go get pizza I think I'm in Drive I was too impatient to be walked through on how everything worked so we're just gonna go with the flow yeah so I've never been in one of these I have no idea what to really expect I have so much I want to tell you guys about it because I still haven't really gone into much detail I want to bore you guys but um I'm excited okay so confirm not like the Porsche or you can pull both bottles and put it in neutral it doesn't make lots of cool noises I'm excited like it's like getting like a new Xbox on Christmas and like playing with all the options and stuff like I haven't looked at anything I have no idea I don't watched like any reviews nothing about the super really so this is all just just going with it I guess I've got the little farts idiot crashing system plug right on turn it on the showroom floor Nicolette you break boost that's my first impression with like Toronto response and stuff as always like new cars a big complaint of mine is that kind of feels muddied down I would say the response isn't very bad definitely not nearly as bad as 1992 kind of a little weird visibility for parking it's got parking sensors in the front that's sick my question doesn't even have that all right play one of the worst of you guys ever probably one of the worst reviews you guys have ever seen because I'm sure you guys already know ten times more about this car than I do not that this is a review I'm trying to be as honest as I can and I thought they would be cooler to not know anything about it first before I start like delving into it okay so we just got pizza had some time to think about the car I will say first impressions what it feels most like would be the m2 which I guess kind of makes sense but it being a little bit smaller of a car feeling a little bit like a BMW just in the sense that it's really the only newer cars that I've driven that would be like in this realm and like the way that the power is delivered and stuff but uh I'm gonna play with it on the way home and get a little bit better feel from it and I'll let you guys know as I kind of learn in the car a little bit more I didn't even know that this was a touchscreen and I'm honestly pretty hyped now [Applause] I just need to get comfortable with it right now it's like gonna feel like a fish out of water and I'm in an area they're not familiar with so I think I'm just gonna chill with the film and touch base first and only complaint that I have so far the roof line is really low in this car and I'm taller so to just see the light and I'm parked at normal distance I'm like I'm gonna do this like the cars got a windshield banner like moving her that'd be more like this or something I don't need like a low backs but it's got like a long nose of the car so it's kind of hard to see over so it works that you see I like seeing the lights kind of touch okay used to one thing I will say about this obviously I shouldn't be comparing this to things like Lamborghinis or other exotics but what I will say is there's a lot of newer cars I've hopped in and like the controls and where everything is is a very intuitive for this car like I've been able to figure everything out pretty easily and it's not like too bad like the windows and the paddles and it makes sense right so I played around with the brakes a little bit as you like you now would describe them as like school it down shoes for me I guess that's what a lot of my legs do they're touchy we're like they're sensitive they're not too sensitive where it's annoying but it has like decent pedal pressure it's really tough because a lot of the things that comparing this car to are my older Japanese cars because when I Drive all the time I'm not really someone that drives a lot of these newer cars so I can't really like base it off m2 or m3 or whatever would be in the realm of this a GTR I don't even know not that they're all in the same problem you know speakers are good it has the BMW style adjustable like air bolsters I'm assuming their hair which are really nice maybe like a skinny dude it makes the CT a lot sportier let's talk about me and wanting a Supra so I kind of have this thing the best way to explain it would change when something is cool or hip or relevant or in kind of like the Supra I'm like anti trendy so because ever it's so excited about it like odd it's not that cool not really that into it and then what happens is a few months down the road usually when things start to become uncool and start to lose their hype I'm starting to understand like oh wait that's kind of cool and I was kind of stupid for thinking that so this is me kind of going against how I would normally operate with something like this usually I'd want to be like the first person or would have wanted it all I'm really good friends with a lot of the people over at Italian and kind of some of the stuff that's brewing in the back end for these cars has been really excited about it as a platform or so then as a chassis so I want to kind of be on the forefront not of making it look the coolest or be the first one to bag it I know the TJ will have me beat on that I really really really wanna understand this engine more especially watching the video that Papa Doc has made was really really phenomenal and kind of gave me a little bit more respect for it as a platform and hearing what's kind of brewing right now for this engine has me very very excited so hopefully my goal is to be at 500 horsepower within the next week or two within the next month I want to be one of the first supers that makes 600 horsepower so I think it's very much doable got that radar detector for maybe being very interruptive to you guys so that's my goal with it and I'm sure there'll be a lot of other people doing it and stuff but whatever I think it's cool I think it'll be fun and I just really want to push it like I wouldn't be bad if I was the first person to blow of a super oh I think that would be sick although I'm sure someone's already blowing up I could be the first youtuber right I don't know I'm excited I want to learn more and you guys can learn more with me and I'm hoping some of you are the same boat as me we're like you haven't had the craziest amount of attention for this car like I wasn't really paying much attention to a lot of the stuff that people were making with it so hopefully a lot of stuff that I'm saying does the sound redundant but one other thing I'd like to make note of is that being inside this car the way that it drives away that it feels the build quality of the interior at least for my first impression resembles nothing of what I would expect from a Toyota so the areas were to me it matters most like it it feels like the price that it is like it doesn't feel like you're spending 60 grand for a Toyota and feels like a very very nice car inside coming from that dude that's used to driving around 90 Japanese cars my baby probably doesn't mean much all right guys let's do a little zero to sixty test I'm gonna try to brake booster just a tad I don't know if the cars gonna freak out if it's gonna let me [Music] all right since we were kind of rushed at the dealer not rush but I'm a little bit like vlog shy in front of dealers and stuff do a quick walk around and I'll talk about some stuff with a car kind of how I feel about it I think first off my least favorite thing about the super is the front end kind of looks a little bit like a clown shoe I just feel like there's not like enough body lines on the hood and that black spot on the front bumper kind of makes it look a little funky or something but I think like the aesthetic stuff I will be fixed down the road and again I'm getting this car more for the powerplant than because I think it's a prettiest thing in the world the hood it just kind of reminds me of like the hood of my mom's solstice the way that there's the line there and I don't know I don't feel the best about it these probably get paint matched wheels I hate polished in black so those will off to go brakes felt phenomenal on the drive back if you notice the car is not clean there's some like spots and stuff on it I told the dealers not to wash it I didn't want them putting scratches or swirls in it the paint actually looks pretty good like they haven't really messed it up too much trying to detail it or polish it but I'm walking around back I think this is my favorite angle the Supra the more like I see stuff come out of these they look so cool from the rear and it's pretty rad that they come from the factory on 275 s does that means we can probably fit maybe as wide as a 305 on there with all that clearance so should be good for putting down the power comes from the factory with I think pilot sport flores's or whatever mission calls and ps4 s's but uh no it's a cool little car kind of a little bit harder to see out of but I thought I'd never test drive one never drove one never talked to anyone the drove one I just decided to send it so here's my little clown shoe z4 hope you guys liked her quite obviously I've left a bit on the table with the new Supra in regards to content film and exhaust clips raging around with it and really getting to understand the car a little bit better on backroads and stuff I will say I don't think at least in my existence in my lifetime since 1995 there's ever been a car to come out that has had such an impact on all the shops and tuners it's crazy seeing BMW shops seeing super shops seeing general tuning shops all getting supras starting to toy with them trying to make power because this truly could become one of the next biggest platforms which is kind of funny since the engine has existed but just because it is got that super name and the history and everything behind it and all the hype I think that it's going to be something big and I'm excited to be part of it and to hopefully get some of the first power bits on this thing and make this thing super fast so anyway guys if you're excited please drop that thumbs up button I promise I won't be annoying and ask you all the time but it does make a big difference we're gonna have some fun we have joined the super race now tomorrow if you guys want to know what to expect we are hopefully fingers crossed if Kenny's around we're gonna take the r32 to the dyno we're gonna make 600 horsepower maybe we'll race it with a Supra which won't be fair but it'll be fun so anyway maybe we could throw this thing in the dyno - I know a lot of people have done it but I'm curious to see the consistency and how the dyno numbers that we round reads compared to a lot of other people's [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 785,567
Rating: 4.9122915 out of 5
Keywords: supra, a90, new, mod, exhaust, sound, build, challenge, highest, fastest, drift, drag, track, bmw, engine, teardown, turbo, tj hunt, review
Id: 8F0NO67qq5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
Reddit Comments

Low key wish it was purple, it’d be a dope flex since Nicole’s 240 fucked off

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jurekogorek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lmao that dig at Will, rip in peace.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheRealPeterG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well I had some tin foil on my head that he was butthurt about TJ and his views lately. Seems that was the case lol.

Either way I like the Supra and my boy LZ is gonna make it a beast and actually track it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mastaberg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

is it normal to pickup a car like that in such a weird spot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YellowSC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tommy is us if we were in charge of Adams vlog

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/saabbrendan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

$15k Larsen detail incoming.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/einbierbitte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He should go to that shop that's looking to do a manual conversion for it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miguel7395 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

For anyone new here... what you’re experiencing is the year of the flex

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SelfDutchOven πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not to sound too YouTube trendy, but I wouldn’t mind seeing what Adam would do with a C8 performance wise and how he’d spec it out if he were to order one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SailboatProductions πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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