I bought a $150 Gaming Monitor for the PS5!

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Hello everyone it's SpawnPoiint and today I'm  going to show you the difference between a $1000   gaming Monitor and one that literally costs just  $150 and this actually looks incredible now they   both work on the PS5 Xbox series X and PC and  will give us at least 120hz at 1440p so what's   the catch well I wanted to see if you need  to spend big money on a monitor or if you can   still get a great gaming experience spending a lot  less so whether you've got money burning a hole in   your pocket or you want something super cheap for  your setup hopefully today's video will show you   what you can get for your money any questions you  have just drop them below and I will try to answer   those for you so to keep it as Fair as possible I  wanted the specs to be pretty similar in what they   could offer obviously it wouldn't be identical at  this price point but close enough so we've got the   LG 27gr95qe a 27 inch OLED which I've personally  been using for about the last eight months and   the KOORUI I think that's how it's pronounced the  27E1QA which is also a 27 inch screen but it is a   VA LCD panel so both are 27 inches support 1440p  and 144hz in fact the LG does go up to 240 hertz   if you're on PC right let's start with the picture  quality so the fact that the LG is an OLED screen   means we're getting those self lighting pixels  perfect contrast and black levels as well as zero   light bleed this means playing any game during  the day or at night will look almost perfect   not to mention any Clarity and motion handling  on this is awesome you've only got to look at   some of these clips to see how impressive OLED is  it's worth mentioning that both of these screens   are 1440p and at this size there really is not  a need to go for 4K now the KOORUI is a VA a LCD   which means although we're not going to get the  perfect black levels like we see on an OLED the   black levels and contrast are pretty decent and  typically better than what we'd find on an IPS   panel viewing it straight on you can see how good  the contrast looks and surprisingly these colors   look great it's really only when going off center  do you notice the colors start to look a little   washed out now that is a trait of a VA panel but  watching it straight on as you would normally   do the colors and contrast on black levels are  really good now it does suffer a little from being   too dark in some areas like in the shadows but  tweaking the brightness in the dark Field Effect   in the settings does help sort that out and the  LG by comparison will let us view the image from   almost any angle as we don't lose any contrast or  image quality color and color accuracy is another   Point worth mentioning so they both have a DCI P3  color gamut rating the LG is 98.5 while the kurai   is just 90 now as for the brightness while both  of these are actually surprising the LG with the   latest update reaches around 200 nits in SDR and  around 6 to 700 in HDR while the KOORUI is 300   it's SDR and does not support HDR at all so  technically it's actually brighter in SDR which   is really noticeable when you have the two screens  side by side the budget monitor looks really good   here it makes the LG look incredibly dim so if  you were playing only in SDR or games that didn't   support HCR the budget monitor actually wins hands  down to make this comparison I'm using an HDMI   splitter which does support HDMI 2.0 and HDR but  as the monitor doesn't support HDR they are both   running at SDR instead but when you jump onto the  LG with HDR enabled this boosts the brightness by   nearly double that of the curi and it is really  noticeable now what about the speed and the   response of these two monitors well believe it  or not they both have a crazy fast response time   starting with the KOORUI this has a rated response  time of just one millisecond this is the time it   takes for a pixel to go from Gray to gray which  is an important measurement used for seeing how   fast and responsive a monitor is while the LG has  a response time of just 0.03 milliseconds to be   honest anything close to or under one millisecond  is fast enough so the kuroi is doing a great job   here and the LG well that's just flexing input  lag on the other hand varies depending on the   resolution and the frame rate that you're running  at the LG can hit anywhere from 2.9 milliseconds   up to 9.5 milliseconds when using either 240 hertz  or 60 hertz but at 120 hertz you'll see around 5.2   milliseconds but the fact they are both capable of  120 hertz it means playing games like Warzone or   Apex will be perfect on here the KOORUI varies  between three milliseconds and 16 milliseconds   and from the gaming that I've played on here over  the last week this monitor is fast enough at 120   hertz it no point have I felt like this monitor  is holding me back or feel slow in any way that's   included Warzone and Call of Duty where I normally  play on the LG so swapping over to the kurai   hasn't really made any difference to my gameplay  they both support freesync and the LG supports   g-sync as well so we are able to get that fluid  tear-free gaming experience the LG also supports   a vrr while the KOORUI doesn't that's because  the LG does come with HDMI 2.1 ports and that   allows the four 1440p 120 hertz and vrr that we  of course need on the PS5 what's also interesting   is the LG can accept a 4K input even though it's a  1440p screen it will then downscale that to 1440p   whereas the kurai will only accept a 1440p signal  now one thing I really wanted to test out was the   ghosting and I kind of expected it to be terrible  on such a budget screen but from my testing and   use I really have not noticed it at all I'm  not saying it's not there because of course   I'm running this at 120 hertz and not 144 but from  the general gaming that I've done I really have   not noticed it I then plugged in the Xbox wants to  see what features the monitor lacks and it's clear   that other than 1440p at 120 hertz and 60 hertz  it doesn't do anything else no HDR Dolby Vision   or 4K but we knew all of that already and wouldn't  expect it at this price now one of the reasons I   picked up this monitor is because it's cheap it  ticks all of the boxes for a fair comparison and   it's got a lot of positive reviews on Amazon but  there was one comment I saw mentioned quite a few   times and that's about it not being able to run  1440p at 120 hertz via HDMI well I can say this   monitor does work at 1440p and 120 hertz on the  PS5 as well as the Xbox series X you can also   see the resolution by pressing the menu button on  the Monitor and it confirms what we're getting the   same on the Xbox if you select the 1440p and  the 120hz setting it works and it stays that   way so what's crazy is we're getting a monitor  that supports both of these for just 150 dollars   now there are two HDMI ports on this and the  website suggests that one is HDMI 2.0 and the   other is HDMI 1.4 I've gone ahead and plugged the  PS5 into both ports around the same tests but I'm   getting the same results so either the website is  wrong or they have recently updated the monitors   to two HDMI 2.0 ports and forgot to tell anyone  for reference here's the serial number of mine   just in case it helps somebody else out in the  future when looking for a new monitor now although   the KOORUI is impressive for gaming the LG is on  a whole different level it just looks absolutely   incredible even though it's still a 1440p it's  a lot cleaner and has far more clarity without   looking over sharpened it also has vrr so games  will naturally run a lot smoother as it adapts   to the frame rate and the fact that both the  PlayStation 5 and the Xbox series X do support vrr   it's probably something that you would want from  a monitor as for the design well first impressions   are everything the LG as you would expect feels  premium it's heavy solid and has these practically   borderless bezels the overall profile is also  really thin but that's also with thanks to the   OLED panel that is using the overall design on  the back is nice too with the LED strips built in   then we have a button underneath it feels firm and  responsive but it also comes with a remote control   to access the menus the KOORUI on the other hand  feels like it's made from cheap plastic and feels   a lot lighter when moving it around and due to the  fact that it's an LCD is nowhere near as thin as   the LG but it does have some awesome thin bezels  around the edge of the screen in fact these are   thinner than some monitors that cost two to three  times this now the LG has quite a striking rear   design with the hexagon LEDs in the middle but  you know what the budget monitor looks alright too   it's minimal and clean and doesn't look tacky at  all the buttons across the bottom are flimsy and   are quite fiddly depressed to access the menu but  obviously at this price point you're not going to   be using premium materials and let's be honest  once you've set it up you're not really going   to care what it's made from as for the provided  stands where the LG offers a one-click solution   that simply slots into the back of the Monitor  and it gives you full control over how you want   to use it so not only does it move up and down but  it also pivots till and swivels left to right this   means we can adjust the monitor without having to  physically move the feet it's also sturdy and has   little to no Wobble the kurai also comes with  a stand and on First Impressions it looks very   similar to the LG it's got a one-click system that  attaches to the back of the monitor but as far as   stands go it is very limited you can tilt it but  there's no height adjustment or swivel function   at all personally I would always use a monitor arm  for your desk anyway as it will give you far more   movement and control over how you use it plus it  looks nicer and frees up some space this one is   the Magnus arm which I have linked to below and  it is compatible with both monitors as they are   vesa mountable as for the menus and controls  they both offer similar basic settings and   customization but the way they are displayed and  delivered are completely different firstly the LG   comes with a remote control to access the settings  you can use the joystick button underneath but the   remote is far easier and LG offers some of the  best menus out there for both their monitors   and their TVs so this game Optimizer mode shows  you some of your stats including whether vrr and   HDR is on their frame rate and swapping between  different picture profiles it's certainly a nice   user-friendly experience then there's the full  menu which you get full control over the picture   settings performance mode and loads more you can  even change the color of the LEDs on the rear now   the KOORUI does come with some great options too  including various picture settings such as FPS and   RTS modes I actually use the standard mode and  I've dropped the dark filled bright effect to   -5 and for me this is the best picture quality I  can get out of this and has improved the overall   contrast now it's worth talking about the viewing  angles and the reflections on these so they are   both matched rather than glossy so reflection  handling is decent like with any screen with   a matte finish you're going to get some glare  if you place it near a window or a light and I   wouldn't say either of these handle Reflections  or glare any worse or better than each other   which is saying something for the budget screen  but viewing angles are totally different the LG   with it being OLED is far easier and nicer  to view from the side as the contrasting   colors are not compromised at all whereas the  kurai begins to wash out as you move off center   viewing it straight on though is absolutely fine  and is really impressive and I can't really see   many people watching their monitors from the  side like this I also wanted to test out the   display port and use it for productivity so I've  hooked up my MacBook Pro using one of these USBC   to DisplayPort cables overall the OLED looks great  it's smooth and does register the monitors except   in their full frame rate and resolution now with  it being an OLED there's always a worry of burning   but with the inbuilt OLED care settings it's  really not of concern text is sharp although   there is some slight fringing which would make it  very hard for using on a daily basis then there's   the kuroi which actually looks really good as a  productivity monitor it's bright scrolling through   text is smooth and looking really closely the  fringing is better on this than on the OLED and of   course viewing it straight on again the colors and  vibrancy is really impressive and if you wondered   what you got inside the box of both of these  screens well the LG comes with a two-part stand   an HDMI 2.1 cable a USB cable and a DisplayPort  cable as well as a power pack a remote control   and of course the manuals the kuroi comes with a  pair of feet and the stand a power cable a display   port cable but no HDMI cable and a manualism  screws to attach it to the stand and that's   everything that we get inside the box so here are  my final thoughts on these two monitors for one   thousand dollars you are getting one of the best  gaming monitors out there right now incredible   picture quality View and angles and response time  great build quality LEDs on the rear and it looks   nice it's hard to beat this at the top end of the  scale and this is my daily Monitor and even with   all the others I've tested I keep coming back  to it but if you're on a budget for 150 dollars   you cannot go wrong with this monitor sure we've  got limited viewing angles washed out colors when   compared to an OLED or an IPS but it's literally  one-off if not the cheapest 27-inch gaming monitor   that offers these specs it's one I would happily  recommend to friends and family if they needed a   budget setup so if you do want one of the cheapest  gaming monitors out there there's a 27 inch   supports 1440p at 120 hertz on the PS5 you will be  happy with this but if you can up your budget to   around 250 dollars you will have far more choice  and will get a lot better monitor overall now drop   a cheap gaming monitor in the comments and I will  give you a thumbs up for staying right till the   end and if you did enjoy today's video video check  out my desktop video next as it covers everything   that I use in my setup thanks for watching please  like sub and follow me everywhere until next time
Channel: SpawnPoiint
Views: 949,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget gaming monitor, best budget gaming monitor, best gaming monitor, gaming monitor, best gaming monitors, best cheap gaming monitor, budget monitor, best gaming monitor 2023 budget, best gaming monitor under $100, best gaming monitor 2023 for ps5, ps5 gaming monitor, 1440p ps5 monitor, 120hz gaming monitor, cheap ps5 monitor, best ps5 monitor, oled gaming monitor, best gaming monitors under 300, 1440p ps5 monitor reddit, ps5 1440p 120hz monitor, spawnpoiint
Id: hqIwy1elYSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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