I Bought $100,000 of Video Games... Finale

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I bought a collection worth $100,000 and a large portion of it is behind me probably about $50,000 with the games here which is insane we're going to open it up and point out the absolute best pieces of the entire collection let's Dive Right In so I'm just going to grab boxes randomly for the most part of this video we got to start over here with this one cuz this one's opened up and I can kind of see what's inside of it it's crazy and as we're diving into these we're going to be using the price charting app to scan things and kind of see what the most valuable the most sought-after things are in this entire collection will probably have like you know the top 10 or 20 games in one area for the end but sweet Mercy look at this oh man look at the condition on these things like it's funny because the only ones that have like a little bit of wear and they're still Immaculate are Pokemon red and yellow simply the oldest he was probably the youngest you know when he got those compared to some of these other ones that's a first print this doesn't have did Pokemon Yellow ever have an ESRB logo on it so this is probably like second print I think this is the one I have graded is a no logo your childhood one yeah yeah that's cool so it's got Caterpie on it shout out to Caterpie yep so red is a first print yellow is like second third print fantastic we've got leaf green sweet Mercy look at the condition oh I didn't even realize it just set Crystal down that is going to be an upgrade for my collection that is fantastic my goodness and Ruby Ruby little bit of wear on the top of the box but not bad at all this I have an Immaculate one in my collection but this might be even better for Pokémon pinball what start hit the like button for this insane start and if you're new uh we actually have a series called the Pokemon Pursuit which is collecting everything related to Pokemon got to collect them all these uh that that might be an easy upgrade it's fantastic Minish Cap look at all these zeldas coming out next this is a ridiculous box I feel like price charting value on this box has to be like in the thousands multiple thousands it has to be like 2 to 3,000 I mean how much is crystal complete in box alone that's got to be like 500 plus let's get can it and see this one too is used Castlevania Legends original game boy in that condition unbelievable price starting it's nice cuz it it utilizes the average of recent sold comps a lot of eBay comps and then you know you kind of have to use your discretion from there 69 what more than Crystal what the heck I did not know that I know that this is a good one remember that one yeah let's see this other Castlevania see like it's easy to know the the zeldas and the Pokémons and stuff like that but it's good to like especially if you're out in the wild at a garage sale with something you see that that's worth 126 bucks big difference between that one and that one though yeah Mama Mia so beautiful I'm going to assume this is going to be the most expensive out of this box this is probably second what about Minish Cap is that my guess is 250 what's your guess I'll go three it is it is common but not in this condition three $3 right rules 205 I win you do um I'm going to guess Pokemon Red is the third most valuable out of this one right here first print yeah first print makes makes a difference yeah we'll separate those three I mean the zeld DX everything in here is that was a crazy start but we got to keep going we got so many more boxes again $50,000 in value behind me right now we've only just begun with this right here okay so here's our current top three I think these are going to shift over a bit and maybe we might knock them out with a top 20 as we go there's everything else but number one I think I know what it is it's in the thousands so stay tuned for that one but let's grab another box how about this one right here ooh yeah what is it I don't know PlayStation 2 vertical stand surprising bolo yeah definitely be on the lookout for uh vertical stands for Sony especially if they're brand new like this one we got a few sealed GameCube games X-Men Legends 2 wow two of them Jinx SN regular condition CIB battle Clash martal combat and Yoshi's Safari that's right what else we got goodies wave bird guess a wave Bird yeah wow wave bird all right next box cool rapid fire baby psychogenesis was there anything under that there's something under it what's your guess OA Genesis oh that makes more sense oh this is a nice box look at he even cut it to like fit the hit the like button for the legend Dwight this is his collection this is part two this is the third video of the series but part two purchase of his collection there will be another part and it might be even bigger than any of the other two parts yeah we suspect there's another at least $10 there that'll be down the line but you got to subscribe cuz we have to beat the Detroit Lions I don't even know how many subscribers they have but we are going they're doing well man we need you guys' help because they're growing we got to grow faster okay this is great stuff but I don't think anything will make the top 20 shows how high the bar is for this collection so we'll move on all right let's pick out a big box like big box that one this one here yes videos and tools I like it so we're going to set all the consoles and like big stuff aside and we'll look at all those together it's going to be awesome accessories well this is the exact stuff we said we were going to set aside big box Time full of psychogenesis games look at that all right Sky I'm going to give you like 5 Seconds to pick out the most expensive one and then I I get 5 Seconds to I'm going this guy oh it's a good guess with the I'll I'll I'll go this oh Mega Turan who mega Turin and you said that weird Turan yeah that's weird oh Sunset Riders crap aren't there variant art covers [Music] too oh it's not complete sadness consumes me open up this one this one feels a little lighter but this a no dang it beautiful PGA Genesis let's move on to the next box okay we cleared out some of the consoles we'll go over those in a bit Xbox this long one Sega CD it says Sega CD right on it that's how I do wa okay play along with us at home that one that one that's a good one look for the the pink label yeah I was going to say uh on a quick look what jumps out to you I agree lunar working designs is a big one that that one and this no that doesn't jump out to me this jumps out to me because it's thex CD I've never seen that before let's let's look at that one cuz that is very interesting I wonder if it has what is this 32x CD Sega true included also I love how Dwight said that these were the worst cases ever made glad he agrees un right yeah like I'm sure he didn't do anything to crack that it just happened it just happened this a Bo Space Ace yeah we might take some time on this box all right Tomcat alley battle core Jurassic Park Soul star that looks nice dark Wizard Power Rangers Terminator Sonic CD dragon slayer Sil feed Mickey Mania lethal enforcers Echo the dolphin 1 and two electric boooo thunder strike and lunar scan that one anything by working designs holds value you can tell by the way it is it says working designs yep and it is 158 wow this one surprisingly 53 that one 42 they might be a little bit more in this condition but they were not as big as I thought there's some other ones here I don't know okay oh Road Avenger that's interesting Batman Returns hook and suie so nothing too crazy there what about here I think those are just extra cases all right top three soulstar was number one at like 180 something Terminator a little bit more surprisingly than lunar 163 and like 150 something that's the top three let's move on to the next box all right let's grab this box here real quick this is NES games ooh cartridge only stuff some Classics Turtles this is just a good old old bo yeah uh this is nice pretty uncom fun land Return of the Joker yeah Funko land sleeve yeah this is just a good old classic thing of NES games right here but you guys got to know as I bring this box over here a ton of these games guys are going to be up for auction literally tonight if you're watching this video day one Friday the 13th 5:00 p.m. Eastern massive auction we're giving away a God of War PS5 among a bunch of other stuff we're going to be selling a bunch of stuff that you can see there and then I also already have set aside every Pokémon game ever from the mainline handheld series uh right there you got Crystal you got em you got you got them all complet how we just have these just over here they're chilling oh and like maybe dozens of graded games if you're into those from part one of this uh 100K series they're back they're going up for auction it's going to be crazy you got to come hang all right we're going to Rapid Fire the next four boxes you've got PS2 games there you go PS2 that's just fun stuff next box oh look at these wait a minute all right all right let's just go right let's pull these out these are so nostalgic for me these are the E reader cards brother do you remember these or were you just a little baby that was just before my era okay I remember these I wanted to get like every single one of them I never did but uh you know one might argue I got them now so these are like amiibo cards these are no you know what they're for right here the e-reader oh you don't remember this either no well I I guess some okay it's a fair comparison but it's not the same so you would put this e- reader in your Game Boy Advance and then like even Pokemon cards had this like the eer Pokemon cards so you could scan them in this and they could do various things see I had the Game Boy Advance but I would I wasn't about no reading I hardly could but this has got to be like almost every pack that ever came out which is so awesome if only Dwight would have bought all the e-reader Pokemon blister packs oh those would be so expensive that's like the most most expensive era of Pokémon cards and it's my favorite because I love the art they're beautiful um but that's really cool to find that and then also this which I don't remember this coming out the Mario Party card game this is one of my favorite boxes that we've unboxed so far which is funny but I love it and we got two more to go let's see what's in this one more NES games where's Waldo you found him that that box is underwhelming to be honest with you let's go to the next one it's crazy that there was over 700 items in this collection I believe the average price was over $60 per per item and you have games like that so that just shows that the top end of this collection is insane and I think this box is going to be one of them ooh oh my o look at this box unreal this is an unreal box yeah we got to lay these out cuz that's that's insane average value per game here is probably like 150 in price charting roughly and the condition is unbelievable the top two most notable are this one Contra the Alien Wars it's about $276 in price charting and then this guy World Heroes 2 over 300 jeez incredible this one's like 170 you got 200 here these are beautiful games Metroid Zer Mission Fusion Zelda this is probably like the worst one of the bunch and it's still probably like 70 bucks it's so clean I know look at that and it's factoring in average condition that is really nice like this is unbelievable should we get out the gloves again for this collection I'm not sweating yet so I think we're good right now but let's bring these over we're going to add these two to the top 20 table I want to find something expensive all right the the average price on Sega Saturn games is surprising I think that's because Saturn was kind of a flopped release in my opinion surprising what is the average price on Sega Saturn it's like $35 probably maybe even 40 That's according to price trading yes okay um well these games are not we got a good mix here Madden 97 I'll something interesting this is two brand new NES dog bone controllers look at that and it came in like a thicker that's pretty cool man I like it yeah yeah so crazy to find these in sealed condition I mean there's like hardly any of these that even exists like this so price is going to be really hard to determine they're there's like they're different too yeah you got the White and the gold font was there like a first relase dog bone I don't know maybe maybe we have a particularly rare one there so that that was a later release NES controll it's much better than the original in my opinion sorry if that offends you it's much more comfy it's just more comfy the you don't have the jabing corners into your palms and they came out with the NES Toploader system a little bit later these are pretty uncommon the nights in dreams Christmas sampler I loved his story about those make sure you watch the other video to get it but set it to December 24 and get the Christmas uh costumes in the game Sega Saturn backup ram car now this has pretty solid I'm going to guess it's like $60 to $80 in value I found that at garage before believe it is this like the expansion pack for s64 yes that that would be a good comp on it skeleton Wares looks cool Sonic 3D Blast Tomb Raider see let's get these Panzer Dron is in there that's probably a good one we just need the second and third one there's Warcraft 2 that's got to be something something nice the the Sega Saturn you can browse the web of course that's kind of Dreamcast but I think you could hook up the Sega Saturn to like a landport one thing or something I don't know the horde that looks like Gremlins okay there's some wild games in here we got to we're going to scan through and find the top three in this box all right top three we've got Norse by Norse West which looks a lot like the Lost Vikings it dude it and actually says the return of the Lost Vikings were right okay okay so lost Vikings vers n that's about $170 game Clockwork Night 2 about 106 and then Darius giden about 77 mhm it's another $70 one in a lot of of these are like 50ish bucks oh yeah that's that's a great box of games quite a lot stacked up so far this is what we've seen still only six things in our top 20 some of these might be able to make their way over but I just think that our top 20 is going to be ridiculous so let's let's find something ridiculous please because I want to see I want to see that want to see something real ridiculous yeah man look at that rid ridiculous here I have this for you no no that's not what I want no no no no no don't take a box okay next box looks like we have Dreamcast Rayman going quackers Ray Man 2 some seal wack races you ever watch sealed nope never it's great Tomb Raider Crazy Taxi froger 2 Star Wars lot of Dreamcast o that one sealed sorts of goodies for the Dreamcast another worms Armageddon you know I'm wondering what is inside these boxes that are inside a box oh that's cool yeah love this packing nights into dreams yeah it's got the 3D control pad that game has pretty good value it does especially with the bundle pad here he's never he said he's never opened that by the way so don't try and open it Oh Glory okay just for the record I think he still counted it as used in price charting so that was generous oh that was a visceral reaction what is in there 2019 game boy micro new oh my gosh it is oh my gosh that is new brand spank new sealed 20th anniversary special edition game boy micro that's going in the collection that is certainly making the top 20 tell me about the game boy micro I guess yes game boy micro came out like after the Game Boy SP beautiful back lit screen bright as ever I've played one after the fact but as a kid this came out and I was like that's stupid the Game Boy SP is the goat even as a kid I was saying that I still think that looking back the micro is still really solid might have released for like a 100 bucks but I remember when it got down to $20 at toys us and they were full the shelves were full I could have bought them all as a you know I even thought about as a k I was like 20 bucks I bet that'll be worth more than that someday I didn't buy any of them unfortunately so that's this is a kind of a kind of a fail on their part but still a really cool system looking it's like the switch light of yeah except it didn't sell yeah switch light sold like crazy and still is selling $700 waa I was not thinking that at all this is our new front runner jeez so pets beautiful and we'll count this I are any of these consoles going to be up there or are coun I genely forgot I was getting that any s boox oh gosh I forgot we did this bons Adventure that's right we got Bonks so that's cartridge only it's an aftermarket you know custom case there but that's like 800 bucks and then inside of this we have stop it stop it it would have been sticker sealed it is not it is complete but this is the AGS 101 now with the brighter backlit screen for those that don't know the 101 later release so still sticker sealed on one side open oh I'm sure it is every system he had matching cereal which is fantastic that's got to be a collection upgrade uh yeah I'm trying to collect every handheld ever made in as mint as I can get new is a nice plus fantastic box I'm kidding all right I don't want to switch around the Order anymore until the end so we'll organize them like this until we get a final top 20 Genesis coming right up Genesis or Nintendo so we've got some nice Genesis games here Ultimate Mortal Kombats in there Sonic and Knuckles marsupilami what yes that's fun it's an iconic wonderful game prob this one maybe being the best of the box it might be yeah I'm going to say that one's got to be up there I think it's 50 plus and then we've got the solid case just classic man some Classics some uncommons like haunting saring polter guy that's cool uh predator two is a good one three Ninjas Kick Back you've got like alien storm who artwork on that that is super cool the Lost Vikings thunderforce there we go thunderforce 2 O Shadow Dancer I mean gosh they Stacks collection is insane y'all per gy it's insane let us know what your favorite Genesis game from your childhood was rolling thunder 2 looks wild Alex kid Chuck Rock that's a crazy looking game all right I'm quite curious what the top three are on this box cuz I actually like have no idea I don't either they're all very close together all right top two on this box Streets of Rage 3 surprisingly like well over $100 and then Ninjas Kick Back even without the manual a little bit over 100 bucks everything else there was a lot of $ 30 to $50 games but we'll get them stacked up right on over here another box calm down over there that little one the little one little this one yes good job sealed Chrono Trigger first Hoster inside uh beautiful what do we ended up valuing that one at with price Charing was like pushing 300 I think for the first print so that's that's going to be up there good one this is over 1008 wow uh this one was the winner of the box Pokemon trosy he got it for $16.96 and it is over 300 in sealed condition and this is in beautiful sealed condition and this is staying in the Pokemon's collection honorable mentions here Final Fantasy Tactics Contra 4 sealed and beautiful bomber man's in there gun pay DS and then a cleaning kit how random is that but sealed and in fantastic [Music] condition some some cool controllers all right oh yeah these are all brand new I believe Advantage they did not Prett pretty sure these are all this is probably how they came off the shelf yeah they were all just boxes definitely have some some shelfware that's cool we'll have to look in those further later and then these I think are the straight from Nintendo N64 controllers and yes they are W see that's cool like I wonder which way is more rare to have it like a inbox new or this it has the official sticker maybe that's I mean that is very unique we got three of them I love how just they just slapped a sticker on it but it's in the same that it would have came within the Box they were $25 in 2008 he bought these in 200 2008 from from Nintendo of America that is crazy that's like buying a u like a Wii U something right now today yeah it's kind of yeah seriously yeah 2008 that is crazy let us know if you guys ordered anything from Nintendo of America the Wii came out in 2006 what November 19th 2006 and these were N64 controllers purchased in 2008 Wii U came out in 2012 GameCube 2001 and N64 obviously we have to figure that out 96 to2 or 03 1996 in Japan September 96 over here yeah so this was 12 years after that's crazy so bizarre what a what a unique piece of History right there 12 years after the release date okay let's grab let's grab this box that's oh I love these boxes 300 for this Bo I paid 300 for this box which might be a little bit on the high end I I just I threw a number he didn't have this in price charting and I was like a the condition's just so good that one is sealed but the Donkey Kong Land one two and three that's the that's my favorite part of the Box uh 62 bucks sealed okay which I feel like this condition probably a little bit higher cuz it's very nice but yeah so there's Bomberman these are kind of the meat I don't know I probably paid about what they're worth maybe a little less than what they're worth but for this condition I was not a bad buy okay PS2 games next bunch of PS2 games uh I'm going to just point out quickly ones that kind of stand out so Sky Gunner that's an alas game that's a big one Urban chaos Treasure Planet nope well it's just Alex's favorite game oh po po and Matt's favorite game PaRappa the Rapper to nice PaRappa the Rapper to see he's excited about it saw some man hunt one and two in there okay probably CP Evil Dead do you see what I see I do see what you see and I do have this box now this is just the Box no console but I have like not seen this box this is a strangely uncommon it is it is US release ntsc so there you go if you if you ever saw this box or remember this box let me know all right we got a couple boxes to look through here are these they're all seed more SE is it like a first print Halo 2 nice I like that Halo's here Halo 2 but that's like a later release so that doesn't excite me as much same with the original Halo but this Halo 2 has me intrigued in halflife 2 as well what about uh Ric with Mark Sinclair it's so weird we have some NES yes and you'll notice Mega Man 5 so why is that one the most valuable of the bunch it's a good question Mega Man one and five are the most valuable two and as well and six is the third so we have six 5 4 3 2 and two yeah no one and then eventual three is another good one in here what is that [Music] wild this is going to be good we got a lot of consoles so we got Sega CD Dreamcast Sega Saturn here Sega Saturn the first one here uh the super scope the virtual stick the virtual stick again the mission stick even bigger the Master System 2 complete in box the Sega light phaser power based converter the six player adapter because four is better than six is better than four correct you nailed it the Xbox 360 Call of Duty bundler sealed mhm blue Edition yep just like this Wii I don't know if that's sealed but it is blue Sega Genesis model 2 that's sealed that is my favorite 360 ever made it comes with two controllers the Halo 4 edition my favorite Xbox one ever made and I don't say a favorite for Xbox one very often but that is super cool the Minecraft edition it's sealed psychogenesis model one brand spanking new I'm just kidding that's not se but that would be cool model two Sega Genesis Sega CD that's like the innards of it and the the the the Mountain Dew Xbox I love that I can't believe we found one that's pretty limited edition yeah you know what's better than a loose Mountain Dew Xbox how about a Super Nintendo oh that's right oh my gosh though look at this box real quick forgot this was on Top This is glorious but we got to get to the point I was making uh uh there's so much stuff go boom look at that the complete in Box Mountain do Xbox TAA you know it's a missed opportunity that they did not make a matching controller this is just a sticker that is it that's the only difference and it's a different console inside they made 5,000 of these and you had to get Mountain new points they were sold out within the first few minutes to have the ability to buy one not to like win one but to yeah yeah and I don't even know how people got the points cuz it was a crazy amount it was uh over I think it was 555 points and you got like one point for 2 L it's like if that tells you you had to buy like the 12 packs and six packs with that same equation but I don't know it was something crazy there it is minty wow that smells like want to take that out Factory everything is yeah like this is as clean as you will find what's that thing on top oh those are the guides thought it was a game and let me ask you guys would you rather have the Mountain Dew Xbox or bubble wrap Edition o the Halo green now this one actually had a matching controller he opened this just to look at it and then he never touched it again yeah so this thing is as mint as it comes it should still have the sealed Halo in there cool console man let us know what your favorite of the two is in the comments start a war Mountain Dew or Halo I'm curious to know so these Xboxes in this condition both are probably in that th000 plus range on uh price charting on eBay I believe it it's it's insane these though the analog super NT transparent which is uh very rare So analog super NT 1080p HD but we've got this the super NT here so it's like the 1080p way to play sness and then this one is the NT mini classic so this should be the NES version of it so it's by analog finding comps on these is nearly impossible they're incredibly rare they were very limited and I don't think they've ever made new ones or additional ones so value is very high on those pushing that thousand range per pretty neat let me know if you know something about them in the comments I'd love to know why they still fetch that price that's a pretty set of consoles behind you yes what do you think brother Dave look at all these consoles from the man the myth the Dwight I love that guy he's such a nice guy we are on to the Sega Game Gear Box and this is a console that I forgot about that is actually incredibly rare to find in this condition so it's The Lion King bundle pack the blue Game Gear I don't even know like let's let's check price charting on this one here 640 is the last sale on it in similar condition all right Game Gear stuff you got like some loose carts Streets of Rage 2 is a pretty good one there and good old Game Gear Game Gear generally doesn't have a ton of value alien three that's a that's a decent one we got Master System psycho Fox on top I love the Master System version of Sonic the Hedgehog and then we got more Psych Genesis something don't for that by title oh yeah that's a that's a decent one some more loose Genesis cartridges you got hyperstone Heist a loose one I think there's another Mega Turin in here somewhere oh there's two there you go so definitely some nice cartridges here be on the lookout for these on whatnot and then there's a box under here still oh we got more games yeah we must some more Master System you got to love it I don't know what these are these oh these are like replacements for the controllers yeah looks like it all of these are going to be available in very whatnot auctions so definitely stay tuned this one's got to be gold X Warrior that's sweet Wonder Boy in Monster Land Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse you got Strider you've got Ghouls and ghosts here so definitely some notable there's Castle illusion that Spider-Man look at the cover on that one wow love that it's a sweet box man and it's just here under the table this is our last box of games and I we're missing the top there has to be more okay Al did you actually take something he's a little too quiet over there all right I'm getting out the next thing and alel can you just bring me over whatever you stole please we haven't even seen these things though my goodness it's a big box all right real quick I want to mention that we also got vintage Pokémon cards in this buy this is a binder of like near mint there's Blastoise there's another one elsewhere and there's also Venusaur and you guessed it Pikachu is that what you were no there it is Charizard heck yeah Bas set Charizard beautiful condition uh those I'll be sending off to get graded almost all of the hollows wow cuz I think a lot of them could get nines hoping for probably no tens but so Dwight collected everything kept it sealed he even played with his Pokemon cards in sleeves name somebody who does that played the Pokemon game loves it thinks it's one of the greatest games ever made and never had cards outside of like sleeves to keep them in Mt condition I love that man amazing and then these he gave me a kicker deal on these um a killing a good deal what was I trying to say a kicking a kicking deal uh Transformers 2002 is reissue Toys R Us exclusive all sealed all beautiful he even threw this one in for free amazing buy a lot of these go for over 100 bucks and they can be yours they can we might actually list these on eBay I don't I'm not sure what we're going to do with these okay but we still have to look up the greatest games let's finish it off I felt like we were missing some games we were missing some games and uh this is a glorious box Sega Saturn it's working designs it's the working designs game magic Knight Ray Earth holy cow yeah there's multiple disc variants on this stunning condition there's let me know in the comments but there's three different variants there's one with her one with her and one with her I forget the names of them all price charting has this at $643 wow 643 bucks right there Shining Force 2 that's three three Shining Force three this one price charts okay this one is burning Rangers got any guesses 250 662 what stop it you hid this box from us and we also have the iconic netlink playable as you mentioned mhm Saturn Bomberman this one price charts at $450 my goodness so the math to that uh 50,000 value on this collection if you weren't quite there yet this box might be why let's look at in the hunt 257 on this one house of the dead look at that Manual's got a little wear on that one that one is 455 my goodness good night so let's do a quick handan of of the rest I see at least two working designs titles too deep too my goodness and everything is crazy we're going to price chart this entire thing we'll sticky note it and we'll get you a total of what this box is worth and I honestly think we're still missing one more game out pal because we don't have the one there it is the how many games 25 games the value 5,100 bucks in price charting top three over here burning Rangers I think we should probably swap these cuz this one does have the uh stick stickers unused in the manual so that's going to put that up to like 800 probably House of the Dead number three Bomberman because of the condition I'm going to swap those as well Manual's got a little wear on that one but this one is stunning and Al palal will you please bring the final game I he has to he does have it right I I think he does okay stupid brat stupid brat this isn't what I was thinking of whoa this okay this paner draon Saga holy this is like uh very rare and very iconic Saturn game I knew about this one yeah there's like four discs that it comes with okay I got to make sure it's there brother oh there it is I knew there was one more Mercy 905 by the way is what this is worth 9:05 905 so this is a $6,000 box thank you for sticky noting it beautiful so that is fully complete the original foam hold the foam have you ever found one of those games I bought one once at a game store for 250 years ago and I kept it for a while I think I probably sold it when it got to like 700 bucks or something man um and then this one the the grand finale $1,600 value this orange bubble wrap it's rare is that Game Gear it is Game Gear Game Gear cannot be worth completing box makes such a massive difference and the condition does too you can kind of see it whoa that's Mega Man is that sealed I don't think it's sealed jeez but the condition is unbelievable I'm going to like open this yeah and then we'll show it so this is a very rare version of Mega Man I used to have it cartridge only it was one of the first games that I sought to collect but finding it complete has eluded me for about 12 years until today Mega Man on Game Gear $1,600 value in price charting and I believe that is absolutely worth every penny of that in that condition so with that the value of this table now sits at about $7500 for 27 games amazing amazing table of games right here all right so let's get a shot of the top 10 most valuable games from this collection and as we look at these Beauties so there actually is one more box I think you know about it I'm very excited about this so this is our 100K special we couldn't have done it without you guys but I could not have done it without you guys not even close no just sweet Mercy I'm helpless without him okay all right oh there it is did they spell it right chase after the right price let's go let's go passing 100,000 subscribers wow crazy the best box of them all that is insane uh thank you guys so much for being part of this journey if you're subscribed if you're part of the 67% that's not help us pass the Lions uh in subscribers but seriously it's insane that we passed 100,000 can't thank you guys enough and check out part one where I bought 500 sealed games from the same collector or stay tuned for next week's crazy crazy video too subscribe guys thank you so much we'll see you on the next one can I get a blew from everybody ble de ble de what's going on Chase just wanted to say a huge congratulations from me and Elsie back here on the 100K subscribers very well earned I was just thinking back and realized that I've been watching you not just since pregame Barn days but pre basement days when you were in spare room hustle mode the same way that I started out it's that hustle that I've always respected most about you and your ability to scale your reselling operation become more and more of a Titan in the industry while maintaining all of your personal values super happy for you man and to all of the team congratulations congratulations chase after to the right price 100,000 subscribers well done from your friends down here in Arizona we're very proud of you all thank you for being an inspiration bye Chase Kell the boys just wanted to say congrats on 100K congratulations on 100,000 Chase Chase thank you for being such a kind and generous man um and sharing all of your knowledge with us you have put a great example for us and the reselling Community to follow and um I just want to say congratulations once again I wish you all the best 100,000 subscribers that's incredible congratulations Chase for this incredible accomplishment you did it even with all of the times you planted stuff at garage sales you still managed to pull out this kind of a win very proud of you hope you can finally afford that Pokémon thing you're looking for which is apparently very important and I hope that you find it love you love the team can't wait to see you guys again hopefully sooner than later what's up Mr Right Price chasing man it is Scott Squatch here the grandpa of selling video games on YouTube I want to say congratulations for reaching a 100 million subscribers that's not right up 100,000 subscribers yes hopefully in like 13 or 18 years or whenever I finally get to 100,000 subscribers you'll be in my congratulations video as well I hope to see you again at a future convention and uh talk to you later peace what's up Chase congratulations 100,000 subscribers man it's crazy I think uh the first video I watched you were running out of a little bedroom now you're at the game Barn it's pretty crazy man a lot of inspiration keep up the great videos buddy can't wait to see what 200,000 look like Chase congratulations on 100K without your guidance over the years I don't know that I would have been able to get to where I am today without you so thank you and congratulations again hi Chase 100K is awesome Dan and I look forward to supporting you to your next subscriber Milestone yo Chase congratulations on 100,000 subscribers that's an amazing Milestone you guys absolutely deserve it you guys are putting out incredible content and uh I'm obsessed with your videos I can't stop watching watching so it makes sense you guys hit 100K you're probably going to hit a million in the very near future so keep it up keep up the awesome work and uh thanks for letting us all be a part of the journey Chase I don't know if I ever told you in my humble opinion all all of the YouTubers you are the one that wear the most awesome socks and shirts you guys just hit 100K and for that I congratulate you happiness congratulations much love for you guys keep it going man woo hey what's going on Chase Tedy collector here hey it was good meeting you recently at uh Siege and I just wanted to hop on here and congratulate you on 100,000 subscribers I've seen you come a long way man over the years and your Channel's just gotten better and better God bless and take care congrats on 100K Chase congrats on 100K brother Chase congratulations on 100K well deserved man now let's get to a million Jay thanks for everything you do for the reselling Community you are truly an inspiration both in your business and in your faith I know had I not learned as much as I have from you my business wouldn't be where it's at today thank you my friend I appreciate cheers to 100,000 my man there's very few who deserve it quite like you you have grinded you hustled and I am I'm so proud of you there's not many who get to turn the cameras off look back 20 30 years from now and say they're proud of what they've done man your grand kids are going to look what you've done and say this kid's special you're one of a kind my man congrats hey Chase what's up it's Sarah chiny the voice of Ash Ketchum on Pokemon just reached 100,000 subscribers on YouTube well done congratulations I hear you're on a mission to collect every single Pokemon card and game in existence you're going to catch them all listen best of luck on your Pokemon Pursuit very impressive congratulations hope to meet you in person one day uh good job okay goodbye hey Chase I'm really happy for you congrats on 100K uh just the impact that Caterpie crew has had on me and my business from the time of that interview to now has been exponential so thank you for your content keep it up man congratulations on 100,000 subscribers Chase hey Chase I just want to take a quick second to say thank you for all you've done for me and the growth of my business and the awesome community that you've created congratulations on your success Mr chase after the right price congratulations to yourself your team 100,000 subscribers absolutely insane and very much deserved you know way back a year 2 years ago however long it was now you were one of the first bigger YouTube channels to kind of reach out to me to do some content together it it just really meant a lot to me that I guess you gave my channel a chance you gave me a chance and you supported me back then and it's just crazy that you're now at 100,000 subs and I just want to say keep on being a great dude man the success is well deserved and huge congratulations man after the right price
Channel: Chase After The Right Price
Views: 131,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top items to sell online, making money online, reselling, chase after the right price, nintendo, selling on ebay, retail arbitrage, online selling, business ideas, video game, yard sale, game con, retro game con, game convention, convention, pokemon pursuit, pokemon, video games, retro games, retro game hunting, holy grails, garage sale, video game hunting, video game expo, retro gaming, game hunting, gamecube, gameboy, pokemon games, video game convention, game collection
Id: W7m3nsFI2d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 4sec (2524 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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