I became a NEW CREATION at 11years old! w/Tony Collis | PODCAST CLIP EP#74

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can we go back a little bit into tony's early days his teenage days his younger days what was he like what was going on was god in the picture yeah well i was uh you know my mum came from scotland so being a good presbyterian she got me uh christened when i was a baby and when i was younger she made sure i went off to sunday school now i don't remember much of my sunday school days uh i remember taking my sister along sunday school i remember going to sunday school at uh the uh sandringham baptist church in uh in auckland and uh um and uh the sunday school teachers having time for me and uh and i was very grateful for that i remember hearing some stories but i don't remember too much of a of uh of that i remember you if you remembered memory verses you'd get little stickers that you could add up to a uh put on a a um a card on a card and if you filled the card you'd get a free cross glowing cross you know you could put over your dirty whatever and um i had i remember stealing the stickers from the sunday school teacher's drawer so i could get the free cross but i don't remember anything else really much from the sunday school time but it was um a few years later when we relocated back to lebanon and it was school holidays at the a new christian campus started there in the hotel place called forest lakes and mum thought it was a great way of getting me out of here for the weekend for the week and so uh off i went and it was there i met some wonderful christians and it was there i began to hear about jesus in a way that was mesmerizing there was a there was a maori preacher there could john comey and john used to tell about jesus wonderful stories about jesus in a way that uh as a young person i just it was mesmerizing and i would be and i connected with some of the young people who made the were leaders and and you know there was something very winsome it wasn't just the words they said it was just the way they connected and the people they were and uh and uh this drew me i remember as a nine-year-old i i was interested but it took a while for the cogs to be moving and i every holidays i went back camp after camp holiday after holiday until i was about 11 and all those camps and those conversations and listening to john it all sort of gelled and i remember uh going to one of the leaders and i just said look what do i do this is this is real this i need to do something about this how can i become a christian wow and uh and the person said well let me ask you a few questions tony he said you believe that jesus died for you and i said yeah i i do i do believe he died for me and he said do you believe that he rose from the dead and i said i really i don't believe that he raised from the dead and he said are you prepared to give your life to him i said as much as yes yes i do and as much as i could understand that as an 11 year old yes i do and he said we'll just tell god that and i remember in an 11 year old's prayer just telling god god i i want to know you i i i i believe you love me i believe you want a relationship with me i believe i was meant for this purpose wow and i want to give my life to you and i and i recognize that jesus made a way for that through dying on the cross for me and rising from the dead and i and i now give whatever is me to you i want to know you wow and you're 11. i was 11. and as much as an 11 year old boy could understand what he was doing listen i knew what i had done i knew something had happened there was a transaction that had taken place there was nothing supernatural that i felt took place except when i woke the next morning i knew something had shifted in me some years later my mother said she had noticed when i came home from camp that there was something different about me faith patience faith and patience patience means allow it to happen stay the same stay persistent keep going faith know that it can happen at any moment get excited because it can happen at any moment you're so close don't quit now keep pushing
Channel: FUSE LIFE
Views: 31
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: new creation, tony collis, tony collis youtube, fuse, fuse life, fuse life podcast, joseph wilson, new creation encounter, new creation testimony, god made a new creation, made new creation, became new creation, new creation youtube, new creation podcast, transformation through the spirit of god, transformation in god, transformed by god, transformation in the spirit, became a new spirit, new spirit creation
Id: SaHhSMhcjvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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