I Attempted Impossible Mario - @jaidenanimations | RENEGADES REACT

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oh no you you done [ __ ] up is it over it's over i remember this i remember kaizo mario or impossible mario um basically um it has been i remember when it was like an internet legend like there were so many people out there saying it's not real it it doesn't exist that's just that's just doctored footage that's not real and then the same possible mario that the brooklyn accent dude played here's the brooklyn accent [Music] mario [ __ ] you i think so no goomba yeah goomba [ __ ] you i think that was it put that there and honestly i i thought it wasn't real and then i played it and i mean i don't know why people if if that was the same video that video was too long for that to be fake like that was obviously a modded mario level and i've seen way less fake things way more fake looking but that's the thing dude like people like here's the thing you can't tell the internet anything dude because there's going to be a sect of people out there who will even though it's not true they will say it's true just to make it true in real life in the fandom that's the thing that's just like you want to know how many hours i spent playing super mario 64 to unlock luigi too damn many and guess what luigi's not even in the damn game but yet my dumbass didn't know that when i was a kid and you know i spent a number of hours trying to figure out a way to unlock the triforce before realizing that [ __ ] uh it was either nintendo power or game informers article that the triforce was actually in the game was on [ __ ] in the april issue of the magazine meaning it was an april fool's joke [ __ ] [ __ ] dicks and oh gosh i was like i don't know what happens if you get it some are april fool's jokes some are april fools jokes legit some of them are also um you know just elaborate hoaxes and then there are some that are real that people dismiss and dispel and say oh it's not real and that's what impossible mario was and sheesh i words cannot describe how angry that game made me because upon like thinking you've got it all of a sudden just everything falls apart and thus you gotta start pretty much back at square one and one little hiccup one little mishap everything's done it's uh i just from watching the one dude play impossible mario i'm like yeah yeah so i don't have any desire to try that well good thing is jaden animations gave it a shot and uh this is she's braver than me yes she's braver than me too so i give jayden all the credit in the world and i hope that switch survives i really do anyway this is uh i attempted impossible mario that's another thing too is i'm if i'm gonna try a possible mario on a switch that [ __ ] is gonna be in the duck because i'm gonna eat it across the room when i get mad yeah like just it's a very it's a very expensive smash sorry for saying mother effer in the intro well i mean i think about it i've said worse i've said worse dude from a nap so anyway this is i attempted impossible mario by jaden animation here we go you already know mario i'm not gonna explain him i'm not gonna explain mario to you but a lot of people don't know about a little mario community that thrives in the depths of the deep dark mario crevices i'm talking about mario kaizo mario kaiso is basically fan made high difficulty mario people will take base games like mario bros 3 or super mario world and rearrange the levels to look like this as you can see a little more tricky than normal i've been casually watching mario maker and mario kaizo content for a few years i just think it's fun to watch while i'm eating cereal in the morning and then one day i just stood up and was like i want to do it my favorite mario content creator is ryu car so ideally oh yeah you had any kaizo recommendations that are you know beginner friendly i mean i'm naturally gifted at video games but look mario kaizo i need a beginner little baby card over here cut me some slack all right were you asked if i played any kaizo hacks before and i'd say no and then he asks if i've ever played any kaizo levels in mario maker before and i say no and then he asks if i've ever at least done a shell jump before and i go i've played hollow knight and he goes i don't think i can help you here you're probably right after a few more messages ryu generously offers to train me for kaizo before i jump straight into a complete rom hack and oh boy that was extremely nice of him and extremely needed we hopped into a discord call and as i screen shared the training rom he was able to give me tips and pointers of what to do and how to do tricks so i opened up the first stage called the simple jump and all right so this level is anything but nothing it's literally called the jump are you picking up on what i'm about to be dealing with here anyway throughout the session i learned about getting past chucks getting past reverse checks how to deal with lava plants what slow and fast fall is balancing on disco shells precise swimming mechanics grabbing and jumping on this block thing at the same time it's weird shell jumps you know the basics i was suddenly getting more i remember see this is actually in my opinion kind of a lot worse than uh yeah what the other dude was dealing with because the other dude was playing like that old school super mario no no no no no those that's that's back when people like made the rom hacks on and and like sent them out in cartridges like people were able to like hack cartridges back then and do that are familiar with the moves and learning everything and i'll be honest i was starting to feel pretty good you know kind of getting the hang of it the shell jump i i figured out how to do shell just then i hit the test stages where all the mechanics you learned are packed into like an actual level test one wasn't too bad it looks like this and ended up taking me around 20 minutes to beat but test 2 was the one that got me it's a short fast-paced level with no checkpoints but between the really difficult button input to do the block grab jump thing straight into a shell jump and then land on tiny dino man onto yoshi i was my armpits were sweating the last trick you got to do is ditch yoshi yes yoshi sacrifices she knows what being sweaty so many times you can you can see the trauma behind this hesitation here but i ended up getting it after an hour and a half yeah all that for you says he thinks i'm ready for the real deal sends over the rom he recommended and here's my experience trying to beat my first mario kaizo hack super real world this is how the game starts out [Music] of course thanks for you that's fair thank you level one i'll be honest pretty straightforward jump on a few guys do some more jumps choke right in front of the checkpoint no oh but eventually i was able to beat it and i'll admit i was pretty stoked yeah you got it you win i was worried i wouldn't even be able to pass the first level and i actually just couldn't make this video because i was too bad but knowing i could beat at least one yeah meant more to me than it should okay and the show goes on level two is ramping up you run through various swamps and stuff to hit a p-switch then run back through everything in reverse so you can get into the pipe that was previously unreachable after many attempts and this these two friendly guys i was really caught off guard by cats in mario game so caught off guard in fact that i just ran into them and died checkpoint checkpoint what what is that oh i beat the stage quickly afterwards sorry next was this really cool escort stage where you nabbed this galoomba at the very start and use them to progress through the stage it was difficult but i had a really fun time with this one and the atmosphere was people even though those were called the luminous too much fun i never knew those were called gloombas or is is that what they're called i think they are or did you just say it wrong well i think that's because they're like balloons okay i jaden you're you're those aren't the jaden you're causing the mandela effect in my brain and i don't like it named goombas what where's the one that is galoomba does not exist is the third picture there so they change their names starting in super mario 3d world oh it's because of the of what goomba represents oh wait huh wait what the okay named goom so they were all like considered goombas together all the way up until super mario 3d world in 2013 uh okay yeah and then they were given the official distinction of galumbas okay so that's not a mandela effect thing jesus christ okay who scared the heck academy there for a minute man jayden don't do that to me i i got the mandela effect in my brain enough i don't need you to keep you know stir that pot up for me because i let my guard down put the video back on screen huh video back on the screen i thought i did [ __ ] okay it was really cool but i guess i was having too much fun because i let my guard down and got real humbled so the first time i got to that part i thought the galumbo would turn around and come back but he didn't so i just watched him walk off the edge and strand me anyway i had to hunch the checkpoint was right after that pipe so i knew that if i just got that jump right i could start making more progress and after like 30 minutes of trying to get back in there i finally did on the bright day i was completely right about the checkpoint being there i did not however calculate this so i did it oh there's no floor when she goes through checkpoint i'll be honest that was a good one i couldn't even get married and it's even more funny when after you get the checkpoint they'll spawn you right above that pipe continuously so whenever you start again you gotta immediately hold hard right oh so yeah i eventually ended up beating the stage now let me tell you about the fourth level moles it was a lot of tricky maneuvers that didn't leave much room for error also i thought the beginning was funny okay trying to jump on these very little freaks was a bit rough this was hard this was hard this was hard i did this part wrong i think i needed him this guy's so excited no don't do it [Laughter] the second part of the stage turned into a build-a-bridge bull escort mission i'll save you all the pain and agony and just say this level especially the second half gave me the most hell compared to the upcoming levels why for a while even more hell than the level called jank heaven i don't really want to cover every single thing that happened in every single level but i can give you a little taste of what jank heaven was like real quick that mario sprite no no that's a jump that's just hard i think everything i do here is impressive just some benchmarks last forgotten spin you got the timing right you just jumped a little too early into the game at this point but then i get to a ghost house called the waiting room overall it was a pretty difficult all-in-one go level with no checkpoint but the one part that just kept tripping me up throughout the entire stage was this part where you jump onto this wiggler balance on them until that wall goes back up jump off and then whatever do bomb stuff i just couldn't do the wiggler part consistently at all either i would miss time the jump and pathetically hop off the edge like this or do this or that but it was mainly the pathetic one i would say probably 80 of my deaths happened on that part specifically and it technically isn't even the hard part of the level i really don't think that part was even meant to be that hard at all but an hour and 30 minutes of doing the same mistakes over and over just trying my best i realized there was a much easier and smoother way to do that entire part and i literally wasted all that time making the whole thing way more difficult than it needed to be oh yep that's so much easier huge oh my god i can't believe i've been dying to that weirdo he's probably intended as well you're probably right yeah i mean once i learned that i beat the stage 20 minutes later that was that was awesome am i upset no not really i'm an animator that works in adobe animate slash flash i'm used to throwing away multiple hours of work into the trash by the way this happens right in front of the goal okay be cool be cool be cool you yeah [Laughter] jake oh i was going to say jaden jayden said therefore be cool be cool be cool you i just married it at that point jesus christ everything she's been through and you throw that out of ryu you heartless son of a kaizo what these people do i know i know but that jesus man poor jaden i like how she paused as soon as he came out the door that just happened jaden the stages are getting much more difficult at this point there's only four worlds in the game each containing around three or four levels which going into it i didn't know i thought there was gonna be a full eight worlds and i was starting to sweat in world three but yeah ryu ended up telling me i was in the home stretch and i popped off so hard i just thought i was bad this whole time no dabbing jaden please pain agony i made it to the last world and oh my actually actually take that back jaden dab all you want because uh yeah you you've earned it at this point i usually frown on dabbing but in this case i'll i'll allow it world 4 stage 1 was the worst thing this game ever ended up throwing at me i don't even know how to go into detail with all the tricks and moves you need to do in this stage but i spent four hours on it an hour and 40 minutes on the first half and two hours 20 minutes on the second i know mr beast and other content like that has kind of changed people's perceptions on how much is a lot of time in terms of youtube content four hours is nothing compared to i don't 24 hours touching a worm but i sat there making mistakes after mistake she's not learning and adapting and still failing for four hours straight it was starting to like get to me like personally eventually every time i would mess up i would feel it in my insecurities i love the little arrows eventually over jade i can't carry multiple grocery bags i would average i feel [Laughter] you say you know who else has loud bones this [ __ ] back here uh and look your fingers are the worst oh meanwhile my hand pops really bad because i broke it multiple times this is what it sounds like yep so yeah that's what i got going for me also my thumb hurts a lot all the time i think i got arthritis in it and i'm only 33. my insecurities i have no confidence in my own judgment to make important card decisions but i did it again four hours later maybe you don't think that's a long time but it is on one level yeah that is a long time pretty sure the longest i tried the same thing over and over again while failing was the second time that i fought owl the father on secondary i was drunk oh i remember this too many people donated to me i took too many shots and i'd beaten him in like two tries the first time i fought him but drunk you on the first run through that part of the game yeah before and so when i was drunk i was angry because i was like i can't beat him and the only [ __ ] reason i swear to you all is because i'm too drunk to have the reaction time to do this now and i was like i know what i have to press i just go to press it and my finger moves too slow and it's not my [ __ ] fault yeah and i think i spent like probably an hour and a half or so like just trying him over and over again before i was like you know what i'll be back tomorrow and i'm gonna beat him like the first try i can't [ __ ] see it and sure enough like i came back tomorrow like the next day i first tried sober again and kicked his ass again pretty quick and i was like toshio it's just because i was drunk yeah i was going to say me i'm i'm spoiled because of monitors like computer monitors in this tv because they have like very low input lag like less than five seconds or milliseconds um zach's tv at his house i went up there because he was having trouble with god uh well i went up there to visit him but he was having trouble with god of war and he asked me to beat this one section for him and i'm like oh okay and i did and everything went went great everything was awesome but there was an issue uh he hadn't beaten any of the valkyries and i'm like okay did you find any valkyries he's like i found one i'm like all right let's go beat let's go beat her and i it must have been an hour because the input lag was just so terrible on that tv and i was just like and then like like almost a full like 100 milliseconds later then he would roll and i'm just like how do you play games on this and he's just like very frustratingly like okay i like but i did it i eventually did it i eventually like like you need to put this up on like craigslist take whatever money you can get and buy the smallest imaginable screen just so it'll have one mil [Laughter] i'm like like you'll have a better time playing on a [ __ ] phone with one millisecond input than you will this [ __ ] well and here's the thing i told i told him i'm like dude i will give you a computer monitor please just play games on that you will have so much a so much more of a fun time with it and he's just like yeah but i like a big screen and i'm like i like a big screen too but i also like being able to hit buttons and do actions on the same within the same millisecond huh but anyway sorry uh for this i would definitely need like a zero like a 0.1 or like a one millisecond monitor like the the new uh the new uh like aoc one they have out now is pretty uh pretty hype very first level of the last world i was suddenly very afraid of this game and what it'll do to me but surprisingly the other two levels weren't nearly as bad as the first one i ended up finishing stage two in only an hour and a half and stage three in 30 minutes that was the the the ego boost i needed to regain some stress yeah i'll tell you that stage three boosts my confidence and stage one keeps me humble fair and balanced life if you ask me then i realized i was about to enter the last level dude i'll be honest i was mad proud of myself i went from not even knowing if i could build enough skill to beat one level so getting ready to go into the final level that was good which basically it's a great amy definite mechanics he's already mastered like like watching a toddler struggle to fit the circle block in the square hole in good old mario kaizo fashion the level starts out with i'm gonna miss this when i come out victorious is that bloody tear so i just heard i think it was able to fit the circle also from the square hole i love the fact that it's hector you're facing hector not bowser hector hector's secret man okay i don't know i don't want to know i just want to see what's going to happen all right good old mario kaiser fashion the level starts out with [Music] do this do that i was a little bit nervous because ryu was watching and i i wanted to show them how much they've gotten better at kylie jenner teacher finally being able to see their student face their final fight to the death battle well like not just some school teacher like a a cool samurai teacher or something i messed it up anyway i was trying to do him before i got the analogy james went and did this and this and this but he seemed proud of me anyway for just being able to get this far i was making some good progress on the level i was about to get to the final checkpoint but you know right now things happen even though it was a really hard level it was still surprisingly a lot of fun and not nearly as bad as 4-1 i keep bringing it up but i you know it really got to me but like that maybe a bit less than three hours later i got to the final room it's boss fight time for a final boss in a kaizo hack the fight was actually pretty chill not easy but you chill these on and off switches control the room going up and down and you got to get the floor low enough to grab these little blue blocks to throw at the giant king boo or whatever he's called in this game but don't let it get too low because then you can die to the lava right beneath there so you're trying to keep all these things in mind but to add to the pile these little flying boogers meander around the stage while you gotta dodge them and yes they're rng based they're random you can't just memorize their booger pattern and be on your merry way okay the smart way to go about this boss is to stay in the middle and calculate safe times to go to the sides and hit the switches but i was being stubborn and trying to brute force my own way to do it what a little booger not those guys he punishes you for standing on the edges you know i'm gonna stand on this edge like i don't give a [ __ ] i'm just doing it anyways in the lava and then crush and then oh this edge as is life oh okay i'm gonna stand on this other [Laughter] actually except for the guys that come out of the wall and kill you but it's pretty like jake center center i didn't know how many times you have to hit boo mario rules always default to three but it's kaizo so it could also very much be a thousand they know no oh okay so now i know you have to hit him like i assume five times oh i'm not gonna spoil how many times you have to hit him yeah so i hit him three times and didn't win so i was like alright must be a thousand but then a few attempts later this happened [Music] come on jayden come on oh oh oh snap so it was good i did get him three times and then you isn't that died it was three i just died too soon after that third shot and it didn't count which i'm going to choose to ignore i did it i learned kaizo and i beat kaizo and it only took 17 hours not including training are there much more difficult hacks out there oh yes absolutely some of them look so disgusting i don't even want to be in the vicinity of their aura but i was able to challenge myself and beat one that was really well suited for my skill set going and looking back at some of the things i was able to end up pulling off makes me feel very cool look at this stuff i did that it's cool come on i want my hard-earned credit and applause please i think my favorite thing about kaiso is how easy it is to visualize the progression of your skill with it i wouldn't even bother trying like world three stage three starts off with a really difficult maneuver that i got hung up on for a while and then suddenly i'm nailing it almost every single time you can really feel and see yourself grow within kaizo and i don't think you can say that about a lot of things does that mean i recommend you try it absolutely not if you get impatient and frustrated easily and are also bad video games don't even think about it hey if you think it looks interesting and you can stay calm under extreme circumstances and have around 17 hours to kill i can't recommend it enough i liked it thanks to ryu for helping me out and being extremely nice and training me and giving me a great rom and literally just sitting there watching me struggle for many hours go check out his channel he's very entertaining i've been watching him for years now and yeah that's it i'm officially very good at video games and i've supplied documented proof again if you haven't gotten your tickets scribble showdown is back on tour james dom ross aaron and i are doing a drawing slash improv slash comedy show and it's uh sorry ari it's happened in november and december at these cities i'm not gonna say i'm all because it's a lot and you should hurry up and get your tickets because i told you so it's it's genuinely a lot of fun and we've all been super excited to get back on the road and i hope to see you there mario kaiser was also a lot of fun and if i wasn't developing carpal tunnel i would play non-stop thanks for watching all right talk to you later bye-bye you want to know one of the most interesting things about uh about freaking uh uh gaming that i never expected gaming to develop like have people develop uh you know like wrist problems and finger problems from playing games and then i heard about the situation that one of my favorite smash brothers players korean dj is in his his hands are literally like falling apart from him having from him gaming so hard uh he's also a concert trained violinist and he doesn't want to lose the ability to play but at the same time it's just like you know you can only do so much before uh eventually your you know your hands give out it's like professional depends on the player too because like some people play fighting games way more aggressively than other people in terms of how they press the buttons yeah because i noticed me andrew and chance used to play tekken all the time right yeah and there was one session where we all played for quite a few hours and then chant shows us his thumb and he's already started to get a blister on us like why do you press the button so hard he's like i don't know i feel like if i press it harder it's gonna work but it's like it's [ __ ] not yeah i had to learn that with wave dashing and smash bros because you know me i always like a firm button press but when it comes to learning the intricacies of how to move and everything wave dashing uh l canceling all that in and all it's all about uh finesse you know it's just like you have to master like the precise button hits so that your hand your your thumb and your fingers are able to go on and move other stuff or and do other stuff so yeah and there's also like when i was playing blasphemous uh recently like i played for quite a few hours and i was using the d-pad and it's just something about the way i roll my finger when i'm like doing the jumps in that game and stuff you know like it eventually started to dig in and i started to get like a sore side on my phone like i had to switch to using a stick because i was just like damn this is hurting my thumb real bad yeah i haven't had really many many issues in terms of like wear and tear the only thing that i have is like i have a writer's knot on my middle finger right here from when i was a kid uh but you know people develop those from like writing and and like pressing down real heavily and i developed that here on my middle finger and it it never went away and i was always getting some weird lump on my wrists too like i was wondering if it was because of like the way i set my hand with my keyboard or whatever but like it's kind of going away well i have one right here you know what this is if i press it it makes like a pop sound and then it goes away for a while so i have no [ __ ] idea i have one right here on my wrist and you know i've popped it a few times and it's like disappeared but it always comes back the only way to fully get rid of it is for them to like go in and like take it out okay i don't think it needs to come out no no no no no no it it if it give if it starts becoming [ __ ] weird like it just freaked me out because i was like i've never seen that before and it's just like lightly pressed and it's like and like the the sensation it makes and it's just kind of gone for a while and i was like what the [ __ ] yep that's how they are man it's weird as hell it is and i i kind of i hate it but at the same time it's just part of life but uh i was gonna say if jaden can beat this she should absolutely play through the soulsborne series i think so i think she'd do good with it i i don't think there is any boss or part of the entire soulsborne series that you'll ever be stuck on for as long as you were like one of those mario stages yeah i mean dark souls maybe the one she finished in 30 minutes you could be stuck on a boss for like 30 minutes but like there is usually not anything that bad on the souls well dark souls is tough there's no getting around that but the truth is it's like it's the pure joy of beating it that that often like that a lot of people talk about is like being the main thing why they do it well here's the thing a lot of people don't realize about the soulsborne series either is whenever dark souls first release the whole point was community um knowledge so the whole point is not for you to sit down on twitch never having [ __ ] played one before and go into the game and be like nobody is allowed to give me any sort of hints whatsoever because that actually makes the game 1000 times harder than it was ever meant to be like the whole point was whenever it started out people were sharing knowledge they figured out about it you wouldn't ever [ __ ] know because it's not in the game unless you get online and figure out from people who made the calculations for you that is 25 equip load is what you need for your fast roll [ __ ] like that like all kinds of stuff that you could find that could help out like there's things that are just hidden in places that it's just you probably wouldn't ever come across yeah and just you know various strategies and stuff like that we were sharing between each other as we started demon souls back in the days the first one that that started with you know yeah and then went on into dark souls and now like everybody knew this like i haven't played dark souls before so i want to go into it now because it can't be that hard and then they're just like [ __ ] this [ __ ] game like yelling at their twitch and stuff you know no i don't want help shut the [ __ ] up and you're getting banned for even asking that and it's just like you're missing the point like of dark souls yeah i like the fact that jayden like let somebody mentor her on this is like she would do the same thing with soulsborne i bet she'd have a really fun time because i think that she's good enough to not really have that frustrating at the time with the souls boring series well i think if you were honest with her and you like we're struggling hey if you want a mentor for for dark blues you don't feel uncomfortable at all straight up with me i have a crush on you [Laughter] and just like that hit on you the whole time and just like that your application has been moved from somewhere in the middle to all the way at the bottom yeah pretty much oh god but he is good at dark souls he's beating all the souls games including demon souls and sakura so yeah he's he's good i got all four endings a second yeah oh did you beat bloodborne yes okay good including the dlc very nice uh what what should i call it that everybody's like he's really really hard and i was like it took me like seven tries [Laughter] for me i still don't want to fight what's their [ __ ] faces from um dark souls 3's dlc at all i hadn't done that sister freed sister freed looks [ __ ] terrifying uh i haven't done that dlc i'll say for me like i'm kind of scared to do it bloodborne the one boss that i wanted to like it made me so angry dealing with him the blood starved beast and see the bloodstarved beast once you actually know the tricks and [ __ ] but i didn't know the tricks that's the thing like i said community knowledge well i know but i didn't i didn't get community knowledge instead i i just roughed it and eventually i beat him there's a specific too damn long way that i prepare myself for the blizzard beast each time now and he's not nearly as bad as he used to be so a obviously when you go in you unequip everything from your hot bar except for oil followed by molotovs followed by poisoning the internets yeah i knew the voices only three things on your hot bar so you don't ever have to struggle and [ __ ] up getting the three things you need for the fight right and then secondly the thing that took me forever to realize is there's a little [ __ ] bell that you can summon um i forget his name it's logarius's pupil i actually summoned him too yeah the wheel like and it's uh and he helps you a [ __ ] tongue by distracting it for the first half of the fight i remember that and then the last thing is if you use the insight shop you can buy father gaskilling's armor and his armor has the highest poison resistance you can get at that point in the game and that makes the whole fight a lot easier too well i didn't know that but i did eventually beat him and it was a tough but it was a tough battle but i'm glad i won the strategy in general is pretty much just you for the first half of the fight you watch for him to bring back his right arm and then you shoot him in the face and you get a yeah you get a stun kill attack on him and then whenever he goes into his third phase where he starts poisoning you just for standing next to him you [ __ ] light him on fire and kill him with fire kill it with fire oh god anyway that's gonna do it everyone this was i attempted a impossible mario my jade animation hopefully you all enjoyed and hopefully uh if you want to see more from jaden you will check out her channel by clicking her name in the title of the video we go do it click click right now and uh if you want to see more from us hit that subscribe button ring that bell leave a comment down below and until next time i'm nate we'll see you then everybody [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Renegades React
Views: 40,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REACT, Reactions, Entertainment, Reaction, reaction video, jaiden animations, jaiden animations reaction, i attempted impossible mario, i attempted impossible mario reaction, mario kaizo, jaiden animations impossible mario reaction, jaiden animations impossible mario, jaiden animation mario reaction, jaiden animation pokemon, impossible mario, kaizo mario reaction, kaizo mario
Id: 3oI4iAqhXD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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